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5th Grade Thread...

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4x / week Saxon 6/5



1 chapter / week Latina Christiana finish I and start II

1 chapter / week finish First French from Memoria Press

2x / week MANGO exercises




2x / week Elemental Science Logic Stage Biology




3x / week Rod and Staff Grammar finish 5 begin 6

1 chapter/ week Spelling Work out F




2x / week typing practice

household tasks

maybe some logic exercises


3 hours / week Piano practice & 1 lesson / week




1 chapter/ week Community Bible Study Genesis Study

1x / week AWANA




1 country a week study of Asian country flags/ culture and outline map

1x / week write a paragraph to discuss Forest Habitats from HOAC




3x/ week read, outline, narrate, timeline Ancient History/Art/Science/Play from SOTW, Encyclopedias, other reference and fiction. CHOLL Logic Stage Ancients for reference.



(the red print indicates items he will not be used to, but the rest are tasks he is familiar with from 4th grade)

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For something similar for middle school or late grammar, you might want to look at Science Detective (they have two levels, for grades 3-4 and 5-6). The Biozone books reminded me a bit of a high-school level Science Detective.


Science Detective from Critical Thinking Co?

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I couldn't find one either... thanks for posting (although I see now someone found one...)


Here's our plan for the first year of 5th grade ever:


Reading: Reading lists in WTM as well as from history, classics sprinkled in. Start literary analysis per WTM recommendations


Writing: R&S English to cover grammar and writing

WTM recommendations for 5th grade (narrations, outlining)


Spelling: finish AAS Level 6, go onto 7


Latin: First Form Latin I


Math: Math Mammoth 5/6


Logic: Mindbenders, Logic Liftoff


Science: Elemental Science: Logic Stage Biology


History: History Odyssey: Ancients Level 2


Music: piano lessons


Art: projects found on internet


Memory work: AWANA, CC memory work at home: history timeline and science songs

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I start to hyperventilate when I think that my ds will be 5th grade in the fall. So I'm still working on getting that under control!


I feel the same way! I've been lurking on this board for a while, thinking some day I'll really appreciate all these posts. You know, some day, when I have a child in the logic stage. And then I realized--we're here! And I'm not ready for this!


I have made some plans though:


Math: Singapore 5A/B, LoF fractions and decimals eventually

Language Arts: MCT Town level, WWE (we're still in WWE3), Sequential Spelling, thinking about adding in IEW

Latin: First Form Latin

History: SOTW with WTM logic stage rec's

Geography: Maptrek maps with history, finish Beautiful Feet's Geography through Literature (we only did two books of the four this year)

Science: ES Physics until December, then probably ES Logic stage Biology starting in January

Logic: Mind Benders, Sudoku

Literature: We read tons, but I probably should start something a little more formal.

Extras:Scouts and piano lessons

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Here are my plans so far. Some things we are already working on.... Some I'm adding this summer and others just planning to start for fall.




Math: Math U See

History: History Odyssey Ancients level 2

Science: Elemental Science Logic Biology

Reading/Literature: in addition to books used in HOĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.I chose a couple books to use with the some free study guides I have accumulated over the years:

Anne of Green Gables

Where the Red Fern Grows

Misty of Chincoteague

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Bridge to Terabithia

Spelling: Spelling Workout F

Grammar: Saxon Grade 5

Writing: either Saxon 5 or IEW ancients

Bible: Who is God & Can I Really know Him? John Hay

Balancing the Sword. Allen Wolfe -maybe

BSFAA- Advanced Activity pages

Logic: Mind benders

Latin: Latina Christiana I

Art: Artistic Pursuits & maybe adding in classes

Music: may start up guitar lessons again

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Our 5th Grade Plan


Math: SM 4B/5A, MEP, LoF Fractions, & Khan Academy


Daily Reading, his choice of books

Figuratively Speaking

Reading comprehension workbooks (my son likes these)

Daily Grams 5

IEW All Things Fun & Fascinating

AAS Levels 4 & 5

HWoT Can do Cursive


Social Studies: History of the US Wars (outline) & Maps, Charts and Graphs E


Science: Building our own- Reading Library books. Making a notebook of summaries and sketches. Doing plenty of experiments.


Art: Artistic Pursuits

Music: idk

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Not done deciding on some things.




