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What in the world is going on with American Idol this year?!

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First Casey (then his save), then Thea, and now Pia? Really?? And not any of the others?


Something is seriously up.


Any ideas?

Edited by LauraGB
Added Thea - maybe not the winner, but serious contender
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I really think there is some kind of conspiracy this year (see me donning my tinfoil hat?:tongue_smilie:). Something like a "vote for the worst gone crazy" deal. :glare:


I think there used to actually be a website devoted to people voting for the worst.:001_huh:


ETA: There is! votefortheworst.com

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I think there used to actually be a website devoted to people voting for the worst.:001_huh:


There was. I remember being shocked about it when I heard of it - I can picture the kid they kept bringing back but I can't remember his name (he was young, short hair, glasses, sang "Starry, Starry Night"...). I thought it was the most horrible thing to publicly do to someone. I didn't even watch the following year or two because of it.

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There was. I remember being shocked about it when I heard of it - I can picture the kid they kept bringing back but I can't remember his name (he was young, short hair, glasses, sang "Starry, Starry Night"...). I thought it was the most horrible thing to publicly do to someone. I didn't even watch the following year or two because of it.


I'm debating whether to continue watching this year. I'm just upset. It makes NO sense.

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And inviting Iggy Pop to sing? :confused::blink::ack2: Who's idea was that?


I'm not too sad about Pia. She was kinda boring. Seemed too old for herself, KWIM? Too much Celine or something. She was a good singer and all, but needed more pizazz.


I'm ready for Jacob to go home. But I LOVE Haley. We're enjoying the show more now that Steven doesn't get as much talk time!

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Okay, and one more thing before I settle in to watch the first season of Glee to rid my mind of all AI Ick - an open letter to Iggy:


"Iggy. Buddy. Put a shirt on. There comes a time in everyone's life where we just need to cover it up. Back wrinkles and protruding ribs don't really work. Sorry. :grouphug:"


I could have really gotten into the groove (because, my goodness - Iggy Pop!) if I didn't have my hand over my mouth the whole time wondering if he was going to show up at our rinky dink casino next month.

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And inviting Iggy Pop to sing? :confused::blink::ack2: Who's idea was that?


I'm not too sad about Pia. She was kinda boring. Seemed too old for herself, KWIM? Too much Celine or something. She was a good singer and all, but needed more pizazz.


I'm ready for Jacob to go home. But I LOVE Haley. We're enjoying the show more now that Steven doesn't get as much talk time!


:iagree: with all of this except I don't care for Haley. :tongue_smilie:

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I think Pia has a wonderful voice but zero stage presence. I was okay with her going. There are others I'd pick to go first, but I think she needed to go eventually.


I agree. She was likable and had a nice voice, but she was *boring*. ... And I would never have voted for Thea either. Just no "there" there. Maybe in a few years. But not now.

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I actually love this year! I was ready to cut the show since Simon wasn't going to be there, but I think they did a great job at casting the new judges. I don't like Stephens mouth at times, but be seems like a good guy.


As for Thia and Pia...I didn't care for them. When they performed is when I took my bathroom breaks lol.


And Paul is my favorite! I haven't been voting but I made sure that I voted about 40 times for Paul last night since he was in the bottom 3 last week.

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I actually love this year! I was ready to cut the show since Simon wasn't going to be there, but I think they did a great job at casting the new judges. I don't like Stephens mouth at times, but be seems like a good guy.


As for Thia and Pia...I didn't care for them. When they performed is when I took my bathroom breaks lol.


And Paul is my favorite! I haven't been voting but I made sure that I voted about 40 times for Paul last night since he was in the bottom 3 last week.

:iagree: What she said!


Paul's my favorite and Casey is my husband's.

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And inviting Iggy Pop to sing? :confused::blink::ack2: Who's idea was that?


That was one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen on TV. I just looked it up and found that he is 63 years old. I don't even get younger men in kilts, I certainly want men older than me to wear shirts in public. Most of them, anyway.:ack2:


Pia was far and above better than the rest of the girls. I used to love Paul, but he's beginning to creep me out. Last night, James became my favorite. And who is the world is dressing poor Jacob? Turquoise and pink?????? (Maybe Gwen Stefani got hold of him, she certainly made Pia and Lauren look awful.)

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Does anybody else like James? He's been my favorite since auditions!


Yes! James, Casey, and Scotty are my favorites :) I like Lauren Alaina too.


My husband and I have thought the men super strong this year and the women a little weaker. The voting seems to have borne this out.

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Pia, wasn't my favorite and neither is Stefano, but I felt sorry for him, especially the way the judges reacted. Poor guy! Like, "it should have been YOU!!!!"


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Our whole family was so mad at the extreme reaction...we wanted to give Stefano a hug! He's not our favorite but he didn't deserve to feel like everyone wanted him gone. At this point everyone has earned their spot on the show and each week will be difficult to see someone go home. Pia has an amazing voice and will go far...look at Jennifer Hudson!



Does anybody else like James? He's been my favorite since auditions!


