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s/o sleepovers : did you get into trouble at sleepovers?

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The craziest things I ever did at sleep overs was stay up all night, watch an R rated scary movie, or sabotage the poor people who were sleeping. I was not raised in a conservative family and I'm not super conservative as an adult either. I never drank until college (and then waited mostly until 21 except for a couple beers) and I've never smoked. My kids do very few sleepovers and only with very trusted friends that live within houses of us or grandparents. But I have no problems with them doing sleepovers.

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My trouble only happened at one friends house. Simply because my parents were too watchful. ;) There were three of us and we found trouble quite a bit together tough. Sneaking out, t-ping a few houses, almost getting arrested for a Halloween prank, and abiding in the alcohol stash in the top of her closest. She did give me a ride around on the neighborhood once while I sat on the hood of her car. She drove very slowly. Her brother used to drive us across the state line to buy us malt duck. *sigh* We were pretty good kids otherwise and have both grown into fairly conservative adults.


We took her mother, who is ubber cool, with us on my friend's bachelorette party. We told some of the stories and her mother just shook her head. She really didn't know everything we did.

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We stayed up too late watching TV and eating junk food, played Light as a Feather/Stiff as a Board


HA! That was me. "Let's lift her"! And don't forget "seances". Is that how you spell it?


I definitely didn't get into trouble at sleepovers before high school, although the group slumber parties weren't great just because of things like freezing the bra of the girl on the bottom of the ladder socially.


In high school I don't remember doing many sleepovers, but the few I remember were not good - sneaking out, etc.

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I don't think that tame=lame.


Yeah, that is getting old.


No naughty sleepovers here. I think the worst thing we ever did was prank someone with ice cubes, watch R rated movies, eat popcorn with an entire stick of butter, or "hypnotize" each other.


I don't feel like I missed anything either.

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This is why I will always stay awake during sleepovers at my house and probably have to put a limit on them as the kids get older. At the ages now - I'm not sure I'd let them go to slumber parties outside our own home, unless I knew the parents real well and I was certain they would be properly supervised, and I'm not sure even then if I would allow it.


Yes - we did get into trouble, or had conversations that just were not beneficial at all!

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WHAAAAAT??? What were they thinking? Was it some kind of lesson they were trying to teach you both or something? That's insane!



Honestly, I don't know what they were thinking. Apparently they allowed my friend to drink some of it at other times because she knew what it was and thought I would like it as well. When I asked my mom what it was later I never told her that I was drinking it. To this day I don't know if my parents know what happened that night. Looking back on it now it is probably the one incident of my life that makes me pause when other parents invite my kids over.

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I did go to one sleepover that was pretty wild when I was 13, but I didn't participate in any of it, and nobody left the house. I never spent time with that friend again. (She was a friend when I was a younger. This was a birthday party that she invited me to for "old times' sake")


In jr. high I went to a bunch of sleepovers. Mostly the worst it got was off-color farmer's daughter jokes.


The wildest one I went to involved spin the bottle and all the girls except me snuck out to meet boys. I stayed by myself - I had no interest.


I did not go to parties, sleepover or otherwise, in high school. I do think I had a few sleepovers with friends, but nothing happened at them. I was a "lame" teenager too.

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I always had one on one sleepovers, in high school anyway. Just one friend and me. All tame girl time stuff, which is funny because the girl I had sleepovers with most often turned into the biggest partier I know!:tongue_smilie:


Anyway, reading this thread has given me a heads up on something I might not have thought about much because of my own experiences. Thanx guys.

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No not really my parents were very selective about where we slept over. We pretty much only slept over at relatives houses and they watched us. But I have yet to do anything on your list except for watch a rated R movie, so maybe I'm a stick in the mud.:lol:

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I did get into trouble at sleepovers. My girlfriends and I were a very, ahem, rowdy bunch. We snuck out to see boys, snuck boys into the house!, drank, etc. when I was between the ages of 13 and 16.


ETA: My primary concern with sleepovers is not that my children or their friends will behave badly; I worry more about sexual abuse. One of my girlfriends had a very creepy stepdad who used to spy on us in the shower and in her bedroom -- he had hidden cameras in the vents and a peepholes in the ceiling.

