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Can someone tell me about Teaching Textbooks?


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I hadn't really looked into computer math programs before, but now I'm thinking it might be a good change for us. Math is not my strong suit, and if I were to outsource any subject, it would be math. We would be starting with grade 3, which I believe is fairly new. Can anyone share their likes or dislikes about TT?



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I can let you know in a few days lol. I just ordered TT... I'm pretty excited!


What level? It's getting so hard at my house to have a nice, long, uninterrupted time to sit down and do math one-on-one with my 8yo. TT is mostly independent, right?

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yes, it is independent. I ordered my 8 year old, TT grade 3. I figure I'll need grade 3 for my younger children in the future anyways. So IF this ends up being a bit too easy for him, it wont bother me. My ds needs more fact practice anyways. :)

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My son is using TT Grade 3 and loves it. It is completely independent and very easy to use. The material is a bit on the easy side for the grade level, IMHO (my son is a "mathy" second grader) but since he's working up, it's all good with me. We had Horizons first but just looking at the workbook made him cry. Now he's excited to do math, does extra lessons and even jokes around telling me he "failed" every lesson (as he's printing out the grade report showing 100s, LOL). I am definitely using this again next year.

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It is typically behind 1-2 years compared to other programs. That being said, it has solved HUGE math issues here. My 5th grader is using it after using Horizons and CLE in the past. No more complaining!


Just give your dc the placement tests and don't be surprised when they place a year or two ahead. My ds placed in level 7 after completing CLE 400. I started him in level 6 though just to build confidence. We only did the quizzes for the first half of the program and then started the lessons when he could no longer make an A on the quiz. We will continue with TT7 when he completes TT6, which should be in March.

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We are currently using TT4 My dd loves it. And so do I:)

There is a lesson presented then some questions that go along w/lesson. Then there is a problem set that practices new and older concepts. There is also a bonus section that has drills after every 5 or so lessons. They get bonus points for answering so many correct in the time allowed. DD loves this part and is always excited about getting the extra ponts.


I love the fact that it is all done for me and all I have to do is check her progress. There is also a workbook w/ the program that contains all the same info on the cd-roms which comes in handy if you have to do math on the go.



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There is also a workbook w/ the program that contains all the same info on the cd-roms which comes in handy if you have to do math on the go.



So if they do the CD-ROM, there is no need to do the workbook? I thought the problems were different, like, do the CD then the workbook for practice.

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We love it here. We have always used MUS because they could do it mostly independently. I just couldn't find the time to teach everyone everyday. It has given me some more time to focus on my youngest who is speech and learning delayed. I am hoping to have him up to Grade 3 next year, so he can use it, too.

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My oldest used their algebra program and loved it. It was a blessing as I know very little algebra. As much as I'd love, and intend to, go through the program myself, I simply have too much on my plate at the moment. He's taking algebra again, in highschool this time and with their program, and he's making very good grades with little trouble. Most of it he knows from the TT program we did at home.

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My son is using TT Grade 3 and loves it. It is completely independent and very easy to use. The material is a bit on the easy side for the grade level, IMHO (my son is a "mathy" second grader) but since he's working up, it's all good with me. We had Horizons first but just looking at the workbook made him cry. Now he's excited to do math, does extra lessons and even jokes around telling me he "failed" every lesson (as he's printing out the grade report showing 100s, LOL). I am definitely using this again next year.


:iagree: It is a a grade level or 2 behind but I'm very pleased so far. My 2nd grader just began TT4 and my 4th grader is in TT 6; both area doing great. We still use MUS but I wanted them to see math presented in a little different way. They both just grab the computer and go.

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My one son used TT for Algebra and Geometry. He breezed through it getting practically everything correct, so I was thrilled with it. BUT then he started taking PSAT, SAT and ACT - and his math scores did not reflect the grades he got on TT. Now I realize TT is easy. It is very well laid out and I love the fact that all the solutions are worked out, but if you want to prepare your child to get into a competitive college, and if ACT / SAT results will be important to you - this is not a good program. We moved to Life of Fred and Thinkwell and his scores have improved a lot.

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:iagree: It is a a grade level or 2 behind but I'm very pleased so far. My 2nd grader just began TT4


Dd7 is on lesson 50 of TT4. We use it on occasion. It's great for days when dc need to do math independently. I'm always nearby, but at least the program does the teaching/correcting. Dd writes the problems on her own paper. We don't use the student books.