James is our favorite...what an amazing voice! This is a great season for Idol.

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Pia was far and above better than the rest of the girls... And who is the world is dressing poor Jacob? Turquoise and pink?????? (Maybe Gwen Stefani got hold of him, she certainly made Pia and Lauren look awful.)



If Paul McDonald wins I will never watch AI again. That guy can. not. sing. period.

:iagree:He sounded like he was mumbling when he sang Wed night.


Bumming hard in my home about Pia. It doesn't make sense to me. Her singing was great. Horrible outfit though.

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I am not a fan of the jumper outfits they keep putting on the girls. Ick. That much blousy material around the hips and thighs is just NOT a good thing.


Back on track: Paul and Casey--being close to going recently got the vote out for them. Pia...I think she's amazing... I didn't vote this week. If I had, it wouldn't have been for her. 1. I assumed she was safe. 2. I didn't care if she wasn't safe. I'm surprised she's gone, but not upset.


That said, Pia was the only girl left I cared for. I don't like Haley. Lauren is ... Meh.... I like Casey the best, though I don't think mainstream pop is his strongest niche. He needs to be able to showcase his musicianship to really shine.

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I am not shocked at all. Pia had a wall up - she tried so hard to be perfect (and her singing and looks nearly were). I wanted to like her, but she never let the audience in. I wanted to see a breakdown or a goofiness so I could get to know the real Pia. There was no likability. No connection. It is very easy for me to see why she didn't get enough votes.


Poor Stephen. He REALLY liked her! :lol:

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James is amazing. I thought it was ironic he sang a slow song during rock week, but it turned out to be one of my favorite performances from him.


I needed to see that from him. Most weeks, I feel like he's an Adam Lambert clone.... But not as good. This week, he showed that he can sing and not just shriek.


I am loving the broad themes and the producer help. I think they are being set up to show their best.

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Honestly, I'm not shocked that Pia got sent home. Yes, her voice is great, but she has zero stage presence. She'll have a long career though, so I'm not worried about her. I think the judges reactions were a bit over the top. I think someone needs to sit Jennifer Lopez down and explain to her how the show works. Everyone will go home--only one person can win. I hope she doesn't react like this every week.


Casey, Haley and James are dh and my favorites. My dd loved Thia and Pia, so she's pretty much not going to watch anymore.

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I felt so bad for Stefano after the judges reactions. It just made me feel uncomfortable, kwim?


This year my dd hasn't bothered voting even once. I think the shine is worn off, and we miss Simon. (Paula, was always interesting to say the least.) He was a stinker, but he knew how to help and hurt at the same time.

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I think the issue is that the judges aren't helping the people vote. They just say things like, "you're great!", "I love you!", "You're awesome!", and the audience isn't able to focus their attention on the ones that are doing really well. Occasionally, Randy will actually critique their singing but nothing like Simon. Pia wasn't my favorite, but I think there were others that should have gone home first.

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I felt so bad for Stefano after the judges reactions. It just made me feel uncomfortable, kwim?


I think Stefano was a victim of circumstances. The judges love him. I don't think he was their next pick of who should leave. BUT he was one of the original wild cards (right?? Wasn't it him, Naimah, and Ashton?) So, he's the only one of those left and he has been in the bottom three before. So, a great singer that hasn't shown to be a voter top pick. Not as big of a surprise to see him go.


Pia was a shocker, because she hasn't been in the bottom three. Though it's obvious from many responses here that she wasn't a sentimental favorite for many.


I don't think their reaction was about Stefano, which I hope he can end up seeing.

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Poor Stefano seemed as shocked as the judges. I think he truly expected it to be him. Of course at this point they are all going on the tour and I'm sure they all have shots at record contracts, so being voted off isn't quite as dramatic imho.


Pia is a great singer, but I agree with pps - she's kind of boring. She may have been a victim of people voting for others because they assumed she'd be fine, since she was so reliable.


I am curious how long Scotty will stay on. He's my favorite, but he is completely country and I'm kind of surprised he's never been in the bottom three.

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She may have been a victim of people voting for others because they assumed she'd be fine, since she was so reliable.




I'm inclined to think you might be right. While my favorites are Casey and Lauren, I didn't expect them to win - I expected Pia to win, or at least be in the top two.


I'm still amazed at how early she left, though, and that the ones I fully expected to go didn't even make it into the bottom three.

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:iagree: It was shocker for me too, but he looked so lost.


The judges already used their save, maybe they made the mistake.


I think Stefano was a victim of circumstances. The judges love him. I don't think he was their next pick of who should leave. BUT he was one of the original wild cards (right?? Wasn't it him, Naimah, and Ashton?) So, he's the only one of those left and he has been in the bottom three before. So, a great singer that hasn't shown to be a voter top pick. Not as big of a surprise to see him go.


Pia was a shocker, because she hasn't been in the bottom three. Though it's obvious from many responses here that she wasn't a sentimental favorite for many.


I don't think their reaction was about Stefano, which I hope he can end up seeing.

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