Edited by Pretty in Pink
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My first sleepover was when I was 15. The vast majority of sleepovers I went to were with one or two close friends. The rest were co-ed, large group sleepovers with multiple adults supervising. We never snuck out, though we did get yelled at by parents for being too loud. We did things we weren't supposed to, but boys were never involved and there was never alcohol or drugs or anything like that. And I'm sure that I could have called my parents and had them come get me at any point if I felt uncomfortable.


Actually, I only had to call my parents about something once - my best friend drove over a curb and seriously damaged her parents' car. I was in the other car. We weren't supposed to be out driving, if I recall correctly, but it was more of a case of "We were going to do this, then we changed our minds." That wasn't a sleepover night though.


I was invited to events that I didn't feel comfortable attending. My parents very rarely told me I couldn't do something, but they told me I could always use them as the excuse for why I couldn't go somewhere, and I did that a couple of times. :D Yay for parents, hehe.


I think I'll let my kids do sleepovers..but I'd like to be the cool house - and I'll make darn sure that my dd knows that she can call me anytime and I'll come get her, no matter what - and that she'd better do that if any drunk people are planning on driving anywhere. I'll also let her use me as a good excuse to get out of things, haha.

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Sleepovers were where I found the most trouble without a doubt...even sleepovers at MY house! One time my older brother wanted to play strip poker with my two friends who were sleeping over.


A couple of times, and with one particular 'friend', I ended up in some pretty precarious situations and am very fortunate that I was never harmed.


Drugs, boys, alcohol, drinking and driving...yeah. It wasn't good at.all.

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I attended pretty typical sleepovers. Depending on whose house... I watched R movies, froze girls bras, prank called people, tped and egged houses, ate lots of food, facials, giggling, talking about boys... pouring water on the first girl to fall asleep. Etc.


I don't have horrific memories from them but no warm fuzzies either. Half the sleepovers I was invited to were to houses of girls I wasn't that close to and my parents didn't know at all. That is probably what surprises me most...that my parents let me to go to stranger's houses without any question.


I rarely had sleepovers at my house. I wanted gone from home as much as possible. Although one of the only sleepovers I ever had at my house was with boys. hahaha Don't worry, they were just super close friends and it wasn't supposed to happen but there was a blizzard and they couldn't make it home.


This has been interesting to read.

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My memories of sleepovers in elementary/middle school involve eating, talking, maybe some prank calls, and then some girl invariably getting her feelings hurt, others taking sides, and drama, drama, DRAMA. Not fun. At one, someone got out a ouija board and I was scared -- called my mom and she picked me up. Even the "light as a feather" death-type stuff scared me... I guess I was a sensitive kid.


Never did sleepovers in high school, except maybe with one friend at a time. Sleepover "parties" were for younger kids, or bad kids. By that point, I was strong in my convictions and not interested in drinking, drugs, messing around w/ boys, etc. So no... no trouble at sleepovers for me.

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I don't think that's weird. We allow sleepovers, so we're not ultra-conservative in this area, but make sure that my dh is never alone with our exchange students. The host coordinator recommends this, because a long-time host family dad was accused (falsely, it turned out) by a student. Usually, I drive them, but if my dh takes a student anywhere, one of our children goes with them.


I find that our dd's friends' families have the same policy. Even (especially?) the single dad. They would never transport our teen daughter alone.


I think it's just common sense, not weird at all!



Thanks! Maybe it's a generational thing? I couldn't get my mom to understand that rule. And we get along very well. She thought I was making things tough on myself. But she accepts it more now and I keep on explaining we don't have room in our lives for false accusations or real injury to our girls.


I always had one on one sleepovers, in high school anyway. Just one friend and me. All tame girl time stuff, which is funny because the girl I had sleepovers with most often turned into the biggest partier I know!:tongue_smilie:


Anyway, reading this thread has given me a heads up on something I might not have thought about much because of my own experiences. Thanx guys.

So glad to hear that. It is amazing how much trouble happened even with the parents home -- both at sleepovers and during the day. Obviously it was worse when parents were away.

We did awful things, some of which were life-threatening. And we were from very nice homes in nice neighborhoods in a regular town. Like I said, the no sleepover rule is not going to prevent trouble. And for us, we are very cautious, which can come across as conservative, I guess.

