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How to fight Aging????

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So I turn 40yo this summer and I have never taken vitamins or had a regular exercise plan. I drink too much coffee. I don't get a lot of sleep. I could go on and on. But I never really worried about it because I have always looked young for my age. Well things are going downhill rapidly and I NEED A PLAN.


I need a plan to fight aging. What supplements should I be taking? I assume calcium is one of them? Are there others?


Do any of you use those fancy anti-wrinkle creams? Do they work? Where are all these wrinkles coming from all of a sudden?


Exercise plan?


How much sleep should I be getting?


I think I am supposed to start getting mammograms this year? Oh joy.


Anything else?


What are YOU doing to stay young and healthy?

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There's the obvious wear & tear, then there's alot of aging due to major shifts in hormones. If you can afford bio-identical hormones, that's the new, big thing & is safer than other methods. The Perricone diet claims to have you looking & feeling younger in short order. From the short blurb I heard, it promotes getting a balance of omega fatty acids and tons of antioxidants (specifically, wild salmon, blueberries & dark leafy greens).


Some of the info. at makeupalley . com is very helpful. There's people there who know intricate things about facial care such as the 4 reasons for dark undereye circles and how to treat them. You can ask what the best cream for XYZ problem with ABC skin-type is on the boards & those gals can give you a list of things to try.


IME, wrinkle creams work while you're using them regularly, but don't change much permanently. Estee Lauder Perfectionist CP+ serum works wonders but is on the pricey side for some budgets. Olay has alot to choose from and my grandma used it - she always looked great.


(((hugs!))) It's like being a teen again - being thrown for a curve with all kinds of new problems & changes.

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My views on ageing differ from the mainstream. First, I think its important to develop an attitude of acceptance and grace about growing older, rather than "fighting" it. No matter what you do, you are going to get older, your bits will sag, you will get wrinkles, and unless you are platinum blonde like me (:001_smile:) you will go grey. You will also tend toward putting on a bit of weight, which will definitely mess with your head if you still want to look young and slim! So...the sooner you develop a good attitude towards it all, the better. A sense of humour is very helpful.


Wrinkle creams- we have a consumer magazine here in Australia which tested lots of different creams from the cheapest to some very expensive ones. The feedback was...expensive ones are a waste of money. They are a con. I use normal, health food shop moisturisers and at 43 do not have wrinkles although my laugh lines are definitely slightly more pronounced than 10 years ago!


Supplements - I would not rely on supplements to balance the effects of ageing. Eat well, mostly plants. Coffee fires off the adrenals, which contributes to stress, which contributes to signs of ageing. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated- for every cup of coffee, have at least one glass of water, plus more. Alcohol is very ageing. Again, drink lots of water to balance the effects of alcohol.


Calcium- Western countries already have the highest intake of calcium and still have the highest rate of osteoporosis. You need magnesium and silica to take calcium into your bones and build them, not more calcium. Taking calcium does very little. Eating leafy greens and less meat, and little sugar, will help build bones. High protein (meat) and sugar leaches calcium from bones. Magnesium is a good supplement to take.


I take food supplements rather than artificially created synthetic vitamin supplements. Spirulina, maca powder, raw cacao, various herbs, goji berries, chia seeds, and colloidal magnesium and iron.


Exercise? Whatever you enjoy- just do it. There is no one way to exercise. Just move, most days. Ideally, a variety is good- cardiovascular (bike riding, brisk walking, jogging etc), weight lifting and weight bearing, and stretching. But something is always better than nothing. Fresh air and sunshine are also important.


Mammograms? I believe that doing a self test regularly in the shower or in bed- and becoming very familiar with your own shape and texture- is far better than exposing your body and breasts to radiation regularly. There is a lot of evidence that mammograms actually cause cancer. Just google "dangers of mammograms" and see what comes up.


Sleep is very individual, but if you know you arent getting enough...well, you know. You get enough when you feel well rested, most of the time.


For myself, I sleep 7-8 hours a night, and then frequently have an afternoon rest. I get insomnia at some times of the month, and my afternoon rest keeps me going.

I walk regularly, and do yoga, chi gung, dance, and sometimes weights. I do not push myself- I only do what I enjoy. I am about to start a Wu Tao class which is a type of dance related to tai chi.

I eat well, make a lot of vegetable juices, try and keep my system fairly alkaline, eat a lot of raw foods, eat meat or fish only when I crave it, and stay away from sugar, white flour/wheat, and fried foods mostly. I eat a fair amount of organic foods. I take herbs for issues that come up, and for takign care of my organs such as my liver.

I use natural products for shampoo, conditioner, and moisturiser. I dont use soap or cleansers, as they dry out my skin and I don't think they are necessary. I don't use chemicals in my hair or on my skin. My routine is very basic and simple. I sometimes weat a bit of makeup, but not daily.

