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Oh, for goodness sake...

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Okay, picture this setting. Church is over, but you're still hanging out in the nursery chatting with the care provider while your preschooler plays. Someone comes in with her toddler, saying she wants to nurse him down for a nap before the all-church meeting later.


You should:

A) Consider clearing out to give them some privacy, since it's time for coffee hour anyway.

B) Move over so they can sit down and lower your voice a little.

C) Stay where the only open seat is between you and the person you're chatting with. When the other mom raises her shirt, start talking loudly about how old is too old for a child to nurse. In a purely theoretical way, of course.


I am so freaking annoyed. I don't need anyone to validate my parenting decisions, but I don't appreciate the fact that my kid didn't get his darn nap because someone IN A NURSERY freaked out about seeing a two-year-old nurse.

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Did you squirt her in the eye with milk? I might have.


I would have loudly started discussing the WHO recommendations of a MININUM of two years of breastfeeding.


Or just flat out told her off. Two year olds have ears after all.


We had people complaining about moms nursing babies in the nursery. It made dads uncomfortable when they came to pick up their kids apparently. Uh, yeah, it's a NURSEry not a bottlery. Grow up. Or send your wife.

Edited by pfamilygal
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Is there anywhere else you can nurse in private? I was an extended breastfeeding mother so I do understand your frustration. I'm not the kind of person to push it though.


The people who don't understand will likely never understand. I was pushed out of a mom's group for nursing my toddler. I wasn't even directly told. All of a sudden, I was no longer invited and people avoided me. I found out years later that the mom in charge started spreading rumors about me so everyone would avoid me.

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I went to the Religious Education director's office, but it was right next door to a very noisy RE class, so he couldn't drop off.


Afterwards I spoke to her and she swore that she didn't mean us. She was just speaking generally.

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How annoying. If it bothered her that you were nursing your toddler, she could have just left.


I was recently at the dance studio where my 4 year old dances. Two of the moms were going on and on about the mother who *gasp* nursed her two year old twins right in the waiting area. I said, "So, I was still nursing her at that age." They weren't expecting me to stand up for the mother and were backpedaling as fast as they could.:lol:

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How rude! If she didn't agree, saying so out loud was completely inexcusable. Don't people have any manners???? Seriously, just because I don't agree with what someone else does, doesn't mean I have any right to say so. I nursed my dd until she was 2.5 and my son until just after 2 (they both self weaned), but at that point, I didn't feel comfortable doing it publicly, unfortunately, and I think that's sad.

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I went to the Religious Education director's office, but it was right next door to a very noisy RE class, so he couldn't drop off.


Afterwards I spoke to her and she swore that she didn't mean us. She was just speaking generally.


And she lies to boot! Maybe she just needs some more churchin up. ;)

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Is there anywhere else you can nurse in private? I was an extended breastfeeding mother so I do understand your frustration. I'm not the kind of person to push it though.


The people who don't understand will likely never understand. I was pushed out of a mom's group for nursing my toddler. I wasn't even directly told. All of a sudden, I was no longer invited and people avoided me. I found out years later that the mom in charge started spreading rumors about me so everyone would avoid me.


I felt so sad when I read your post~ so sorry you experienced this!

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Wow! Just wow! Sometimes, the staggering lack of manners exhibited by some human beings is startling.


It's 2011 and people still haven't figured out that a. not every thought they ponder needs to be spoken and b. not everything is their business.


Rivka, kudos for you for not bonking her on the head!



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How awful for you! In the future, I think I would word it like this:


"are you guys almost done with this room? I'm looking for a private place to nurse for a few minutes. I can come back later if you're going to be awhile."


Once she sat there next to you criticizing, I think I would say something like "That's interesting advice, you know it's the opposite of the research I've read but I'll be sure to give it all the consideration it deserves. I hope you don't mind but I need a little privacy right now, I usually use this time to think about the sermon and pray."

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Oh my gosh, how completely rude of that person!


My response would have likely been to say something like, "Thank you for your unsolicited opinion. Now tell me, what is your opinion on organic vegetables vs. canned vegetables? I'm dying to know so I can make a decision for dinner tonight." And yes, I would have been full of sarcasm.

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A or B. C is unacceptable and nobody is allowed to have an opinion of someone else's parenting or nursing decision. Period.


Are you being sarcastic? Because I think it's a little extreme to say that no one should have an opinion of each others decisions. I'm sure we all have loads of opinions. But the polite thing to do, unless we are ASKED for our opinion or we have a very serious concern about the safety of the child is to keep it to ourselves. :)

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Well, we are just trying to be more like Jesus. He probably nursed until he was 5 or 6 or 7. Smile sweetly.



Hello. :iagree::iagree:


And Samuel was brought to the temple and Eli when Hannah finished nursing him- maybe around 4 or 5?


I nursed a lonngg time, too, and hate people's ignorance. But, it's just that- ignorance. And in your case, bad manners. So sorry for you. Keep at it! You're doing a wonderful thing for your little one.

Edited by JVA
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Ummm....wow!! The nerve of people!! I'm not too good in situations like that....I probably would have been so angry and shaking that I would have been speechless. Guess they really would have had something to say about me....I just weaned my 4 year old a week ago.

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