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How late at night do you call someone?

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I've grown so used to emailing instead of telephoning that I no longer know how late it is appropriate to call someone. What's the latest you would call someone/return their call? (An acquaintance, not a good friend with whose schedule I'd be familiar ...)





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I've grown so used to emailing instead of telephoning that I no longer know how late it is appropriate to call someone. What's the latest you would call someone/return their call? (An acquaintance, not a good friend with whose schedule I'd be familiar ...)






no later than 8:30pm their time and no earlier than 9am their time.

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My standards are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. unless I know they have young children who go to bed early or they've specifically told me I can call them later.



If I know my friend has to put littles to bed I'll email instead. Generally most people check email after the kids are in bed.

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I was brought up with not calling after 9pm or before 10am on weekends. It's a guideline I'm teaching my kiddo's.



Same here. I do have a close circle of friends where this rule does not apply. They know I am up by 7:30am and are free to call whenever they like.

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I've grown so used to emailing instead of telephoning that I no longer know how late it is appropriate to call someone. What's the latest you would call someone/return their call? (An acquaintance, not a good friend with whose schedule I'd be familiar ...)






Even if it's someone I know, I still don't call after 9:30 unless I'm POSITIVE they'll be up.

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9 AM to 9PM. Unless they have specifically said, "Give me a call around 10", or my Mom, who I can call at 7:30 AM because I know she was up at 5:30 anyway.


I'm not a morning person, and I get really annoyed with people that call before 9 AM. I recently chewed someone out from a business for calling at 8:15 AM. Their response was "Well we open at 8:00 AM", my response was "We'll I'm a private residence not a business, and we don't appreciate calls before 9:00 AM" and promptly hung up on them.

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