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What you'll do after homeschool? Not that I plan on that happening for awhile, but I never thought we'd be homeschooling at all. See, I am a teacher with my Bachelor's degree but am not entirely sure that is where I want to go when everyone is older. DH thinks I'll own a quiltshop and get to teach quilt classes. Any other ideas?:001_huh:

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Pretty much just want to do Photography though I have other thoughts too... perhaps go back to school and get into graphic design. But then I ALSO want to be a doula, possibly to Moms "in crisis" who don't have any kind of support person... I've even considered the idea of pairing this with photography for those who would want me to take their "first pictures" for them -- support person/newborn photographer.


Too many plans is my problem as you can see! LOL:tongue_smilie:

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I have been looking at my mom and mil, both have to squeeze in their grandma time around jobs and I'm not sure I want to do that either :) I think that's an excellent point. Plus homeschool has already spoiled me for the classroom, I think it would be a major adjustment.

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You mean after all the *traveling* that I want to do with my girlfriends? LOL


I'm a 15 yr veteran dental hygienist doing occasional temp work, mostly on Saturdays. DH and I always assumed I'd continue that career after homeschooling. But it's really not my passion, so I'd like to explore other options for when the kids are older. I bought the book Zen and the Art of Making a Living. It has wonderful exercises to help narrow down "life work" choices. I haven't figured what mine will be, but it's fun to think about. I think nonprofit/public service is where I'm headed.


I'd love to hear what other moms are planning to do as their life work. I wonder what careers are best suited to experienced homeschool moms? Would that be a different thread? :)

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Yes, I've thought of it too. I also have a teaching degree for elementary. But I KNOW I won't go back to that!


I may have to go with homeschooling the grandkids! I'd LOVE to travel some with my dh as well! I guess I'll have to wait to see what life holds in the next few years (I already have two in highschool! How'd THAT happen?! :eek: )

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"But looking at the age of your kids, I think you have some time."

Oh, I know I have time, and I am so thankful that I have that time! But many of my acquaintances are "moving on" and I know they must wonder what's wrong with me LOL:lol: Why on earth would I want to stay home with my kids and teach them when I can just send them to the school down the road and quilt all day?! Or summer camps, so far my kids are only signed up for swimming lessons and I know we'll do VBS, but so many of their friends are scheduled from the time they get out of school up until school returns. They send me information, I know they mean well, but it makes me think ..... I never would have thought I would be a homeschooler :)


I also love the idea of mentoring, I can point to the person who encouraged me to try homeschool and thank her everytime I see her for her insights and suggestions.

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I think about it earnestly quite often. My problem is I want to do what I want to do AND I want it to also bring me some income (which we'll probably need). Hard to marry the two, or to do it well.



Community education about healthful food and food issues

Have considered a second degree in nutrition

Photography or another artistic pursuit also intrigues me



Funny, I always figured I'd know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Maybe the trouble is I haven't grown up! :lol:

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At one point I thought I'd go back to school for a pharmacy degree. I no longer have any interest in that whatsoever.


Then I decided that I really wanted to study physiology and become a massage therapist. I wanted to especially work with young and/or single moms, perhaps as some sort of ministry.


These days, though, I have no idea.

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What you'll do after homeschool? Not that I plan on that happening for awhile, but I never thought we'd be homeschooling at all. See, I am a teacher with my Bachelor's degree but am not entirely sure that is where I want to go when everyone is older. DH thinks I'll own a quiltshop and get to teach quilt classes. Any other ideas?:001_huh:



I dream of going back to school! :D I just don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! I’ve thought of business classes and maybe cooking classes.... does this sound crazy?


I’ve also thought about becoming a teacher, but that doesn’t spark a fire like owning a restaurant... gourmet type food, very healthy, but presented in a casual atmosphere...


My husbands dream is to have a surfer themed restaurant and have one of those giant wave pools indoors with a retractable roof! How’s that for a dream?!

