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Which meal to bring a family with a new baby...

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I'm bringing a meal to a family who just had a baby this week. Which meal would you prefer for you and your family?...


1. meat loaf, mashed potatoes, spinach quiche


2. beef stroganoff, mashed potatoes, carrots


3. chicken pot pie


4. baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, spinach quiche


5. pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots


For dessert...I am going to make our family's version of Mississippi Mud pie.


Which of those meals sounds good to you? Or, would you rather have something else? By the way, the hubby is a fireman...if that helps in your decision. Smiles!




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I'm bringing a meal to a family who just had a baby this week. Which meal would you prefer for you and your family?...


1. meat loaf, mashed potatoes, spinach quiche


2. beef stroganoff, mashed potatoes, carrots


3. chicken pot pie


4. baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, spinach quiche


5. pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots


For dessert...I am going to make our family's version of Mississippi Mud pie.


Which of those meals sounds good to you? Or, would you rather have something else? By the way, the hubby is a fireman...if that helps in your decision. Smiles!





Nutritious food that can be eaten like fingerfood. Carrot sticks and some good dip. I like the baked chicken or the pot roast but this is subjective to individual taste. I am thinking the new Mom will not have much time to sit at the table while either nursing non-stop or taking care of older kiddos. Something that can be eaten with one hand while you juggle a kid in the other arm may be helpful.

Here is a fun one that came up several years back, called "Bean Bundles."

Wrap one strip of bacon around a green bean(could probably use some other kind on non-pork meat as well), tie it on the top like a bow or knot. Blanche or sautee the whole "bundle" until bean is soft and bacon slightly browned.


We have no little ones here anymore but still like this dish....and it can be eaten with one hand. :D Add a nice fruit salad to it if you can.



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My vote would be for the chicken pot pie.


ETA: Chicken pot pie can be eaten easily with one hand since you don't have to cut the meat. I've eaten many meals while nursing a baby, and if it was something like a roast, I'd have to have someone else cut up my meat for me.

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I'll take any or all of the above. First week in January, please. Thanks in advance. :D


Seriously, meal-bringing is so foreign to me that I would be delighted by anything a generous person offered, even if I couldn't partake (for whatever reason) myself. My family would simply be grateful for a "real" meal.


Which is another reason I'm working on developing a freezer plan.


:grouphug: to those of you who do such a lovely thing.

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They all sound great to me! :)


We do this in our homeschool meetup group whenever someone has a new baby, we will sign up to deliver a week's worth of meals, and often people will first check with the family as to whether there are 1) any allergies, 2) anything in particular they DON'T like, and then they either bring whatever they want to cook if it wasn't on the "we don't eat this list", or sometimes they might ask 3) whether they would prefer X or X, letting them decide.

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I'll be the oddball and vote for #4. Sounds yummy.


One thing that would be helpful is to take two things. You could take a meal and muffins for the morning. Or take a meal and sandwich stuff. Honestly, most new mommys need more help after a new baby when hubby isn't home than when he is. Muffins or sandwich stuff would make the whole day so much easier!

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I think #4 would be great. When my mom's group brought us meals after I had #3 I was extra thankful for anyone that brought us something that wasn't ground beef. We had so many lasagna/italian type dishes. I was very thankful for all the meals that people brought but it was very nice to get away from the casserole and ground beef dishes.

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All of them would be welcomed by me! I never had anyone bring me food after I had a baby and it would have been awesome! So, share this spinach quiche recipe....please?


I like the chicken pot pie idea myself but they all sound good!

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I used to bring chicken pot pie and a salad to my childbirth students when they had their babies. I'd make the filling and use homemade whole wheat buttermilk biscuits as the crust. I kept the crust separate from the pot pie filling if there was a chance that the meal wasn't going to be eaten that night. If it was, I would pop it into the oven for them.

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You know i would have been honoured that you would bother to bring food and eat whatever you brought. After 3 babies only 1 person ever brought us a meal, it was a lasagne, i don't like lasagne but i ate it. I was honoured they would take the time to make a meal they thought we would enjoy.

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What is the weather like where you are? What does the family like?


It's been warm here, so if I had a new baby, and someone asked me, I would want something salad-y! Pretty, crispy, fresh. :) I wouldn't mind a spinach quiche, but I would not eat it hot. Beef is not appealing to me at this time of year.


Are you making this for the husband? Does he like beef?


I'm bringing a meal to a family who just had a baby this week. Which meal would you prefer for you and your family?...


1. meat loaf, mashed potatoes, spinach quiche


2. beef stroganoff, mashed potatoes, carrots


3. chicken pot pie


4. baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, spinach quiche


5. pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots


For dessert...I am going to make our family's version of Mississippi Mud pie.


Which of those meals sounds good to you? Or, would you rather have something else? By the way, the hubby is a fireman...if that helps in your decision. Smiles!




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I used to bring chicken pot pie and a salad to my childbirth students when they had their babies. I'd make the filling and use homemade whole wheat buttermilk biscuits as the crust. I kept the crust separate from the pot pie filling if there was a chance that the meal wasn't going to be eaten that night. If it was, I would pop it into the oven for them.



Oh! That is a good idea!

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