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Birth of Baby Photos

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Let me first say that I am not pregnant but between reading the camping topic and seeing lovely birth photos on a photographer's blog, I thought I would ask a couple of questions. Would you allow the birth of your child to be tastefully photographed? Would you be more comfortable if the photographer was someone you didn't really know personally or would interact with after the shoot? If you had a 15 yr old daughter that shows great photography skills, would you allow her to photograph the birth if she was comfortable?


My answers:


I had my mom video the births of our five but honestly they aren't that great. Video cameras confuse her. :lol: I would have loved to had professional photographs documenting the births.


Having said that, I have a friend that is a professional photographer and I don't believe I could have her do it. LOL. We are great friends but somehow that seems too personal. Plus, she doesn't seem the type that would even want to do birth photos.


I think I would let my 15 yr old daughter take the photos if she is very comfortable with it. I am not totally sure though. Somehow I think my daughter would find it uncomfortable though.

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No, I wouldn't want it photographed in any way, shape, or form. I had to tell a few people that I didn't want them in the delivery room. I wanted my husband and me and the doctor! That was IT!


It is just too private for me and I really have to say that I know many women love giving birth and the wonder of it all. I did NOT. I hated pregnancy, I hated delivery, but I love my kids.



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This sounds like a very personal decision. For me, I wouldn't want anyone videotaping or taking photos of me giving birth. Period. Yuck.


As for videotaping, I would be OK with laboring at home, getting admitted to the hospital, some footage of anxious dad/grandparents/siblings in the waiting room, and then jumping to the newly born baby being suctioned, etc. and then placed in my arms. Everything that happens in between I would not want to be reminded of nor see on film, and certainly would not want anyone else to see.


IMO, professional photography would be beautiful immediately after birth, the first time mom holds her baby, dad and siblings with baby, etc. But photographs of the delivery itself? Not for me.

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My mom video taped or photographed all but my last birth (she was in the other room and missed that birth). I'd have no problem with it, but I water birth so I get the illusion of being covered. It's psychological obviously.:tongue_smilie: I also tell people this is my birthing body and it only looks like this with a baby coming out of it! I don't look anything like this normally.:D


Also, my children attend all of the births (but the last, whew he was fast!) so having my daughter photograph wouldn't be a big difference from plain old watching it happen.

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I would love "tastefully done" photos. Okay, I'll be blunt- just no crotch shots. :tongue_smilie:


The thing is, I haven't always felt that way, so I didn't feel comfortable doing it for #4 (and now, #5) when I didn't have it done with the others.


If I were to have it done, I'd prefer it be done by a stranger, though I could see myself allowing a 15yo dd to do it if she really wanted to. No cousins or neighbors or anything like that!


As a (not-professional-at-this-time) photographer, I'd be happy to shoot for just about anyone - strangers, friends, or family. It may be something I pursue when the kids are older.


ETA: We have considered being on A Baby Story, so I'm not really all that modest while in labor. I just don't really want images of my private parts burned into the minds of people I see on a regular basis!

Edited by Carrie1234
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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I wanted my husband and me and the doctor! That was IT!


Well, I had DH, my doctor and my incredibly wonderful midwife and that was IT for me too so I can relate. But, I also loved pregnancy and birth so that's probably a big difference when it comes to whether or not you would want photography.


However, if I had a baby when dd was 15 and she wanted to be there, I would absolutely be OK with that. I wish I had seen a live birth before giving birth but I wouldn't have been comfortable with just anyone.


If you had a 15 yr old daughter that shows great photography skills, would you allow her to photograph the birth if she was comfortable?


Yes, but only if she were comfortable with it.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I wouldn't. I don't like most of the "baby was just born, now I'm holding it" pictures because I look....very exhausted, shall we say? We were sent photos of a sort-of friend's wife in labor, and I felt sorry that her husband was sharing such photos -- it just felt so inappropriate to look at her in such obvious pain.

