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If my foot were broken...

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I would know for sure that it was broken, right? I had an escaping three year old today and I took off at a run to grab him. I was wearing slide on shoes and my foot slipped out and I sorta rolled my ankle over. When I hit the ground, I *knew* I had broken it. But, after a couple of minutes I was able to get up and walk on it.


Seven hours later, I can hardly bear to walk on it. It feels worse by the second. I can bear weight on it, but it's painful. However, there is no bruising or swelling. But, man, oh man, it hurts.


Just a sprain, right?

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I broke my foot a few years ago....fell down our stairs. I heard a crack and knew it was broken. By the time I got to the ER it was ver swollen and black and blue. You could see the bulge of the bone. There was no way I could have walked on it...it was a bad break. I would go get an x-ray. It could be a sprain, a fracture, or even a minor break. I wouldn't blow it off as a sprain without knowing for certain. If it is broken and you don't get it properly treated, you will pay for it in the long run!!!

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Well, when I broke mine I was busy chasing kids and let six weeks go by before investigating that nagging occasional stabbing pain in my foot. Thankfully it had already started healing in the correct position.


There are many bones in the foot. But a sprain can hurt worse than a break. An x-ray is the only way to tell for sure.


Ice it and elevate, and see how it feels in the morning.

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You absolutely cannot tell by the level of pain or swelling involved. Sprains can be ridiculously nasty with the inability to move or put any weight on the joint whatsoever....and breaks can be the opposite. Depends on what bone is involved and the extent of the fracture. The only way to tell is with an x-ray.

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Haha, you're funny! I have one bad foot, and I've broken it 4 times at least. I've had "cracks" more times than I care to admit. I can feel it slightly cracking and know to lay off it immediately or it will break. There are so many bones and weight-bearing parts on the foot which affect each bone, there's really no telling without an x-ray. Trust me. ;)

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My daughter broke her wrist in a simple fall while rollerblading. We didn't take her in - thought it was just a sprain - no bruising or swelling. When it still hurt after two weeks, we got an xray - then a cast. My bad! It was 15 years ago and she still won't let me forget it.


Get an x-ray.

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My daughter broke her wrist in a simple fall while rollerblading. We didn't take her in - thought it was just a sprain - no bruising or swelling. When it still hurt after two weeks, we got an xray - then a cast. My bad! It was 15 years ago and she still won't let me forget it.




My cousin did the same thing with her son's leg. One of his brothers jumped on it on the tramp. A week later when it still hurt, they took him in and... yup, broken. She felt awful. :001_smile:

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My dd did something to her foot last night. I told her we would know if it were broken. Now you people have managed to convince me that I must drag 4 children in to an ER so dd can get x-rays.:glare:


Don't bother with the ER. Call an orthopedist. The ER won't even cast it. They will xray it, say yes it's broken and set you up with an appointment. The orthopedist told us never to go to the ER unless is was obviously dislocated or an open fracture with the bone sticking out of the skin.


Save yourself the money, time, and hassle of an ER visit.

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Don't bother with the ER. Call an orthopedist. The ER won't even cast it. They will xray it, say yes it's broken and set you up with an appointment. The orthopedist told us never to go to the ER unless is was obviously dislocated or an open fracture with the bone sticking out of the skin.


Save yourself the money, time, and hassle of an ER visit.


I ended up getting a babysitter and going to an urgent care facility. DD's foot wasn't broken. But he did recommend getting a boot and/or crutches. We borrowed both from a friend with accident prone children and all four kids have been happily fighting over the crutches. :001_smile:


Thank you for the tip. I'm sure it will come in handy some day. I had no idea the ER wouldn't cast it.


I'm curious to know how OP's foot turned out, too. :bigear:

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Um, no you can not tell. I almost got in trouble for child abuse because I delayed taking a child in with a broken arm because it was not apparent at first that it was broken. It functioned correctly, didn't obviously look broken and the dr. said that they would not have even been able to tell that it was broken at first (I am not sure why, something to do with the direction of the break or something). I also know people that have broken ankles or ribs and did not know it. If it was a major bone like femor then yeah you would probably know but for smaller bones it is harder to tell.

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Don't bother with the ER. Call an orthopedist. ...

Save yourself the money, time, and hassle of an ER visit.

:iagree: This. Absolutely. My dd broke her arm at 2 y/o and the radiologist on duty missed it, while the technician at the orthopedist's caught it right away from the original x-ray. DD also broke her foot jumping barefoot on a pogo stick and just had minimal pain and swelling. (The tendon that runs across the bottom of the foot and attaches to the side pulled off a piece of bone.)

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I would just like to congratulate you on the proper use of the subjunctive mood in your title. Your foot may be broken, but your grammar is impeccable. ;)



Only on the WTM forums would I get a response like this. You have no idea how hard I laughed when I read this. I don't even know what this means. I had absolutely no grammar in school. I was planning on learning it ahead of DD, but now I'm thinking I'm going to have to learn it with her. :) So, would someone please explain the subjunctive mood to me?


stacey, how's that foot feeling?

The foot is feeling much better. Still a little sore, but it seems to be improving every day. I hate doctors, so it would have to be feeling worse every day for me to go in. Or still bothering me a little a year from now. ;)


Thanks for the concern.

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