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My views on ageing differ from the mainstream. First, I think its important to develop an attitude of acceptance and grace about growing older, rather than "fighting" it. No matter what you do, you are going to get older, your bits will sag, you will get wrinkles, and unless you are platinum blonde like me you will go grey. You will also tend toward putting on a bit of weight, which will definitely mess with your head if you still want to look young and slim! So...the sooner you develop a good attitude towards it all, the better. A sense of humour is very helpful.

Wrinkle creams- expensive ones are a waste of money.

Calcium- Western countries already have the highest intake of calcium and still have the highest rate of osteoporosis. You need magnesium and silica to take calcium into your bones and build them, not more calcium. Taking calcium does very little. Eating leafy greens and less meat, and little sugar, will help build bones. High protein (meat) and sugar leaches calcium from bones. Magnesium is a good supplement to take.

I take food supplements rather than artificially created synthetic vitamin supplements. Spirulina, maca powder, raw cacao, various herbs, goji berries, chia seeds, and colloidal magnesium and iron.

Exercise? Whatever you enjoy- just do it. There is no one way to exercise. Just move, most days. Ideally, a variety is good- cardiovascular (bike riding, brisk walking, jogging etc), weight lifting and weight bearing, and stretching.

Mammograms? I believe that doing a self test regularly in the shower or in bed- and becoming very familiar with your own shape and texture- is far better than exposing your body and breasts to radiation regularly. There is a lot of evidence that mammograms actually cause cancer. Just google "dangers of mammograms" and see what comes up.

Sleep is very individual, but if you know you arent getting enough...well, you know.

I eat well, make a lot of vegetable juices, try and keep my system fairly alkaline, eat a lot of raw foods, eat meat or fish only when I crave it, and stay away from sugar, white flour/wheat, and fried foods mostly. I eat a fair amount of organic foods. I take herbs for issues that come up, and for takign care of my organs such as my liver.


Peela, you are AMAZING :iagree:. You took the words out of my mouth :D. I agree fully with all that you say - especially mammograms (I'm considering breast thermography next time we travel somewhere that has it); calcium; everything. I wish I could spend more time with you and pick your brains. You're a fabulous wealth of info :grouphug:.

Thanks for the reminder to look into more food-based supplements and to eat more plant-based foods. I knew that already, but I need the reminder. I also juice veggies as often as I can. My parents juice daily and they are so healthy. I so believe in pH balancing.

The only make-up I've worn for the past 12 years has been a tiny bit of tinted lip balm for special occasions. I used to wear TONS of make up. All. The. Time. ;)

I'm 42.

Heather, lovely to see you here :grouphug:, I have a whole bunch of info that I hope to find the time (and hopefully not overwhelm ;) to post later.

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So I turn 40yo this summer and I have never taken vitamins or had a regular exercise plan. I drink too much coffee. I don't get a lot of sleep. I could go on and on. But I never really worried about it because I have always looked young for my age. Well things are going downhill rapidly and I NEED A PLAN.


I need a plan to fight aging. What supplements should I be taking? I assume calcium is one of them? Are there others?


Do any of you use those fancy anti-wrinkle creams? Do they work? Where are all these wrinkles coming from all of a sudden?


Exercise plan?


How much sleep should I be getting?


I think I am supposed to start getting mammograms this year? Oh joy.


Anything else?


What are YOU doing to stay young and healthy?


I am a firm believer in exercise being the fountain of youth so to speak. I started running and taking classes at 40. I exercise daily, pretty much wahtever I feel like doing that day. I eat well but I do enjoy my daily coffee and allow myself to enjoy the foods I love. I don't take supplements except StJohs Wort when I am gong through PMS. The mammograms really truly are not as bad as people say. I was quite suprised but don't skip that, bring a friend to hold your hand if you need to but go. As far as the anything else, set yearly goals for yourself leanr a new craft, take a class just because you are interested in it, do more for yourself.

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Oh forgot to say, there has recently been a possible link shown between daily multi vitamins and breast cancer. http://www.news.com.au/national/multivitamin-link-to-breast-cancer/story-e6frfkvr-1225855021929


I have no plans to start taking multi vitamins, I'll stick with a varied diet.

Mammograms aren't so bad, I've had a couple already and they are pretty painless.

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My views on ageing differ from the mainstream. First, I think its important to develop an attitude of acceptance and grace about growing older, rather than "fighting" it. No matter what you do, you are going to get older, your bits will sag, you will get wrinkles, and unless you are platinum blonde like me (:001_smile:) you will go grey. You will also tend toward putting on a bit of weight, which will definitely mess with your head if you still want to look young and slim! So...the sooner you develop a good attitude towards it all, the better. A sense of humour is very helpful.


