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Cell phone manners!!!

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I get that cell phones are ubiquitous. I have a cell phone and use it all the time. But honestly, people really need to learn some manners.


Last night at our graduation ceremony, during the INVOCATION no less, a cell phone went off LOUDLY and the parent actually picked it up and proceeded to have a conversation WHILE WE WERE PRAYING.


What is WRONG with people? And cell phones went off three other times, each time a different person, during the valedictorian's speech and during the naming of the graduates.


If it had been MY student up there, giving the speech, the crowning moment of all their school years and someone's cell phone went off??? Yeah, I might hurt someone.


And no, none of them were taking emergency calls. They simply glanced at the phone and nothing else... Well, except for the guy who was talking during prayer aout his new car. Yeah, that's how loud it was.


Ok, rant over.

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there is someone at our church (noone is sure yet who it is) who has a digital alarm that chimes at 11:25 every. single. Sunday. I don't guess they even hear it, because it is not even shut off. It chimes for a full minute. Sometimes it is during the Scripture reading....sometimes during the prayer. It is totally distracting to LOTS of people. Wish we could figure out who it is.


This has happened for months.

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That happened on our last doctor visit. The doctor's phone went off and she actually answered it during our appointment with her. She then chatted for a couple minutes. No emergency and she did not apoligize either.


Yeah, we found a different doctor. Very rude.

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I so agree. Since when did these things have to rule lives? When did society become so obnoxious that in church or anywhere that we have to have up on the screen to please shut off or silence your phones? Sheesh. Seriously, I'd like to take those phones and bonk those people over the head with it, then throw it out the window for them to remove themselves to go fetch it.


Yes...it's annoying.

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That happened once at an event we attended. The minister paused, looked directly at the person and said, "That had better be God calling."


Why don't more people do this kind of thing?


I think it would be appropriate if someone was speaking in front of a group and was interrupted by someone's cell phone going off, for that person to stop their talk and say, "We'll wait until you're finished." Hopefully the person would get then hint and hang up or leave the room.

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there is someone at our church (noone is sure yet who it is) who has a digital alarm that chimes at 11:25 every. single. Sunday. I don't guess they even hear it, because it is not even shut off. It chimes for a full minute. Sometimes it is during the Scripture reading....sometimes during the prayer. It is totally distracting to LOTS of people. Wish we could figure out who it is.


This has happened for months.


Maybe someone's watch fell under a chair or pew, or into a holder for a Bible or hymnal?

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That happened once at an event we attended. The minister paused, looked directly at the person and said, "That had better be God calling."


Hilarious! And.....


Why don't more people do this kind of thing?


I think it would be appropriate if someone was speaking in front of a group and was interrupted by someone's cell phone going off, for that person to stop their talk and say, "We'll wait until you're finished." Hopefully the person would get then hint and hang up or leave the room.




My rude cell phone caller pet peeve: you're talking to someone, then, you hear the flush.... I mean, really? If you couldn't hold it, at least just ring off and call me back later. Sheesh.

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For me, it's not so much a problem to have the gentle reminders to 'silence or shut off' one's cell phone before any type of gathering/service because cell phones have become such an integral part to most people's everyday lives. How many people do you know who you can reach anytime or anywhere because you just know their cell is always on! This can be good when there is an emergency, no?? But because we get so accustomed to them being on. . .perhaps some of us forget when entering into a gathering or service to remember to shut them off. So I say, remind, remind, remind! ;)


Now, if someone forgets and/or doesn't notice the reminder and their phone interrupts, I expect them to silence it quickly. The height of rudeness, would be to answer and carry on a conversation.

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Now, how many times do you get fussed at for not answering your phone? My family gets livid - not my girls. I leave my phone in the car 9 times out of 10. I do not carry the "work" phone with me into stores or such. Work will get mad that I did not return a call until an hour later. Excuse me? I returned the call on my time off anyway. :-/


There is an expectation from others that cell phones equal immediate contact. Consider that when wondering why everyone picks up their phone and carries it everywhere!

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We attended an event last year and during the welcome speech, the audience was asked not once, but 3 separate times during the speech to silence or put on vibrate all cell phones. At one point a cell phone did go off rather loudly. The master of ceremonies stopped the event and said we would wait until the interruption was concluded and reminded people yet again to turn off their cell phones.


I do understand about emergency personnel. Dh has occasionally been on call and needed to keep his cell phone on while attending church or an event. He sets it to vibrate and keeps it either in his hand or a pocket (not on the floor or beside him so it will vibrate all over the place and be loud). We also sit in the back near an exit so if he has to take a call, he can slip out quietly without distracting the whole room. And he takes the call outside, not in the foyer where everything echos.

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Remind, remind, remind doesn't always work. At my dd's senior piano recital, we made THREE requests before the recital started for all cell phones to be silenced and it was in the program. Right in the middle of her program, someone's cell phone went off and it seems like everyone BUT that lady heard it. My dd had an hours worth of music committed to memory. I was pretty upset. Rude, rude, rude!! She was nice about it...but she was in there when we reminded them to be turned off, she just *didn't*.

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This happened during my daughters' girl scout awards a few weeks ago. Lady answered her phone and proceeded to have a conversation right over top of the girls who were talking up front.


The maddest I ever got about this though was when dh and I were at a Brad Paisley concert a few years ago. The tickets were not cheap and we were enjoying a beautiful song that Brad was singing with just his acoustic guitar. The girl behind me was talking on her cell. I wanted to just turn around and smack her. It astounds me that someone would pay that much money for tickets and then talk on the phone through it.

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Hilarious! And.....






My rude cell phone caller pet peeve: you're talking to someone, then, you hear the flush.... I mean, really? If you couldn't hold it, at least just ring off and call me back later. Sheesh.


I usually do not answer my phone in the bathroom, even if it is just my kids actually 'using' the bathroom. But when my husband calls, I answer... anywhere. He fussed at me about this last week. My response to him: You walk in the bathroom to talk to me at the house, I almost never get to go in the bathroom alone... how is on the phone any different?

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