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I think you probably meant "with every evening meal."


So now that you've planted the seed, I'd like to see what dessert for breakfast looks like.



Oh, to answer your question, 3-4 times a week we have some form of sweet after our evening meal.

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We rarely have dessert other than one piece of dark chocolate or some fruit. Times we definitely will have a sweet dessert are when we have company or have a birthday or eat out. Occasionally we'll have dessert for the week after such an event because of the leftovers. Dessert looks like cake or pie, often ala mode.

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We bake dessert on Saturdays (it usually lasts the weekend). Our usuals are: chocolate chip cookies (my daughter's been baking them in a whoopie pie pan :thumbup:), banana nut bread, Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate Cake, stuffed strawberries, red velvet cupcakes, and orange cranberry nut loaf.


We have a house guest coming tonight so I think I'm going to make pumpkin empanadas tonight.



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I'd like to see what dessert for breakfast looks like.



Cheesecake with strawberries of course!


I might make dessert once a week. But it feeds us more than one night. A cake or brownies will probably serve for three desserts. A pie we only get two nights out of. Pudding usually only one. Some weeks we don't have dessert at all. My husband and I are both trying to lose weight.

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We have dessert mostly every night. I make a dessert once a week and we eat that for a few nights then ice cream, cookies, or popcorn. We do not eat sweets during the day as a standard. If I do eat sweets during the day it sets me up for failure all day long....my sweet tooth is stimulated and it's all downhill from there;) For us, life is too short to skip dessert.

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We usually only have dessert one time a week (either Saturday or Sunday). However, other treats may be available during the week... such as Cinnamon Rolls with a special breakfast, or a few small cookies after lunch. But, we don't usually have all 3 types of sweets in one day (exceptions would probably be Christmas Day and New Year's... though).

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We have something sweet after most meals, except for breakfast. It might be fruit like applesauce. It was strawberries after dinner tonight. It might be a few jellybeans if nothing else is around. What a habit. I bake something sweet about once a week. It usually lasts for a few days.

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So now that you've planted the seed, I'd like to see what dessert for breakfast looks like.


I used to place half a dozen cookies standing up in my bowl of cereal. Then I'd eat the cereal while the cookies soaked up the milk. When they've had enough time to soak, I'd eat the moist parts of the cookies and redunk them while I ate more cereal.


I've also been known to just throw cookies in a bowl and pour milk over them. I worked at Denny's when I was 18/19 and brought home pies destined for the trash. Chocolate cream pie was a frequent breakfast.


Some would also consider chocolate chocolate chip muffins as dessert. Or how about chocolate waffles or chocolate chip pancakes/waffles. Or pancakes/waffles with sweetened strawberries and whipped cream on top.


Then there's pumpkin muffins, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, and other pumpkin yummies.


There's all kinds of good desserty breakfasts. :D


P.S. I'm not this bad anymore, but dessert is still a frequent meal in our house and might be anything from a variety of homemade cookies, to cakes, cupcakes, brownies, pies, cheesecakes, puddings, fruit crisps, muffins and sweetbreads, etc.

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We have dessert once a week on Monday nights, when we have our family night. That includes a scripture lesson, activity, and of course, treat. This week it was mint chocolate chip ice cream cones. DH and I had about two more days of cones before it was gone, but for the kids it's just one night. We've also had cupcakes, or cookies etc. And when we have house guests, or on holidays we will have a dessert too.

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DH and I rarely have dessert. DS has dessert almost every night. He is satisfied with 5 M&Ms or 1 Hershey kiss or something else equally small. I blame it on the fact that he has been on 5 cruises. He just thinks everyone is supposed to have dessert every night.

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We are actually having dessert tonight. I made a cherry cobbler. Last time we had dessert though was Christmas. We go through spurts. Sometimes we will have it often (last summer it was nightly for about a month lol) then like now we will go for months without. Though dh has been wanting ice cream so something tells me that will somehow walk into our house soon LOL

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I only bake a dessert when we have company, which is every 1-2 weeks. We do usually have Oreos and ice cream around, though, and we eat them 2 or 3 times a week.


If I were going to have dessert for breakfast, it would be "Breakfast Cheesecake." I made this for two different Easter brunches and it was a huge hit.


