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Which magazines do you subscribe to?

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I get New Oxford Review and Touchstone (a welcome gift from a board friend!). I won't be renewing my NOR subscription, however; I'm considering getting This Rock instead. My dw gets Living Crafts and Wondertime and borrows Gourmet, Bon Appetit, Mothering, National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, Budget Travel, Family Fun, MacWorld, and Cook's Illustrated from the library.


Our dd only gets magazines from the library. She likes Muse, Young Rider, Your Big Backyard, Ranger Rick, Highlights, and American Girl.

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The kids get Highlights. Dh and I get Smithsonian, Books & Culture, Imprimus, Mother Earth News, Simple & Delicious and Above Rubies. I have also been receiving Atlantic recently, but I'm not sure why... I need to call and make sure there isn't some mistake (although my aunt has been known to get us subscriptions as gifts and not tell us). We receive all ours as gifts.

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I'm looking for some good magazines for myself and the kids. Right now I get Victoria and The English Home for myself, Highlights for the kids.


I was SOO excited to see that Victoria is being republished! I started getting that magazine when I was first married. I kept almost every issue. It holds lots of memories for me, but I haven't subscribed to it this time. I have picked them up at B&N.


I only have gift subscriptions: TIME, Real Simple, and (gasp!) Entertainment Weekly. (whisper: Don't tell anyone that occasionally I like mindless drivel...):blush:

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For kids we subscribe to Your Big Backyard and I've bought Ladybug, Spider, Click and Ask on ebay (I wouldn't pay the subscription price).


For us: The Economist, The Financial Times, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, The Nation, Smithsonian, The New Yorker and Natural History. I pick up the National Geographic at the library magazine sale.

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We get National Geographic that we pay for.


We have been gifted with Consumer Reports, Coastal Living, ZooBooks, National Geographic Kids, and Self. (I don't care for any of the gifted ones except ZooBooks are really cool. Oh and Consumer Reports is fine too)


I need to tell those that gifted them to not renew and get me something I really like instead. Just keep forgetting.

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Shape, Runner's World, Pilates Style


Elle Decor, Harpers, Lucky


Cooking Light, Bon Appetit, Cook's Illustrated, Wine Spectator


Travel and Leisure


Cattleman, Outside, American Rifleman, Flying


Ranger Rick, Natural History


Wall Street Journal


Most of these I got for free for filling out some online surveys and some come with memberships ... the only ones I pay for are Runner's World, Cooking Light, Bon Appetit and Cook's Illustrated. Bon Appetit I read and tear out recipes I like ... the others I keep for future reference. You never know when you are going to need to cook a meal for your running group while introducing them to a training plan for a ultra marathon or help them find some new core exercise to make their running more efficient :001_smile:.


It pretty well covers our life ... I an a fitness buff with a taste for beautiful things. My husband wants to add more cattle and an airplane to our life. My son's want to be National Park Rangers and we all love to travel.


No wonder I am too busy to read a book lately, maybe I should cut down on the subscriptions ... but most of them are free :confused:.

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I only subscribe to one magazine, and that is National Review.


I don't have time to read others but if I did, they would be Cook's Illustrated and Victoria.


My husband gets Wall Street Journal and a variety of outdoor/hunting magazines and computer magazines and Consumer Reports. I rarely read any of them unless he calls my attention to a particular article.

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I don't know if we subscribe to AARP magazine or not, but we get it! My son says it's like Consumer Reports for old people.


Time used to be my favorite until they reformatted the magazine about 2 years ago. Now I like Newsweek better. The Economist is good - but it's more than I can read each week.


We get Consumer Reports for my husband. He enjoys that magazine.

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National Review

(Wm Buckley RIP and we love Florence King)



Kids Discover

Focus on the Family magazines:


Club House

Plugged In

Learning Thru History

Woman's Day

Wow, listing them, didn't realize how many we had.

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I get Countryside and small farm journal, Mother Earth News, Cooking Light and Health (they were a 2 for 1 deal). Also, several devotionals.


We all read World magazine and Guideposts. We had National Geographic last year, but no one looked at it. :(


The boys get the Boy Scout magazine, and dd gets Your Big Backyard. I'd like the boys to start reading more, so I picked up Popular Science and Discover, which they did read!

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