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Need books to read to 8yo ds that have gentlemanly or brave/noble male role models

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They can have either boys or men in them, but I'd love the male characters to be good examples of a gentleman, or noble toward women and humanity, brave, or other good strong male character traits, such as strong but humble, or whatever.


He needs to see some role models from literature that he can hopefully emulate. I think that would really help him right now. Thanks!

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Farmer Boy by Laura Ingals Wilder (not part of the Little House Series, this is the story of her husbands childhood), I remember admiring the father in this book.


This book may be older than his reading level but The Virginian talks about class and style differences between East/Educated and Western/Cowboy characters. The title character is a truly noble man who is a diamond in the rough.


I read both of these as a child so I hope my memory is accurate. :001_smile:

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Well, it is more about a boy being strong and brave when faced with a challenge. I would say it is a boy's version of Island of the Blue Dolphin, and it is called Indian Paint by Glenn Balch. Indian boy left behind and has to survive for the winter.


The Five Little Peppers and Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch both have widowed mums with large families and an older boy who rises to the challenge.

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The Real Thief by William Steig is one of my very favorites. It deals with temptation, self-deception, nobility, forgiveness, redemption, from a number of facets. It's a fairly short read-aloud (maybe two or three sittings), but so incredibly rich.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here what I would recommend for reading to your children:


The Children's Homer

Biographies written before about 1970, such as Meet Abraham Lincoln, Meet George Washington, etc. etc.

Old Fairy Tales

Much Ado About Nothing


I would try to avoid anything written for children since around 1895 that you haven't screened, and I would be careful to avoid the moralism of the Victorians and books like Elsie Dinsmore, though taken in smaller doses they might help you show your children things you want them to see.


Good luck!

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Depending on his reading level (although you could read it aloud to him, and then you'd both get to enjoy it), The Chestry Oak by Kate Seredy is my go-to book for courage, honor, self-sacrifice, loyalty. I also cry like a baby from beginning to end. YMMV. :001_smile:

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This is a five book set called Lightkeepers: Ten Boys.. They are mini biographies about christian boys who changed the world in some way. They are wonderful and my boys love them even though they don't love biographies in general.


The set includes:

Ten Boys Who Changed the World, Ten Boys Who Used Their Talents, Ten Boys Who Made a Difference, Ten Boys Who Didn't Give in, and Ten Boys Who Made History.



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  • 2 months later...

I was frustrated with so many secular books having poor role models for the boys. I spent a lot of time reading my son's books. One of my sons loves to read and it was hard to keep up. So I started a blog of reviews of books with an emphasis on good male role models. You can read the review and decide if this is a book you want your son to read. My heart is to help busy moms and to serve our future leaders. My blog is Integrity books for boys. I hope this is a blessing to the Christian community. God bless! :001_smile:

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