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S/O: What FB posts do you just shake your head at?

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I am just amazed that so many just put their lives out there with no scruples.


One friend keeps posting about her depression over a man she dated for a long time and he broke up with her. He is on FB and SEES her posts. I just don't get it.


What about you? One of you said something about an affair! Yikes!


What has you shaking your head with status updates?



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I am amazed at the inanity of some of the things posted by teenagers I know. Seriously??? And misspelled too, of course!


I always end up hiding my teen Friends' statuses. Very few seem to have a grasp on what's appropriate to post and what is TMI (e.g., posting at 5 in the morning how h*rny you are and have no friends with benefits to share that feeling with when your parents and grandparents are on your Friends list).

Edited by WordGirl
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I hate the stuff people post just to get attention AND when they post lies. I know a person who is losing weight via pills and yet tells everyone she is working SO hard eating well and exercising. She posts every ounce of weight loss, but tells me she lost X amount of weight and posts Y amounts of weight (which are always bigger)


So she basically constantly posts lies to make herself look and feel better. GEEZE. get a life!

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I have bigger problems with people that are snarky on other people's pages. For instance, A posts a link on B's page. C posts a snarky remark on the link. Arguing or deleting ensues. Then C and D (C's friend, not B's or A's) both post snarky threatening remarks on B's page, because A's account is private and they can't post on A's page.


That, and finding out you're related to a troll.

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I have a very low tolerance for snark and will delete it in a heartbeat.


One-upsmanship also annoys me. Rejoice with those who rejoice, grieve with those who grieve, don't turn their status update into a post about your own bigger-better-deal.


Obscenity is uncalled for. If you can't be more literate than a stream of expletives, don't post.


People who post links to inappropriate items when their friends list includes both adults and teens. Did you know you can make separate mailing list for friends? I always post with a G rating, but I have some extended family members who are also friends with my kids and I am about to ask them if they would please set up a kid-free list so that my teens need not read about their adult activities and interests. If you had a sister in law that had teens, and both you and the teens loved being able to keep in touch via fb, would you be offended if your sil gently suggested such a thing?

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Cussing....and the over dramatic 'woe is me' everyday. Negativity on a constant daily basis is a downer. Everybody deals with that stuff, why do I have to pat someone on the back everytime one of her kids won't do their homework, or whenever she's got a headache?

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Right now we are most annoyed at the posts of some particular neices and nephews. The youngest turned 20 last weekend, the others are mid 20s to early 30s so adults, but still stupid. Anyway, besides the usual cursing and crude posts, yesterday they posted pictures of the party they threw for the 20yo. The pictures are of all of them drunk, including at least 3 of them passed out at some point, including the newly 20yo. In one picture 3 are trying to force feed one passed out.

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I started the original FB thread this morning, so you know what my pet peeve is!


The other thing is something that doesn't really bug me....but I'd never do it myself: people who announce their brand-new pregnancy on Facebook. I always thought telling someone "the big news" was such an exciting and rare moment. Telling everyone you know in one fell swoop--well, I just don't get it. I mean, how many times do you get to tell a friend you're pregnant? Who knows...maybe I just liked to milk the attention! Getting the little "Congrats" comments just wouldn't do it for me.


I would add that I can understand if many of your friends are out of the area and you don't talk to them on a regular basis. I'm in that situation as well...but I would still tell most of my friends first....then maybe around week 20 announce it on facebook for the out of towners.

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I started the original FB thread this morning, so you know what my pet peeve is!


The other thing is something that doesn't really bug me....but I'd never do it myself: people who announce their brand-new pregnancy on Facebook. I always thought telling someone "the big news" was such an exciting and rare moment. Telling everyone you know in one fell swoop--well, I just don't get it. I mean, how many times do you get to tell a friend you're pregnant? Who knows...maybe I just liked to milk the attention! Getting the little "Congrats" comments just wouldn't do it for me.


I would add that I can understand if many of your friends are out of the area and you don't talk to them on a regular basis. I'm in that situation as well...but I would still tell most of my friends first....then maybe around week 20 announce it on facebook for the out of towners.



See I would definitely announce a pregnancy on Facebook, since telling people that face to face always (stupid I know) embarrassed me. On FB you are not face to face.

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If you had a sister in law that had teens, and both you and the teens loved being able to keep in touch via fb, would you be offended if your sil gently suggested such a thing?

