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Beauty advice?

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I love DHC's deep cleaning oil. I use that daily and give my skin a good scrub with an exfoliating cloth every few days.


But...it sounds like a trip to the dermatologist is in order. Retin-A can really help restore that youthful glow, but you need a prescription for it. The dermatologist might have other options to try. Also, things like forehead creases really only go away with Botox, as far as I know. I haven't tried it myself yet, but I've heard that if you get a year or so (I think each shot lasts a few months) of Botox, then that muscle kind of "unlearns" how to scrunch up, so that after that many people don't really need the shots any more because they've relearned how to move their face without scrunching up the same muscle in the same way all the time.


Over-the-counter options: I like to use a vitamin-C masque when I feel like my skin is looking a bit dull. I'm told that some of the C concentrates available really help with fine wrinkles, but I haven't tried them myself.


I've used a masque of aspirin powder as well, for the same kind of effect. Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, so it has an exfoliating effect.


I've heard good things about Olay's Regenerist line but haven't tried it.


As a drastic last resort, an older friend of mine had precancerous spots on her face and had to have a harsh acid peel. It looked ghastly for a few weeks, but when it all healed up, her skin looked 20 years younger. It was absolutely amazing. I don't think I'd go there without the medical need that she had, but the difference was unbelievable.

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Another thought - I use oil (coconut or jojoba) right after I pat my face dry. I just put on a tiny amount, and then I use regular moisturizer after the oil. It seems to make a big difference in how moist my skin stays in the winter.


Another thing that helps bring out more glow is to use some granulated sugar as a scrub. Don't rub too hard until you figure out what your skin likes.

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I had a light chemical peel recently, and my skin looks much better than it did before. It tightened my skin, improved the texture, and made fine lines less noticeable. Peels are not cheap and you look awful for a few days, but they really do improve the look of your skin.

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I use a good mineral sunscreen, it's more of those days you don't think will burn you and then surprise you! :lol: I burn so easily I usually wear something. Stinkin Irish skin!


I tried the oil cleansing this morning. My skin feels so much better. I just used olive oil but my skin isn't tight or itchy. Thanks!

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Smile and laugh a lot.

:iagree: :)


Another thought - I use oil (coconut or jojoba) right after I pat my face dry. I just put on a tiny amount, and then I use regular moisturizer after the oil. It seems to make a big difference in how moist my skin stays in the winter.

Another thing that helps bring out more glow is to use some granulated sugar as a scrub. Don't rub too hard until you figure out what your skin likes.

Great advice.


Drinking water is probably the #2 beauty tip (staying out of the sun, which we all know, is #1). Poorly hydrated skin isn't going to look good under any foundation.

Ideally, your urine should be clear.



Try to have at least 1/2 of each meal be veggies and/or fruit.

I try (but definitely don't always succeed) to juice veggies and have one juice a day. My parents do this daily.

One of the most conspicuous things about the diets of the five longest-lived populations is that they all include large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. The most important anti-aging aspect of fruits and veggies is their high levels of antioxidants. As well as host of other benefits, antioxidants protect tissues from cross-linking, a process that causes arteries to stiffen and skin to wrinkle. To test your cross-linking, put your hand flat on a table surface. Take a pinch of skin from the back of your hand and pull it upward. If it springs back, your cross-linking damage is minimal. The longer it stays raised, the more cross-linking damage you have. The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live. You could say that one of the commonest causes of aging is a fruit and vegetable deficiency.

Another benefit of fruits and veggies is the high-fiber content. Fiber improves digestion and ensures skin-damaging toxins are flushed from the body.

Spinach and other dark green leafy veggies slow down the aging process.

Red Peppers are rich in Vitamin C – reduces wrinkling and dryness of the skin.

Include protein at every meal. Protein provides the essential amino acids that the body uses to repair and regenerate the cells for maintaining skin’s tone and elasticity. The body can’t store protein for future use, so it’s important to consume lean protein at each meal – poultry, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

2 tsp cinnamon daily is loaded w/manganese and helps skin look more radiant and younger

Eat plenty of fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil – these healthy fats are all necessary for radiant, supple skin. I LOVE Carlson's Fish Oil - has a ton of health benefits and I'm convinced that it helps the skin.

Sunflower Seeds are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps prevent sun damage. Try sprinkling them on your salad.

Refined Sugar, Highly Processed, and Fried Foods

Limit these as much as possible. Sugar triggers the formation of free radicals, which damage the skin’s supportive collagen strands.


Regular exercise, particularly yoga, improves blood circulation to skin, feeds skin cells, and makes the skin glow. Yoga improves skin’s elasticity, strength, and firmness. It’s also great for hair health.



