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We had to have our cat put to sleep today

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Jasper was 11 years old. He was fine on Saturday and on Sunday he was throwing up, meowing, having a hard time walking, and having a little trouble breathing. We took him to the emergency vet and she did blood work and said he had kidney failure. She said we could take him home and go to our vet Monday morning. Our vet said his results didn't indicate to her that it was kidney failure. His sugar was high, but that went down after he was given IV fluids. She said yesterday afternoon he seemed to be getting a little better. Then, 7:30 this morning I get the call that he is doing so much worse. He was disoriented and twitching. She said we should put him down. So that is what we had to do. It was just so unexpected, and to not know what actually happened to him it really tough. She suspects that he may have gotten into something, but I have no idea what.

My 8 yo dd made him a card to put in the box with him, and we petted him and kissed him and of course told him how much we love him. And of course we cried, as we will for many more days I'm sure. :angelsad2:


Thank you to all who take the time to read this and maybe pray for our healing.

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(((Nanette))) I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost a kitty very suddenly to kidney failure a couple of years ago. She was only six. We also lost a kitty to what may have been poisoning. We found him outside in the ferns curled up like he was asleep. It is so heart wrenching to lose a dear furry friend so suddenly. Yes, you will cry for days, or weeks. You will hear little sounds you think are him and then realize it isn't. I pray the grieving will pass quickly for you and your family and that the memories of good times will endure.

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Thank you all for your kind words and hugs. This is my dd's 2nd animal that she has lost in her 8 years, and my 3rd in the last 9. It is always so hard. One minute you will be doing ok, then bam, something makes you think of them and cry.

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Hi Nanette,

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. The symptoms you described certainly could've been due to kidney failure but my suspicion is that the kidneys were probably secondary to something else like hyperthyroidism (which can cause hypertension resulting in kidney issues and incoordination, etc.) or heartworm (yes, cats get this) which can look like as asthmatic reaction and weakness, or some kind of toxin like antifreeze or a plant toxic to cats (don't know where you live but there are many yard shrubs that are toxic like azaleas and yews). I have had many cases where we never did know the cause and it is very frustrating and sad for the owners. So sorry again.


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We lost our 2 oldest cats in Nov. Our cat Rocky, age 13, had chronic kidney failure and we were giving him sub q fluids every day. One day, his littermate Patches suddenly screamed and collapsed. We rushed her to the animal hospital. She had a blood clot in her heart that broke off, lodged in her leg and paralized her (it was all with no warning). She was in extreme pain and their was nothing that the vets could do about the clot. We had to put her to sleep. We had her cremated, in hindsite we maybe should have brought her body home for Rocky to see, because he went all over the house calling for her with his special call that he had used since they were babies that was only for her. He stopped eating, we tried everything to get him to eat, even tried to force feed. He became anemic and his last day he stopped going to the bathroom and just laid down and couldn't breath. We took him to the emergency animal hospital, they put him in an oxygen tent, kept increasing the ozygen, he still had trouble breathing, he just shut down and we lost him.


My children had never known a day without these 2 cats. It was so hard for all of us. We now have new kitties but we still miss Rocky and Patches


My husband says that whenever someone will say that cats cannot love, he will tell them about Rocky who did not want to live after his mate Patches died.


My thoughts are with you and your family during this sad time.

p.s. My dd made scrapbooks of Rocky and Patches in memory of them and this helped her a lot with her sorrow. Maybe your child would like to do something similiar.

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