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Which best describes you?  

  1. 1. Which best describes you?

    • I am pro-life and oppose circumcision
    • I am pro-life and do not oppose circumcision
    • I am pro-choice and oppose circumcision
    • I am pro-choice and do not oppose circumcision
    • Other

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What motivated you to ask this question?


The people that I know IRL that are most opposed to circumcision are also the most pro-choice. I wanted to see if this was true in a larger sample size.


Boy did this thread grow fast. You folks do realize that if you aren't willing to discuss things without getting "all stirred up" or whatever, that these threads are completely voluntary to post in... Thank you, those of you who voted.

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No but my In-Laws were. My grandmother was a cheap scot, and cheap by scot's standards. I think that happened to be the types of fats she had available.


Have some of that Scot-blood myself.


Here's to kilts and whisky :tongue_smilie:



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I don't get what it could be, although I have this image in my head of someone rubbing their hands together with glee over the thought of someone answering, "I approve of mutilating babies before birth OR after birth!" and then watching the fallout. Ick. (And not gonna happen. LOL)




(And I don't consider circumcision to be mutilation, btw, I was just making a point! :P )

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It can be chicken, goose, or pork fat. They might have chicken schmaltz in a kosher deli (but probably not the pork variety). I've found pork schmalz in a German deli/butcher shop. I wouldn't buy it though because it's not hard to do yourself.


You think it's "probable" they wouldn't have "pork schmaltz" at kosher deli? :D



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I'm pro choice and anti circumcision which kinda seems odd if I think too hard about it. Then again there are pro life people who are also pro death penalty and that seems odd to me.



Other than the fact that babies have yet to have commited a crime.;)

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Rubbery? I've never had beef get rubbery. How do you usually do it?



I am so not the cook YET! I have made it once put beef cubes in water with two bullion cubes boil for I don't remember how long now add noodles store bought cause WOW the mess of homemade scares me. Maybe not rubbery exactly but hard I guess just not good in my opinion.


I have a wonderful mother who cooks up a storm and is awesome. Sadly as a child I never wanted to listen now she is not in the best of health anymore and on an oxygen tank so cooking lessons are just not in the cards anymore for me. My two grandmas were wonderful too but again I was a difficult teen so I never took the time now they are gone.

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Have some of that Scot-blood myself.


Here's to kilts and whisky :tongue_smilie:





You forgot bagpipes.



You think it's "probable" they wouldn't have "pork schmaltz" at kosher deli? :D





Other than the fact that babies have yet to have commited a crime.;)

Low blow! :D

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Now Haggis is truely offensive to me.:lol: Just the smell of it could send me into heaves. I guess I am not a very good Scottish girl after all. I love a good bagpipe and fling though.
Haggis is nothing. The kids have been asking to try balut since they saw it on Bizarre Foods. :ack2: I'd rather eat guinea pigs (different episode).
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Haggis is nothing. The kids have been asking to try balut since they saw it on Bizarre Foods. :ack2: I'd rather eat guinea pigs (different episode).


I remember that. My kids stared in speechless horror and my little one wouldn't let her hamster outta her site for a week lol.

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Hey totally different but since we are hijacking and all, Does anyone have a really good way to make beef and noodles so the beef doesn't get all rubbery I guess?


Ironically, you would probably do better with a tougher (and cheaper) cut, a working muscle like "Chuck" that has a lot of collagen that will break down and become tender if you cook it long enough with wet heat.


Or you could move the other way and get a filet of tenderloin and keep the cooking time short.


An in-between cut can get rubbery.



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I did automatically think there could be a correlation due to, as was mentioned, pro-life and anti-circ both being anti-hurting babies.


As for me, I consider circumcision the biggest mistake of my life.


I don't like to think about abortion because while I'm mostly opposed to it, I'm sure I would have one (and lots of therapy) if carrying the child to term meant I would die - though I would quickly give my life for any child of mine who was already born. That is where my brain starts to smoke from confusion.


I like kilts and I love chocolate.

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What is this Balut you speak of? It must be truly terrifying.
I can't bring myself to post a picture.


It's a 17-day-old duck embryo boiled in the egg and eaten whole.


Highlight to read... if you dare. :tongue_smilie:

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Not really. It is on the "to do" list. But I've been avoiding it. You?




Yep works fine. The little one is enjoying it so far. She is really struggling. One day she has it then the next she has no clue. I am really begining to wonder if instead of reading issues she has math issues.

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I don't know how to do a proper spoiler... but quoting my post unspoilers it.

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I feel like my babies committed crimes while inside me because man my pregnancies were really brutal. Nobody talks about parental abuse. :crying::D


That reminds me of when I have been asked at WIC if anyone at home ever hits me. I always want to say no one except my toddler.;)

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Yeah yeah I know, it's NOT kosher. But hey, weirder things have happened. I worked as a cook in an assisted living facility that had a large Jewish population. I had one lady freak if you handed her something that wasn't kosher, but then she freaked if you handed her a hamburger without cheese. I think she just had nothing better to do though.


Too funny! :D



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My baby has been saying something like Taia in the recent days.


I don't care what it *really* was, I conjured up a theory in my mind that I choose to believe in, and don't you DARE to attempt to break my little constructed bubble and remind me that she has no idea whatsoever and is just trying out sounds: she was trying to say Italia. :001_wub:


I could not resist finding a thread that degenerated into something else to insert this little baseless mommy brag. :tongue_smilie:

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My baby has been saying something like Taia in the recent days.


I don't care what it *really* was, I conjured up a theory in my mind that I choose to believe in, and don't you DARE to attempt to break my little constructed bubble and remind me that she has no idea whatsoever and is just trying out sounds: she was trying to say Italia. :001_wub:


I could not resist finding a thread that degenerated into something else to insert this little baseless mommy brag. :tongue_smilie:


Awwww!!!! Enjoy your baby girl :)

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That is technically true, but if my gram's recipe for homemade lard uses beef, pork and chicken fat, I'm going to go with family tradition on this one.


Too true. My grandmother had a large coffee can next to her oven into which she would pour ALL left over grease. And then she would scoop some out and use it to cook the next meal. Gag. But, it was always called "lard" and she was a darn fine cook, and no one died. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, both are 2 different hot topics. I'm just not sure where the OP is coming from & how he came to this question...


There are all types of pro-life people, pro-choice people, anti-circ people, pro-circ people, etc. One doesnt' correlate with the other. If someone is pro-life, I would not then assume they're pro-circ. If someone is pro-choice, I would not then jump to assume they are anti-circ.


If one is a Christian, some assume they're pro-life - but that is NOT always the case.

If one is not a Christian, some assume they're pro-choice, but that is NOT always the case.

If one practices Attachment Parenting, some assume then, they are anti-circ, but that is NOT always the case.

If one practices mainstream western parenting, some assume they circ, but that is NOT always the case.


When I was younger & naive, I used to lump people together in my own cookie cutter molds. Thankfully , I've matured (& still maturing) & learn there are all types of beliefs out there on many various topics.

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No see, if I'm going to be honest, I just do not get the kilt thing at all. I much prefer a pair of cargo shorts on a guy over a skirt-by-another-name :001_smile:.


I do love chocolate, though....


I totally agree about the kilt thing. I like seeing my dh in board shorts, he has nice knees, but I am not really interested in seeing him in a kilt.


By the way, I have been trying out pesto recipes, my garden has produced 3 (thats all 3) tomatoes, but a bumper load of basil.

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