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First RSD Test Today

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I'm going for a bone scan today. As I understand it, if the scan shows I've lost bone density, its an objective, quantifiable RSD 'proof'. Unfortunately, it puts me on the road for osteoporosis in my arm, as well as osteo-arthritis. If the physio I've done at home all this time has kept me from having bone loss, the Drs aren't going to be happy, b/c pain is subjective, and whatever the patient says it is.


Yesterday, I was given word that I'll be going for 'autonomic' testing. Basically they put electrodes on me and zap the hell out of my bad arm. To test the conduction of the nerves.


Thinking about it makes me want to throw up. Violently.


The 'upside' to all of this is, if there has been bone loss, and they find out whatever they're looking for through the zapping test (something other than me screaming, of course) it may be enough 'proof' for them, and I won't have to go through a physical exam where they torque me all around, and I'm always sobbing before they're even half done.


If you don't mind me asking for support again, I'd really appreciate it. I'm praying that the testing shows the Drs what they need to know, and I won't have to go through a physical exam, that the tests clearly show RSD, and they'll be satisfied.

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Thanks everyone.


Faithe, I've been through the zap test on my good arm, and it was painful for me. The Dr even said that he wasn't going to touch my bad arm, because I'd be screaming.


Intellectually, I *know* why they're doing this. They want clear, objective, quantifiable information. The problem with RSD is that it doesn't always have visible signs. Pain's still there, but outwardly there's no colour change, swelling, or coldness. In that case, they have to rely solely on case history for RSD diagnosis. And on me saying what level the pain is at.


Chuckie, I'd unleash you on my case manager, just for all the jerking around she's done to me so far.


That reminds me...I have to call her again. She only extended my med coverage til Apr 1st. I have no idea why she thinks that they won't have to pay for my meds after the Panel, but she does. Considering they're about $1000 a month, I can't afford for them not to be covered!!

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I've been through the zap test on my good arm, and it was painful for me.


I've had it too and found it quite painful. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Can they give you some ketamine? Maybe that would screw up the results though.

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Yesterday, I was given word that I'll be going for 'autonomic' testing. Basically they put electrodes on me and zap the hell out of my bad arm. To test the conduction of the nerves.


((Impish)) I soo feel for you! I had this done in December and it was uncomfortable for me. I can't imagine how you will be. For me it was very short pains but pain nonetheless. Thankfully it was done quickly!


Yes, I do hope something shows quickly and they don't have to do everything possible to "prove" you have RSD.

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:grouphug: praying you're doing okay. I just called you but nobody answered which has me even more worried... please call when you get a chance... when Wolf told me what the test entailed the other night I wanted to puke for you. It just sounded cruel. I'm so sorry they're doing this. Hopefully they'll find what they're looking for, I mean, enough that you won't have to do this stuff again. :grouphug:

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