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POLL : How many minutes/day do you read to your pre-k - 2nd ?

How many minutes/day do you read to your pre-k - 2nd grader?  

  1. 1. How many minutes/day do you read to your pre-k - 2nd grader?

    • More than 120 min
    • 90-120
    • 50-60 min
    • 30-50 min
    • 10-30 min
    • less than 10 min/day

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On a good day, 60-90 min; on a bad day ~30 min.


same here , but most days are bad at this time :)

I have a baby , a preschooler , a K and a 2nd grader . With phonics , math , spelling , etc it's hard to find time for reading but I strive for at least 30 min/day .

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same here , but most days are bad at this time :)

I have a baby , a preschooler , a K and a 2nd grader . With phonics , math , spelling , etc it's hard to find time for reading but I strive for at least 30 min/day .

We split about 50-50. I just have two, but wow, my toddler can make things hard :glare::tongue_smilie:. She *has* to be on my lap, too - but sometimes she just won't. stay. still. (Or quiet :tongue_smilie:.)

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On a good day, 60-90 min; on a bad day ~30 min.


We run the same here. I voted 30-50 mins, but I strive for at least 60 mins each day. My toddler can throw a wrench in the best of plans since he's started screaming during RA time. Even if no other reading is done during the day, we still get in 30-45 mins at bedtime. I try to read the older kids stories during his naptime and their bedtime. My toddler gets stories before naptime and at his bedtime (30 mins before older boys).

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Usually 1-2 hrs. Minimum is 1 hr for am and about 30 min for bedtime(although usually daddy does nighttime reading). I have 1 hr scheduled for the am but often in the afternoon he wants to hear more - son is almost 6, daughter just turned 3 and baby 6mo. I try to intersperse chapter and picture books to keep the 3 y.o.'s attention although she now is becoming better about sitting the whole time.

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I don't know whether 3 yo old kinder counts as preK or if it is pre-preK, but I voted less than ten minutes. Sometimes it is more, often it is nothing. I really have to catch at the right time of day or she'll just run away! That she doesnt *always* run away is a great improvement, actually.



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my 5yo dd listens to whatever the family is reading at any given point, and lately it's been the Little Britches Series by Ralph Moody. Not exactly your typical fare for a 5yo girl, but she enjoys it, asks questions, and gets the gist of the story.


we read most nights at bedtime for 30-45 minutes, or until i am slurring my words from sleepiness.

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We do about 20 minutes at bedtime. I absolutely agree that reading aloud is a good thing and I've done it nightly since my girls were toddlers, but honestly... I wouldn't say it's really working for us. My second grader prefers to read alone and wants to read faster and longer than I am willing to read. My kindergartener has never really been interested in listening to stories and generally doesn't pay attention. She's getting a little bit better at not constantly interrupting with random thoughts that pop into her head, but she still generally doesn't have any idea about what I have read.

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I don't really know how much time I spent reading to them. But this is what I do. Every morning we start our day with a Bible story. With my 2 young ones, I read a story for narration and copywork. In the afternoon, I read a chapter book to them, 1 or 2 chapters,depending on their mood. I used to read to them at night too but lately they want to listen to an audio book, so that's what they have been listening to at night. But I always have books laying around the house, mostly they pick it up and ask me to read it to them. If I am busy, I ask my eldest to read to them. So I can't take the full credit of read aloud in this house.:001_smile:

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Define "you." ;) I voted including what audiobooks we do at bedtime. So, it's the expansive "you." :D


The deal is during the day I read for 1/2 hr. in the morning, and 1/2 hr in the afternoon. Then at bedtime, each of us (dh, dd, ds & me) pick a book to be read. Then, we wind down with a couple of audio books, followed by the sound of the surf. This means my kids generally aren't asleep until 10 p.m. Bad Mommy! :001_huh:

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Neat question!


I (and or my husband) read to the girls for about an hour before nap and bedtimes every single day (1/2 hour or so for each).


During "playschool" days it would be a bit higher, since I typically read a science and/or a math story, so maybe an hour and a half those days?


We also listen to audiobooks or opera in the car. . . so add in another hour or two there if you count that ;)

Edited by junepep
it looked like we read for an hour at nap AND bed, not half hour at each although sometimes our evening read lasts that long!
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includes Mom, Dad, and all the readers in the house, which is 4. So my littles have lots of people who are willing to read to them. It is not unusual for my older kids to read picture books from the library to the little ones throughout the day. My oldest just started to read a chapter book to the 5 and under crew. I would say at least an hour. Sometimes more.


My youngest, 19 months, will sit and listen to LOOOONG picture books forever. I mean, 4, 5, 6, 7 books at a time. It is wierd. Most kids at that age squirm and try to get down, try to shut the book mid way through, etc. So, the demand is high. Good thing he's the youngest of 7 so it is not always me doing the reading.

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I responded with 30-50. We usually read about 20-25 minutes at bedtime. The 2 year old gets a book of choice that usually lasts about 5 minutes and the 4 year old gets 1-2 chapters from a book we're reading (we just wrapped up The Boxcar Children yesterday). Then we read whenever we get a moment during the day. Usually we read a story before our afternoon quiet time and maybe 1 or 2 stories/book chapters in the morning.


You all who are reading 1-2 hours per day, my hat's off to you!

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