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I'm done planning! (wanna join in?) :)

Night Elf

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I am DONE and I promise that I will not second guess myself nor change this schedule unless a significant problem occurs! What's the next hardest surface to stone? :D


I created different planners for dd12 and ds14 this weekend. I've got all the materials I need, I've read through them and know how they work, AND I am getting started today. Of course, I should mention we homeschool year round. Some programs have been started already and some are finishing soon.



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Great job!


I'm done, too. We're start our 6th day today. I'm skipping the annual teacher appreciation sale today at the local teacher supply store, and I was there yesterday buying a 100 number grid for my youngest and bought nothing else. I, too, am refusing to alter/add anything unless I have to.


Enjoy the first day!

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I'm green with envy. I'm gettin' there, just not quite there yet!


:iagree: I have dd6 complete for the first semester. Dd10 is complete through week 5 and I haven't even started on dsd11. I am slowly plugging, or should I say filing along!!

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I wish I were done. I was about to get started, and I set our start date for August 9. Since I only need to plan for one, this would be plenty of time... However, we were just told by my in-laws that they are coming mid-August. So, now everything is going to be off... grr... makes me want to not plan because I'm so irritated that they're going to interfere! Childish, I know... my in-laws drive me crazy and now my mental energy has moved to fretting about their visit. I just need to do this :chillpill: and plan anyway.

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We school year round but "officially" we took July off. (Even though we'll do about 7 days worth before it's over.:)) Most of our new stuff is going to wait until August when our official year begins... I'm *almost* done planning our first Term - 12 weeks.

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Done planning (3rd grade at least)! We actually started 5 weeks ago so that we can take off when we return to the States this winter. Now I'm on to planning the next ES program and dd's 4th grade, it never ends ;)!

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I'm planning - not even close to done.


We're still doing some work trying to wrap up the year and get ready for evaluations. Evaluations are August 5th and next year starts on August 16th.


I won't do this next year - other than reading and math facts, we're taking next summer OFF to do fun things!

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i'm not done, but I do have some stuff done. I'm struggling so bad right now because I hate being on the computer, but I have to be on to talk to my DH on skype, so when he runs out to smoke I find myself coming here and looking at the fsot board, thank goodness we don't have any money or i can't tell you how much curriculum i'd have right now.

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I am all planned, I just need to type in 15 more weeks into my excel planner. I roughly penciled it all out and then did some adjustments and now I am going to make it all neaat and pretty. This week will be spent gathering supplies, organizing everything on my shelves, making workboxes for my boys, typing up master supply and booklists etc. Oh yeah and going supply shopping which is like only one of may favorite things to do :D


Next week we are on vacation and then we start the 2nd of August!

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Oh yeah and going supply shopping which is like only one of may favorite things to do :D


I allowed myself 4 one-subject notebooks for my own school (college). I don't NEED anything but this time of year with school supply sales just kills me! I've always been excited at new school supplies. The first day of school ROCKED! New bookbag, new supplies, new clothes. I guess that's carried over into my adult years too. I felt that way on the first day of my classes this semester, and I'm already looking forward to the first day of fall semester (even though I don't know what classes I'm going to be taking)!

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I've been planning for more than a month! I'm afraid HST has me in analysis paralysis. I'm seriously considering ditching it and doing what I've always done...fly by the seats of our pants.


I have all of our curriculum...except for the MCT I really want but can't afford right now. I do have another LA program, though, so we're not really lacking anything.


So, why do I feel like I have to lay the whole year out on paper? Isn't it fine to simply start at page 1 and finish at the end of each book?


Why do I make it so difficult? :tongue_smilie:

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I allowed myself 4 one-subject notebooks for my own school (college). I don't NEED anything but this time of year with school supply sales just kills me! I've always been excited at new school supplies. The first day of school ROCKED! New bookbag, new supplies, new clothes. I guess that's carried over into my adult years too. I felt that way on the first day of my classes this semester, and I'm already looking forward to the first day of fall semester (even though I don't know what classes I'm going to be taking)!



:iagree: The school shopping is the most fun part! I think if I go ahead and take the boys shopping for a few new things it'll finally feel like time to start school. :)

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I have figured out what I want to do, and I have much of it filed in my new 36 week file box but I'm still waiting on a few things to arrive. We don't start until Sept. 7th but that's because my dh is coming back from deployment in early Aug and then taking some leave in mid-late Aug. So we won't start our new year until after he's back to the normal work schedule (well as normal as the Navy gets anyway)

I'm determined not to switch anything curriculum wise unless major catastrophe strikes with one of them. This will be the start of our 5th year so I've gotten to a point where I know mostly what works for what child. I will add my youngest in as a Ker this year which is the only "toss up" because I'm not sure what his style really is.

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Kinda, just started planning! Have LA for 2 kids done, started history, and science. I'm still waiting on a few things---and I just haven't taken the time. School doesn't start until the end of August for us and I still do have a long weekend away from my kids for me to finish up my planning--so I'm not super stressed.

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Jealous... But will do the Happy Dance with you.:party:


Oh jeez, I just know the Fly-By-The-Seat-Of-Your-Pants and Do-THe-Next-Thing Camps are shaking their head at us...:001_smile: But I just keep telling myself something I saw on Aubrey's sig "I can't help it, I was made this way..."

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I am extremely jealous!! I want to plan out the year soooooo bad, but every single night I become completely overwhelmed with the enormity of the task that I do absolutely nothing (aside from checking out the forums!!). This is our first year and my oldest is in K, so it should be relatively easy right? I just don't even know where to begin :confused:.

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I suppose I'm done planning because we are moving in less than two weeks and all my stuff is packed: all the catalogs, notebooks, sticky notes with great ideas scribbled on them, binders, paperclips, and even my copies of WTM and LCC.


I have to content myself with random thoughts jotted down on a legal pad I found in the back of my closet. Maybe I'll even be able to find it after the move....

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I'm jealous. :)


I'm almost done planning (still need to find that pesky science curriculum) and just started buying books and supplies this morning. It will be another 6 weeks before I have every thing, but we'll be ready to start in September.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

:hurray:I am done too! I will not change my curriculum....well at least not before using it for a month.:tongue_smilie:

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