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The one conversation I wish that I could have.....

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a long and deep talk about our children with my husband. He's not a great conversationalist, likes to talk a lot without listening and really just not very interested in hashing anything out with me. I really long to talk about my them with someone who knows and cares :( No relatives either.


What about you? Who would your conversation be with and what would it be about?

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a long and deep talk about our children with my husband. He's not a great conversationalist, likes to talk a lot without listening and really just not very interested in hashing anything out with me.


What about you? Who would your conversation be with and what would it be about?


I'm sorry about your dh. :( :grouphug:


There are two people I long to talk with but for different reasons. 1) would be Jesus because I just would love to talk with Him face to face and hear how His voice sounds and ask Him all my questions. 2) would be my grandfather because I just miss him so much. He was more like a father to me than a grandfather and even though he died in 1987, I still miss him terribly and have dreams about seeing him again and talking with him. I just wish I could hear his voice again and hug him and smell his smell. I miss him. He left this earth way to early. :crying:

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I would talk to my mother. She hints sometimes at "things that happened" in the family, particularly when she was little and/or my grandmother was growing up, but she refuses to talk about these things until my grandmother passes (she's 86 and still sharp as a tack). I'd also like to find out about HER. She very rarely talks about her childhood.

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I'm soo sooo sorry :( I can't even imagine!


My dh is my bestfriend.


As for what conversation do I wish I could have...it'd be with my father in law. He passed almost 3 years ago and I wish I could've told him that dh and I are doing lovely and we had a boy...named after him.

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Now that my parents are gone, while I "hear" from my mother quite a bit, my father, outwardly the more social, is rather silent in my heart. More of his life, his inner workings, his long (and for me, born when he was 50, dark) past is obscured than hers. How I wish I could have a day with him, his hearing and mind alive, say when he was 87, to talk to him, not as father-daughter, but as a confidante.


I recall only snippets of his inner thoughts. A comment he made when I showed him this picture:




that, as a boy during WWI, he had thought Haig a hero, and Plumer a knockkneed old fuddy duddy, and how he had later discovered Haig was a sword-rattling fool who wasted lives, and Plumer has some decent ideas.


A man who thought a real man was bright-eyed, and chipper, and encouraging, and the support of all is not inclined to toss about doubts in conversation, but I wish now he was not quite so chipper, and that he could have given me more hints on how to grow old.


After he died, I found a long box of notecards, on each was written the name of a book he'd read, and a quote from it. On a card from a book or article by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (NOT the sort of writer I associated with my father!), he'd written a quote about the man giving him the most trouble in his life was himself.


How he came from the glum notes on those cards (probably from the early 1930s), to the most even-tempered and cheerfullest of souls (asking the ambulette driver his name just 12 hours before he died, twisting in some pain, while arriving at the hospice that would give him pain meds, from intestinal ischemia, those old 97 year old guts giving out...but the gentleman they rode around in unable not to be polite to the last), that is the conversation I wish I could have.

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He's not a great conversationalist, likes to talk a lot without listening


Mine is the opposite. He likes to listen a lot without talking.


It gets lonely sometimes, to really want and need an invested and thoughtful opinion, to talk for a while about homeschooling the girls, only to hear him say, "Yup, uh-huh, whatever you think is best, Honey."


That's like working so hard to paint a beautiful picture, only to hear someone say, "Yup, it's nice."

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I also email my husband regularly when I have something to say and need him to hear it. I try and keep it to one topic per email though...he's a bloke and all.


I would like to talk to my long dead female ancestors- great grandmothers back and back. I think it would be great to meet them and see what sort of people they were, and see what sort of qualities they had.

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I'd like to have an adult conversation with my grandfathers, and tell my grandmother that King Canute's mother was a Pole. That'd really annoy her :D




Wow, I'm impressed. Sweyn Forkbeard (Canute's father) was an obsession of mine for a short period of time. He's something that I can't talk to anyone about, because noone in my universe knows who he is.


When I mention him, I feel like a magician pulling a dragon out of a hat.

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I would love to talk with my paternal grandmother. She died shortly after I was married, so I was only 21. I didn't grow up near her, and while she was always loving I didn't appreciate her (I was always anxious to get to my other grandma's house, because that's where my cousins were). I've since come to find out that we were actually quite similar in personality (and I get my build and eyes from her as well), and I would just love to sit and talk and listen and learn and appreciate her. When my parents were cleaning out her house, they discovered competitive swimming ribbons she'd won (no one even knew she used to swim!).

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Mine is the opposite. He likes to listen a lot without talking.


It gets lonely sometimes, to really want and need an invested and thoughtful opinion, to talk for a while about homeschooling the girls, only to hear him say, "Yup, uh-huh, whatever you think is best, Honey."


That's like working so hard to paint a beautiful picture, only to hear someone say, "Yup, it's nice."


I can relate to this. I'd love to have an in depth conversation about the kids and long term goals for them and homeschooling but... Not going to happen. He doesn't like to have serious conversations unless they relate to the budget.

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I would also email. First - they have to listen... second, I can present my thoughts in a manner that I know he will understand and I can go edit before I hit send :)

In fact - when DH is deployed and we communicate mostly through email - we have some of our best conversations.

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Guest momk2000

My husband. He likes to talk about trivial, unimportant stuff, but I have not been able to interest him in talking about our future. In the years we have been married, we have not planned anything out. It scares me, but he never seems to worry or be concerned about anything.


My Dad. I miss him so much, and would love to have just one more day on earth with him.

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I would like to talk to my long dead female ancestors- great grandmothers back and back. I think it would be great to meet them and see what sort of people they were, and see what sort of qualities they had.


Me, too, Peela. I know they were extremely resilient, keeping things going when the men went crazy or fell into alcoholism.


OP, my dh and I mostly talk about the kids, the house, and the weather. I'd love a conversation in which he talks about his own deep feelings.

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I originally thought that I'd like a conversation with my Dad one more time. He died almost 3 years ago. But that's selfish. I had him for over 40 years.


The person I'd most like to have a conversation with, well, I don't know her name or if she's even alive. I'd give almost anything to be able to talk to my daughter's birthmother. To find out her story, and to then be able to relate her to my dd, until my dd is old enough to meet her herself. Unfortunately, that is the one thing I may never be able to give my dd.

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I would talk to my husband about religion. We're in very different places right now where I'm questioning a lot of things and he's ignoring it all. We've never been very good at having these types conversations because he makes all these assertions as if there can only be one way of looking at something (his way) and that ends up making me feel like my point of view isn't valued or even listened to. I get offended, and start making emotional statements which don't appeal to him and the conversation devolves into a fight. If anyone knows how you're supposed to talk to an ISTJ, let me know. :p Ten years of marriage and I still haven't figured it out.

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I'm very lucky.


My parents and I have grown by leaps and bounds compared to a year ago. Also, my Dad will talk on the phone for literally hours to me now, whereas he used to be phone-phobic. He and I talk more frequently, and for longer than my mom and I do. He got in trouble today with her cause he gave her the shooing motion with his hand when we were talking...especially when she found out it was me he was talking to! :lol:

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If anyone knows how you're supposed to talk to an ISTJ, let me know. :p Ten years of marriage and I still haven't figured it out.


the book "nurture by nature" has a whole page on "things that work with istj's". it is written for parents to use with their kids, but every single one of their suggestions for infp's works with my dh brilliantly....


good luck


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