WWE move to WWS or IEW

ALL (weird not to type FLL)



RS Geometry with MM 5 and throw in some LOF Fractions and CWP



Finish RSO Chem and then ?

Science Detective

McHenry's Elements



History Odyssey Early Modern level 1



Lively Latin



Mind Benders

Logic Liftoff series



Meet the Masters




Did I miss anything? I feel like I'm forgetting something.


I did forget!



Galore Park Bible Stories


I also love the look of their Geography. I might add that.


Of course continuing with German using a mish mash and Das Neue Deutschmobil.

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Plans for my ds next year:


Grade 5


New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism 1


Saints stories



Story of the World Vol. 2


Real Science 4 Kids Astronomy


A ChildĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Geography Vol. 1 and 2


Intermediate Language Lessons

Classical Writing Homer A

Poetry for Beginners

Spelling Wisdom


LĂ¢â‚¬â„¢Art de Lire 4


Latin for Children B


Singapore 5A and 5B


The Thinking Toolbox




Artistic Pursuits Grades 4-6 Book 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

FINALLY settled on nearly all my choices for 2011-2012... having changed some things since my original choices (naturally)!


Language Arts:

Winston Grammar (basic level)

Igniting Your Writing Level 1

Natural Speller

Universal Publishing Handwriting E (cursive)



Math Mammoth Blue series

Life of Fred Fractions



History Odyssey Ancients Level 2

Story of Science (Hakim) as a read aloud



Elemental Science Biology (logic stage)



Mindbenders (Or maybe Harry Stottlemeier?)


Natural History:

One Small Square series & nature walks


Art & Art Appreciation/Music & Music Appreciation:

Phonics of Drawing, piano lessons

Art in History series (Hodge)

The Composer is Dead + Those Amazing Musical Instruments + The Instruments of Classical Music


I may add in Getting Started with Latin or English from the Roots Up...

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Language Arts:

MCT Town

Phonetic Zoo

Maybe something else...not sure...LA is a tough one for me.



Life of Fred Decimals

Singapore 5


History & Geography

Harmony of History



NOEO Physics



Spanish for Children

Latin...the British one that makes the Horrible History series...forget what it's called...but in the meantime, he's working through my old Wheelock & doing some Latin crossword puzzles, etc.

Phonics of Drawing (con't.--we dropped it this year, but I love it, so we'll keep working through it)

Some kind of logic


If $ were to suddenly allow, I'd love to add in extra-curriculars.

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Math: AoPS Prealgebra


Language Arts: MCT Voyage level, AOS


Latin: Getting Started with Latin


History: History Odyssey Level 2 - Middle Ages


Science: Aristotle Leads the Way


Logic: The Art of Argument, Mind Benders


Literature: Lightning Lit and Comp - 7


Music: Suzuki/Traditional Piano, Orchestra - Violin


Art: Great Artists


Extras: Ballet/Tap, Scouts, Community Plays, Softball

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think mine has changed since last time I posted it.


Math: BJU 5 or MM, 4 or 5 TT 6

English: BJU 5

History: Truthquest AHYS1, possibly part of AHYS2 depending on our progress.

Science: Exploration Education Physical Science (or read Abeka Science 5 if we can't afford it). Plato Science Online (Physical Science and Earth and Space Science) supplemented with BJU Science 5

Spelling/Handwriting: Dictation Day by Day by Kate Wagenen

Reading: BJU 5 or WinterPromise readers 5 with Spectrum Reading vocab/comprehension workbook

Meet the Masters Art

Piano lessons, guitar practice.

Bible: Our own homegrown discipleship methods.


Mine has changed again! In color on the quote.

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Language Arts:

Rod and Staff Grammar

I'm considering Writing Strands too, but R&S has writing assignments... so I don't know :lol: Dictation and letter writing once a week for sure.

Finishing up Spelling Workout

Reading the book list for Ancients (TWTM)



Finish Singapore 4b And then finish SM 5a/b


History & Geography

Covering Ancients with Kingfisher/Bible I'm thinking about getting Maps and Globes from Christian Liberty Press for geography. For now we just look at what goes with history, but I want him to get his US geography down pat.



Biology - Beginning of the year DK Human Biology, then DK Nature



Logic puzzles from Mind Benders


First Form Latin


We're still using Art with a Purpose, this time we're really using it :lol:

I managed to schedule 'A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra' so it's lasts the entire year ;) He'll actually do music appreciation this year :hurray:


We've started doing devotions and we're using AWANAs for his religious studies.


