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New dog-mommy (or daddy) roll-call

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It seems like a lot of people on here lately have gotten new dogs/puppies. Post about your new dog or puppy here :001_smile:


We got Logan a little over a week ago. He's a 5-month old German Shepherd puppy and he's already completely my dog. He follows me everywhere and crawls into my lap whenever I'm sitting on the floor. He is literally going to be an 80 lb lap-dog! I missed my GS-mix so much, and even though I swore we were going to be a 1-dog family after he died, I caved. I had dog jealousy. It was killing me to watch the way our female GS looked at DH and to no longer have that same dog love myself. One of my best decisions ever! He is a complete love!


Who is next?

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We got Aidan, a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, on March 20, after our Collie, Teddy, had died a month earlier.


The kids did not want another Collie, although DH and I did, and still do.


I researched every breed, and looked at rescues and humane societies. The Wheaten made the short list, so the family went to see them, on a research expedition only. Kids fell in love with Aidan, gave him the Wrong Name (he should be named Jetson), we went to Walmart to buy a crate and puppy supplies, and took him home.


He could not be more different than a Collie. He makes us all laugh every day with his nonstop antics. Jean in Newcastle thinks I am besotted with the little guy, and it might be that for once, she is right. :D


In these pictures, taken yesterday during a 5 minute time period: (1) he is sitting on the spot where he buries whatever he can find; (2) looking out the window; (3) after jumping in the middle of DS3's laptop -- the conqueror of the student; (4) after dipping his face in his water bowl.









Edited by RoughCollie
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We adopted Angus through a rescue organization at the end of March. He's a maltese/shi-tzu mix, rescued from a puppy mill, and was born in December. I love his one blue eye. He joins many other pets in our home, but most notably, our 8 yo spaniel/poodle mix. She's finally getting used to the dork :D.


You asked for pictures?







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Here is my 14 year old's new German Shepherd puppy:




ETA: I gotta brag on this puppy. He's been here two weeks and is pretty much completely potty trained. He goes to the door to be let out. He's 8 weeks old! I didn't know a dog could learn so fast. (I adore our husky, but never again! :tongue_smilie:)


He is learning to be a good little brother to our 6 yo Siberian Husky. Here is a puppy pic of her just for fun--and because she was SO cute:



Edited by darlasowders
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We adopted Angus through a rescue organization at the end of March. He's a maltese/shi-tzu mix, rescued from a puppy mill, and was born in December. I love his one blue eye. He joins many other pets in our home, but most notably, our 8 yo spaniel/poodle mix. She's finally getting used to the dork :D.


You asked for pictures?



I do wish we had gotten a puppy earlier. At first, our dog ran from him, then she wanted to kill him, and now she wears him out for us by repeatedly knocking him over when he tries to herd her by nipping at her heels & flanks. (It's hysterical to watch him try to get her fur out of his mouth--she's about to start her bi-annual coat blowing & he keeps getting a fluffy mouthful.)

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We got a new pup in February! He's a crazy lil Dalmatian and his name is Phoenix. He's the third Dal we've owned. We had to put Jasmine to sleep last May. She was 13 years old. Still miss her so much.


I had forgotten how much work puppies are; but he's so adorable that it makes it all worth it! :D

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Riker came to us about 6 weeks ago now. He's a 98 pound Border Collie/GSD & Labrador/Great Dane mix. He came from a local shelter and his age is estimated between 9-18 months.


Yesterday, we took the dogs to the beach for the second time since Riker's been with us. He was so cool!!!


He waded out with the kids to his chest and played like that for quite awhile. Then he fell in a deep spot and he stumbled and stretched out his front paw. It was like watching a light bulb go on in his brain. After that, he swam out about 3 feet and then came right back. I patted him. He sat in the water next to me for a few minutes and then tried swimming again. He went a little further that time and a little further the time after that unil he had me out thigh deep in my chinos while he swam all the way out on a 50 foot lead. I had to call him back on that one because there was no way I was going to go swimming yesterday. This is still northern Michigan, dog! Brrrrrr...


Anyway, it was really neat watching a dog discover himself like that. He was so proud of himself and he's a natural in the water.


