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My son is 14 years old. How long will it be until I know anything?

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Is it appropriate to laugh? I sure don't mean to laugh at anyone's expense, but sometimes humor helps, right? I'm right there in the trenches with you!!!


My 17, soon to be 17yob has always been gentlemanly with me and although at times he rolls his eyes, it's mostly because I have such a different personality than he does...


But... my other boys... yikes! They are either going to argue endlessly over the most ridiculous topics multiple times a day (they think they are talking... they don't hear the argument!)... roll eyes... slump shoulders...


My dh has much more patience with the boys than I do...



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How long will it be until I know anything?


My mom used to ask this about my youngest brother, who is 13 years younger than I. My answer was always, "When he's 35." :lol: Actually, he started to wise up around 30yo.


My ds is showing signs of acknowledging my intelligence. He's 16. I understand this may not be "normal," but he's always been mature for his age. ;)

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You have one of these too?


My understanding is that the 1996/1997 models contained fatal design flaws resulting in bugs in the logic code, insufficient memory, and slow processing times. The design has so many problems, that consumers/parents, instead of downloading upgrades and patches in an attempt to salvage the machine, declared the investment a loss, and chose a new model; the turbo-charged 1997/1998 Echelon or middle boy, so nicknamed by insiders in the industry. The middle boy, now 12 years post manufacturing release date, has significantly out performed it's predecessor by astounding margins.


No extended warranties were ever offered on the now 14 year old design and it is a testament to the sheer will of the consumer that they continue to limp this model along, though industry whistle-blowers have leaked an internal memo that model owners are planning on recycling their machines through college campuses across America in 2015. Technological experts are anxiously waiting to determine the impact this will have on the higher education community as it seeks to compute with sub-standard processors.


Faith - who will, at some point, post about the ridiculous and infamous "bagel" conversation she had with her 1996/97 substandard processor today!

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I'm 24 with two kids of my own, and my parents still don't know anything! ;) But that's a long, depressing story... My husband had to deal with a dad that was/is always right. And sadly, he really is a lot of the time. I don't think that opposite extremal is healthy either. Maybe 14 is old enough for him to start being allowed to make small mistakes on his own?

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You have one of these too?


My understanding is that the 1996/1997 models contained fatal design flaws resulting in bugs in the logic code, insufficient memory, and slow processing times. The design has so many problems, that consumers/parents, instead of downloading upgrades and patches in an attempt to salvage the machine, declared the investment a loss, and chose a new model; the turbo-charged 1997/1998 Echelon or middle boy, so nicknamed by insiders in the industry. The middle boy, now 12 years post manufacturing release date, has significantly out performed it's predecessor by astounding margins.


No extended warranties were ever offered on the now 14 year old design and it is a testament to the sheer will of the consumer that they continue to limp this model along, though industry whistle-blowers have leaked an internal memo that model owners are planning on recycling their machines through college campuses across America in 2015. Technological experts are anxiously waiting to determine the impact this will have on the higher education community as it seeks to compute with sub-standard processors.


Faith - who will, at some point, post about the ridiculous and infamous "bagel" conversation she had with her 1996/97 substandard processor today!



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Oh, jeez. DS14 fits right in with this group. He will take any position, no matter how extreme or illogical, simply because it opposes mine. I've learned to agree smilingly with every crack-pot thing he says, which then forces him to turn back around and tell me how wrong I am. Which then puts us back on the same page. :)


Good luck!

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I find these answers pretty pessimistic.


I think what happened with my own is that he started acting like I was a total idiot around that age. I backed out of his life a little, sought out his opinions more, let him make more decisions for himself and actually RESPECTED those decisions instead of saying some version of, "Well, it's your decision. Let me know when you need to be rescued from it." And, along with giving him more respect and self government, I also never really put up with his displays of contempt. I worked on that important life lesson that when you are financially dependent on someone, you can't project, "You are stupid" to them and expect to survive.


I'm not sure when he stopped privately thinking I am an idiot, but I would say that he definitely ACTED like I had valid thoughts and opinions at times throughout his teen years. At 23, I think he actually values my opinion. BUT you will never go pack to the years when he hung on every word. You will never go back to a time when he wants unsolicited advice on various matters. You will always have to bit your tongue a lot - even when he's much older.