PE, is going to be us exercising. Woo. Hoo.

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I think I have Caleb's 5th grade year nailed.


Math-Bob Jones Math 5


Spelling-Spelling Workout and Apples and Pears


Writing-Easy Classical Writing program


Grammar-Shurley Grammar


Penmanship-Handwriting Without Tears


Copywork-Queen Homeschool's copybook for boys


Bible-Tracking Your Walk and AWANA


Latin-Latin Primer A


Critical Thinking-Editor and Chief Beginning and Math Detective Beginning


History-A Living History of Our World (was set on Easy Classical History but I decided the less book the better for me right now)


Science-Bob Jones 4 via dvds.

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I'd come back to make some changes from what I originally posted, since it's almost all changed :lol: but I can no longer edit the old post. So here's the new plan:


Math: Math Mammoth 6A/B


Latin: continuing with Henle I


Grammar: Analytical Grammar (probably the two-year schedule)


Writing: WWS


Reading: various workbooks on reading comp and making inferences (weaknesses for dd)


Vocabulary: Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop and Hyde's Derivation of Words (http://books.google.com/books?id=7DEXAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=derivation+of+words&hl=en&ei=Cv4JTv_9H4ifsQKfsIHTAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false)


Logic: Harry Sottlemeier's Discovery and Logic Liftoff workbook; I also plan to add in this little unit on logic and set theory from MEP http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/mepres/book7/bk7_1.pdf (hmm, maybe I'll start the year with this :))


History: From Sea to Shining Sea (US History, from Ignatius Press)


Science: McGraw-Hill Science grade 5, along with the corresponding activity book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0022800387 (this is a broad overview of a lot of basic things, which is just what I wanted for this year)


I'm not sure how we'll fit it all in

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My DD will be doing:


CLE Math 500

Math Detective

Singapore Challenging Word Problems

Life of Fred Fractions


CLE LA 500

Editor in Chief

Sequential Spelling


CLE Reading 500

Reading Detective

IEW Theme based writing-- Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales

IEW Poetry Memorization

Teaching the Classics


WP American Story 2 (finish the second half)

BF History of the Horse

BF Geography program


Nancy Larson Science Level 3


Building Thinking Skills

Balance Benders

Mind Benders

Daily Word Ladders

Vocabulary Workbook


Typing program


And, of course, tons of reading! Art will be taken care of externally. I would like to add Rosetta Stone German. We'll see. ;)

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This is how it's looking so far for my DS...


Math - Saxon 6/5

Logic - Building Thinking Skills, Level 2

Writing - Igniting Your Writing (along with ideas and instruction from Comprehensive Composition)

Grammar - Exercises in English, Level E

Literature/Reading - Selections from SCM, AO, OFE, A2, and YC lists, along with lots of free reading

History - Pearson Learning/Core Knowledge History & Geography

Science - Oak Meadow

Art - Art classes at the Museum of Fine Arts or maybe ARTistic Pursuits

Music - a la SCM and Core Knowledge grade-level music section

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Oak Meadow for history, handicrafts, art, critical thinking, and writing


Abeka for grammar- Shurley Q&A flow


Literature Guides (TLP, Progeny Press, or both)


Reading- an excessive amount of books!


Math is undecided (either TT 6 or Horizons 4 and 5 )


Typing reports and papers on her laptop


Writing-using several different resources for summaries, reports, dictation, and creative writing


Megawords for spelling


Geography- Trail Guide to World Geo w/ Uncle Josh's Outline maps


Latin- Latina Christiana


Spanish- Visual Link and Powerspeak (at a slow pace; creating flashcards, writing short stories, and conducting plays in Spanish)


Science MPH 5 and RS4K Biology 1 with activities, experiments, and more books to flesh it out (and watching her older sister do BJU Life Science experiments)


Music and art

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I have changed a few things too :blush:

I think I have Caleb's 5th grade year nailed.


Math-Bob Jones Math 5 because we won't be able to afford the dvds, Caleb, will use Math-U-See instead.


Spelling-Spelling Workout and Apples and Pears


Writing-Easy Classical Writing program


Grammar-Shurley Grammar


Penmanship-Handwriting Without Tears Changing to Classically Cursive.


