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Do you have something in your life that you are truly passionate about? (excl hsing)

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Education- mine and everyone else's. My current focus, apart from this homeschooling research, which is just as much for me as for the kiddies, is quilting. I'm making one for dh for Christmas. If I had the spare cash, the next on the list would be the making of a Livonian head-dress. I need bronze wire and to work out the diameter of the coils.


Food- eating it, reading about it, history of, politics of, not so much actually cooking it unfortunately. Mmm. Food.




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Reading and Writing. I get on certain literature kicks, such as "everything Jane Austen" or "everything Harry Potter." I also get on non-fiction kicks, either by author or by topic. I also love to write: fantasy, essays, blogging, poetry and journaling.


I have become very interested in History as an adult. I also love photography.

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I think those would be the top three in my life right now. I think about when I'm going to get to run, what exercises to do to help with my injury and how my running is going. I think about yoga routines as I'm falling asleep.


Of course my faith is a constant. I'm a Christian, so prayer, devotions, Bible reading are very important. I often use my running time or my yoga time to pray or meditate.

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Biblical literacy (theology, doctrine, Awana clubs, etc.)


Sustainable Living (organic & local, personal gardens, canning, recycling, reducing, etc.)


My Community! (volunteerism, foster respite care, tutoring, etc.) I'm a find a need and fill it kind of gal, but I'm an introvert so I prefer to work behind the scenes or one-on-one.

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God, Being a good wife/mother (yes, *I* derive GREAT satisfaction in caring for my family!) and my outside interest is forensics. I'm actually hoping to start back to school this fall, probably 1 class a quarter, maybe 2, at our local community college which offers a BS in forensics, mostly in evening classes!


If I was younger (ALOT younger) I'd start back to school and double major in psychology and criminal justice/forensics, and work as a profiler. My absolute fantasy would be to go to Quantico and/or the Body Farm.

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Reading and my lifelong quest to know everything. I like to think that heaven is the place where all your questions are answered.


I also like discussing decorating with my brother and dd simply because they enjoy it so much that I get joy from talking to them about it.

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Do you have something, that you actively participate in, spend time daydreaming about, or love to research... whether it be for fun or career... that you are honestly and truly passionate about? What I am really talking about is something that is just for you NOT for someone else's benefit. Home school doesn't count, unless you would continue to do the same amount of work towards it, even if you didn't have your own kids to teach.


1) Helping others through professional counseling

2) Poker, specifically tournament style texas hold em

3) Inclusive and passionate spirituality

4) Helping others, as a lay person who has BTDT recover from alcoholism (or those who have suffered around one)

5) Parenting/discipline, teaching it and developing a method and writing and making seminars/classes

6) Divorce support for the adults and kids

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I used to be passionate about cooking, and before that medicine, and before that short story and poetry writing, and before that (blush) s*x, and before that horses, but I find I am a serial monogamist in regards passion of whatever sort, and homeschooling is it, for now. The "gap" between cooking (which was something I did for my exdh) and homeschooling was a painful stretch of years, my only gap so far, and if my luck holds, my only gap. I was too hurt to have a passion, but I kept faith I would eventually. It was when I started studying how to teach math. I'll never forget the day "the lights came back on".


A friend who knows both me and my ex dissected our divorce thusly: what he wants in life is entertainment with a minimum of hassle, and what I want is passion and a challenge. Homeschooling gives me both.


Great thread.:D

Edited by kalanamak
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Being a mother. I love caring for my daughter. It is the one great joy of my life.


My own education. I'm currently a student, and I LOVE it. Even once I graduate, I can't imagine that I will ever stop seeking knowledge.


Related to the above, reading. Fiction, non-fiction, it doesn't matter, I'll read it and probably love it. I rarely read a book that I don't enjoy at least a little.


History. Which is why it's my major, and I hope to teach it someday.


Dogs. Big, slobbery, clumsy, dogs. :D I live in a small apartment now, but when I have my own place I will be involved in rescue.


Writing. It is what I really want to do with myself, being a history professor is my plan B (you know, the one that makes money while I'm trying to make money writing!)

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whole food

natural childbirth

nursing (babies, not hospital)

reading real books

and this:

(thanks, Alphabetika!)



Really? Truly? You love those things, too? :):):)


I'm fond of your interests, too. In fact, nursing and reading real books aloud are my two favorite parts of parenting. And reading aloud WHILE nursing? *swoons with joy*

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Very interesting. I think I am a passion and a challenge person too.


A friend who knows both me and my ex dissected our divorce thusly: what he wants in life is entertainment with a minimum of hassle, and what I want is passion and a challenge. Homeschooling gives me both.


Great thread.:D

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