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Do you have a Golden Retriever dog?

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I'm not dog hunting or anything right now, but I've always really wanted a Golden....I know they are great family dogs.


But they shed a lot don't they? I can't stand dog hair. And with their longer hair, I can only imagine that they shed quite a bit. If so, I'll probably have to mark them off of my "future dog" list. :001_smile:

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Guest CarolineUK

Oh, I really wanted a golden retriever :tongue_smilie:. For us it was more the fact that they can take up to 30 miles of exercise a day and aren't at all happy if they don't get enough that stopped us. DH had golden retrievers as a boy and loves them, but I just couldn't guarantee that we could give it enough exercise.


I'm currently mopping up puddles (and worse) for a 10 week old labradoodle. She's gorgeous, and having a more 'poodley' coat won't shed at all. They have a moderate need for exercise which we can probably handle. We're all totally in love with her at the moment, despite the puddles, she is so gentle, happy and funny.

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We had two, and they really shed alot!! And when it rained they and the whole house smelled like wet dog. But they were great dogs! Our son used to crawl right over them, and they would barely lift their heads. We have a choc. lab and a puggle now, and they probably shed just as much but it's less noticable. Plus, they don't smell as much. Boy, do I miss our Goldens though...:crying:

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I'll be the odd one -- we have had two Goldens and neither of them shed very much. We have been really lucky. Our previous Golden (he was our first baby :001_wub::crying:) had long, very dark hair and he had VERY little undercoat. His hair was just long and silky.

The Golden we have now also have very little undercoat, his hair is not especially long but it is silky. If you spent some time with him though, he would probably cure you of wanting a Golden. I'm holding out hope that someday he will mature into a 'good dog' (he's 2), but right now I'm pretty sure that he's the dumbest retriever on the planet. ;)


We also have a rescued Chihuahua and he's a great dog.:)

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Oh, we have one, love one and will never own another breed, I think.


Yes, she sheds like crazy. But then again, so do I, LOL! It is what it is, and yes, I sweep up hairballs from the corners. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.


She's our 2nd golden, and both have been wonderful wonderful wonderful dogs.


Someone up thread said they can need 30 miles of exercise a day -- we have not ever walked them that much, not by any stretch. Nor have we had unhappy dogs or behavior problems.


But shedding -- most definitely. Still a wonderful dog, though.

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I've had two and they've both shed a LOT. We've just discovered the Furminator and have been using that every few weeks (along with regular brushing) and it helps, but if you dislike dog hair this is not the dog for you! We've adapted by having light-colored flooring and not wearing dark pants. :D


You might look into dog breeds recommended for allergy sufferers, they're the least shedding-prone of all dogs. You can find photos and information here:


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We don't have one, but if we ever get one it's going to be a male, and we're naming it Kody after the guy on Sister Wives. He reminds me of a really dumb golden. He gets excited and hyper easily, fluctuates between looking confused and like he wants to play ball, and if give the opportunity, I bet he'd hump your leg. Sounds like a good dog name to us :D When we were watching it the other night I kept pausing it and telling DH all of dog-Kody's comments to go with his facial expressions. "Go get it, boy!" "Kody wants a cookie!" "Is that an 'I'm getting a belly-rub and it feels sooooooo good' look or what?" DH was in hysterics :lol: If you watch that show and think "golden retriever" you'll never get the image out of your head. There's going to be a whole generation of male goldens named Kody after this show. I can't be the only one who sees the frightening similarities.

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We love our Golden. All you need is a Furminator--takes the hair right off.


They are so sweet, and so smart, but very obedient.


I thought mine didn't shed the first week we got him, only to discover the hair was the same color as the wood floors...and there was a lot! :D But it isn't sticky like cat fur. (We have one of those, too...)

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If you spent some time with him though, he would probably cure you of wanting a Golden. I'm holding out hope that someday he will mature into a 'good dog' (he's 2), but right now I'm pretty sure that he's the dumbest retriever on the planet. ;)




If you had said she and not he, I would have thought you were talking of our dog. She's a little over two and we too are waiting for her to mature into a "good dog". I tell my DH all the time, "I think we got the dumbest golden ever!"


Now that being said, she is excellent with the children. They can do whatever they want and she's never growled, nipped, nothing.


But I miss my Australian Shepard mutt. That was a perfect dog!

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If you spent some time with him though, he would probably cure you of wanting a Golden. I'm holding out hope that someday he will mature into a 'good dog' (he's 2), but right now I'm pretty sure that he's the dumbest retriever on the planet. ;)



I think I have your dog's twin, right down to the age. Izze is also our 2nd golden, and I'm holding out hope for much improvement in the next year. Not a mean bone in her body, though.



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Oh, I really wanted a golden retriever :tongue_smilie:. For us it was more the fact that they can take up to 30 miles of exercise a day and aren't at all happy if they don't get enough that stopped us. DH had golden retrievers as a boy and loves them, but I just couldn't guarantee that we could give it enough exercise.