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I was a good kid. The worst that happened at any sleepover I attended was a bunch of us removed some flashing barricades from the street and deposited them in a boy's yard. We thought that was funny for some reason.


I love telling about my very first sleepover when I reached the approved sleepover age of 8.... my best friend slept over and convinced me and my 6 year old little sister to go out toilet papering. Then she convinced me to doorbell ditch. The neighbor got up, caught us, and made us clean up the mess. He told my parents later. Then I lied and blamed it on another little girl in the neighborhood. They believed me and I felt guilty for literally a year before I broke down and confessed.


I simply cannot imagine my 8 and 6 year old out on their bikes in the middle of the night throwing toilet paper around in people's yards. Yikes!

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Wow, am I the only one who never experienced drugs, sex, R-rated movies, and so forth during sleepovers growing up???


My first sleepover was at age five, when attending a birthday party/sleepover for a girl at our church. I remember running around and having pillow fights until about 2 am, until passing out in exhaustion. Waking up, having some breakfast and going home. Very unremarkable.


Had other sleepovers with friends at church and from school. Last big one was in 10th grade with several girls from the choral group I was in. Again, none of the crazy stuff mentioned by others.


When my best friend would spend the night, or me at hers, I think the most racy movies we watched were MST3K runs. But, we were dorks. :)

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Wow, am I the only one who never experienced drugs, sex, R-rated movies, and so forth during sleepovers growing up???

My first sleepover was at age five, when attending a birthday party/sleepover for a girl at our church. I remember running around and having pillow fights until about 2 am, until passing out in exhaustion. Waking up, having some breakfast and going home. Very unremarkable.


Had other sleepovers with friends at church and from school. Last big one was in 10th grade with several girls from the choral group I was in. Again, none of the crazy stuff mentioned by others.


When my best friend would spend the night, or me at hers, I think the most racy movies we watched were MST3K runs. But, we were dorks. :)


Nope, at a glance, it looks about 50/50. I know there are sweet and innocent sleepovers. I went to some. But here a small sampling of what I did at sleepovers: saw my first porn magazine, saw my first porn movie, played with a ouija board, had my first alcoholic drink, snuck out and stole a car, made out with boys (who weren't supposed to be there, of course) in closets, and the list goes one. And my parents knew and approved of all the parents. Oh, and those are the just the sleepovers I attended in junior high. Believe me, it just got worse. Perhaps that is why we don't allow our dds to go to sleepovers. Perhaps it's because in 13 years of nursing, I've seen things that would make you shudder.

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Nope, at a glance, it looks about 50/50. I know there are sweet and innocent sleepovers. I went to some. But here a small sampling of what I did at sleepovers: saw my first porn magazine, saw my first porn movie, played with a ouija board, had my first alcoholic drink, snuck out and stole a car, made out with boys (who weren't supposed to be there, of course) in closets, and the list goes one. And my parents knew and approved of all the parents. Oh, and those are the just the sleepovers I attended in junior high. Believe me, it just got worse. Perhaps that is why we don't allow our dds to go to sleepovers. Perhaps it's because in 13 years of nursing, I've seen things that would make you shudder.



I guess. My parents raised me not to do certain things, and so, I didn't do them. I didn't hang out with other people who did, for the most part. So, it was never an issue. I was a stubborn, independent type, and never was the least interested in drugs, teen sex, or any of that. I had my friends, my school, my horses, my church youth group, and that was enough to keep me busy and entertained.


In my extended family history, I will say that there have been some awful things that have happened, including drugs, molestation, and teen pregnancy. But, to my parents' credit, they rarely allowed their experiences to color how much they trusted me and my judgment. Thanks to their honest sharing, I was never tempted to get into the same type of trouble. My one younger sister dabbled with weed and got involved with an older guy who was a jerk. But, that was the extent of her problems, and she found all that trouble in school, not at a sleepover. My youngest sister steered clear of all that stuff altogether.


So, I don't think that sex and drugs are inevitable at all, and it's possible to have fun, like sleepovers and youth group camping trips, and so on, without worrying about it all degenerating into a porn fest.

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