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What does "Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry?"

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Help me understand how a person could send me an e-mail that was two long paragraphs, apparently from her blackberry. Did she type it out on that tiny keyboard? She sent it early this morning and she's a SAHM, so I'm wondering why she just didn't use her laptop. Cell reception is poor in our area so our cell is used just occasionally for calls and never texting or internet. I'm such a technical hick sometimes.

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I can type just about as fast on my BB as I can on my laptop ~ and I don't mean that I'm slow on my laptop. ;)


I've replied to many emails on my BB -- I'll often check it when I wake up because I have a friend who stays up later than I do and our pattern is that she emails me at 11pm-12am and I reply around 3-4am...so in that case, I'm usually replying while laying in bed and my laptop isn't even turned on yet...


or I'm at the store.. or a kids' activity...the library...in the middle of doing something and my BB is just more convenient than going to wherever the laptop is, logging into my gmail account, and replying there.... etc.


edit: I send emails to my dh a lot via my BB as well -- he's not really supposed to use his phone at work, so instead of texting him I'll send an email to his work account. (He's in front of his computer 90% of the day)

Edited by LidiyaDawn
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I have a BB and i'm just as likely to type on my BB than my laptop. I often find that if I take the time to sit at my laptop than I end up wasting alot more time surfing. If I answer on my BB I answer and then just move on...


I'm not really sure why you care what device she responds on however...

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Some of my most stirring and profound emails are composed on my Blackberry. Er, while I'm stuck nursing again. And again. And again....



I can hold my bb closer while nursing, allowing me to use 2 hands (er, thumbs). This post is being typed with 1 hand b/c baby doesn't much like the laptop on his head, and my left arm isn't long enough to reach around him. ;)

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I think the "Sent from my..." you get with a variety of messages is tacked on automatically by the software in the phone or from the cell service. I see it crop up in lots of places and with a variety of companies. If there is a way to kill that sig line most folks don't seem to bother.


I've seen some people who use it as a vanity signature, ie "look at me-I'm important enough to have a smart phone." :001_rolleyes: I deleted my auto signature as soon as possible.


As for typing it on the phone vs. laptop, I use my phone for most email messages now. It's easier, always with me, and keeps me from getting stuck on the computer for way too long...like now. :D

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Sometimes the phone automatically attaches that statement onto emails if you have your phone set up for e-mail.

ETA: Why else would she say "Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry " ?



Most carriers have a default sig line for BBs that includes their name (like Verizon). Unless the user goes into her account to change it, it will always attach itself to her emails. She won't see that in her sent mail, though.


FWIW, I use my BB all the time and type some very long emails on it, as I'm usually out working and not at a desk. If you are used to it, it's no big deal. Of course, I have changed my sig line to my work info, so it looks more like a regular email sent from my laptop (without the colour).

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I've seen some people who use it as a vanity signature, ie "look at me-I'm important enough to have a smart phone." :001_rolleyes: I deleted my auto signature as soon as possible.


As for typing it on the phone vs. laptop, I use my phone for most email messages now. It's easier, always with me, and keeps me from getting stuck on the computer for way too long...like now. :D



How presumptuous of you. :glare: It is a default set by the carrier. Especially if you are new to using a smartphone, you might not even know that you can change it to a personalized sig line.

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How presumptuous of you. :glare: It is a default set by the carrier. Especially if you are new to using a smartphone, you might not even know that you can change it to a personalized sig line.


I had no idea it was possible to delete that signature. I just now looked around on the phone and didn't see anywhere to turn it off. That would be lovely!

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:iagree: Sometimes it is just easier than turning on the computer and taking the time to sit down and answer emails, or getting distracted by things like WTM forums. :D


This. I sometimes send things from my phone even when I'm at home. Not usually, but sometimes. And the tag is automatically put at the end of emails and facebook updates. I didn't know you have the option of removing it -- I might look into that.

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How presumptuous of you. :glare: It is a default set by the carrier. Especially if you are new to using a smartphone, you might not even know that you can change it to a personalized sig line.


The glaring smilie was not necessary, as I was not being presumptuous. If you look again you'll notice I said "some people," specifically referencing some acquaintenances who've changed their siggy line. Wording such as "sent from my awesome, brand new iPhone4" or "typed on my new Droid X Christmas gift from my amazing husband" come to my memory. I did not at all indicate the stock signature that most smartphones come with because I'm completely aware that many people do not know they can be changed in the email settings.

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I have a Droid, but it is my 4th smart phone with a QWERTY keyboard. I have had a slide out keyboard for at least 8 years and have gotten pretty fast on it. I didn't realize apparently how fast until the guy at the AT&T store was switching all my info from my old phone to this one and asked me to enter some information. (I had emphasized at the beginning of the shopping trip that whatever phone I purchased had to have a QWERTY keyboard.) When I handed it back to him he was like, "Wow! I see now why you wanted one. You are fast on that!"


I will admit it is still easier to type on my desktop, but I often post on my phone around the house if I am sitting in the LR watching TV with the family or early in the morning, I might check emails while still laying in bed. If I am out and about, waiting for a kids to get out or a class or finish with practice is always good email & Facebook time, too!

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I had no idea it was possible to delete that signature. I just now looked around on the phone and didn't see anywhere to turn it off. That would be lovely!



You can't do it from your phone itself for some unknown reason.


When you set up your smartphone, your carrier probably made you go to certain webpage to input your email address to activate and set up email service for that phone. This is also (usually) the same page you go to if you need to send service books to your device (if you're not getting email for example). If you go back there, you should be able to click around and find a place to edit your settings or options. My carrier's page is very simplistic, but it was still hard to find the 'edit' button for my email accounts (I get more than one on my BB).


Every carrier is a little different, so check your carrier's website to find out where the page is and how to change your sig line. You might never have even been there if your carrier pre-set the phone for you and you ran all your set-up from the phone. Run a search query on your carrier's site if you have to. Once you find out the right site, bookmark it.

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