Wrinkle creams- we have a consumer magazine here in Australia which tested lots of different creams from the cheapest to some very expensive ones. The feedback was...expensive ones are a waste of money. They are a con. I use normal, health food shop moisturisers and at 43 do not have wrinkles although my laugh lines are definitely slightly more pronounced than 10 years ago!


Supplements - I would not rely on supplements to balance the effects of ageing. Eat well, mostly plants. Coffee fires off the adrenals, which contributes to stress, which contributes to signs of ageing. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated- for every cup of coffee, have at least one glass of water, plus more. Alcohol is very ageing. Again, drink lots of water to balance the effects of alcohol.


Calcium- Western countries already have the highest intake of calcium and still have the highest rate of osteoporosis. You need magnesium and silica to take calcium into your bones and build them, not more calcium. Taking calcium does very little. Eating leafy greens and less meat, and little sugar, will help build bones. High protein (meat) and sugar leaches calcium from bones. Magnesium is a good supplement to take.


I take food supplements rather than artificially created synthetic vitamin supplements. Spirulina, maca powder, raw cacao, various herbs, goji berries, chia seeds, and colloidal magnesium and iron.


Exercise? Whatever you enjoy- just do it. There is no one way to exercise. Just move, most days. Ideally, a variety is good- cardiovascular (bike riding, brisk walking, jogging etc), weight lifting and weight bearing, and stretching. But something is always better than nothing. Fresh air and sunshine are also important.


Mammograms? I believe that doing a self test regularly in the shower or in bed- and becoming very familiar with your own shape and texture- is far better than exposing your body and breasts to radiation regularly. There is a lot of evidence that mammograms actually cause cancer. Just google "dangers of mammograms" and see what comes up.


Sleep is very individual, but if you know you arent getting enough...well, you know. You get enough when you feel well rested, most of the time.


For myself, I sleep 7-8 hours a night, and then frequently have an afternoon rest. I get insomnia at some times of the month, and my afternoon rest keeps me going.

I walk regularly, and do yoga, chi gung, dance, and sometimes weights. I do not push myself- I only do what I enjoy. I am about to start a Wu Tao class which is a type of dance related to tai chi.

I eat well, make a lot of vegetable juices, try and keep my system fairly alkaline, eat a lot of raw foods, eat meat or fish only when I crave it, and stay away from sugar, white flour/wheat, and fried foods mostly. I eat a fair amount of organic foods. I take herbs for issues that come up, and for takign care of my organs such as my liver.

I use natural products for shampoo, conditioner, and moisturiser. I dont use soap or cleansers, as they dry out my skin and I don't think they are necessary. I don't use chemicals in my hair or on my skin. My routine is very basic and simple. I sometimes weat a bit of makeup, but not daily.


YES, exactly! This could have been my post. I will turn 42 in October, and I feel better than I did in my 20's! I take much better care of myself now, and am all the happier for it. On May Day I was carded purchasing some beverages for a BBQ we were having. :001_huh: Of course genes have something to do with that, but I also think how I feel on the inside comes through on the outside. Embracing doesn't mean getting yourself a rocker for the front porch and letting it all go... it just means taking good care of yourself, and recognizing/accepting the beauty of womanhood, whatever phase you're in. :)

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Sorry this is sooo long ...


3 Keys to Slow Down Aging in All Your Body’s Cells:

Exercise for half an hour a day – Ideally, at least 20 of these 30 minutes should be spent in any activity that leaves you somewhat breathless.

Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (and low in fat and refined sugar)

Spend an hour a day taking part in stress-reducing activities, such as yoga or meditation - I figure that I spend about 30 minutes a day praying and reading holy scripture. That's my quiet time. I love it and need it.

The other 30 minutes can be spent doing yoga and other stretching. I have no problem fitting that in, since I love it so much.



Stay out of the sun. This is probably the #1 beauty tip.

Wear a good sunscreen (I just researched the more “safe” ones and can post a list if anyone is interested - and just for everyone to know, Neutrogena, Coppertone, and Banana Boat are amongst the worst).

Nonetheless, I seldom wear sunscreen. I wear a wide-brimmed hat and I am very rarely out in the sun in the peak hours. I try to wear sunscreen on my hands and am considering getting gloves for driving. You can always tell a woman’s age by looking at her hands. The hands never lie.

Strong circulation from a healthy heart and lungs mean more blood flow to the face. Diets high in carotenoids – antioxidants found in colorful fruits, vegetables, certain fish and poultry – make skin appear more golden and, therefore healthier.



Drinking water is probably the #2 beauty tip. Poorly hydrated skin isn't going to look good under any foundation.

I drink water first thing in the morning and after each bathroom trip.

I stop drinking water at around 6 PM.

I also don't drink much right before leaving the house. Most public bathrooms here leave much to be desired. ;)

Ideally, your urine should be clear.

I don't drink water during meals.



Try to have at least 1/2 of each meal be veggies and/or fruit.