We have been loved by a Shih-Tzu/poodle mix for 13 years now and I love my Pooper but she has really slowed down. She was another rescue and she was a bit of a wreck when we got her. (Darn puppy mills to hell forever!!!)


I stood in the water yesterday so proud of one dog while watching the other dog nap in the sand when she used to love to bury the kids and just get COATED from rolling. It was bittersweet. It's hard for me to look at Pooper and not see all the adventures we've had together. The time with her has just flown by.

Edited by Jennifer3141
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I do wish we had gotten a puppy earlier. At first, our dog ran from him, then she wanted to kill him, and now she wears him out for us by repeatedly knocking him over when he tries to herd her by nipping at her heals & flanks. (It's hysterical to watch him try to get her fur out of his mouth--she's about to start her bi-annual coat blowing & he keeps getting a fluffy mouthful.)


We feel the same way. Our older dog actually ended up in the hospital overnight, for the first time in her life, about 3 weeks after the puppy arrived. It could have been completely coincidental, but she seemed to get depressed when he arrived and stopped eating. The vet kept her overnight, gave her fluids, and medicated her with some appetite stimulants. She's come around beautifully, but we felt bad :(.


We're also getting a coat blow, so it's vacuuming 2-3 times per day due to all the wrestling :tongue_smilie:.

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Lots of new German Shepherd/GSD mixes! We have two sibling (I'll post pictures later) black, long-coated German Shepherd puppies, now about 17 weeks old. We love them! Shadow is the female -- we've had her since the beg. of March -- and Kodiak is the male, which we've had since latter-April. (Do you remember my thread about choosing his name? I settled on Kodiak, and call him Kody.) They start puppy classes soon. They've quickly learned to be housetrained, and are cuddly lap puppies. Shadow is rather sweet and petite, and Kodiak is, just like his name, a big, lumbering bear -- he's going to be huge!

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I'm hoping for a new baby! I met the sweetest little girl at the shelter on Fri. We have spent lots of time over the past 9 months with many dogs, but the 1/2 an hour we spent playing with this little 7 mo old lab/hound mix melted my heart, and we decided she was the one. I went back on Saturday ready to bring her home, only to find out she "wasn't available yet" and she never should have been let out of the kennel to be with people as she hadn't been temperament tested or food tested yet.:crying: The gal wouldn't give me any information on her at all. So I emailed when we got home explaining that this little dog has a home as soon as she is available and could someone contact me asap. Monday I called to find out she was a stray and Monday was her last day of being held, then she would get spayed and she would be available. I asked if someone could please let me know before they put her up and we would come immediately to collect her and bring her home. They told me just to watch the website for her to become available :glare:. Today is Tuesday, and I still don't see her listed.


If we can go get her tomorrow, I will post a picture right away. She is adorable :001_wub:

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I'm a registered breeder of Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and this is my litter of 3 puppies that went to their new homes 8 weeks ago. They still feel like mine, so I hope I'm allowed to join this thread! ;)They are such cuties, and I miss them - luckily the owners all keep in touch, and one of my babies (she is on breeder terms with a foster home) was entered in her first show last week. She came 2nd in the baby puppy class!


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This is Rosie at 8 weeks with my 3yo dd. She's a St. Bernard- 19 weeks old now. She has been the easiest puppy I have ever had...so sweet:001_smile:.


ETA- I can't figure out how to put a picture in my post. I thought I could just copy and paste...help!


The top picture is of 3 of our 4 dogs watching me cook as they rest:).





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This is Rosie at 8 weeks with my 3yo dd. She's a St. Bernard- 19 weeks old now. She has been the easiest puppy I have ever had...so sweet:001_smile:.


ETA- I can't figure out how to put a picture in my post. I thought I could just copy and paste...help!


First, I put the pictures I want to post on my desktop so they are easy to find.


You will have to edit your post and hit advanced to add pix.


When you get where you are going, hit the attachment button at the top -- it looks like a paperclip.


A screen will come up and you can either grab a url off the internet (about which I know nothing) or browse your computer. I browse my computer, choose desktop, click on the picture, click open when the file window comes up, then click upload on the WTM screen.


When it is done uploading, I continue with more pictures if necessary, or scroll down and tell it I'm done - I can't recall what that button says.


I hope this is not clear as mud. I am working from the memory of an addled brain.

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First, I put the pictures I want to post on my desktop so they are easy to find.


