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More birds dead in LA!

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The news this morning said the birds were scared of fireworks. I don't buy it. It is freaky!


:iagree: The fireworks thing sounds pretty far-fetched to me too. Doesn't Beebe use fireworks every year? The news didn't mention this happening before, so it seems kind of unlikely to me. I'm really anxious to see what they find when they do necropsies and run tox screens on the birds.

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Here's a link to a news story. However, it is a video: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/40899388#40899388


A friend of mine thinks the bird thing might be connected with the tornados which happened recently. However, add the dead fish in various places to the birds, and it gets to be quite odd, though from what I've read experts think they're unrelated.

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I did not realize that such large numbers were involved.


Now all I can think of is that movie, Signs. Remember how the birds fell out of the sky after crashing into the invisible alien spaceship? I'm scaring myself, now....


I do believe I remember hearing about this with fish and waterspouts, so the tornadic activity may be a plausible explanation. Still creepy, though.

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News link, please?


And is anyone else's first thought, correxit?

(unsure of spelling but I am referring to BP's generously applied oil dispersal agent)



No. Dh's first thought was that the Mayan's are right :D


Seriously, it is very, very disturbing.

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I did not realize that such large numbers were involved.


Now all I can think of is that movie, Signs. Remember how the birds fell out of the sky after crashing into the invisible alien spaceship? I'm scaring myself, now....


I do believe I remember hearing about this with fish and waterspouts, so the tornadic activity may be a plausible explanation. Still creepy, though.



I read an article that said it appeared the bird's died of blunt force trauma, it appeared by looking at their internal organs.


Me, too! Freaky!

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I wonder if that could have been a result of the falling to the ground.


According to one of the linked articles, an ornithologist said the trauma could be from some sort of impact OR from falling to the ground after death. The Arkansas birds show trauma, the Louisiana birds do not (at least as I understand it).


There have been some theories that mention percussive activity, namely fireworks and lightening strikes. No disease appeared evident but I imagine they're still testing things.

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I wonder if firework sales spiked this year? I mean, seriously, there would have to have been massive fireworks unlike we've ever seen for this to happen. Highly unlikely. I mention it because it would not take much to poo poo the silly theory.


I like the first article's quote "from the (bird) survivors: not a peep." :tongue_smilie:

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I heard reports about the same thing happened in KY, LA, and AR. Plus the dead fish thing. Very weird.








I removed the Canada link because of the web site not being trustworthy. Sorry.

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Guest momk2000
The news this morning said the birds were scared of fireworks. I don't buy it. It is freaky!



:iagree: I don't buy it either. They have to make something up so everyone doesn't freak out.

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I read an article that said it appeared the bird's died of blunt force trauma, it appeared by looking at their internal organs.



We read that too. But couldn't the blunt force trauma to their organs have happened when they hit the ground moments after their death? Maybe they have some way that they can tell if it happened before or after dying. :confused:

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Think about this: there are so many new/different chemical combinations that the labs cannot know everything. They just can't test for it all. Look at the brave men/women who worked at rescuing people on 9/11, for YEARS they claimed the air was safe to breathe even after testing. Why? Because the odd combination of compressed glass, asphalt, gasoline, fibreglass, etc., just had not happened before. It was a new combination, one that just didn't raise alarm bells. My point is this: just because the labs tested and cannot find any chemical on/in these birds, does not mean squat. Blunt force trauma from falling, that has to be plausible. But to blame fireworks? Come on. That's just asinine. And to call it breed die-off that happens occasionally? Not like this, not all at the same freaking time. There is something else going on: chemical warfare, biblical end-times, some kind of test gone bad perhaps... time will tell... but it's not about fireworks. That is just laughable.

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This is so interesting. Not 'interesting' in a good way, but intriguing. I'm not sure I even want to know the answer, but I am going to say that I think the explanation of 'fireworks' is a bunch of baloney.


I'm not sure if it has anything to do with that guy's death because he was going to spill the beans about what happened. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with earthquake activities and tectonic plates. I'm not sure if it has anthing to do with the End Times.


I'm not sure if I want to know at all. My imagination is going to scary places. :tongue_smilie::001_huh:

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I heard reports about the same thing happened in KY, LA, AR and Canada. Plus the dead fish thing. Very weird.









do you have a link about dead birds in Canada? You've put one link in the above twice, about Kentucky. Thanks.