I try (but definitely don't always succeed) to juice veggies and have one juice a day. My parents do this daily.

Consume 5-9 Servings of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a Day. One of the most conspicuous things about the diets of the five longest-lived populations is that they all include large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. The most important anti-aging aspect of fruits and veggies is their high levels of antioxidants. As well as host of other benefits, antioxidants protect tissues from cross-linking, a process that causes arteries to stiffen and skin to wrinkle. To test your cross-linking, put your hand flat on a table surface. Take a pinch of skin from the back of your hand and pull it upward. If it springs back, your cross-linking damage is minimal. The longer it stays raised, the more cross-linking damage you have. The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live. You could say that one of the commonest causes of aging is a fruit and vegetable deficiency.

Another benefit of fruits and veggies is the high-fiber content. Fiber improves digestion and ensures skin-damaging toxins are flushed from the body.

Healthy Fats and Omega 3s

Eat plenty of fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil – these healthy fats are all necessary for radiant, supple skin. I also LOVE Carlson's Fish Oil - has a ton of health benefits and I'm convinced that it helps the skin.

Limit refined sugar, highly processed and fried foods as much as possible. Sugar triggers the formation of free radicals, which damage the skin’s supportive collagen strands.



I get facials about once every 4-6 weeks. They’re much cheaper here. ;)

I love Paula's Choice but may consider using nothing at all or something more natural. I don't use products daily.



Wrinkles aren't typically what make a woman look old, but loss of something called "brightness". Cellular build-up and clogged and enlarged pores can make skin look dim and dull. Nothing beats having facials, but if you can't afford them, you can do so at home. Before thinking about make-up, if you can afford to see a really good aesthetician for as long as your budget allows and as often as your budget allows, you would benefit profoundly.

One of the keys to keeping skin young is regular and gentle exfoliation.

I love Exfolia Cloth from amazon and use it in the shower a few times a week.

Always be more gentle than you think you need to be!

Exfoliating scrubs used twice a week will help with blackheads and increase brightness.

If you use one of the scrubs, the particles should be smooth and feel like sugar in your hand. If they are too big or rough, they can tear skin. Go for a gentle product with a manufactured exfoliant - like micro beads - versus a natural exfoliant like seeds or pits because the rough edges can actually cause little scratches on your skin and cause more damage in the long run than help. This is one time natural is not necessarily better!

Use only your ring finger to massage a manual exfoliant on your face as it has the lightest touch - even though it feels so good to REALLY scrub!

Always be more gentle than you think you need to be! Always err on the side of babying your skin.

I have heard good things about the following, although I haven’t tried any of them yet.

Mary Kay Time Wise Microdermabrasion – the entire Mary Kay line is said to be good

Biore strips are said to be helpful for cleaning pores

Sephora Microdelivery Peel

Neutrogena’s At Home Microdermabrasion System

Olay Daily Facials Clarity Scrub

pHisoderm pH2O Anytime Nurturing Scrub with Gentle Microbeads

With Clarins' Bright Plus HP Brightening Peel, $42 at Sephora and Sephora.com, you really see immediate results. You put this peel on with a cotton pad and never have to take it off, and it really perks up your skin fast. You can really see it work, too - if you do one side of your face and not the other, you can actually see how much brighter your face looks!

The older we get, the brighter we want our skin to look. We want less age spots, less discoloration and less unevenness, and this peel is a great extra little boost that you can give to your skin every few days.



Believe it or not, eyebrows are really important and can totally change how you look. On top of that, having well-groomed eyebrows makes you look more put-together even if you don't wear make up.

I never wear make up. I have my naturally thick and bushy brows waxed once a month. Do what you need to do. If waxing is a splurge, then after professional waxing you can maintain the shape yourself by regular tweezing afterwards.

Charla Krupp says that getting your eyebrows done is like a 15-minute facelift. It can really lift up your face.

Finally, don’t pluck out any gray hairs, since brows thin with age and you might wind up with no brows at all.



I’m never able to sleep on my back. I got a satin pillowcase, which, apparently helps with hair loss and facial creases.


RETINOL :confused:

I have not yet used Retinol, but may as I get older. I know that it helps to fade age spots (an area of concern for me) and you can use it on your hands, lower forearms, and even your decolletage. But I am concerned about adverse health effects, so still undecided. :confused:

I have read that every woman over 40 should consider Retinol. I may wait until I’m 50. I’ll see.

Retinol is the only medical proven cream that will stimulate collagen growth. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. There isn't anything on the market that compares. Don't bother with Strivectin. It doesn't work and is ridiculously expensive. Retinol is the only real proven topical cream that reduces fine lines and age spots. Retinol is like taking a whip to an old horse; it goads your skin into making fresh new collagen.

This from a very trusted friend who swears by the stuff.