You will have to edit your post and hit advanced to add pix.


When you get where you are going, hit the attachment button at the top -- it looks like a paperclip.


A screen will come up and you can either grab a url off the internet (about which I know nothing) or browse your computer. I browse my computer, choose desktop, click on the picture, click open when the file window comes up, then click upload on the WTM screen.


When it is done uploading, I continue with more pictures if necessary, or scroll down and tell it I'm done - I can't recall what that button says.


I hope this is not clear as mud. I am working from the memory of an addled brain.


Thank you! I think I did it...I haven't clicked on the links yet to confirm...


By the way, my grandfather always had a collie- always named Sadie (when one Sadie passed away, he'd get a new one). Those dogs loved him so much. I have always wanted one...oh and your new pup shares my ds9's name:tongue_smilie:. Thanks again!

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Isn't it funny that we got our dogs 1 day apart and I had told you it was unlikely we would get one now because we were moving? Well, shows you how nutty we are. :001_smile:


Yeah, it is funny. :001_smile: How do you like Ted Bear? I love giant breeds. I never thought I'd get a terrier and the bond I have with him is not the same that I had with Teddy from the time he was a puppy. I don't know if it is possible to have that deep connection with Aidan, he is so wildly enthusiastic and extroverted.

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We just adopted a stray pup about a month ago. Bella was emaciated and had a nasty injury to her paw when she was found by the side of a road but she is recovering. She's growing like a weed now. I think she's going to be a big ol' girl. :)



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This is Harley, our 6 month old Lab / Great Pyrenees. The first pic is the day he came home at 8 weeks old and the second is him today at 6 months and weighing 70 pounds! He is a sweetheart!!



Awwww. All the puppies are adorable, but these two pictures *really* make me want a new puppy! We are lab-people over here (including lab mixes :D).

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We got an 8 week old Chesapeake Bay Retriever four days ago.


She has been a ton of fun. My daughter commented today how much more fun it was now that we had a dog. I agree. :001_smile:


I know you know this, but be sure to do a LOT of socializing with that Chessie-- both with people of all ages and dogs. They're personalities can be a bit prickly. Neat dogs, though-- good luck and have fun with him (her?) :001_smile:



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here are ours.....little mutts. Supposed to be shepherd-mix, but they seem to have a lot of Rhodesian Ridgeback in the mix and veyrlittle shepherd. Veyr smart, though, and easily trained. They are 4 months old now and over 30 pounds. Off to the vet on Friday for spaying.....

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My local shelter is a mess with people who do not know what they are doing.


Therefore, we will not be getting the aforementioned dog.


I will start another thread about it when I find my speech again because right now I am so disappointed I could cry. (They adopted her out last Friday.)


Anyway, I still want to play. So, is it okay if I post a pic of my 2 year old babe?? She's a lab/hound mix (like the new pup would have been).


Here she is at about 2 months old. She looks exactly the same (with her velvety pachyderm-esque ears) only a lot bigger :D.



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I know you know this, but be sure to do a LOT of socializing with that Chessie-- both with people of all ages and dogs. They're personalities can be a bit prickly. Neat dogs, though-- good luck and have fun with him (her?) :001_smile:




Oh I know. I used to have German Shepherds but my daughter did not want another one. My son tells people she is like a German Shepherd but with brown hair.


She spent the day in New York City today and had a blast. She greeted the doormen as she walked down the street, greeted people waiting for lights, ate lunch outside, was totally not phased by the construction going on all over the place. And most importantly met her 9 year old cousin who is a 6 pound black poodle.


They have another playdate next week.


We start puppy kindergarten in early June plus a puppy playgroup.


Its like having a pre-schooler all over again!

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My local shelter is a mess with people who do not know what they are doing.


Therefore, we will not be getting the aforementioned dog.


I will start another thread about it when I find my speech again because right now I am so disappointed I could cry. (They adopted her out last Friday.)


Anyway, I still want to play. So, is it okay if I post a pic of my 2 year old babe?? She's a lab/hound mix (like the new pup would have been).


Here she is at about 2 months old. She looks exactly the same (with her velvety pachyderm-esque ears) only a lot bigger :D.


VERY Sorry!! :( VERY not nice of them!!! :(

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