Wrinkles aren't typically what make a woman look old, but loss of something called "brightness". Cellular build-up and clogged and enlarged pores can make skin look dim and dull. Nothing beats having facials, but if you can't afford them, you can do stuff at home.

I love Exfolia Cloth from amazon

Always be more gentle than you think you need to be!

Exfoliating scrubs used twice a week will help with blackheads and increase brightness.

If you use one of the scrubs, the particles should be smooth and feel like sugar in your hand. If they are too big or rough, they can tear skin. Go for a gentle product with a manufactured exfoliant - like micro beads - versus a natural exfoliant like seeds or pits because the rough edges can actually cause little scratches on your skin and cause more damage in the long run than help. This is one time natural is not necessarily better!

Use only your ring finger to massage a manual exfoliant on your face as it has the lightest touch - even though it feels so good to REALLY scrub!

Always be more gentle than you think you need to be! Always err on the side of babying your skin.

I really like:

Mary Kay Time Wise Microdermabrasion– the entire Mary Kay line is said to be good

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I've started aging...and not very gracefully! Does anyone have beauty tips/product advice (not surgery ;) ) I have very dry skin, forehead creases, and my once porcelain skin is now terrible!


I recently discovered Paula's Choice products. I shop for them when they are on sale - right now she's offering 15% off on your entire order, plus free shipping on orders over $75. Your order will also include three free samples, of your choice. To try her products, you can order samples for $5; they come with a $5 gift card that you can use toward the price of your next purchase.


I live her Resist line; it has really made a difference in my skin. Her make up is wonderful too. You'll also find her customer service personnel to be very helpful.


And no, I don't receive a commission for selling Paula's Choice products :001_smile:

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I have been doing the oil cleansing with olive oil all week, and WOW! What a change. That and using my apricot scrub with a washcloth instead of my fingers. My skin is so much nicer already. I still have forehead creases (I mostly blame squinting on this, though my optometrist tells me my prescription is right), but I'll take any change I can!

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For your forehead creases, try Frownies.




I love all the beauty products from Isabella Catalog (linked above). Their Exfolia Cloth is great, and the Sea-Chi Creme is the best moisturizer I've ever used....plus it is healing! If you are looking for natural (chemical-free) products, I highly recommend Isabella's products.

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For your forehead creases, try Frownies.




Yes! These are neat! I first tried them when I read that the very beautiful and natural looking Renee Russo swears by them. I find that if I can stick one on for a few hours a day (obviously when I have no where to go), it is easier for me to use. I have a bit of trouble falling asleep with a sticker between my eyes.


I love all the beauty products from Isabella Catalog (linked above). Their Exfolia Cloth is great, and the Sea-Chi Creme is the best moisturizer I've ever used....plus it is healing! If you are looking for natural (chemical-free) products, I highly recommend Isabella's products.


I had a light chemical peel recently, and my skin looks much better than it did before. It tightened my skin, improved the texture, and made fine lines less noticeable. Peels are not cheap and you look awful for a few days, but they really do improve the look of your skin.


Mejane, I have been considering doing this. What kind of recoup time is needed, and do you think it would clear up some tiny broken capillaries on my cheek?

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Mejane, I have been considering doing this. What kind of recoup time is needed, and do you think it would clear up some tiny broken capillaries on my cheek?


Sorry AuntieM, I just saw this.


The first two days you look fabulous - tight and pink. Then you peel... and peel... and peel. :D I peeled for four days. It was like a bad sunburn. After, my skin looked better but not anything dramatic. As I said, you need to do it a few times to really see a marked difference. My sil has them done regularly, and her skin looks fantastic.


I'm not sure about it helping broken capillaries. I will see my dermo on Friday; I can ask her and let you know. :)

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I seem to be ageing slowly (as in, I keep getting told I look young). It doesn't seem to be especially genetic.

I eat well- mostly vegetables, fruit, some grains/nuts/seeds/a little fish- although I have eaten meat for years too but only a small amount.

I do my best to get plenty of sleep and rest and to minimise stress. I get a moderate amount of exercise but its mostly gentle- yoga and walking.

I have used moisturiser on my face daily since I was about 20- natural ones.

I don't use soap at all, or any sort of cleanser on my face. My skin is dry. Water is enough. Sometimes I use moisturiser or coconut oil over my whole body, but I am slack about that.

I do shampoo/condition my hair every 2 or 3 days.

I drink water, and don't drink sodas. I have 2 cups of tea each day- no other caffeine usually.

I am a healthy weight although I would love to be a little lighter :)


I think a lot of beauty stuff is just gimmicks.

It helps to be at peace with ageing and to take care of your whole body, inside and out, as well as your emotional state, rather than concentrating on the surface. Beauty really does shine from within.

I have learned how to dress well (much better than in my twenties) and i recognise a genuine smile goes a long way towards making one seem beautiful (much better than a scowl or a face of bitterness).

