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So do you actually give people disapproving reputation and do you leave your name?

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I have a disapproving reputation, a message was left but no name. Just curious if you give people disapproving reputation, and if you do, do you do it because you don't like the person? or just really don't approve? Even if I don't approve, I'm not going to single a person out and give them disapproving reputation, to me it's just being negative. If you leave a disapproving reputation, do you leave your name? What about positive reputation, do you leave your name then?


Anyone else have a disapproving reputation?

Knowing me, this came across wrong and I'll get a few more after this thread. Oh well!



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I have a disapproving reputation, a message was left but no name. Just curious if you give people disapproving reputation, and if you do, do you do it because you don't like the person? or just really don't approve? Even if I don't approve, I'm not going to single a person out and give them disapproving reputation, to me it's just being negative. If you leave a disapproving reputation, do you leave your name? What about positive reputation, do you leave your name then?


Anyone else have a disapproving reputation?

Knowing me, this came across wrong and I'll get a few more after this thread. Oh well!




When I scroll over your green thingy (?!) it says you're on a distinguished road. Am I missing something?


I clicked on the scales once, on JudoMom's post, I think, just to see what they did. :) It asked if I approved or disapproved of this post, and gave me a space to leave a message.


Good grief. Now I'm worried I have a bad reputation and don't know it. ;)


I really think that function is......stupid. *gasp*

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I have a disapproving reputation, a message was left but no name. Just curious if you give people disapproving reputation, and if you do, do you do it because you don't like the person? or just really don't approve? Even if I don't approve, I'm not going to single a person out and give them disapproving reputation, to me it's just being negative. If you leave a disapproving reputation, do you leave your name? What about positive reputation, do you leave your name then?


Anyone else have a disapproving reputation?

Knowing me, this came across wrong and I'll get a few more after this thread. Oh well!




How do you know it you have one? I've never heard of this before. What's the point to it all? It sounds kind of mean to me,but maybe I'm confused.

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If you click on your user control panel, it should show up on the first page. That's the only reason I knew. I also have a neutral (or a blue box) not sure what that's about either.

Thanks everyone for the positive comments!



I just found mine. I have points! Clicks! Whatever. And someone said I "rock". Thank you, whoever you are! (They don't give names!) I feel special.


*ahem* Disclaimer: I still think the feature is (I'm going to say a bad word, here!) stupid, and I'm sure I'll have worse to say if I get a bad click. :eek:

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I'm not sure how this works, so this may not make sense, but if we all approved of your reputation would enough good marks outweigh a bad mark? This could be our project for the day. . .give Kristine her good reputation back!!




I really didn't think I had a reputation to begin with. I surely didn't have a reputation in my youth. I only had a good and a bad rep (in my control panel), so it kind of balances out right?



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You have no idea how tempting it is to leave you bad reputation just to see your reaction. How fun is that? But I'll settle for positive feedback with a note calling you stupid. But you know I love ya.


I thought to myself, Jenn or Courtney. It'll be Jenn or Courtney. :P

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Hmmm......I just checked my CP and someone had left me a 'good' comment. No name though. And now it says I have 10 points. I wonder what the points will be used for? The only reason I can think this feature might actually work is to keep people from saying ugly things.....but then again those people wouldn't care if they got negative feedback anyway. (and Kristine I'm not saying you said anything worthy of negative feedback---what thread did they reference on you?)

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Ack!!!! That was supposed to go under Andie. Andie knows my sense of humor. Kristin, I am NOT calling YOU stupid! Honest!






I don't have it threaded or whatever it's called so I didn't realize it.



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Hmmm......I just checked my CP and someone had left me a 'good' comment. No name though. And now it says I have 10 points. I wonder what the points will be used for? The only reason I can think this feature might actually work is to keep people from saying ugly things.....but then again those people wouldn't care if they got negative feedback anyway. (and Kristine I'm not saying you said anything worthy of negative feedback---what thread did they reference on you?)


It was this thread, it was early on, it was the one where I put that I was sorry so many people were upset with the new boards.




