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So do you actually give people disapproving reputation and do you leave your name?

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I told you, I'm collecting negative rep points.... what makes you think I want to be at the top with you? It's much more fun ruling from down under--I get to poke more people. :)


hee hee- But you're not AT the bottom! HA!!


even w/ negative reps you're still in the middle...and you WERE towards the top originally :-) you'll probably end up w/ MORE positive rep as the forum stabilizes and people get the hang of the rep feature. You might be snarky but you're still cool... :cool: And I will return to my moderate posting status [and thus retreat into regular reps] instead of this posting frenzy as i acclimate to the new forum.....


it'll all even out :)

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I told you, I'm collecting negative rep points.... what makes you think I want to be at the top with you? It's much more fun ruling from down under--I get to poke more people. :)


There's a quote somewhere ... something like "If you don't have enemies, you've never taken a stand."

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I think that when you give rep for a Sale/Swap post, you really should leave your name, or at the very least a detailed comment. I want to be able to know clearly when rep is for a Sale/Swap transaction.


I agree that it should say where you recieved your rep from. Honestly there are people that are nice to chat with but slow to do business with and vise versa. If there is going to be rep then I hope we can see who and where it is from and then judge for oursleves based on that.

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I don't like the reputation thing because it feeds into my sinful self, wanting to be "approved".


(Heck, I get a thrill at the store when my credit card swipe produces the word "VALIDATED"--often, I jump in the air and sing out, "I've been VALIDATED!!!")



I approve of you, my dear!!!

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You wouldn't if you were grocery shopping with me.


Oh well. I figure it gives the kid a workout, all that sprinting to get away, far away, from that crazy lady. He needs the exercize. Bah.


(You are a very kind friend, Mindy. Thank you. Today, I need that!)


All bets are off at the grocery store.


I'm just being silly here, trying to get to nurse-bee status. I guess I need to be validated too.:cool:

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Hey, I LOVE this little feature and I've been using the heck out of it! It gives me a private way to say thanks and hang in there to folks.


Don't get rid of it. But make anyone who might use it to post disapproval accountable for what they say.


In my control panel, all these posts I've gotten show the poster's name. When you click on the scales, it doesn't give you the option to sign or not sign, so I would think when you click on 'submit' that your name gets added automatically......



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the truth is that people who frequent this board get a reputation for how they interact anyway (how else would Jean in Wisc. be already known for giving good advice!)



I was thinking more for the benefit of newcomers, on the curriculum boards. I thought SL did something like this, but I might have been mistaken.


It would be nice to be able to do something like that, but it's not worth the aggravation of people misuing the feature. I agree with you on that.



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Alright, explain it to me Peek, cuz all I see is 10 points and 5 messages.. I don't see anywhere telling me what's negative and what isn't.. where are you seeing this?


A negative will be RED --as you demonstrated for me, lol.

It will tell you how many points you have, but only displays the last 5 received. So unless you are keeping track elsewhere it would be difficult to follow. I'm now completely lost about the green vs gray boxes --i have a gray box or two w/ positive comments, so I'll be interested to see why they are gray and not green or red.


On the Members List, click on "Reputation" and it will re-sort the list to show who's got the highest. Members are shown from highest to lowest, and where they are tied it is listed in alphabetical order. Right now, Kristine is at the top. We don't know if it's because she has as many or more points as I do, cuz P comes after K :-)


Then you got Andie, JennifersLost, Judomom, and Remudamom. Again, we don't know if any of those 4 are tied --they very well could all be one less than the previous. But Remudamom has more points than Amy in Orlando because it breaks from the alphabetical listing.


Amy in Orlando to Virginia Dawn are all either tied or just happen to have points that place them in alphabetical order.


ArwenA to sclisa --same thing. either tied or "just happen" to be in alphabetical order. You are in that group. Since all these groups are "above" the rest of the crowd, you obviously have more than most members, which means you have received positive feedback. The rep thing is still pretty new --just one or two points makes quite a bit of difference right now. Later on that won't be as important.


Anyway, there's a long windy explanation why i KNOW you have some great feedback. And I also know because you were one of the first ones I rep'd ;-P



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I get the green/red thing. That makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is the gray box because it is on really random posts that I made. Nothing that would (seemingly) cause someone to even think about it twice. There are no comments associated with the gray boxes, just the one green one (thank you Andie.) I'd love to get to the bottom of how those got there.

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I'm surprised this feature was even included here from the get-go. It holds zero meaning for me ~ although it can be useful for buying/selling if people include comments to explain themselves. Particularly without explanatory comments, the system serves no purpose. As an example, one person found a post I wrote earlier today positive and another found the same post negative. Okay. Ho hum. Why is that interesting or useful information?


As for giving positive ratings to people whose advice we particularly value, I don't see a purpose there either. I assume we form our own opinions with regard to each member's persona and advice ~ not listen more or less closely based on whether others like what they have to say.

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I was wondering about this, because the gray boxes don't seem to change my points. It's hard to tell if they're negative or positive - one of mine doesn't have a comment at all. I'm guessing it's negative, because I was trying to be helpful in that thread, but soon realized I had *no idea* what I was talking about, lol. That'll teach me for yammering on. :o

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I'm surprised this feature was even included here from the get-go. It holds zero meaning for me ~ although it can be useful for buying/selling if people include comments to explain themselves.