Not at all. I keep a separate list for that very reason. I might be mortified, though, to think of the things I had accidentally sent to them ;)

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I always end up hiding my teen Friends' statuses. Very few seem to have a grasp on what's appropriate to post and what is TMI (e.g., posting at 5 in the morning how h*rny you are and have no friends with benefits to share that feeling with when your parents and grandparents are on your Friends list).



incidentally, one young man I know continually posted lyrics from some vile songs. His grandma posted on his wall, getting all over him, telling he was better than that and he ought to be ashamed of himself. The vile posting stopped immediately.

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See I would definitely announce a pregnancy on Facebook, since telling people that face to face always (stupid I know) embarrassed me. On FB you are not face to face.


:iagree: I don't see any problem with this at all. One of my friends made her announcement by posting a video of her older daughter at the piano playing a song she composed about how she was going to be a big sister. It was very cute!

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The ones that tell every.single.detail.of.their.life. "I am drinking my coffee" then an hour later "just dropped the kids off at school" then two hours later "going to the grocery store and doctor's appointment" then three hours later "kids home from school with tons of homework" then three hours later "soccer game was fun, then out to eat with grandma" then two hours later "off to bed, goodnight facebook!"


That irks me to no end. I have blocked several friends for this. I was tired of a whole page of updates from one friend.


Also, the posts about very personal stuff make me nuts. I have a co-worker who is on my friends list. She is going through a divorce and CONSTANTLY posts every terrible thing her ex does. It is so annoying. I mean, really, that is unnecessary. Yes, he is a jerk and left you for another woman, but we all know that and don't want to hear every detail of it.

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If you had a sister in law that had teens, and both you and the teens loved being able to keep in touch via fb, would you be offended if your sil gently suggested such a thing?


No, but this reminds me of another peeve: Parents who allow their under-13 children to open Facebook accounts. I don't post crude things, but I do usually assume that my FB audience comprises adults, not kids. I have a separate list and exclude them when necessary, but I don't think they should be on Facebook to begin with, especially since they had to lie in order to get an account.

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See I would definitely announce a pregnancy on Facebook, since telling people that face to face always (stupid I know) embarrassed me. On FB you are not face to face.



I never thought of it this way. Everyone's different---who knew? ;) Thanks for the different perspective.


Like I said, I would never want to get it over with so quickly since it's news you share only those few times you're pregnant. It doesn't bother me when other people do it like this, it's just something I wouldn't choose to do myself.

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See I would definitely announce a pregnancy on Facebook, since telling people that face to face always (stupid I know) embarrassed me. On FB you are not face to face.


:iagree: I don't see any problem with this at all. One of my friends made her announcement by posting a video of her older daughter at the piano playing a song she composed about how she was going to be a big sister. It was very cute!

My sil did this, but without the video ;)

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No she hasn't deleted him as a friend and we are both part of a very large group of friends so she can't really avoid him.




Are you sure she didn't unfriend him when they broke up?


I am amazed at the inanity of some of the things posted by teenagers I know. Seriously??? And misspelled too, of course!

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the over dramatic 'woe is me' everyday. Negativity on a constant daily basis is a downer. Everybody deals with that stuff, why do I have to pat someone on the back everytime one of her kids won't do their homework, or whenever she's got a headache?

I have a friend who does this. But it's more cryptic. Like "sad today *sigh*" so that she is encouraging everyone she knows to chase after her and go "what's the matter sweetie?" Blech.


I think FB posts are the very same as standing in a group of all your friends (everyone you have on FB) and making a statement. If you did that face to face, you would be inviting reaction and comment. Why then do people get so mad at comments to their FB posts? Someone mentioned the anti-Muslim videos, for example. I've seen those go around. If a friend posted one, am I only allowed to agree, or has this person posted it publicly and therefore invited comment? She could have shared that with only the friends that she knew had the same sentiment. But by posting it to all I should feel free to say "whoa, what the..." or whatever I want to say about it.


That's probably why I don't post much at all. I enjoy (mostly) reading what people are up to but I can't imagine that they want to hear my dull ramblings. That's what I have TWTM forum for, right? :lol:

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I have a friend who does this. But it's more cryptic. Like "sad today *sigh*" so that she is encouraging everyone she knows to chase after her and go "what's the matter sweetie?" Blech.

Add that to my list of pet peeves. That and fishing for compliments.