“Despite Madison Avenue and heavy marketing, no cream has ever been proven to reverse skin aging except retinol. Retinol is the magic bullet. I know that you need a prescription. I know it isn't cheap. But it works. We women pour billions of dollars into buying creams and potions that don't work, but then we balk at actually paying the money for something that does.

Retinol works if your skin can tolerate it. Some people cannot tolerate it because it is too drying. Most people get irritation from improper use.”



I dry brush and dry loofah my body almost daily.

I also rebound on most days.



I pray and read encouraging words at least once a day, preferably twice.

I laugh a lot. I've always been this way :D.



I have not colored my hair yet and may very well allow myself to go gray naturally. My dh prefers it and so do I.

If you do want to dye your hair, Charla Krupp says, getting hair professionally colored is the one beauty indulgence not to skip.

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Finally, I read this recently:

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting an 87 year-old woman who was not only very wise but who also could do more push ups than most 50 year-olds. I had the honor of spending a glorious week at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico to celebrate their 70th anniversary and interviewing the co-founder and owner, Deborah Szekely.

Just shy of her 88th birthday, Deborah glows with an energy that one rarely finds in someone half her age. She does Pilates three times a week and trains three times a week with a Navy Seal. When she said "I know that eventually I will get old"... I knew that I had to share her inspiration with you.

Ten Life Principles of Deborah Szekely

Get healthy! It's never too late to decide to be healthy. "Disease is not required. It is, to a great degree, a matter of choice. Our habit of diet, exercise and attitude can determine the quality of our lives. What good is it to live to be 100 if we don't have the energy, health and vitality to enjoy it? It's never too late to start becoming healthy and it's so simple. When you start, just eat 20 percent less than normal and the excess pounds will go away. Eat slowly and eat local, seasonal and organic whenever possible."


Start it. Even if you don't know what's next, take the first step. Once you get going with a project you'll figure out what's next. "We didn't know what we were building, we just did what needed to be done each day." Seventy years later, those days have added up to create one of the world's premier health spas and resorts. And, it all started from taking the first step.


Take time for yourself. "Make time for you. Go outside in the morning and connect to Nature's energy. Listen. Feel it. Problems will still be there but you get to share them in a different way." When we connect to something bigger than us and take the time to go inside, we'll find the answers we seek.


Start your day with the right attitude. "Each morning when you wake, connect with your body. Spend a moment wiggling and say 'Good Morning'. Expect it to be a good day and it will be." Our attitude determines our outcome.


Exercise and get moving! "At 87, I exercise six days a week. I still have a lot to do in my life! You can get as old as you're willing to be. When you turn 60, exercise is doubly important, when you turn 70, even more. I have to exercise even more, not less, when I reach 90. I know that eventually I'll get old, but for me, going on 88 is no different than 68!"


Smidgens add up. Many times we'll have 'just a smidgen' of this or 'just a smidgen' of that ... but those smidgens add up. If you eat fast food only twice a week, that adds up to more than 100 times a year, or almost 10,000 times if you live to be 100! Be aware of the long-term, cumulative effects of your choices, even if it's 'only a smidgen.'


Let your faith be bigger than your problems. "Everyone has problems. All you can do is your very best and that usually suffices -- just do your best. I'm confident when I know I've done my best -- it's going to work out. The key is to look beyond the day and beyond the problem, by focusing on that future day."


Life is about thirds. Life can be divided into three main sections. "The first third, from 0-30 is your youth. The second third is your adolescence, when we grow up to become a person. The third third of life, from 60 to 90 is the pinnacle of life, the years where we have the most freedom and choices -- but you must be healthy!"


Climb mountains! "Life is best lived when you have a goal, have a passion and find things that you believe in. These passions can change, just like when you climb a mountain, the horizon always changes. The higher you climb up the mountain the more you can see. As you summit the peak you might see another mountain top. Follow where your passion will lead you. Find the things you believe in and get addicted to mountain climbing."


Give back. Being of service to others makes life more complete. "There's just so much to do and I'm in a position to help make a difference ... As an 'Elder', I believe that wisdom is experience plus judgment. I believe the elders are in a position to make a difference."

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I went to a dermatologist for the first time a couple of years ago to get a skin check. I was starting to get these mole-ish looking things on my back/abdomen and I wanted to get them removed and make sure they weren't cancerous. She called them "barnacles of old age" (seborrheic keratoses) and said these aren't moles and aren't harmful. She used liquid nitrogen spray to remove them which took very little time but cost about $150, not including the skin check exam. And bless her heart, she also told me I should try using Amlactin lotion (which used to be available only by prescription) to prevent more from forming.


She's probably saved me some $$ because I bought a big ol' bottle of it at Costco and it's working great so far! (Amlactin is an alpha hydroxy lotion so it's continually peeling away any roughness). I also bought a great long-handle lotion applicator for my back at Bed Bath and Beyond.