Dd6 is slowly beginning TT3. She is on lesson 10. She loves 'computer math'.


(We use TT along with Singapore, RS, MM blue & Horizons workbooks.)

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I absolutely love TT. We recently switched from K12. My 11 year old is using the TT Pre-algebra. It has shown us that he has a lot of holes in his math skills that we were not seeing using the K12 program nor did we see it as he was earning straight A+s in his public school math classes the years before. I'm considering putting him back in either the 6th or 7th grade level of TT to catch him up. I think it is a solid program and the best part is that math is no longer something dreaded. He is enjoying math again. That alone is practically priceless. Good luck!!

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We use and like TT, with proviso's: :001_smile:


I like to 'do' math with our DC in the younger years. (We've just completed our first year with TT.)


It's not our 'sole' math program. (Also using LOF, & MMM 6)

I like to mix and match the currics and approachs to check that DS is getting a wider math scope (he's a math muncher) & that he is actually nailing each topic.


I originally picked up TT because our home life took an unexpected turn and I needed to find tools/ways for the DC to have work they could do more independently, when needed.


TT has worked very well for us in this capacity.

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So if they do the CD-ROM, there is no need to do the workbook? I thought the problems were different, like, do the CD then the workbook for practice.


We are using TT4 with my 9 yr old and TT7 with my 13 yr old. The CD content and book content (it is a large spiral bound book, not so much a "workbook" in the sense of a small, easily portable manual...) is identical (though the book does not have the bonus problems).


My 9 yr old does his work on the computer exclusively; my 13 yr old watches the lesson on the CD only if he needs to reinforce the written lesson in the textbook; he does his work on paper/in the book.


Algebra and up (maybe Pre-Algebra, too) do not have the student enter his answers into the CD/computer, so there is no longer self-grading/self-correcting for those levels. They could still watch the lesson on the CD, do the work on paper, and once mom or student has checked answers can still watch the correct way to work any problem, but the instant feedback of entering the answer and the program telling you "Correct!" or "Try Again" is no longer there at those levels.


Also, I've heard too that the upper levels are not as hard/challenging as some, BUT that if you do go all the way through the final level (Trig? Pre-Cal?) it IS a complete program. Can't say that for sure myself, we're only starting Algebra next year, but it's what I've heard and what we'll be doing for math.


It was easy for both my boys to go from Singapore to Teaching Textbooks. I'm glad we found it.

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So if they do the CD-ROM, there is no need to do the workbook? I thought the problems were different, like, do the CD then the workbook for practice.


The workbook is EXACTLY the same as the computer lessons and problems. The idea is that if you are away from the computer and need to do math, you can use the workbook instead.


In TT3, my son does almost all the work in his head. I wanted to be sure he was really getting it (and is able to do math with pencil and paper), so last week I had him do quizzes 1-5 on paper, just to make sure.

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As much as this is my honest opinion and that things don't get thrown at me... Last year my daughter used TT4 and as much as I loved the program (so did she) ...She flew through it however has not retained a bit of it... We are now having to go back and reteach things... To us, it looked great on the outside but really didn't get the job done.... just our experience... so glad other are using it with better results:D

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As much as this is my honest opinion and that things don't get thrown at me... Last year my daughter used TT4 and as much as I loved the program (so did she) ...She flew through it however has not retained a bit of it... We are now having to go back and reteach things... To us, it looked great on the outside but really didn't get the job done.... just our experience... so glad other are using it with better results:D


As someone who this program did not work for, I would like your opinion. My daughter does not typically need a lot of repetition to solidify a concept. In fact, she abhors when you try to review something that she already knows. She would rather just move on to the next thing. (This is something that took me a while to realize, and yes, that's my biggest homeschool hurdle! :D) Do you think that it would be a good fit for a student like that?

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So if they do the CD-ROM, there is no need to do the workbook? I thought the problems were different, like, do the CD then the workbook for practice.


The lesson in the workbook is the same as the CD-ROM. They can choose to do either (or both if review is good). After they've done the lesson, there are a set of problems for them to work through. There is another CD with all of the solutions for the lessons and an answer key in the book, so if he gets a problem wrong and doesn't know why, he can listen to the CD to watch how the author solved the problem. The tests, too, have a CD that I can watch to help me grade the math--something I appreciate when correcting geometry and algebra II!


