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Do you have any dreams???

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goals? aspirations???? I am reading "write it down, make it happen" and psycho cybernetics and just am so shocked that I feel I don't have any goals or dreams of my own. Sure, right now homeschooling is the major thing in my life.....but what about me??? I just don't know... what are your dreams or goals outside of the homeschooling raising your family realm???

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I always wanted to be either a Pediatric Oncologist or a stay at home mom. I never wanted to do both as I felt I couldn't give 100% to both. I am content with my choice, but sometimes I think maybe when my youngest is in High School I may go back to school. I also toyed with becoming a translator. In college I took French, German, Spanish and Russian. I would love to be able to say that I spoke 5 different languages for the fun of it.

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At the moment, I've achieved my goal of quitting my job and being home with the kids. I've also been struggling with feeling strange about not having any "dreams" or larger goals--anything to work toward. But frankly, I'm starting to think that it's OK not to have any big dream. My goal right now is to find contentment with what I have and to do as well as I can with what I'm doing right now: HSing and parenting.


I have a little bit of a beef with the "pinpoint your goals and reach for the stars!" type books. IMO, they make a lot of money for their authors and make many of their readers feel inadequate and discontented. Of course, that just opens up a new market for more books... There's nothing wrong with just being satisfied with where you are. And giving several children a complete education IS a pretty lofty goal in itself--it requires constant adaptation, ongoing learning and training, a large amount of research and planning, etc. I wouldn't discount that and the amount of time and emotional resources it involves. If something else occurs to you along your journey, that's great. But if you can't "think of anything" else, that's OK too :grouphug: Just enter the next phase when you get there, you know?

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goals? aspirations???? Sure, right now homeschooling is the major thing in my life.....but what about me??? I just don't know... what are your dreams or goals outside of the homeschooling raising your family realm???


I'm going to school. When I grow up (and when I get my kids grown up :tongue_smilie:) I'm going to be a librarian! So, last "year" was my first and second semesters in a library technician program that will also net me an AAS degree when I'm done. I want to get my Bachelor's degree in something but don't know what...maybe English... and then on to a Masters of Library and Information Science. I can do it all online.


My desire is to one day work during the days at a job I love so my hubby can putter around the house as I've been able to do as a SAHM.


I love my kids and I love homeschooling and I love being a SAHM...but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't also admit that, while I'm not wishing this time away, I am looking forward to the next thing in this adventure called my life.

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My dream is to be an artist. And to have a career that supports that, until I get good enough that I am selling my art and it supports me. With that in mind, I am quitting all my part time and respite care jobs in June, taking a postpartum doula training in July, and focusing on painting and making art. Right now, I am in the scary part of living the dream- planning and taking actions. It is a big leap, a big change, and a big step.


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My dream is to be an artist. And to have a career that supports that, until I get good enough that I am selling my art and it supports me. With that in mind, I am quitting all my part time and respite care jobs in June, taking a postpartum doula training in July, and focusing on painting and making art. Right now, I am in the scary part of living the dream- planning and taking actions. It is a big leap, a big change, and a big step.




Scary but exciting at the same time I bet! Cool!!:001_smile:

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To own a small empire. :001_smile: I'll be a benevolent ruler, I swear.


Ok, really. To own a business (my own, not Dh and me) that will support us and our family for our remaining years and then some. I've started it, (great oaks from tiny acorns, and all that) and have notebooks filled with enough ideas to last me till I'm dead.


if you're really serious about making the changes and taking the steps, sign yourself up for Seth Goodin's e-mails.

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In college, I wanted to teach Home Ec in high school - not just typical home etc, but one filled all the so-called lost arts: canning, knitting, crochet, bread baking, how to cook from scratch, etc...


now when kids are out of school and I'm in a position to go back to the workforce, I want to work in a small town bookstore or coffee shop -- even a Starbucks :) I KNOW I don't want to go back into a pressure cooker marketing field again. Something slow and interpersonal sounds great.


My short-term dream is to get an iPad!

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In college, I wanted to teach Home Ec in high school - not just typical home etc, but one filled all the so-called lost arts: canning, knitting, crochet, bread baking, how to cook from scratch, etc...






I do it all already, but I love it.

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I want to be a novelist/writer and actually make a few dollars with it. I've been writing a lot during the past year, when I get a break here and there, and I've been doing a lot of reading and doing writing challenges with a friend.


I've also dreamed of being a librarian (like Oney Jones) after the kids grow up and I get to grow up again. :D That will be decades, my dreams might change between now and than.