(Now hopefully my dd won't have to tell me again that it looks like I have some "taco meat" on my back. :tongue_smilie: )

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Basic health, though, is not hard for "do-it-yourself".


Have whatever annual testing your doctor recommends. Do your own research for which ones you agree with, however, because the medical community is as fickle as the wind and their opinions change.


Your weight metabolism will change, requiring a lower food intake. Exercise helps fight weight gain, as well as retards osteoporosis. Exercise combats depression, and contributes to better sleep.


Drink enough water.


Do your own reading (don't trust message boards) for what supplements may benefit your own, personal body and health conditions. There is plenty of good information out there.


I am not vegan, but a "pesca-vegan", to coin a word. I eat seafood when I can afford it. I don't recoil from carnivores :), but I accept the research indicating that meat (and to some extent, dairy also) undermines optimal health.


As for the external elements of aging, I am opinionated and fully comfortable with being so. I shall turn 55 on June 1st. I never have dyed my hair, and never will. I never have used anti-wrinkle, or anti-aging cosmetics, and never will. I do not consider these things of any importance (and never will). Aging is inevitable, and a self-confident person just rolls with it, rather than be a victim of vanity. Nobody ever guesses my age to be as high as it is, but it would not bother me if somebody did.

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In addition to food, exercise, and sleep, I think having a happy attitude about life is a biggie. All of the botox in the world can't hide a bad attitude. We live in Orange County Ca. where there are lots of women who are technically doing everything right to fight aging, but the negativity (in various forms) ages them greatly. They've lost the little thing you can't buy, a sincere laugh, smile, and touch.

For me having spiritual peace also keeps me young. It prevents bitterness, and arrogance, which I think ages you as well.


I do know what you mean though.. I've always been thin and looked very young for my age. Now that I'm pushing 40, the greys, the little wrinkles and ever so slightly sagging (the worst) skin are finally showing up. I love beauty products. And I feel like I've finally found the right products, at least until I reach the next stage of life where hormones will change my hair texture and skin.


I do use makeup/cleansers which are almost medicinal for my health issues, but I love these products, I highly recommend this skin care line:






I've been using Shiseido for a couple of years, and it has worked fine.


The other things that come to mind are stay out of the sun, give yourself overnight foot and hand moisture treatments, keep your hair from looking fried, keep eyebrows groomed, don't let your teeth go yellow, just say no to shimmery make up, and don't dress like a teenager.


Mostly though I would say wake up and say to yourself "Aahh, life is good." :)


For me, I think I had to prematurely come to terms with some of this once I was diagnosed with Lupus. It wasn't so much about about looking old, though it did quickly put the wear and tear on my looks, and it did frighten me at first (loss of hair is scary). It kind of cut to the chase and I started to think about death, and having my children and husband watch me fall apart physically. In the end, I feel like those possibilities freed me. I am going to age, I am going to die, now I've moved on and I'm living, I'm in love and loved. I see the big picture, but I'm not ruled by fear. I think that's what we women have to be careful of, it's not okay to pursue beauty and youthfulness out of fear.


I know a lot of people hear think these types of threads are silly, but I for one am glad when these conversations pop up. I like beauty regimens, makeup, clothes, shoes, scent, and accessories... it's fun. By the way have you tried these oil blotting papers, I know it can be humid in your neck of the woods.


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For skin, I found nothing beats Squalane.

I take immune stimulators and adrenal support in form of Maca.

I do some kind of detox now and then but this is also in response to

an illness I had about 3 years ago.

I switched most of our food to organic and cook from scratch.

Limit coffee to one or two cups in the morning and drink Rooibos (Redbush caffeine-free) tea for the rest of the day or evening. Drink at least a few glasses of water with a spritz of lemon juice or orange juice every day.

Get more sleep, take walks, do yoga or other exercises. Walking alone is a good start if you have little time.

Edited by Liz CA
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HOLY SMOKES!! You ladies are amazing...I just woke up, checked the thread and was knocked over by all the advice here. Now I need to print it out and make out a plan. I am thinking right off the bat I need:


- a juicer


- retinol


- an exercise plan...maybe swimming laps and walking/jogging?


- drink more water


- stay out of the sun (difficult since I live about 6 inches from the sun's surface!)


- try to get 7 hours of sleep (I currently average about 5)


All of the rest of this awesome advice I need to read through about 10 more times. I didn't know there was a controversy over mammograms!

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So I turn 40yo this summer and I have never taken vitamins or had a regular exercise plan. I drink too much coffee. I don't get a lot of sleep. I could go on and on. But I never really worried about it because I have always looked young for my age. Well things are going downhill rapidly and I NEED A PLAN.


I need a plan to fight aging. What supplements should I be taking? I assume calcium is one of them? Are there others?