Copywork-Queen Homeschool's copybook for boys


Bible-Tracking Your Walk and AWANA


Latin-Latin Primer A


Critical Thinking-Editor and Chief Beginning and Math Detective Beginning


History-A Living History of Our World (was set on Easy Classical History but I decided the less book the better for me right now) one more change :001_huh: to America the Beautiful by Notgrass


Science-Bob Jones 4 via dvds BJ distance learning is too expensive for now, instead we'll use Apologia Flying Creatures on the Fifth Day.


Whew, I think it's set in stone :lol:

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Math: SM 3A, 3B, and 4A

Science: BJU 6 (half this year, half next)

Grammar: Language Smarts B & C

Composition: All Things Fun and Fascinating

Literature: BJU Reading 5

Spelling/Vocab: Vocabulary from Classical Roots 5, Core Curriculum Vocabulary Cards

History: Colonial America using Heritage Studies 1,2, and 3 as spines

Latin: Cambridge Latin 1

Greek: Biblical Greeks 4 Kids Book 1

Geography: Map Skills for Today 5 and US History Map Activities

Health: Abeka 5

Penmanship: RFH E

Fine Arts: Kinderbach for Piano, Unit Study on Handel for Music Appreciation, Mark Kistler online art academy for drawing, Art Game Renaissance for Art History

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I just updated this info to my siggy. So look down. :D


Funny you should post! I was searching about set theory and came across a discussion of Dolciani. I just ordered the pre-algebra - thanks to your links ;); actually, two pre-algebras thanks to your links :glare:. Which one is better? I haven't actually checked out yet. Because I don't have enough pre-algebra books :D (all I have are Russian Math 6, two Lials, and two random regular textbooks. I think my head might explode because I wasn't expecting another choice to pop up). I'd love to know how the Dolciani works out for you - I only have a year to decide :lol:.

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This is all I've settled on at the moment. I have the 5th grade course plans from Kolbe, but haven't decided how much I'll use.


Faith and Life 5 through My Catholic Faith Delivered (used 4th grade last year and loved it)


Kolbe Elementary Literature course plans


Chalkdust Pre-Algebra


Famous Men of Rome (with Kolbe 5th grade history course plans)


First Form Latin


PE will continue to be almost daily ice skating - speedskating team practices and meets, homeschool skate and open skate.


K12 Science 5

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Here are our final plans for this fall:


MATH - Singapore Primary 5A & 5B




LITERATURE - lots of library books and narration

HISTORY - TruthQuest AOR 1 and 2

SCIENCE - God's Design for the Physical World


LOGIC - BTS 2 and MindBenders B series

MUSIC - The Story of Classical Music by Alder and Composers Lapbook by HitW & piano lessons

ART - Drawing With Children style lessons

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This by no means final, but...


Grammar: MCT Town (done with GWG5, and she's bored with the same thing every year - trying something new)

Vocab: Caesar's English

Spelling: Phonetic Zoo Level 3

Writing: IEW through co-op, supplementing if necessary with Paragraph Town and narrations/outlines across curriculum

Math: Singapore 5B & 6A, US Ed.

Logic: BTS 2, other stuff as it comes up

Science: almost decided on CPO Biology

French: First Start French finish 1 and then 2

History: History of US, supporting literature, etc.

Geography: Maps Charts Graphs by MCP E&F

Reading: to go along with history, using literature guides from Bravewriter and others, or just on our own discussion

Art: still thinking about this...

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My 5th grader will be using the following:


Math: MUS


Language Arts: AG jr, IEW SWI B,AAS, TTC for lit, SL readers old ,


History: America the Beautiful notgrass

Science: BF History of Science


scouts, 4h, piano, gym class, artistic pursuits 4-6, classes at nature center and museum


I am hoping to do a field trip every week and have more fun.

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Funny you should post! I was searching about set theory and came across a discussion of Dolciani. I just ordered the pre-algebra - thanks to your links ;); actually, two pre-algebras thanks to your links :glare:. Which one is better? I haven't actually checked out yet. Because I don't have enough pre-algebra books :D (all I have are Russian Math 6, two Lials, and two random regular textbooks. I think my head might explode because I wasn't expecting another choice to pop up). I'd love to know how the Dolciani works out for you - I only have a year to decide :lol:.