BTW, there is a lot of discussion on the high school board about TT. Many think it does not cover enough. However, my friend who is an engineering prof used it for his son who got a 35 on his ACT his sophomore year, so even though many folks say it is an easy program, I believe it does teach the basics of what is needed in a high school math class. FWIW.



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My 4th grader has been using TT5 for a few weeks now and he loves it. He used to hate math and groan everyday about doing it. Now he WANTS to do it and is scoring between 75-83% typically (he's NOT a mathy kid--more LA minded). For us, it's working right now. If that were to change at some point, we'd look at something else. I'm not rocking the math boat though lol.

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I will agree with the fact that it is "behind" most other math programs out there that homeschoolers use (BJU, Horizons, ABeka, Saxon, CLE, Singapore, etc.). My "mathy" dd solidly tested into TT6 after completing ABeka 3. (An RL friend was looking into using it & I wanted to give her a real life example of how different the level # is from other math programs.)


I am currently working with a homeschooled 'senior' who used TT for the last couple of years. Both her & her (currently-in-PS) brother found they did not retain what they 'learned' and I have found there was no transfer of ability to apply the problems they did in TT to non-TT math or real life. This sweet girl works hard & is now going through two math programs (advanced algebra & geometry) at the same time to try to get her math skills up to where she thinks they will need to be for college next year. Lest I be unfair, I must point out that it isn't just the two years of TT she used that caused her to be behind and have glaring gaps in her math knowledge. However, TT did create a false sense of 'everything is alright now' in the kids and their mom.


Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't ever recommend TT as a main or sole math program. And, unless you can get it cheap (used), I personally wouldn't spend that type of money on a supplemental math program! Good luck!

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hm I had already posted that my daughter and I like it, but I wasn't very specific. If anyone is interested, I did this write up about it:




Thanks. I enjoy reading your opinions. Lately I find that I agree with you on a lot of things!



BTW, there is a lot of discussion on the high school board about TT. Many think it does not cover enough. However, my friend who is an engineering prof used it for his son who got a 35 on his ACT his sophomore year, so even though many folks say it is an easy program, I believe it does teach the basics of what is needed in a high school math class. FWIW.





Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't ever recommend TT as a main or sole math program. And, unless you can get it cheap (used), I personally wouldn't spend that type of money on a supplemental math program! Good luck!


Thanks for your input. You know, when I see these two posts one after another, it doesn't do much to help me! ;) I'm okay with it being a year or so behind, because we are a little behind right now ourselves. Chances are I would supplement or change programs before high school anyway.

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Nance, your review was great. I'm almost positive I want to try TT now.


Cool, glad it was helpful! :) The year's continuing to go well for us insofar as math is concerned. Once we do our standardized testing at the end of the year, I'll update that review again. But I'm really happy with it so far.

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Next year I plan on having her start with LOF along with TT6.



LoF Seems to be a popular program, so at the beginning of the school year, I had decided to start dd14 on LOF algebra. Last year she had used TT Pre-algebra and really liked it. LOF totally confused her. We bought TT Algebra 1, and she's back to liking and understanding algebra. Lots of people here swear by LOF, but being a math-phobic myself who knows zero algebra, I like TT, and so does she.


Maybe it does not cover enough for her to score high on the SAT, don't know. But I scored low on the math portion of the ACT, had to do remedial math before college math, did not do college level algebra (took computer as a sub) and graduated just fine. I was not going for a B.S., and that is not likely to be her path either, since she is artsy. I'm guessing she's already got one up on me, taking Algebra in 8th grade, when I never got beyond Pre-Algebra, so I am not too concerned.



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Unfortunately, this has been our experience as well. :( I really, really wanted it to work because it is the only math program that didn't cause daily tears at our house. We are using the Key to . . books this year to get my dd caught up and hopefully ready for a Pre-Algebra book next year (8th grade).


As much as this is my honest opinion and that things don't get thrown at me... Last year my daughter used TT4 and as much as I loved the program (so did she) ...She flew through it however has not retained a bit of it... We are now having to go back and reteach things... To us, it looked great on the outside but really didn't get the job done.... just our experience... so glad other are using it with better results:D
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