This is the comment that the person left: admonishments not needed

So anyway, someone posted it and they know who they are!



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It was this thread, it was early on, it was the one where I put that I was sorry so many people were upset with the new boards.




This is the comment that the person left: admonishments not needed

So anyway, someone posted it and they know who they are!




That's pretty ironic - that person found something they liked about the new boards :) I'm sorry that happened as well. Better to do that type of communication in a PM.


I didn't even know the boards had that feature. As many have said, the new boards are similar to SL (I've even forgotten which board I had up when I've been away from the computer for awhile - they look so much alike!). But as far as I know, SL doesn't have the "reputation" feature.

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That's pretty ironic - that person found something they liked about the new boards :) I'm sorry that happened as well. Better to do that type of communication in a PM.


I didn't even know the boards had that feature. As many have said, the new boards are similar to SL (I've even forgotten which board I had up when I've been away from the computer for awhile - they look so much alike!). But as far as I know, SL doesn't have the "reputation" feature.



Does Sonlight charge now? I used to be on their boards before they switched over but can't remember why I left, was it because they started charging?




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Does Sonlight charge now?





They charge if you haven't made enough purchases or something. I've bought 5 years of their products so I'm a member for life (no charge) or something like that.


The irony is I haven't bought anything from them in over 5 years. I wouldn't pay to use their forums. I don't like how they've set it up (to charge people)- and people complained loudly when they made the switch (made WTM's switch seem very tame comparatively) - but just like here it's their playground and they're all nice enough to let us play in it :)

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. . . and people complained loudly when they made the switch (made WTM's switch seem very tame comparatively) - but just like here it's their playground and they're all nice enough to let us play in it :)


Yep, yep, yep. The complaining on the SL boards was something to behold. :(


Great point about SWB being nice enough to provide all this free of charge.


I really appreciate that.

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Sorry, Scarlett - how about a little positive feedback to make up for stomping through your flower garden? ;)


LOL. Thanks Angela. Now I have 3 comments and 12 points...maybe we get 10 to start and 1 per comment? I don't know. It is all sort of Jr. High like...Isn't it funny how a little part of us never gets over the thrill of someone liking us?

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How do you know if you got a positive or negative reputation? I have 4 coversations in my reputation on the control panel, but no comments. It doesn't say good or bad, but none of the comments were things that would warrent a reputation. One was me stating that my worst job was cleaning the bathtub on a post that was about worst jobs.

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. . . It doesn't say good or bad, but none of the comments were things that would warrent a reputation. One was me stating that my worst job was cleaning the bathtub on a post that was about worst jobs.


(((gently))) But, Mindy, that could be offensive to someone who enjoys cleaning their bathtub. Can you not see that?? ;)

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So what is the deal with the points? I'm feeling like I'm in HS again, waiting to see if I made the Student Council!LOL! If all this matters then I'm trying out for cheerleader in the forums! I'm just trying to make a little humor out of all of this. Hopefully, we can all express our opinions while maintaining respect for each other.:)

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How do you know if you got a positive or negative reputation? I have 4 coversations in my reputation on the control panel, but no comments. It doesn't say good or bad, but none of the comments were things that would warrent a reputation. One was me stating that my worst job was cleaning the bathtub on a post that was about worst jobs.


Well, I was doing positive reputations to those who I have enjoyed their comments over the years. I didn't even realize it tied into the actual thread. :o I thought the comment area was a third choice. :rolleyes: So maybe it was me :)- who knows. I thought it would send the username along with the positive vote and that it would show up on my control panel as a way to track those you have gotten to know on the board.

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So what is the deal with the points? I'm feeling like I'm in HS again, waiting to see if I made the Student Council!LOL! If all this matters then I'm trying out for cheerleader in the forums! I'm just trying to make a little humor out of all of this. Hopefully, we can all express our opinions while maintaining respect for each other.:)





I had no idea this feature even existed until I saw this thread. So I went to my control panel to see if I could find something, and there's simply nothing there.


Guess that means I didn't make student council :p


Cheer on, Stephanie! LOL

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