To the OP, have you read Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" yet? I've read it a few times, and it always helps me to dream but also to realize I like myself right where I am.

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To publish a book. Not even to make a lot of money off it, but just to say I published one :)


To successfully homeschool my children throughout the years- that's the biggest part of my life right now. I love doing it. I was a stay-at-home-mom before I started homeschooling, but now that I'm homeschooling, too, I feel so much more fulfilled in general.


And homeschooling has led to me getting a few articles published (in a homeschooling magazine) which is a great step for me in the direction of wanting to be a published writer, I suppose! :D


I'm happy, overall!

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My most important goal at this point is to give my dd the best education I can so she can achieve her dreams. I do have goals for myself, like continuing school and getting my degree (working on that now), and eventually starting my own home-business, but she's my priority.

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To help teach everyone to read so everyone can read the Bible for themselves and choose for themselves who to serve.


At first, it seemed my children were getting in the way of that. But, I now reach more people with my online lessons every month than I reached in my first decade of teaching "real" students--and the only reason I put them online was because I couldn't reach "real" students with a baby and a 3 year old.


Now that my children are a bit older, I get the best of both worlds, I have a few "real" students and a bunch of virtual students.

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what are your dreams or goals outside of the homeschooling raising your family realm???


In the typical career sense, I accomplished all of them before I started my family (at age 40). It was being complete in that area that turned me towards this phase of my life: raising children and having a traditional family life.


My only goal now is to provide an environment where each of us flourish in this family we created. It's enough for me. :)

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Mine are a little vague, which is how I like it. I grow and change with every passing year, so I'm not keen on the idea of trying to predict "where" I'll be in another <gulp> 18 years.


Dh and I do want to be self-employed. Together or individually. I'd like the flexibility of choosing my workload and basic schedule. I've toyed with the idea of becoming a childbirth educator and birth photographer. I also *love* retail and dream about selling books or natural parenting products.


My DREAM-dream is a mini-homestead, which I definitely want to do *before* the kids are all grown and on their own!

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I have a dream to own some acres in the country- not too far from the city though- and build a farm that is self sufficient/permaculture- lots of fruit trees, vegetable gardens, solar power, etc I want to build the farm with the intention of passing it down to my kids when I am gone, and it being passed down the generations.


I would like to write books, teach about health, and play with grandchildren regularly! I would also like to travel more.

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I always secretly dreamed of marrying a farmer and living a quiet life in the country with someone who loves me for myself.


I still have no idea why or how this came to pass, but I'm living my dream. Everything else is gravy.

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i have a dream of being a grandma and traveling with my kids. it's funny because my kids are little, but i really think often and dream about holding their babies someday.


for myself, i want to be a public speaker / writer. I have always had the dream of speaking to large gatherings of people.

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Since my dream of being an Egyptologist seems to have been buried in the sands of time :glare:, my dream is to be a writer. I'm working on my 10k hours now:D and will focus full-time once ds graduates. I have several works in progress and one that just came back from a beta-reader. I hope to polish it up this summer and then hand it to another friend who can nit-pick the grammar and structure.

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I have a dream to own some acres in the country- not too far from the city though- and build a farm that is self sufficient/permaculture- lots of fruit trees, vegetable gardens, solar power, etc I want to build the farm with the intention of passing it down to my kids when I am gone, and it being passed down the generations.


More and more this is becoming my dream. Maybe not with the solar power though. ;) Then again, who knows what will happen in the future.


I'd also like to go back to school and earn a degree in theology of all things.

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In college, I wanted to teach Home Ec in high school - not just typical home etc, but one filled all the so-called lost arts: canning, knitting, crochet, bread baking, how to cook from scratch, etc...


So, since we'll both be in Virginia soon, would you considering teaching my 13 & 15yo dds these? Canning, specifically, as we've dabbled in the others...


On another note, my 10yo ds believes he should be served coffee by the bowl-full! :lol:

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I was just having this discussion w/dh. I feel like I have lost any of my own ambitions. They've all been transferred to my dc. I started my family late and prior to that I was a lawyer. Then while being a SAHM/HS mom, I published 3 books (one coming out this Aug.--all co-written b/c I don't have the time to do one solo). When my youngest graduates from high school, I will be almost 60, so it's hard to imagine what the next stage of life will be. I'm thinking politics or becoming a small town college professor. Or maybe just sitting on the front porch in my rocking chair catching up on all the reading I've been wanting to do.



Edited by lauracolumbus
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