I forgot to subscribe to this thread, so I am just seeing this now.


Which one is better? I still haven't decided. I want to use the set theory material from the MSM 1970's one, but the Accelerated approach 1980's one has a really good section on word problems and does get into more advanced skills that wouldn't usually be covered until algebra.


I am actually starting a list of all the topics in each and looking to see where they overlap. I will pick one to use as the main text, but I will definitely supplement from the other. I'll let you know how I decide to do it when I finish my comparison list.

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Oooh. I'll jump in here.


5th Grade


Spelling/Grammar: Spelling Skills 5, Spectrum Word Study & Phonics, Simply Grammar

Writing: Writing Strands, Copywork, Dictation, and Written narrations

Math (daily): Teaching Textbooks 7

Science: Ambleside Online Year 3 readings, Nature study (1st term: reptiles, 2nd term: flowerless plants/crops, 3rd term: fish & amphibians) - along with the Outdoor Hour Challenge blog, ScienceSaurus, lots of experiments, and several trips to the NY Hall of Science museum. I might try the ACS Middle School Chemistry online lessons, too.

[books: The Handbook of Nature Study & Secrets of the Woods]

Spanish (2x/week): Immersion Spanish

History & Geography: Ambleside Online Year 3 readings (1400-1600 - Renaissance to Reformation), History timeline & book of centuries, mapwork, Study of Marco Polo, NY History, several trips to different museums. [books: An Island Story, This Country of Ours, A Child's History of the World]

Biographies: Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, Squanto, Marco Polo

Poetry (daily): William Blake, Sara Teasdale, Hilda Conkling, H W Longfellow

Literature: Ambleside Online Year 3 "free reading" selections - as many as we can get in. Also, daily independent reading with a book of his choice.

Art: Picture study (the works of Fragonard and Rockwell), Drawing with Children, several visits to art museums and galleries, and lots of handicraft stuff

Music: Composer Study (Mozart, Mendelssohn, Bartok, Hindermith), Guitar lessons...maybe

Edited by Abkjw01
Fixed formatting
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I keep seeing this thread, and I want to see my plans in writing, so:




La Clase Divertida 3


HoD's Resurrection to Reformation, which includes

Medieval history through living books

Earth and Space science

IEW's Medieval History-based Writing Lessons

R&S English 4, 2nd half

Singapore math, levels 4 and some of 5




Continuing with piano, Spanish, and math

Caesar's English I

Sheppard Software for Geography

Typing (probably Typing Instructor)

Watercolors (St. Michael's Days of Creation) and drawing (Mark Kistler)

ETA: I'm also thinking about adding a critical thinking workbook from Tin Man Press

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I wish I could say this was our final list, but I'm not 100% sure yet.


Math: CLE 500 and Life of Fred

Grammar: R&S 5 or ALL

Writing: WWS

History: HO Ancients 2

Literature: CHOLL Ancients for Logic Stage

Science: ES Chemistry & The Elements (Although I just received CPO's Life and Earth and have been drooling over those!)

Latin: LfC A

Music/Art History: Harmony Fine Arts Ancients

Logic: Unsure


Don't have any extracurriculars lined up yet since we're new to the area. Am I leaving anything off?

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I agree that it is helpful to write out your plans for others to see, so here goes:


History - Veritas Self-Paced Middle Ages/Reformation

Math - Saxon 6/5 (maybe through in some 7/6 too!)

Lang. Arts - R&S 5, ACSI Spelling

Writing - IEW SWI-A

Literature - Middle ages and classic lit titles from Veritas and SL

Science - Apologia Elem. Human Anatomy with notebook

First Form Latin

Logic Liftoff series



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I have changed as well. We are going to do AO year 3 with all of the children combined. I will mix in other books/activities according to age. Math is still up in the air, as is grammar (she's doing a workbook now). SL 5 will have to wait for next year; when we do it in its entirety. The rest will stay the same, I believe. Thankfully this is not my VSL dd, so she adapts well to anything we do (except in math).


Last year, we took a break from all the Bible studies...:glare: Next year we plan to start those again.


Whoops, how could I forget? We are doing MCT grammar right now (here and there), and will continue this year. She has also just started LOF, at her request. Another thing we may do as a group will be the new MCT Lit guide, and she will do Greek with her brother. Dd is also sewing this year, and hopefully doing some other handicrafts that she has enjoyed previously (needlepoint, crocheting, pot holders etc.).