I'm currently mopping up puddles (and worse) for a 10 week old labradoodle. She's gorgeous, and having a more 'poodley' coat won't shed at all. They have a moderate need for exercise which we can probably handle. We're all totally in love with her at the moment, despite the puddles, she is so gentle, happy and funny.


Ooooh... fantastic! I really like the descriptions of labradoodles.. I was looking at dog breeds again yesterday :blushing:

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I'll be the odd one -- we have had two Goldens and neither of them shed very much. We have been really lucky. Our previous Golden (he was our first baby :001_wub::crying:) had long, very dark hair and he had VERY little undercoat. His hair was just long and silky.

The Golden we have now also have very little undercoat, his hair is not especially long but it is silky. If you spent some time with him though, he would probably cure you of wanting a Golden. I'm holding out hope that someday he will mature into a 'good dog' (he's 2), but right now I'm pretty sure that he's the dumbest retriever on the planet. ;)


We also have a rescued Chihuahua and he's a great dog.:)


This (the bold) describes our current dog.


Our previous dog (a black lab) shed a LOT more.

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We have an angel of a golden who was given to us after surviving an abusive situation. She's almost 3 now and has only one bad habit...barking when people are right next to the fence. Other than that, completely the perfect dog! Doesn't need nearly 30 miles a day (loves her walks but just as happy to chase the ball in the fenced yard!), great with my special needs kids, would be a total lap dog if I allowed her on the furniture!


Yes, she sheds. However, I second (or third!) the furminator! A good brushing with that little sucker every couple of weeks and she's fine. We have hardwood floors, so the fur balls are noticeable when they happen. However, I rarely have to clean the floors more than 2x a week. Frankly, my kids are far dirtier than the dog and they are the reason I clean twice! The little bit of fur balls I have to remove is well worth the price for having such an awesome and gorgeous dog!

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My golden's seven and I am still waiting for her to grow up. I think I am giving up hope. Ours doesn't shed to bad but I do find that her long hair is a dirt magnet especially since we have a dirt driveway and live on a dirt road. She can come in and take a nap for a couple of hours and when she gets up it is like a police outline of a dead body on the floor! Got to love mud season.

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We are a Golden Retriever family. They are the perfect family pet but they do shed. However, I wouldn't trade him for anything. I don't mind sweeping and cleaning on a daily basis. It is just a drop in the bucket, compared to the messes my four boys make on a daily basis. IMO, Golden's are the gentlest, most loving and loyal breed of dogs. Their whole existence is to please their master. Just be prepared to hunt for missing socks, shoes and stuffed animals on a daily basis. They love to bring things to their master to seek praise. They are "retrievers" after all.

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We don't have one, but if we ever get one it's going to be a male, and we're naming it Kody after the guy on Sister Wives. He reminds me of a really dumb golden. He gets excited and hyper easily, fluctuates between looking confused and like he wants to play ball, and if give the opportunity, I bet he'd hump your leg. Sounds like a good dog name to us :D When we were watching it the other night I kept pausing it and telling DH all of dog-Kody's comments to go with his facial expressions. "Go get it, boy!" "Kody wants a cookie!" "Is that an 'I'm getting a belly-rub and it feels sooooooo good' look or what?" DH was in hysterics :lol: If you watch that show and think "golden retriever" you'll never get the image out of your head. There's going to be a whole generation of male goldens named Kody after this show. I can't be the only one who sees the frightening similarities.



HAHAHAHAHAHA thats hilarious.

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We have a golden doodle (which is kind of a stupid name...) who is the loveliest dog ever. Her father is a poodle (half standard/half miniature) and her mother is a golden retriever. She's smart like a poodle, but good-natured like golden retriever. She's about 55 pounds and has a wavy golden retriever coat with a curled poodle tail. She only sheds a very little bit. She is the most sociable dog I've ever met. People say she looks like a stuffed animal.

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We current own our second Golden as a family. Our Maggie Mae is a 9yo red Golden and has grown up with our children. She is unbelievably loyal, sweet, and good dog(after she turned about 4yo).


IMHO, absolutely the best family dogs I have ever known.


Now that I've said that, I can literally see the hair dropping off of her as she walks across the floor. It is a non-stop battle to keep the hair anywhere close to under control. Also, somewhere along the way, we decided it would be fun for Maggie to grow up with a kitten and got a long-haired gold-colored cat.


Thank goodness for the Costco sized rolls of lint/pet hair remover tape!!!!

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If you had said she and not he, I would have thought you were talking of our dog. She's a little over two and we too are waiting for her to mature into a "good dog". I tell my DH all the time, "I think we got the dumbest golden ever!"


Now that being said, she is excellent with the children. They can do whatever they want and she's never growled, nipped, nothing.


But I miss my Australian Shepard mutt. That was a perfect dog!


Our male golden (who's now 8) was this dog too. He really did mature and now is SO polite and such a gentleman. He'll back up to move out of your way when you're coming through a room. :) Our girlie (who is 6) is not so polite, but she was not the handful that our male was. She is sweet and happy and SO cute, but isn't quite as concerned about being a lady.


One of our daughter's said yesterday, "The one good thing about us not going to Malaysia is that we don't have to give up our goldens."

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