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You have one of these too?


My understanding is that the 1996/1997 models contained fatal design flaws resulting in bugs in the logic code, insufficient memory, and slow processing times. The design has so many problems, that consumers/parents, instead of downloading upgrades and patches in an attempt to salvage the machine, declared the investment a loss, and chose a new model; the turbo-charged 1997/1998 Echelon or middle boy, so nicknamed by insiders in the industry. The middle boy, now 12 years post manufacturing release date, has significantly out performed it's predecessor by astounding margins.


No extended warranties were ever offered on the now 14 year old design and it is a testament to the sheer will of the consumer that they continue to limp this model along, though industry whistle-blowers have leaked an internal memo that model owners are planning on recycling their machines through college campuses across America in 2015. Technological experts are anxiously waiting to determine the impact this will have on the higher education community as it seeks to compute with sub-standard processors.


Faith - who will, at some point, post about the ridiculous and infamous "bagel" conversation she had with her 1996/97 substandard processor today!




How I wish I could write like that!

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Probably around the time he has kids of his own. :glare:





You have one of these too?


My understanding is that the 1996/1997 models contained fatal design flaws resulting in bugs in the logic code, insufficient memory, and slow processing times. The design has so many problems, that consumers/parents, instead of downloading upgrades and patches in an attempt to salvage the machine, declared the investment a loss, and chose a new model; the turbo-charged 1997/1998 Echelon or middle boy, so nicknamed by insiders in the industry. The middle boy, now 12 years post manufacturing release date, has significantly out performed it's predecessor by astounding margins.


No extended warranties were ever offered on the now 14 year old design and it is a testament to the sheer will of the consumer that they continue to limp this model along, though industry whistle-blowers have leaked an internal memo that model owners are planning on recycling their machines through college campuses across America in 2015. Technological experts are anxiously waiting to determine the impact this will have on the higher education community as it seeks to compute with sub-standard processors.


Faith - who will, at some point, post about the ridiculous and infamous "bagel" conversation she had with her 1996/97 substandard processor today!


Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! :smilielol5: Please tell me these bugs have been taken care of in the 2003 (and newer) models. :tongue_smilie:

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My understanding is that the 1996/1997 models contained fatal design flaws resulting in bugs in the logic code, insufficient memory, and slow processing times.


The design flaws are also present in the 1994 and 1995 models. I read your post. DD asked why adults always bash teenagers. DS2 said, "You should be glad Mom is actually laughing at something that is funny, for once." :D

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I've always loved this Mark Twain quote:


“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.â€


I was going to post the same thing. So, seven years!




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I've always loved this Mark Twain quote:


“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.â€


I was going to post the same thing. So, seven years!





This is where my thoughts first went to, also!



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You have one of these too?


My understanding is that the 1996/1997 models contained fatal design flaws resulting in bugs in the logic code, insufficient memory, and slow processing times. The design has so many problems, that consumers/parents, instead of downloading upgrades and patches in an attempt to salvage the machine, declared the investment a loss, and chose a new model; the turbo-charged 1997/1998 Echelon or middle boy, so nicknamed by insiders in the industry. The middle boy, now 12 years post manufacturing release date, has significantly out performed it's predecessor by astounding margins.


No extended warranties were ever offered on the now 14 year old design and it is a testament to the sheer will of the consumer that they continue to limp this model along, though industry whistle-blowers have leaked an internal memo that model owners are planning on recycling their machines through college campuses across America in 2015. Technological experts are anxiously waiting to determine the impact this will have on the higher education community as it seeks to compute with sub-standard processors.


Faith - who will, at some point, post about the ridiculous and infamous "bagel" conversation she had with her 1996/97 substandard processor today!



:lol: I am afraid to report that the '92 model also has some issues but they seriously overcompensated on the '93 model and it actually has more computing power than I can handle. My '96 model hasn't started giving me problems yet but the '99 looks like it could have some internal processing glitches.

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