Gee, I think we will have to go light on the Bible studies. :D

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Here is our 5th grade schedule for dd (age 10):


Language Arts - LLATL Purple, Language Lessons for the Elem. Child 2, Pictures in Cursive, Writing Trails in American History


History - A Living History of Our World Vol. 1 or Sonlight 3/4 or a mixture of both


Science - Science Mysteries, BF History of the Horse


Nature Study - A Walk with Aunt Bessie


Art - A Backyard Nature Drawing Guide and Art Fraud Detective


Spanish - Power Glide Spanish


Latin - Getting Started in Latin or English From the Roots Up


Music - Hymns, Folk Songs, and Classical Kids


I think this is it, she also has GEMS at church and piano lessons.




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We've changed somethings around too, the current choices are:

Language Arts (this includes writing, literature,and grammar)

Hake Grammar 6


Figuratively Speaking used with

Literature Choices from our History & Science

His Own Independent Reading



Singapore 5a and 5b



A full year of Inventors studies, I have about 30 names we will cover along with activities, movies and readings


Prufrock books

Orbiting Logic

Red Hot Words

Advancing through Analogies 2


Foreign Language

Latin- Lively Latin (we have had this for a few years, might as well use it)

Spanish- ???



Modern Era (we took a year off for American History)




Art classes through the community center

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Math: Finish Saxon 5/4 and Begin Saxon 6/5


History: Story of the World 3 with Activity Guide and Suggested Readings, Old Testament History. Will do A little of History of US as it corresponds to SOTW 3


Science: Apologia Human Anatomy and Physiology and Notebooking Journal.


Language Arts: Hake Grammer and Writing 5, Chronicles of Narnia with Christian Literature Study Guides


Religion: Seton Religion 5, Baltimore Catechism 1, St. Joeseph's Concise Bible History.


Music: We Sing We Blend (Seton)


Art: Art 5 for Young Catholics


PE: Whatever sport he is currently involved in

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Our plans have changed some.



Language Arts: MCT Voyage Level

Spelling: SWO F

Writing: IEW SWI-A

Literature: History-related, other selections I have chosen, and MCTs*second trilogy (The Time Machine, The Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, and AChristmas Carol)

Latin: Finish LFC B, begin LFC C

Logic: Building Thinking Skills 2

Math: Singapore 5A and 5B, supplemented with Horizons 5 and LOF Fractions

History: TOG 1

Fine Arts: Artistic Pursuits (4-6),continue with violin lessons, and artists and composer study

Bible: Blessed is the Kingdom, An Interactive Orthodox Catechism and Journaling Through the Liturgical Year

PE: Fall soccer, winter basketball

Life Skills: We are part of a 4-H club that meets once a month. Next year's topics are cooking, photography, entomology, and outdoors

Memorization: Selections from Living Memory

Science: RS4K Chemistry Level 1. I haven't decided on what we will finish the year with

Geography: We are participating in a co-op focusing on the continent of Africa, that meets one afternoon per week.

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Added info on geography
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My 5 grader :svengo: will be doing the following:


TOG, Year 3

Bridge to the Latin Road

WWE 3/4

MUS Epsilon / Zeta, supplemented with LOF, Khan Academy and MM as needed


Typing Instructor for Kids

science unit studies in zoology, meteorology, physics and botany or anatomy (not yet decided)

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Here is our 5th grade plan:


Math - finish Horizons 5/start Horizons 6 & Daily Word Problems

Logic - Logic Countdown, Logic Liftoff and Orbiting with Logic

History - TOG Year 1

Science - Elemental Science - Biology for Logic Stage

Spanish - Educacion Espanola on Discovery Streaming

Writing - WWS

Grammar - Jr. AG Mechanics

Vocabulary/Spelling - Vocabulary from Classical Roots and Caesar's English

Art - Mark Kistler's online art academy


I have all our binders ready for the year. I have cleaned out and organized our schoolroom. I have done a thorough spring cleaning of my entire house. Basically I have done every.single.thing.possible to put off the nitty gritty details of detailed lesson planning. :tongue_smilie: I used to love this part but with three students and having so much to plan, now it just exhausts me :svengo:


Here we go...:auto:

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