Do any of you use those fancy anti-wrinkle creams? Do they work? Where are all these wrinkles coming from all of a sudden?


Exercise plan?


How much sleep should I be getting?


I think I am supposed to start getting mammograms this year? Oh joy.


Anything else?


What are YOU doing to stay young and healthy?



No one ever guesses how old I am. They usually guess anywhere from 5-10 years younger. Drink lots and lots of water (wonderful for the skin), use a moisturizer with sunscreen every day, get plenty of sleep, and have lots of sex. :001_smile:

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Just for another perspective again...I agree about staying out of the sun, except for a certain healthy amount, but I really don't think sunscreen is a healthy thing at all. I live in a very hot, dry climate and I cover up and rarely go out in the heat of the day. The only place I ever put sunscreen, and I only use clear zinc (which has its own controversies), is my nose, because it gets burnt easily. I dont use it on my kids. The skin is an organ and even 'natural' sunscreen is a chemical.

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I have not read any of these books but check this out:




This lady does not look her age unless these pics are photoshopped.


I have been reading a little bit about a raw food diet, and I want to try to eat more raw foods. Carol Alt looks amazing and she eats a raw food diet. Demi Moore i believe eats a raw food diet, and she looks great. I want to get over the addiction t cooked food and go raw. I like taking milk baths and sea salt baths. I do not know how to slow the aging process. I use jojoba oil or grapeseed oil on my face and body. I also use mud mask, or egg mask on my face. I have been a bit slack lately.

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I've been struggling to find skin care products I like as I get older. I have rosecea, which makes it harder to find things that make my face look good. I started using http://www.aloette.com two months ago, and I love it. This morning I saw two people I hadn't seen in awhile, and they both told me I look amazing. One of them told me I was almost glowing. My favorite product is the green enzyme peel. It's completely gentle, but it works. I also use the platinum anti-aging skin care pkg and the Flawless HP Rapid Skin Perfection, and mineral foundation. My oldest dd is allergic to a lot of acne products. Last evening, she used the aloette simply clear products for the first time, and this morning her pimples were already fading.


ETA: The consultant I bought from is an aesthetician who used to own a spa. She used only Aloette products in the spa because she knew they were safe for everyone. Also, she has eczema and aloette was the first product line she tried that didn't burn her skin. She has been using aloette for 10 years and you would never guess she has eczema because her skin looks movie-star-flawless.

Edited by LizzyBee
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Just for another perspective again...I agree about staying out of the sun, except for a certain healthy amount, but I really don't think sunscreen is a healthy thing at all. I live in a very hot, dry climate and I cover up and rarely go out in the heat of the day. The only place I ever put sunscreen, and I only use clear zinc (which has its own controversies), is my nose, because it gets burnt easily. I dont use it on my kids. The skin is an organ and even 'natural' sunscreen is a chemical.



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Haven't read any of the other replies, but I wanted to say that coffee is GOOD for you. Check out the research. :) Unless you have high blood pressure or a heart condition for which too much caffeine would cause issues, coffee is very healthy. So drink up and enjoy!:tongue_smilie:

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Haven't read any of the other replies, but I wanted to say that coffee is GOOD for you. Check out the research. :) Unless you have high blood pressure or a heart condition for which too much caffeine would cause issues, coffee is very healthy. So drink up and enjoy!:tongue_smilie:


There is a great difference between using coffee as a drug to get through the day, burning out your adrenals, and drinking many cups a day, especially of instant.......and savouring a luscious cup or perhaps two of good quality coffee. Unfortunately, many people do the former, when it is only the latter that could be called remotely healthy.

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Peela, would you mind sharing what resources you have used over the years to learn what food supplements to take? Are there books or websites that help sort out all the info? I wouldn't want to just copy what someone else does, as I think it should be individualized to the needs of each person's body.


Naturalists, Homeopathic Dr.s and the such aren't covered under my (or under most) medical insurance plan, so I can't go see one of those for input.


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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND ABOUT MAMMOGRAMS!!!! My mom found hers through a mammogram. I've had one every year and will continue to. Both my mom and my grandmother had breast cancer. My mom has had several friends find theirs through mammograms. If you don't, then PLEASE learn how to do self-exams correctly. Most people do not. Everything has risks. You have to make up your own mind. But for me, my mammogram is something I won't ever miss.



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I love Exfolia Cloth from amazon and use it in the shower a few times a week.



I use this, love it too. Chinaberry also carries it. After one use you notice a difference in how your skin feels.


I'm kind of like Peela, I'm accepting of my age, but I'm also trying to get my habits in a better place so I have energy and feel vibrant. People who look tired and sad look older too. I've almost always have exercised, but this year I started running (well, jogging would be a better term) and surprisingly I love it. Couch to 5K was the way to go for me although I still can't run a 5k. I know I've recommended this book before but I'll do it again, I love how I feel when I follow Jillian Michael's book Master Your Metabolism. Other than that I try not to drink too much caffeine, I drink water instead of my old diet soda habit, and I try to get enough rest and not too much sun. Most of all I try to be happy/content and not worry too much.