I think FB posts are the very same as standing in a group of all your friends (everyone you have on FB) and making a statement. If you did that face to face, you would be inviting reaction and comment. Why then do people get so mad at comments to their FB posts? Just in case this was in response to my pet peeve. I'm talking about an 'A B conversation among family members and C coming along spewing snark. I think that people who get trashy and rude to friends of friends are low class pigs, but that could just be me ;) Someone mentioned the anti-Muslim videos, for example. I've seen those go around. If a friend posted one, am I only allowed to agree, or has this person posted it publicly and therefore invited comment? Imo, if it's YOUR friend posting it, comment away. If it's their friend posting a link to them and you have something to add without just being rude and obnoxious (like a link to something more realistic or to a good site that debunks their myths) then post. But I think a measure of respect is due to the person whose page it is, especially when friends of friends are the ones posting. She could have shared that with only the friends that she knew had the same sentiment. But by posting it to all I should feel free to say "whoa, what the..." or whatever I want to say about it.


That's probably why I don't post much at all. I enjoy (mostly) reading what people are up to but I can't imagine that they want to hear my dull ramblings. That's what I have TWTM forum for, right? :lol:

Lol. :iagree: (Except where I don't, roflol).

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I have several like this.


Or the ones who ask for prayer URGENT prayer and then say, "Don't ask what this is about please!"






I have a friend who does this. But it's more cryptic. Like "sad today *sigh*" so that she is encouraging everyone she knows to chase after her and go "what's the matter sweetie?" Blech.


I think FB posts are the very same as standing in a group of all your friends (everyone you have on FB) and making a statement. If you did that face to face, you would be inviting reaction and comment. Why then do people get so mad at comments to their FB posts? Someone mentioned the anti-Muslim videos, for example. I've seen those go around. If a friend posted one, am I only allowed to agree, or has this person posted it publicly and therefore invited comment? She could have shared that with only the friends that she knew had the same sentiment. But by posting it to all I should feel free to say "whoa, what the..." or whatever I want to say about it.


That's probably why I don't post much at all. I enjoy (mostly) reading what people are up to but I can't imagine that they want to hear my dull ramblings. That's what I have TWTM forum for, right? :lol:

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Status updates that are nothing more than advertisement for their business. It's one thing to have a FB page dedicated to the business, but when it's an individual who constantly "updates" about their business, trying to make it look like they "care" is really annoying.


While this was irksome for me at first, I resolved the issue by simply hiding their statuses from my feed. I like these people as 'people' and didn't want to unfriend them because I thought that would make them feel bad. However, after having them on 'hide' for almost a year....I deleted them with no problem.


People that would cuss, post suggestive things or inappropriate pics would get deleted immediately from my friend list. I don't care who they are. No one has ever done this....but that is something I would not tolerate.


Young people and teens: I simply hide my statuses from them and then I don't have to worry about if what I am posting is 'ok' for a child to view. Now, I believe my posts are all G-rated, but I don't think kids need to see what an adult is doing. The only teens I have on my friend list are relatives or church members. I still don't think they need to be privy to my adult environment. It's easy to hide your stuff from them, but they still feel good because they are on your 'list' and your friending them makes their friend list grow....which seems to be the only important issue to teens anyway: a large number of friends :glare:


Seriously, I read some of these posts and I wonder what kind of friends you all have?? These people would not be my friends either in real life or on FB. Delete, delete, delete. My FB is for ME. I have on there people I want to stay connected with....mostly because they all live so far away from me. If they don't want to be friends with me...they unfriend me. I'm ok with that! If I don't want to be friends with them....off they go.


Honestly, FB should not be a stress or peeve to anyone. If it is; let it go.

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I get annoyed with the condemning bible verses when it's all someone posts. I post a bible verse here and there but it's usually uplifting and I post other things too....including some "I had a bad day" posts :blush:


Same here. I get tired of people making their Christianity a competition and they are the obvious winners. :lol:

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I have a love/hate relationship with FB. I love being able to chit-chat with my family. I love hearing about the big events in their lives since I am so far away. I love re-connecting with old friends I've lost contact with. I love posting pics of my kids so my whole family can see, instead of sending pics to each individual.


BUT, and it is a big BUT, I do have a few pet peeves I will share.


1) My sister left her husband of 20 years to "hook up" with an old friend she found on FB. She then proceeded to b!&*h and complain about everyone judging her, while also posting sick "I love also-married-new- flavor's name. Gross! Seriously, don't flaunt your illicit affairs on FB.