I have 5 more years before my youngest graduates. So it will happen sooner than I think. I dont want to loose tomuch touch w/ the homeschool community... so I would like to find a way to keep connected somehow....

Good question...

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I am seriously considering going back to school to become a Latin teacher.


I always thought I'd probably go into midwifery. I think I'd still like to do doula work, but I am so excited at the idea of going back to school and teaching, and keeping Latin (and Greek) alive. I would love to work for a cottage school of some type.

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Travel, travel, travel.


Spoil my grownup kids to death and figure all the in-laws will do the same for the grandkids.


Travel some more, LOL.


When I'm travelled out I want to open up a bed and breakfast at some gorgeous location and pamper other people who need to travel. If you could do it right, wouldn't that be fun?

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I have been involving my kids for some time in community service but I'm so busy running them around that I have limited things I can do myself.


My husband said I don't have to go get a job or anything. He's happy to continue to support me. I'm hoping to be a busy grandma who volunteers where I'm needed in the community.


I'm not too self-motivated but there are thankfully a lot of organized programs around to just join up with.

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I am seriously considering going back to school to become a Latin teacher. . . always thought I'd probably go into midwifery.


I also often think about midwifery, or maybe lay herbalism. It's been years since I've touched the subject, but I was pretty good at it back when I was active (when I was having babies, and studying up). But like you, Stephanie, now I think I want to go on with the classics, do something more to make sure the next generation thinks.


So I ponder the book biz. It seems like a natural for us, coming from a family full of writers, editors and publishers. We know how to eek out a self-sustaining book, not to a belly-filling living, but if we're communal about it . . .


You see, if all goes as planned, I'll have vegetable and herb gardens, chickens and goats to tend. My partner will have his poets and actors and generally weird (in a good way), needy (in a sharing, communal way) people in and out of our home constantly. I don't want any of that to change.


So maybe I'll expand our cordwood, passive solar home into an official monastery-like retreat/publishing house for ex-homeschoolers and other displaced cultural creatives who want to write, learn, and go on changing the world one mind at a time. They can come and do that, get published and promoted and fed, too, so long as they don't mind taking a turn with the tomatoes, chickens and composting toilet chores once in a while.


That's the dream, anyway. I shall attempt to proceed confidently.

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I just cannot imagine wanting to homeschool my grand children... (I'm not knocking those who want to... I just can't imagine doing it myself.) I mean, I love my kids and homeschooling is my gift to them but it's honestly not my greatest passion in life. Kwim? My kids are my greatest passion, but I homeschool out of conviction that it's the best I can do for them, academically speaking, not because I enjoy actually doing it all that much. Is that terrible? I enjoy the life it affords us, being together -- a more relaxed pace, being able to pursue personal goals and passions more easily, learning as a lifestyle (oh and did I mention the messy house because the children are home 24 hours a day?) :lol: Am I the only one who feels this way?


Question for those who imagine doing this some day... what if your kids don't want you to? What if your kids (gulp) want to send their kids to public school?

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What if your kids (gulp) want to send their kids to public school?


What?! They can't do that. If they do that, I will become the drama queen grandma who sighs heavily every other minute and makes constant reference to her life's meaningless because she failed as a parent, the pursuit she devoted her entire life to!



(BTW, I agree, Nancypants: I don't want to homeschool my grandkids.)

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Question for those who imagine doing this some day... what if your kids don't want you to? What if your kids (gulp) want to send their kids to public school?


My grandkids will belong to my kids. Not to me. It's their call. If they choose public school, then so be it.


If any of them would *like* to have me homeschool their kids, I would love to do so. Maybe I will feel differently at the time, but I do this not just because I believe it is best for my children, but because *I* love it. I can't imagine doing this if that weren't the case ... perhaps I'm too selfish for that ;-) I love it.


I'd love to show up at that monastery/retreat, too, Rose. Funny you mentioned lay herbalism ... that's just life. I couldn't stop working with herbs if I tried :D

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