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This is what I *think* the end meant.


Jack died on the island. Anything that happened in the Flash Sideways is not real. It is his own little purgatory or letting go process. The end is when they have all died and meet up "on the other side."


So anything that happened on the island WAS the reality. The people who died there are really dead. Boone, Charlie, Juliet, Shannon, Sayid, Jin and Sun all died on the island. Locke died before they came back.


We don't know what happens in the end to the people on the plane, but we know they left the island. Hurley and Ben chose to stay, and they were going to send Desmond back.


We got no answers to many of our questions.

Edited by Asenik
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It sucked. So disappointed in how they resolved the flash sideways.


We thought it was a horrible ending. We get what they were going for, but it just didn't seem to actually answer any questions.


:iagree: I cried at several points throughout the night, but the last 15 minutes were :ack2:. Sorry, I think they dropped the ball or the cork or something like that.


I guess Kimmel's show is supposed to have some alternate endings, but I'm not staying up tonight.

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There are so many things left unanswered. Plus, at what point did they all die? What was the point of the whole show if they were dead from the beginning?


Sigh... I'm disappointed. Maybe I just don't get it.




I don't think they were dead from the beginning. I think everything that happened on the island really happened. The flash sideways was after everybody had died, at whatever point in their lives.


That's what I think, anyway.

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I LOVED it! Really, really loved it!


For those of you that were confused, can you elaborate on what didn't make sense to you? It all made sense to me, but I think that might be partly because of my worldview.

Edited by MelanieM
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I LOVED it! Really, really loved it!


For those of you that were confused, can you elaborate on what didn't make sense to you? It all made sense to me, but I think that might be partly because of my worldview.


How about you give your explaination. I want some answers. Can you tell I am frustrated. LOL:bigear:

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I thought what they were getting at was that the bomb was when they "made" the place for them all to meet up again. They all died whenever--Jack at the end, Boone and Shannon earlier, Desmond and Penny at some point much later presumably. Things are still repeating on the island--Hurley's the new Jacob, people come, people go, someone needs to keep the cork there, it only ends once, etc. The sideways world was just a hey, there's something more out there sort of thing.


I think--tentatively--that I'm okay with it because the sideways world wasn't there to answer any of the big mysteries of the island; it was a separate story meant to put things in perspective.

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OK, I just need answers. NO MORE HINTS! LOL seriously, what are you saying!:tongue_smilie:


Way back around season one, the producers assured us that the island wasn't purgatory - but as a pp said, that's exactly what the "flash-sideways" seemed to be. OK, so the island wasn't purgatory (or hell), but they worked it in there anyway!


I will say that I'm glad they found a device to bring everyone back together again.

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ITA with the below statement.


My first thought was that they all died the first time around, but no... Jack died as was seen. The flash sideways was definitely his letting-go purgatory process, met up on the other side by those he loved most. And because there is no "when" in purgatory - there were many there who died perhaps years after his death - but they were there exactly as he would have remembered them best.


The island continues on with Hurley and the others living there - the other world continues on with those who escaped on the plane.


Everyone else is still dead.


The flash sideways scenes with everyone "remembering" apparently was just JACK remembering and realizing that his "utopia" was not real and accepting his fate and the reality of it all.


Maybe the "Jacob" of the island is sort of an angel of death - helping people across to the other side of realization? Hurley was an active participant in the flash sideways scenes....


MAN - that's a lot to think about and mull over. We'll see if I still think what happened happened in the morning. ;)



This is what I *think* the end meant.


Jack died on the island. Anything that happened in the Flash Sideways is not real. It is his own little purgatory or letting go process. The end is when they have all died and meet up "on the other side."


So anything that happened on the island WAS the reality. The people who died there are really dead. Charlie, Juliet, Shannon, Sayid, Jin and Sun all died on the island. Locke died before they came back.


We don't know what happens in the end to the people on the plane, but we know they left the island. Hurley and Ben chose to stay, and they were going to send Desmond back.


We got no answers to many of our questions.

Edited by orangearrow
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For those of you that were confused, can you elaborate on what didn't make sense to you? It all made sense to me, but I think that might be partly because of my worldview.


I got it. Christian's talk with Jack put the cookies on the bottom shelf. I just thought it was unsatisfying.

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I think the important thing to remember is what Christian said at the end about there being no now. (I can't remember his exact line.) If you think of time as being non-linear, then it all makes a little more sense that they could come together like that.


Basically, they all lived their lives and died as they died... on the island, off the island... the sideways was an after-death place where they could all gather together before moving on, but they needed to be triggered to grasp where they really were.

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............. SPOILER ALERT ...........





It reminded me wayyyy too much of Titanic!


Rose went on to live her life and then, after she died at the age of 102, she was whisked back to the Titanic and everyone was there.


