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Tea & Little Ones (the drink!)

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Only here do I have to clarify - I'm talking about the drink brewed with leaves, usually black or green. :D


DD is sniffling with yet another cold. I know a warm cup of tea would cheer her up. She LOVES tea - has since she was an infant. She used to grab my tea out of my hand to drink and once pulled a cup of scalding tea on herself - that child could leap out of my lap past any rational distance to grab tea. Hot, cold, sweet, unsweet - it really doesn't matter.


I've always resisted because I thought it wasn't good for little ones to drink tea. But it really would cheer her up. She's 3 1/2.


So at what age do you let your little ones drink tea?

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I've always resisted because I thought it wasn't good for little ones to drink tea. But it really would cheer her up. She's 3 1/2.


So at what age do you let your little ones drink tea?


Go for it. Mine have been drinking it since about that age, only I put mostly milk and a little tea. Now they do mostly tea and a little milk.


ETA: Mint and lemon tea with honey is *great* for sniffles or a cough/sore throat.

Edited by Susan in KY
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Once when my eldest was 2.5 years old and she was very sick with a virus, the pediatrician told us to give her ANYTHING that she was willing to drink. She was most willing to drink ice tea so that's what we gave her.


We are in the South and it's not uncommon around here to put ice tea in the baby's bottle. :tongue_smilie:



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Once when my eldest was 2.5 years old and she was very sick with a virus, the pediatrician told us to give her ANYTHING that she was willing to drink. She was most willing to drink ice tea so that's what we gave her.


We are in the South and it's not uncommon around here to put ice tea in the baby's bottle. :tongue_smilie:




I'm a Southerner and grew up with tea (though I don't remember when I started drinking it). DH is Turkish and those people can drink some tea - all day long. So DD was doomed before she was born!

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I would let her have it. I wanted to add that when mine come down with sniffles, they love to have hot lemonade. I mix lemon juice, honey and warm/hot water and it helps soothe the scratchy throats and the sniffles. (add a tot of whiskey and the grown ups feel better too...)I also tend to keep some herbal teas on hand for just this kind of thing--they can drink peppermint or lemon balm tea til the cows come home.

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My three girls also love tea! In fact, it's a special treat to "do tea" on Tuesdays, instead of their usual snack time. They love that I get out the fancy tea cups, with saucers, and serve pecan sandies on a silver tray. LOL!


For a little sniffler, I'd go without the milk (creates mucous), and put some honey in to soothe the throat. There's so little caffeine in a cup of tea, it's never bothered my girls.


Feel better, Little One. :grouphug:

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I stuck with herbal tea with my older daughter until recently, but with my little one I haven't been as careful... she actually just had a cup of black tea (with milk and honey) this afternoon! I don't find that the caffeine has much effect on them, to my surprise. And Lil'un is at the top of the growth curve so I'm not to stressed about it stunting her growth :tongue_smilie:. I drank tons of caffeine growing up and still ended up at 6ft. Both my girls seem to enjoy both herbal and regular teas.



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My three girls also love tea! In fact, it's a special treat to "do tea" on Tuesdays, instead of their usual snack time. They love that I get out the fancy tea cups, with saucers, and serve pecan sandies on a silver tray. LOL!


For a little sniffler, I'd go without the milk (creates mucous), and put some honey in to soothe the throat. There's so little caffeine in a cup of tea, it's never bothered my girls.


Feel better, Little One. :grouphug:


That's neat you have tea with your girls. My 7 yo dd wanted a fancy tea party for her 7th birthday party. There were girls from age 4 to 8. I had lemonade on hand thinking they wouldn't like the tea but they loved it! We bought fancy china from Goodwill. Now my 4 yo wants a tea party for her 5th birthday. We should do it more often too!

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My kids have been drinking tea, cold and hot, since they were old enough to have some in a sippy cup. My 8 year old requested brewed green tea with stevia yesterday. My 5 and 8 year olds also drink my coffee with creamer. If you are worried about caffeine, choose decaf green or herbal teas.

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Only here do I have to clarify - I'm talking about the drink brewed with leaves, usually black or green. :D



So at what age do you let your little ones drink tea?


As soon as they can sip from a cup.


We do herbal teas. Aviva Jill Romm has an excellent child herb book out if you're interested. We do it FOR health and herbs are sans caffeine.

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My kids love tea, and drink it often. They've grown up on white or green tea, straight (the caffeine thing has never bothered me and I hate black tea). None of us drink cold tea, black OR green - blech!


When the kids are sick, though, I give them straight hot water with a slice of lemon or lime and some honey or blackstrap molasses.


Either way, I'm glad your little sickie got her special treat!

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I'm a Southerner and grew up with tea (though I don't remember when I started drinking it). DH is Turkish and those people can drink some tea - all day long. So DD was doomed before she was born!


Ooooh I haven't had Turkish tea in over 10 years. Thanks for that sweet memory!


We are big tea drinkers here, but I don't do caffeine, so they never have either. I make at least 2 teapots a day, and everyone enjoys. I think every one of them started with sips from my cup, and progressed to their own (with an ice cube or 2 to start).

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If you want your tea unsweetened, you have to request it specifically. Even more so with hot tea. Here, hot tea is an acquired taste. But to answer your question, I always let my dc have tea. I buy decaffeinated, but restaurants serve only regular. EK loves hot tea, but rarely drinks iced tea. ER is just the opposite.

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Ooooh I haven't had Turkish tea in over 10 years. Thanks for that sweet memory!


We are big tea drinkers here, but I don't do caffeine, so they never have either. I make at least 2 teapots a day, and everyone enjoys. I think every one of them started with sips from my cup, and progressed to their own (with an ice cube or 2 to start).


It's actually not hard to find Turkish tea 'round here, and I have the traditional two-level tea kettle. Yum! I do need to go get some of the tulip glasses, though. DH prefers a great big American mug! :)


If you look, you probably can find Turkish tea 'round there.

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FYI - if your worried about the caffeine and only have teas with caffeine on hand you can decaf your own. Steep the leaves or bag for about 30 seconds in just enough water to cover. Discard that water and replace with the full amount you want to brew in, and there you go. The first blush off the tea is the caffeine and this removes most of it. It really works and doesn't affect the flavor one bit!

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