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So are you done wrapping?

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I can't believe someone had the nerve to call you a weirdo just because you love to wrap presents? I mean, good grief. That was really mean.


What are bourbon balls?



Seriously?! You've never had bourbon balls? OHMY!! I got my whole office tipsy one year with these babies!!




They are Nilla-Wafer-crumbs-and-chocolate-and-sugar-and-bourbon balls of goodness. YUM! :001_smile:

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OMG Nakia I am right there with you!! I HATE wrapping! HATE IT! And it's the only thing I put off; I"m generally doing it at midnight on Christmas Eve. Every year I tell myself I won't leave the wrapping until the last minute, and every year I do.






That's so funny--I thought I was the only one! I wrap stocking stuffers while dh is doing midnight mass, and sometimes other gifts, as well. There are 4 people's stocking gifts to wrap, plus my mom and dad's, too--so figure 48 little packages...:tongue_smilie: :D

I still have time. I MIGHT get to them early this year...

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Seriously?! You've never had bourbon balls? OHMY!! I got my whole office tipsy one year with these babies!!




They are Nilla-Wafer-crumbs-and-chocolate-and-sugar-and-bourbon balls of goodness. YUM! :001_smile:


Oh wow!! Those sound awesome! I might have to add them to my holiday baking list. :)

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The kids have huge stockings so almost everything will fit in there and I don't have to wrap it. My aunt made a large fabric bag to fit a toy stove in, last year and I've kept that. I only wrap prettily for people who care about those sorts of things, and one forfeits that if one lives far enough away that the gift has to be posted. Those gifts go in post packs and that counts as wrapping as far as I'm concerned. People who don't care about pretty wrapping get theirs wrapped in newspaper and feel pleased that I've been environmentally friendly about it all.



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No, but I DO have paper, bows, bags & tissue....so that's half the battle. ;) I only need a bottle of Riesling and I'm set.


THIS would help make it more fun - definitely!


NOPE - havent' wrapped. HATE it. HATE it. HATE it. It seems so pointless and wasteful. All that paper. All that time. I think next year I'll make those bags like a PP mentioned. I REALLY like that idea!

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I will on saturday.


An AWESOME church in our town does a parents day out and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. they take ALL AGES of kids (yes even my CRAZY 2YO) so parents can finish shopping or wrapping.




After being sick for a million days I really need this break!

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Bags would be wonderful, but I have 20 or so rolls of paper that I got last year after Christmas for $5 total. And we have a tradition that each girl gets to pick out which paper her gifts will be wrapped in. And sooooo...I will wrap. Eventually.


Is your 10yo good at keeping secrets? My 12yo has been wrapping most of our presents for the past few years. I have even put her own presents into a box and let her wrap them herself!


I like wrapping so I actually miss doing it, but it makes her soooo happy, so I have turned over the reins to her.

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Is your 10yo good at keeping secrets? My 12yo has been wrapping most of our presents for the past few years. I have even put her own presents into a box and let her wrap them herself!


I like wrapping so I actually miss doing it, but it makes her soooo happy, so I have turned over the reins to her.


I think she would be good at keeping it a secret. But she detests cutting. She is a leftie, and cutting has always been challenging to her, even with left-handed scissors. :(

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I haven't started wrapping. I hate wrapping. If I could afford to, I would hire someone to wrap the gifts for me. And I don't even have that many to wrap. Our Christmas gift list is short. But.I.just.don't.like.wrapping.



I don't mind wrapping, but I hate the result. I am not a talented wrapper. I'm so happy kiddo loves to. The packages all look like a tape-happy 8 year old had at them, but he has age as an excuse. :D

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Fabric bags are the way to go!


This afternoon it took me about 20 minutes to put all the gifts in bags. It was glorious!


I ran out of bags and in less than 1 hr, sewed 10 more. (I bought quite a bit of fabric last Jan. And I've picked up remnants of red, white, and green flannel/felt all year.) The best fabric is felt because it doesn't have to be hemmed, although hemming bags isn't bad. ;)


The stocking stuffers are wrapped with paper, but it was so easy, esp knowing that was all I had to wrap.


When I put bows on them and get them under a tree, I'll try to remember to post a picture. I love making bows and have some incredible ribbon. It should be very pretty.

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Is it terrible that I don't wrap? lol I have the children wrap most of the presents. My 11 yr old loves to do this and has been doing it for a few years with her sister. I taught her how to make various bows from ribbons (my mother taught me), and she is good with the ribbon shredder/curler tool. They always look good. A nice bow can take your eyes away from bumpy corners. ;) Although, now that she is older, that is not much of an issue. Dh wraps most of the kids' gifts. I help...but he manages to do 3 for my one. Ha.


I am a master of outsourcing. :D

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I have everything wrapped - except for the stuff coming this weekend from Amazon :)


I spent 4 hours over the weekend when DH and both DS's were camping with everything laid out. We wrap EVERYTHING (candy included) so it takes quite a while.....:tongue_smilie:

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