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Which Latin do you use?


Which Latin do you use?  

  1. 1. Which Latin do you use?

    • Lively Latin
    • Latin for Children
    • Cambridge Latin
    • Prima Latina/Latina Christiana
    • Other

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We started out with LFC and switched to First Form just before dd was supposed to be ready for LFC C. I realized we needed more daily practice and I needed it in front of me so I would remember to do it. We also add in Lingua Latina in print and audio. I'm trying to decide now between 2nd Form and going right into Henle.

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I voted Other, as I have used many.


I have taught Prima Latina and Latina Christiana at a co-op, because I had to (LC was okay.)

I originally used Latin Primer with my older dc, because it was the best Latin program I could find back then when the only real elementary options were LC and LP.

I taught Latin in the Christian Trivium two years ago to a junior high class, because I needed something for that age group and Latin Alive wasn't finished yet.

I taught LNST this past year to a class, because I had to (yuck!)

I am teaching Wheelock's, Latin for Children, and Latin Alive next year, because I think they are excellent.

Edited by angela in ohio
to add the 'why'
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Other: Lingua Latina by Orberg at Lonepine Classical (see sig line).


Why? Well, it's really convoluted. I wanted to use two approaches: whole-to-parts AND parts-to-whole. So, we decided to use LfC (parts-to-whole) and Lonepine. I had heard (I think this must have been from ppl who hadn't actually used the book) that LL doesn't teach enough grammar. At Lonepine, the tchr uses the book as well as the exercitia, skits, et c. We get p.l.e.n.t.y of grammar! So we dropped LfC and do LL exclusively now.


Lonepine is full and has a waiting list, though. Unless you have a strong background in Latin or have someone who can teach it, I might shy away from it. It is truly a superb program, though, and worth seeking out a tutor.


Text: http://www.amazon.com/Lingua-Latina-Familia-Romana-Latin/dp/1585102385/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1273953319&sr=8-1#noop


Exercitia: http://www.amazon.com/Lingua-Latina-Pars-I-Exercitia-Latin/dp/1585102121/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1273953319&sr=8-2#noop (I think this is the one we use)


Short plays that go along with the text: http://www.amazon.com/Lingua-Latina-Personarum-Hans-Orberg/dp/1585101567/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1273953319&sr=8-7

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We use Prima Latina and Latina Christiana.


I chose these because I work outside of the home, and sometimes rely on others to teach my student. This seemed to fit our requirements well enough. Bonus: it taught the prayers we frequently use and say at home and in our church (Catholic).


The southern accent takes some getting used to, but overall it's been a successful choice for our family.

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Ecce Romani for middle school.


Cambridge for high school.


(1) These are good (as in pedagogically sound) courses.


(2) There are support materials available, even for free on the Internet.


(3) They work.


I'm not big on Latin for elementary school. I incline toward a living language at for that age group, in part because the children want a language which they can speak with other people. Very big "plus" in their eyes ! Until a student has some history tucked under the belt, to understand more about "world context", Latin is pretty much of a "So what ?!" proposal.

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I use, The Latin Road to English Grammar, b/c:




  • well organized
  • I appreciate the approach using English grammar, an area where I am sure all of my children are quite strong in by 5th or 6th grade
  • it follows the comprehensive language arts program I love
  • Teacher training DVD's and an excellent text are easy to follow and take the learning curve out of Latin for me
  • Easily used with all of my children over the years, as very little of the program is consumable
  • so far, extremely effective ;)


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