2) I have a family friend who is bound and determined to advertise every stinking detail of her on-again/off-again relationship with her cheating husband, including smack-talking hubby's mistress. Then she complains when people tell her she may be sharing too much. I would delete her, but it's like a train wreck and I cannot look away.


3) People making snarky comments about your status updates in a passive-aggressive manner. Dude, if you don't like what I post, just come out and say it. I'm a big girl. I can handle it.


4) Teen girl cleavage shots. Seriously people! Keep the ladies to yourselves.


5) I had one friend give a detailed, graphic account of her miscarriage. I get the pain. I've had two myself, but I just don't need to know the details.


6) As someone previously mentioned, people who blatantly lie or misrepresent themselves. I have one friend who I know for a fact cannot pay her bills, yet constantly posts about shopping and buying new cars. This one is more sad than annoying.


I think that's it for now, but I get easily annoyed by stupid, so I may have to add some later.

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Status updates that are nothing more than advertisement for their business. It's one thing to have a FB page dedicated to the business, but when it's an individual who constantly "updates" about their business, trying to make it look like they "care" is really annoying.


A friend of mine (I've known her for ages) is involved with one of those multi-level marketing companies. A couple times each week she posts that she is 'ready to help 3 more people create their fortune on the internet'. The remainder of her posts are along the lines of 'nothing is impossible with the right attitude' and 'if you expect success you will find success'.



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I always post with a G rating, but I have some extended family members who are also friends with my kids and I am about to ask them if they would please set up a kid-free list so that my teens need not read about their adult activities and interests. If you had a sister in law that had teens, and both you and the teens loved being able to keep in touch via fb, would you be offended if your sil gently suggested such a thing?


*I* would not be offended, but that's because I'm the one who is sensitive to that. My sister was very offended after I had my dd unfriend her (my dd was 14, my sister used the f word, and the lack of, oh, any social responsibility or grace toward any younger friends on the list really bothered me). My sister then unfriended me and blocked me for several months. We are still not FB friends.


I also no longer accept friend requests from dc's friends, or friends' children. Some of my posts may be PG--political, sarcastic, etc. I have no interest in making a separate list just because a younger child wants to have more friends. There are also a few dozen photos of a group of us as teens where we are smoking, drinking, etc. I don't have a problem with that, honestly, that was a very big part of my life then, but friends' younger children do not need to see these--none of their business, whereas my friends can see them or just not look.


Re the original question: Why do people post stupid things? Because people are stupid. And I AM being gentle!

Edited by Kristine out of lurking
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I don't tend to be bothered by what my friends post though I did deleted my niece recently. I was uncomfortable reading about the the many parties and guys she was enjoying in her first year at college. There are some things an Aunt doesn't need to know. ;)


The only thing I can think of that really irritates me are the religious and political posts and links that are followed by the instruction, "Wake up, people!"

I HATE the insinuation that if I don't agree with a particular point of view I MUST be unaware and in need of a wake-up call. :glare:

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I am annoyed by the every little detail of their day posts. Who really needs to hear anything that is just normal daily routines for people? Or that they are tired and then twenty posts about how they can't wait to leave work.


My personal view of FB is that is should be for special news, or cute updates, or funny things to share. All the rest of it I scroll through.

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A friend of mine (I've known her for ages) is involved with one of those multi-level marketing companies. A couple times each week she posts that she is 'ready to help 3 more people create their fortune on the internet'. The remainder of her posts are along the lines of 'nothing is impossible with the right attitude' and 'if you expect success you will find success'.




Wow, she's an MLM company's dream. ;)


Here are mine:


1.) People who post how wonderful and well-behaved and beautiful their dc are, how incredible they themselves are, etc.. People, we know you in real life. We will know if you are lying. :D


2.) Spelling and grammar errors. I hate FB posts and blogs where homeschooled kids especially have poor spelling and grammar, because you just know everyone is looking at it as an exmaple of homeschooling. Ugh.


3.) I agree with pp about the "cryptic" messages. If you are updating your status about it, it can't be that private. :001_huh

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A friend of mine (I've known her for ages) is involved with one of those multi-level marketing companies. A couple times each week she posts that she is 'ready to help 3 more people create their fortune on the internet'. The remainder of her posts are along the lines of 'nothing is impossible with the right attitude' and 'if you expect success you will find success'.






This is my brother exactly !