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Whew! I'm going to wash my mind with a Jane Austen movie and something chocolate. < shudder > I can get all freaked out so easily. Mostly just freaked out for anything that my children will ever have to encounter. Not me. My soul is settled about stuff and I'm ready for whatever. I'm mean, you know, basically. hahaha....whatever is coming hasn't come or claimed me yet, so I'm chilling this evening. hahahahahahaha < shudder > Looks out the blinds at the sky. LOL



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do you have a link about dead birds in Canada? You've put one link in the above twice, about Kentucky. Thanks.


Her last link goes to a site that mentions Canada - however, I'm not seeing any of the events described on any normal Canadian news sites. I don't know what that "Before it's News" site is...but the menu over on the side for their 'top news' includes stories such as "UFO Alien Predictions Coming True" and "Secret Time Travel Experiments". :tongue_smilie:

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Her last link goes to a site that mentions Canada - however, I'm not seeing any of the events described on any normal Canadian news sites. I don't know what that "Before it's News" site is...but the menu over on the side for their 'top news' includes stories such as "UFO Alien Predictions Coming True" and "Secret Time Travel Experiments". :tongue_smilie:

Oh that is so weird- that link was purple so I assumed it was a link I had already read before when I was googling dead birds. I sure don't remember looking at that site though. Thanks for pointing out the link.

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Her last link goes to a site that mentions Canada - however, I'm not seeing any of the events described on any normal Canadian news sites. I don't know what that "Before it's News" site is...but the menu over on the side for their 'top news' includes stories such as "UFO Alien Predictions Coming True" and "Secret Time Travel Experiments". :tongue_smilie:


I actually meant to take the link off because I wasn't sure about the site. I went back and edited my post to take out the flakey web site.

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I was listening to an afternoon local talk radio program, and they were discussing this. Mind you, this was with the guy they have on for their "Paranormal Tuesday" segment, but he's generally a smart guy, even if he believes in spooks.


There were four theories presented:


1) Fireworks. Doubtful, or birds would be dropping like crazy in our county all.the.time.


2) Due to odd weather patterns lately, the birds flew into the jetstream and literally flash froze to death before falling out of the sky. Also doubtful, because even if the birds were surprised by changing weather patterns, they would have changed course before becoming Blackbird McNuggets.


3) One explanation is electromagnetic signals as a precursor to an earthquake. The New Madrid fault is nearby, and seismic activity seems to be ramped up globally the past few years (or maybe that's just the 24-hour tragedy news network's influence...)


4) The final explanation was the contrails, which he believed were from government-funded aircraft disposing of dioxins from high in the atmosphere. The idea is that UV radiation makes dioxins inert, so by the time it comes back down to earth after being sprayed from an aircraft it is no longer harmful. But of course, nothing is that simple, and according to this guy we've been Agent Oranged for the past eight years. You won't find much on this "conspiracy theory" on Google, so... grain of salt and all that.


I'm going to guess the seismic activity. I live sorta close to the New Madrid, so I'm going to bolt my furniture to the walls. Just in case.

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News link, please?


And is anyone else's first thought, correxit?

(unsure of spelling but I am referring to BP's generously applied oil dispersal agent)


yeah, that's what I was thinking, too. :iagree: No tin foil hat here, but just being upset at the general &%$#uppery that goes on in the name of progress.

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I was thinking of some terrorist attack using gas or chemicals. Smaller lifeforms would be more susceptible to harm. We'll know if people start dropping later...


that's my concern. If the birds in the environment are dying, something serious is going on that will affect ALL life, human included.

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Yeah I was thinking seismic activity too. Kind of like the movie The Core (not saying the core has stopped moving :tongue_smilie:) but electromagnetic activity sent those birds all crazy and falling out of the sky. I live pretty close to New Madrid fault line and there has been some opinions going around about the fact that the New Madrid is ripe for a massive earth quake. I studied it in college 10 years ago and even then it was saying about every 200 years the New Madrid has a massive earthquake...last major one was in 1812.... ummm 1812...we are now in 2011.


Just saying.

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Her last link goes to a site that mentions Canada - however, I'm not seeing any of the events described on any normal Canadian news sites. I don't know what that "Before it's News" site is...but the menu over on the side for their 'top news' includes stories such as "UFO Alien Predictions Coming True" and "Secret Time Travel Experiments". :tongue_smilie:


I actually meant to take the link off because I wasn't sure about the site. I went back and edited my post to take out the flakey web site.


Well hey you never know.. maybe the birds were part of an alien time travel experiment. ;)

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