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Nah. It's such a *private* moment between dh and I that I don't want any extra people in there at all, much less looking at my lady business. And who wants photographic or video evidence of the complete ruin of their figure and um, girly bits??? LOL (I guess if you haven't blown up like balloon during every pregnancy, don't have stretch marks, etc. then maybe the whole thing is more "beautiful" than it was for some of us... :D )

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We have both photos and videotape of the entire labor/delivery and I'm so glad for that! My dh videotapes (it keeps him quiet and out of my arm's reach - something that has resulted in some physical discomfort for him in the past when he got too close to me while I was in transition, lol). I don't remember all the details of L&D so it is precious for me to have the tape to go back to. I always have pictures of the delivery as well although no shots "down there". Usually a friend takes the pictures but this last time my 11yod did it. She got a beautiful picture of me crying when the nurse said I was complete and ready to push; it captured the intense emotions of the moment when I realize my pregnancy is officially over.


I guess if you haven't blown up like balloon during every pregnancy, don't have stretch marks, etc. then maybe the whole thing is more "beautiful" than it was for some of us... :D )
lol, I guess this is why I don't mind picture?? Never thought of it but you may be right!
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I never wanted to have photos taken, but I got some anyway thanks to an overly helpful nurse.


My middle DS was born inside the amniotic sac (my water never broke). We could see his dark hair moving on the waves between contractions while I was in labor. Very unusual.


The staff was very excited to see this (I think that by the end there were at least 12 nurses and 4 doctors on hand during delivery) and one of them grabbed my camera from the table and started snapping away. The photos are very clinical, not tasteful at all, but interesting too. I've never had the heart to delete them, but I don't know that I would ever do anything with them either. Currently they reside in the purgatory of unlabeled photos on my laptop.


Oh and just because I know someone will ask - It was a wonderful way to have a baby. Almost painless. Really. Think of pushing against a marshmallow rather than a rock. Serene and enjoyable.

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Yes. I would allow my birth to be photographed. I've considered if we ever having another, trying to get birth photos. I guess it depends on your 15 year old... if she and you would be comfortable with it. I would have no problem with a professional photographer doing it. I mean, nurses and midwives and doctors and whoever else is in the room. Why not a photographer?

Edited by staceyobu
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I had a water birth at home with my second child, and my husband, who is a very fine professional photographer took really amazing pictures. After my first birth, I realized my husband... how shall I say this? He needed a job description. Because he was pretty much useless the first go round. So with a camera, and the duties of inflating and filling the tub, he was much more comfortable, and, frankly, out of my way. It was a wonderful birth. I haven't looked at those pictures for years, but am very glad I have them.


My issue, if I were making the decision now and if didn't happen to be married to a professional photographer, is that I would not want extraneous or intrusive "energy" in the room. I was very focused during the birth and didn't want anyone farting around or talking to me or getting in the way. So I'd have to be very comfortable with the person with the camera to go for it.

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My mom took pics of my first ds9 being born and O M G I was mortified when I saw them. I had ASKED HER not to take pictures and yet she still did. I didn't mind the video but specifically stated I did NOT want any photos of the birth. She showed them to me a couple days later & I seriously ripped them to shreds right then & there! :angry:


Now, the birth VIDEO of birthing him that wasn't so bad. The direct spotlight was right on my bidness so you really couldn't see anything because it was so bright, but you knew when the baby was born, etc.


The still shots were absolutely dispicable though.


We homebirthed #2 and the labor pics were amazing but I told them NO cameras during the birth. I have a pic of ds3 on my chest like 2 seconds after the birth and I treasure that photo! :001_wub:



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Guess I'm the odd one out. I have photos from all of my births, including shots of down there. I love a set of 6 photos that I have of my first in various stages of coming out from crowning to all the way out. I had a camera happy doula for that birth. I was disappointed that I jumped into the birth tub for my very last contraction of my second, so I have no photos of that moment for him. If I had known I was that close to delivering, I would have stayed on the bed for photos. My third has photos but not near enough because my friend, who was the photographer, got wrapped up in the moment and forgot to take pictures. She did better by my fourth. We joke that she's seen all of me...literally...so I've got nothing to hide from her now.

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No thank-you. I had a friend that had a baby in high school, and I was looking through a magazine at her house one day and happened across her birth photos(they were tucked into the magazine). They were very graphic and I was horrified! I have never had anyone in the room with me during birth other than my dh and medical personal. I have even declined to use a mirror during birth to see the crowning moment. Those pictures are still burned into my mind over 20 years later! No thank-you, I tell you! No thank-you.

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