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Peela, would you mind sharing what resources you have used over the years to learn what food supplements to take? Are there books or websites that help sort out all the info? I wouldn't want to just copy what someone else does, as I think it should be individualized to the needs of each person's body.


Naturalists, Homeopathic Dr.s and the such aren't covered under my (or under most) medical insurance plan, so I can't go see one of those for input.



I am a trained naturopath...not in practice...but it is my area of interest and i have read a lot over the years. I would recommend David Wolfe's book Superfoods as a good place to start to learn about nutritional foods and a healthy approach to eating.

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So I turn 40yo this summer and I have never taken vitamins or had a regular exercise plan. I drink too much coffee. I don't get a lot of sleep. I could go on and on. But I never really worried about it because I have always looked young for my age. Well things are going downhill rapidly and I NEED A PLAN.



If you have a bit of trouble going to sleep, you might try Melatonin. Until I began having major hormonal imbalances, it worked great for me. While my dr. is trying to get my hormones in order, I'm taking Lunesta. It is AMAZING how getting good, deep sleep on a regular basis makes one feel! I lost about 10lbs. within a month after finally getting some good sleep while taking Lunesta (lost 4lbs. the first week I took it). Up until then I hadn't been able to loose more than 4lbs. even after months of dieting and exercising.


I need a plan to fight aging. What supplements should I be taking? I assume calcium is one of them? Are there others?


I've recently started taking Biotin. It helps with metabolism function and also hair, skin and nails. My nails were SO brittle and I had these odd ridges just on my thumbnails before I started taking this.


Do any of you use those fancy anti-wrinkle creams? Do they work? Where are all these wrinkles coming from all of a sudden?


I noticed a big difference after using just the Walmart brand (Equate, I think) eye cream and face cream. I think it says "compare to L'oreal" on the package.:


Exercise plan?


Been walking 30 minutes a day about 4-5x a week. This summer I plan to start taking a 45 minute scuplting class. My arms look like my grandmother's arms!!!!!


How much sleep should I be getting?


Since I have had SO much trouble with sleep for the past 3 years, I can honestly tell you that THIS is the key! You need a GOOD, DEEP 8 hour sleep in order to even feel like taking care of youself. I had gotten to the point that I just didnt' care anymore. I was too exhausted to care what looked like!


I think I am supposed to start getting mammograms this year? Oh joy.


Awww...this is really not that bad at all!


Anything else?


Loads of water, veggies and fruit. Once I started getting some good sleep a few months ago, I actually felt good enough to think about my food choices a little more. I've been eating a big salad about every other day. Another favorite I've been enjoying is oversized baked potatoes with steamed veggies or salsa. If I get a mid-morning drop or the afternoon munchies, I eat small palmful of cashews or almonds or a mixture of both, maybe with some raisins or dried cranberries mixed with it. Oh, and if I get a craving for something sweet, a handful or two of raisins or cranberries *usually* do the trick (if I'm wanting something chocolate this won't work!;)


What are YOU doing to stay young and healthy?



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If I get a mid-morning drop or the afternoon munchies, I eat small palmful of cashews or almonds or a mixture of both, maybe with some raisins or dried cranberries mixed with it. Oh, and if I get a craving for something sweet, a handful or two of raisins or cranberries *usually* do the trick (if I'm wanting something chocolate this won't work!


Have you seen Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds?

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I use this, love it too. Chinaberry also carries it. After one use you notice a difference in how your skin feels.


I'm kind of like Peela, I'm accepting of my age, but I'm also trying to get my habits in a better place so I have energy and feel vibrant. People who look tired and sad look older too. I've almost always have exercised. Most of all I try to be happy/content and not worry too much.


Yes, I first heard about Exfolia from Chinaberry and usually buy it from them anyway. :)

Love what you say about being happy and content.

Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers, and are famous preservers of good looks. ~ Charles Dickens


Love this thread. Peela is wonderful. Everyone's tips here are so helpful. :D

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I am a trained naturopath...not in practice...but it is my area of interest and i have read a lot over the years. I would recommend David Wolfe's book Superfoods as a good place to start to learn about nutritional foods and a healthy approach to eating.

I wish I lived near you. Thanks for the book recommendation.

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Anti-aging plan:


Laugh. Mostly at yourself. :D


I make no bones about needing sleep-at LEAST 8 hours. I take a multi vit, fish oil, flaxseed oil, vit D, B complex and about 1 iron vit every other week. I wash my face with an acne salicylic acid wash (to exfoliate) and use Philosophy's HOPE in a Jar.


I drink coffee and tea and water. We drink a LOT of coffee over here.

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