He can't make a post to FB without trying to sell "you" something that will "change your life forever" or give you some pithy uplifting "life motivating" statement about how wonderful his life is now that he is involved with this fabulous multi-level marketing company.


I swear he sounds like he is part of some cult, everything that comes out of his mouth is in praise of this company. I cannot have a conversation with him that doesn't somehow come back around to this incredible multi-level marketing company. It is all he can talk about !


He keeps going on and on about how he made all this money in just one year and "you" can too if you invest with him and this company. I actually know first hand that behind the scenes he has borrowed most of the money from my parents to start himself with this company and they have yet to see a dime of it paid back. :glare:

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I guard my fb account very closely. I ONLY friend those who are actually friends. So I only have about 50 or 60 people on my list and most of them are family. I don't care to know about the lives of just acquaintances and I guarantee they don't really care about me! :tongue_smilie:


That said, I have friended some family members only to unfriend them right away. Constantly posting foul language (I'm pretty forgiving if the situation calls for a cuss word or two), inappropriate updates or pictures (TMI posts), always fishing for compliments, or constant b*tching will get my fb "friends" deleted.


I don't really post very often anyways, and when I do it is usually something fairly inane. I don't even have many pictures because I like my privacy.

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A young relative who stated, "I have never, never, been ashamed of anything I've ever done." - this is the one who posted pics of her 20th bday with the p*nis cake and her and her friends acting very crudely- gag, who lives very immorally and posts pic of her and friends in drunken states almost weekly- her gma is one of her "friends" and put in response to the never ashamed post, "People who judge others do so out of fear." - double gag.


Another young friend just came out of the closet via fb. He has pics of he and his so everywhere, incl "in relationship with" status. The so has NO acknowledgement of this young man. --- too much here to even start with.


Clergy who are running for political office and use their FB acct (full of church member "friends") to campaign. Seriously?!


There's more but those are the ones that are cooking my grits big time this week.

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Another young friend just came out of the closet via fb. He has pics of he and his so everywhere, incl "in relationship with" status.




is there some reason that he should have to hide his relationship? :001_huh:


eta: realized you may have meant that his SO isn't out yet? that's a situation they'll have to handle, yeah.

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What I would like to know is this: if you are so incredibly busy all day, every day with your stressful/hectic/crazy life then where in the world do you find the time to get yourself all fixed up and then pose around your home, taking 'random' snapshots of yourself to post on FB?!


I have a friend who does this constantly. It's so weird.

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What I would like to know is this: if you are so incredibly busy all day, every day with your stressful/hectic/crazy life then where in the world do you find the time to get yourself all fixed up and then pose around your home, taking 'random' snapshots of yourself to post on FB?!


I have a friend who does this constantly. It's so weird.


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What's with all the "...at the 'grocery store'? "...at the 'oil change place'? Seriously? Should I post via my mobile acct that I am going to the dry cleaners and then to pick up some ice and then to the library?





i love foursquare :laugh:

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An old high school acquaintance keeps posting things about drinking vodka during the midday hours, then the other day she posted that she was looking forward to "getting some" since it had been a whole 9 months since her last time. She's a single mother of two small boys and I really worry about them when she posts things like this. I hope they are with their dad or another family member when she's drinking her vodka and "getting some"


I shouldn't be surprised. As a teen this woman drank and smoked pot with her mother and had sex with her boyfriend in her bedroom while her mother was home.


Then there are the parents of teens who drink together and one or the other will post the pics with detailed comments about last nights party.


Yeah, I grew up in a real classy place, lol!

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What's with all the "...at the 'grocery store'? "...at the 'oil change place'? Seriously? Should I post via my mobile acct that I am going to the dry cleaners and then to pick up some ice and then to the library?


:shock: You don't already?!? But how will your friends know what you're doing? What if they also wanted to get their oil changed, but were waiting until someone else was already there so they could sit next to them and text facebook?!?




Those drive me a little nuts too.

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:shock: You don't already?!? But how will your friends know what you're doing? What if they also wanted to get their oil changed, but were waiting until someone else was already there so they could sit next to them and text facebook?!?




Those drive me a little nuts too.


I might be guilty of this, but not when I'm at the grocery store or oil change place. I like to post that I'm happy to be at my favorite Indian restaurant with my family, or at a local park (in case anyone wants to join me) or if I'm at a particular function for a kid or a friend and I'm proud of them I might post that as well.

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