Breakfast Cheesecake


3/4 cup butter or margarine

1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour

3/4 cup oatmeal

¼ cup flax seed or ground nuts (optional)

1 tsp. salt

¾ cup brown sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon



1 (8oz.) package cream cheese

½ cup sugar

2 eggs

3 cups sliced strawberries


CRUST: Combine all ingredients and mix until crumbly. Pat into ungreased 9x13 glass dish.

FILLING: Combine cream cheese, sugar, and eggs, beat until smooth. Add strawberries and stir to blend. Pour over crust. Bake at 350 degrees 40 minutes. Cool and cut, store in refrigerator.

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I never "prepare" or "serve" dessert, except on someone's birthday or occasionally on a holiday. Even on holidays, we don't often bother with dessert, because we tend not to want it after the big meal.


I do keep a few sweets and snacks on hand for those who wish to serve themselves. My son has a bowl of soy ice cream or a soft pretzel (we buy them frozen) or something similar most evenings an hour or so after dinner. Every three weeks or so, I'll buy my husband a couple of slices of cheesecake at the market, and he eats one of those with some fruit topping during the week. If dinner was light or early, he might also plate some cheese and crackers later in the evening. Or my son or husband might have some chips.


If I stay up too late (like I'm doing tonight), I sometimes can't resist the call of the freezer and might eat some of that soy ice cream, myself. I also keep a box of cookies around for the times when I need something sweet.


I actually kind of wish my family was more into desserts, because I really like to bake. But all of my attempts to wean my son from the frozen stuff in favor of my fresh-baked goodies have been unsuccessful. About the only way he'll eat enough cookies to make it worth baking them is if I let him eat the dough. (We're vegans, so I don't have to worry about raw eggs.)

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I rarely eat dessert. I rarely serve dessert. We do have cookies and ice-cream available if anyone wants sweets, plus horrid yellow banana popsicles for DH.


DD bakes cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and brownies quite a bit, which satisfies all the sweet-toothed men around here. Luckily, I am not tempted or I'd be as big as a house.

Edited by RoughCollie
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We treat fruit as dessert and I serve it nightly. :D My kids always want dessert so I have fruit salad or sometimes just one fruit after we eat our meal. Occasionally I give them pudding, jello or an ice cream/ice pop treat. This is maybe once every other week though.


We only eat cookies, pie, cake or other desserts like that for special occasions. If I am in a strange cooking mood I might make something during a regular week but this is NOT often at all.

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We always have some sweets in the house. From Chocolate covered almonds, ice cream, the occasional pie or cake, bits of candy to any other sweet treats, we always have something.


Our kids have grown up with it, and they eat it in moderation. Ds16 is notorious for eating a large spoon of ice cream in passing. It could be just that or it could be a bowl....it is just what ever he is in the mood for.


For the littles, we allow a small treat after lunch and dinner. But again...small like a mini-candy or a single cookie.

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Breakfast Cheesecake


3/4 cup butter or margarine

1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour

3/4 cup oatmeal

¼ cup flax seed or ground nuts (optional)

1 tsp. salt

¾ cup brown sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon



1 (8oz.) package cream cheese

½ cup sugar

2 eggs

3 cups sliced strawberries


CRUST: Combine all ingredients and mix until crumbly. Pat into ungreased 9x13 glass dish.


FILLING: Combine cream cheese, sugar, and eggs, beat until smooth. Add strawberries and stir to blend. Pour over crust. Bake at 350 degrees 40 minutes. Cool and cut, store in refrigerator.




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So now that you've planted the seed, I'd like to see what dessert for breakfast looks like.


BTW, I keep meaning to tell you this, but I love your location description. Always brings a big :D to my face.


I want you all to know that because of this thread I went to Tim Horton's for a dozen donuts.


And I had some Ben & Jerry's ...


That Breakfast Cheesecake sounds yum. :)

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I like to make a dessert every weekend. This weekend we will have Lemon Lush...yum! :D I also always keep good chocolates, cookies, ice cream and dessert mixes available when we have company to show up. I love those Pepperidge Farms apple and cherry pies. They only take 25 minutes to bake and served with ice cream it's great for drop in guest.

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