Same thing here with Lost...as Jack's father said, some of them died on the island and some died many, many years later, but they've all returned to each other. They were gathered there to greet Jack after he died. It was 'his turn' so to speak.


But everything on the island...the 6 years and all that...really happened. Some aren't dead yet -- like Ben (that's why he didn't go into the church).


Ehhh...still doesn't answer all the questions I've had over the years, but not a bad episode. Just...not what I had expected.

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Same thing here with Lost...as Jack's father said, some of them died on the island and some died many, many years later, but they've all returned to each other. They were gathered there to greet Jack after he died. It was 'his turn' so to speak.


I know the ending felt centered around Jack, but I didn't feel like it was meant to be about meeting him after he died. I thought it was about all of them gathering to move forward together. The gathering was outside of time, so it didn't happen after Jack died. I think showing Jack dying was a way to tie up some loose ends for the island timeline.


In other words, this wasn't all something that happened to Jack. It was something that each of them had to wake up to when their time came to move on.


But everything on the island...the 6 years and all that...really happened. Some aren't dead yet -- like Ben (that's why he didn't go into the church).



I didn't get the idea that Ben wasn't dead, but rather that he wasn't ready to move on. Perhaps he had other people that he needed/wanted to connect with so he could move on with them. Which makes sense to me, because Ben was always an other. (In other words, I don't think this was his soul group.)

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Way back around season one, the producers assured us that the island wasn't purgatory - but as a pp said, that's exactly what the "flash-sideways" seemed to be. OK, so the island wasn't purgatory (or hell), but they worked it in there anyway!


I will say that I'm glad they found a device to bring everyone back together again.


Yeah, this. So the flash sideways was. Seriously after 6 years of telling people it wasn't purgatory, that's how you end one half of the show?


What about Desmond? The people on the plane? And I'm rooting for the underdog again, but no one was excited to see Frank? They didn't ask him whether Sun & Jin survived? Kate should have been on the walkie askiing about that? I think I'll start an "I Love Frank" fan club. He seemed to fill the role of "when we need someone handy that no one will notice otherwise".

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The redeeming point was the reunions. Who was your favorite? Mine was a tie between Juliet/Sawyer and Charlie/Claire.


and, see, I think, in the end, that's kind of the point...the relationships between people are what really matters. The island keeps going--it's this cycle of good and evil and the battle between them, but in the end God is love. Umm, yeah, I had several beers during my LOST finale viewing experience. But I stand by my God is love as key to LOST thesis. That's why the Desmond/Penny episodes always totally rocked.

Edited by kokotg
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I didn't get the idea that Ben wasn't dead, but rather that he wasn't ready to move on. Perhaps he had other people that he needed/wanted to connect with so he could move on with them. Which makes sense to me, because Ben was always an other. (In other words, I don't think this was his soul group.)


Yes, he would want to stay with Alex, I think.

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I liked everything but the last 15 minutes. I hate that the resolved the flash sideways as not being real. What a waste of time.


But they didn't resolve it as not being real! They resolved it as being a reality past death... something other than the day-to-day happenings that we call reality. I mean, if we can believe in an island that time travels, moves location, and draws people in like flies, then I think we can believe in an after-death experience that allows us to gather with our soul group before we move on, right? :lol:

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............. SPOILER ALERT ...........





It reminded me wayyyy too much of Titanic!


Rose went on to live her life and then, after she died at the age of 102, she was whisked back to the Titanic and everyone was there.


Same thing here with Lost...as Jack's father said, some of them died on the island and some died many, many years later, but they've all returned to each other. They were gathered there to greet Jack after he died. It was 'his turn' so to speak.


But everything on the island...the 6 years and all that...really happened. Some aren't dead yet -- like Ben (that's why he didn't go into the church).


ITA with the Titanic ending-ishness.

But Ben... I feel like I'm missing some religious symbolism that I should be "getting" like he still had some work to do on himself before he was ready to enter God's house.

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But, in that place...they didn't know they were dead. They hadn't "let go" yet.


Right. I think that was the case as well. Of course, if you take time out of the equation then they could be ready when everyone else is ready and there isn't any need to wait. ;) Ultimately, I think I still believe that Ben's primary group wasn't the losties. Maybe he would be more heavily linked with all the rest of the Others.

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But they didn't resolve it as not being real! They resolved it as being a reality past death... something other than the day-to-day happenings that we call reality. I mean, if we can believe in an island that time travels, moves location, and draws people in like flies, then I think we can believe in an after-death experience that allows us to gather with our soul group before we move on, right? :lol:




LOST has always been an unequivocally spiritual show. I don't thinks it's at all out of place that is has two endings, essentially--one in the "real" world and one in the spiritual world.


The sideways world was only half of one season; I don't see it as at all the same as if they'd said at the end that they'd all been dead the whole time.

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