Be happy and love yourself and recognise the beauty that is already there. See yourself as your kids see you. You are beautiful.


I love this website-Operation Beautiful . I have a stickynote on the mirror especially for dd16 but for me too :)

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I recommend a diamond microdermabrasion treatment. It's soooo gentle and effective. It's not harsh at all. It feels like a cat licking your face, and there is no downtime with redness or irritation like some peels or other types of microderm treatments. It's not the kind with the chemical crystals, this one uses a diamond tipped head. I feel 10 years younger. Wish I could get one more often!

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I will swear by 4 things:

1) drink lots of water - when you are even a little dehydrated your skin shows it

2) stay out of the sun

3) use a good moisturizer (I use Arbonne's FC5 day lotion and night cream)

4) Clarisonic Mia -- seriously, until I got one of these my skin looked okay, but after using it every night for 3 months, my skin is amazing. I also use less moisturizer since my skin is so thoroughly cleansed beforehand.

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I recommend a diamond microdermabrasion treatment. It's soooo gentle and effective. It's not harsh at all. It feels like a cat licking your face, and there is no downtime with redness or irritation like some peels or other types of microderm treatments. It's not the kind with the chemical crystals, this one uses a diamond tipped head. I feel 10 years younger. Wish I could get one more often!


Any brand recommendation? This is all new to me!

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My grandmother's advice has stuck with me through all my years, she told me to make sure I smiled a lot, that way my face would develop smile creases instead of frown creases, leaving me looking happy when I am old. I have tried to do her advice, and I am slowly developing wonderful smile creases.



I recently discovered Paula's Choice products.

I love her products and they're the only ones I use, although I don't use them as often as I probably should.

I may sadly stop using them however, due to parabens. I love her stuff, but parabens concern me ...


I love all the beauty products from Isabella Catalog (linked above). Their Exfolia Cloth is great, and the Sea-Chi Creme is the best moisturizer I've ever used....plus it is healing! If you are looking for natural (chemical-free) products, I highly recommend Isabella's products.

I should look into the Isabella catalog. I've been using the Exfolia Cloth for a few years and really love it.


I eat well- mostly vegetables, fruit, some grains/nuts/seeds/a little fish- although I have eaten meat for years too but only a small amount.

I do my best to get plenty of sleep and rest and to minimise stress. I get a moderate amount of exercise but its mostly gentle- yoga and walking.

I have used moisturiser on my face daily since I was about 20- natural ones.

I don't use soap at all, or any sort of cleanser on my face. My skin is dry. Water is enough. Sometimes I use moisturiser or coconut oil over my whole body, but I am slack about that.

I do shampoo/condition my hair every 2 or 3 days.

I drink water, and don't drink sodas. I have 2 cups of tea each day- no other caffeine usually.

I am a healthy weight although I would love to be a little lighter :)

I think a lot of beauty stuff is just gimmicks.

It helps to be at peace with ageing and to take care of your whole body, inside and out, as well as your emotional state, rather than concentrating on the surface. Beauty really does shine from within.

I have learned how to dress well (much better than in my twenties) and i recognise a genuine smile goes a long way towards making one seem beautiful (much better than a scowl or a face of bitterness).

Be happy and love yourself and recognise the beauty that is already there. See yourself as your kids see you. You are beautiful.

I love this website-Operation Beautiful . I have a stickynote on the mirror especially for dd16 but for me too :)

Fabulous advice. :)

I also never cleanse my face, only in the shower. At night, I wash with water and every few nights, use Paula's Choice exfoliator. But I'm soon going to stop that. I never wear make up and I don't dye my hair, although I have grays.

Beauty definitely comes from within. :D

Dh has always reminded me that most of the products are gimmicks, if not, all.

I've also learned to dress so much better than before.

Thanks for the link, Peela. Bookmarked it.


I wish I could do something about the minor brown sun/age spots on my nose and cheeks. :confused:

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I have used it for several years.

I use olive oil mixed with castor oil. 2/3 to 1/3

cleanse for 8 min, get out my facial streamer and steam with the oil on for 5 min and then wipe it off and steam for 3 min more. My skin is nice and smooth. Using a cloth afterwards exfoliates. no hard rubbing.


I also use Complex 15 skin cream on my face, nice and light and moisturizes really well. my skin is not dry.

always use an eye cream day and night, Avon has a great two part one. It has lessened my crows feet and puffiness.

I hardly use makeup anymore. My skin is that good now.

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A friend of mine makes cleanser and oils based on the oil cleansing method and I love it. I love the facial cleanser and the serum.




Just placed my order :D

I placed my order then my internet went out so I had to call her to see if it went through. It didn't so placed my order over the phone.

Can't wait to get it :001_smile:

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