I'm in this camp. (Except for the tiny part of me that wants people to like me. ;))

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It's purely for fun Colleen. Don't want to have fun, don't participate.


And I think I figured out the colors of the boxes. Red=negative, green=good, grey=Neutral or EVEN...


I clicked on one of my posts last night to see and it said this post has an "even" rating. Maybe that's what it means.

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Someone else told me on one of my "reputation comments" that the gray boxes are from people that are new and are not beyond a certain number of posts. So since the board is so new, most people will show up as a gray box. HTH.




That's what I'm thinking too. I've got three reputation comments. Two from users who have less than fifty posts and one from someone with LOTS of posts (thanks GreenKitty!) The only one with a green box is from the person with lots of posts.


And I think I figured out the colors of the boxes. Red=negative, green=good, grey=Neutral or EVEN...


I clicked on one of my posts last night to see and it said this post has an "even" rating. Maybe that's what it means.


But how can someone leave a 'neutral' rating? I only see positive or negative? Am I missing something? :eek:

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As for giving positive ratings to people whose advice we particularly value, I don't see a purpose there either. I assume we form our own opinions with regard to each member's persona and advice ~ not listen more or less closely based on whether others like what they have to say.



Well, one of those positives was probably from me and it was probably attached to some post that was not particularly meaningful one way or another.


Yesterday I was, how did someone put it? Slinging rep around? I was giving good rep out to everyone I ever liked, until the boards cut off my rep giving powers for the night.:p


It is silly, I know. :)


I do like the smilies though!:D

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See, I'm not sure either. All I know is when I clicked on one of my posts it said "This post has an EVEN rating".


So I don't know.


Where are you seeing "This post has an EVEN rating"?? I clicked all over my CP and can't find it.


I'm back to guessing that whether the rating is even or not is a reflection whether the giver has "rep power" yet or not. And I'm still not sure exactly how that's determined ;-)

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Where are you seeing "This post has an EVEN rating"?? I clicked all over my CP and can't find it.


I'm back to guessing that whether the rating is even or not is a reflection whether the giver has "rep power" yet or not. And I'm still not sure exactly how that's determined ;-)

Click on the scale, just as you would to give rep. If it has been rep'd, then it will say what it was rep'd at...


For example, my post above #130, says:


Your reputation on this post is Even.

Comments on this Post

(red square) great

(green square)just pulling you out of the deep dark pits of hell, because you , one rep click at a time, because *you* NEED it.... bwahahaha !! ~Peek a Boo!


You have 12 Reputation point(s).


So, someone gave me a negative rep (red square), but commented that it was "great". And you gave me a green square, with your comment.


Now, if a post hasn't been rep'd, it'll say so.


Now to whomever gave me the negative--You listented to me! You really did! :)



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Click on the scale, just as you would to give rep. If it has been rep'd, then it will say what it was rep'd at...


For example, my post above #130, says:


Now, if a post hasn't been rep'd, it'll say so.




ok, so we have to open that particular post when we're logged in to see it. Got it!! cool :-)



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It's purely for fun Colleen. Don't want to have fun, don't participate.


I happen to think the feature serves no good purpose. As for "purely for fun", you'll have to tell that to the person who gave me negative feedback and commented "yawn - who cares?" in response to the thoughts I shared about the tax rebate.:rolleyes:

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Yeah, i think it is just for fun prob....though...and sling if you feel necessary...I hope it wasnt I who sent those neg out to you. I just got an IM from someone on here telling me I gave them a neg and I said 'hu'. When my box comes up it has given me only one option and sometimes there is no space to leave anything. So, I just don't get it. Until my computer gets back to 'normal', and btw it is only not normal on this site and ebay. I am not givin reps. I think it is the combination of traffic on this site and our super bad cool security system! I love our security but if anything is questionable in type or picture...well...It blocks it out and I can't see it. So, for those who've I read on here that got a neg I will give you a positive, at the times when this site looks normal on my sceen.

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I happen to think the feature serves no good purpose. As for "purely for fun", you'll have to tell that to the person who gave me negative feedback and commented "yawn - who cares?" in response to the thoughts I shared about the tax rebate.:rolleyes:

Like I said in the other thread, if they want to be a coward, rest in the fact knowing they are. Let someone leave me a negative for something I said---it meant they read it, they heard it and know where I stand. And again, like the quote says--if I ain't tickin' someone off, I'm not doing my job. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I happen to think the feature serves no good purpose. As for "purely for fun", you'll have to tell that to the person who gave me negative feedback and commented "yawn - who cares?" in response to the thoughts I shared about the tax rebate.:rolleyes:


Actually, I just had another thought about this. Another forum I visit has the option to rate a *thread*. Maybe they thought they were rating the thread instead of the poster?

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I never leave a disapproving reputation. I don't see how that could be helpful, unless it was on the sale board.


I do leave positive reps, but I don't leave my name. It's not about me, IMO.


If you leave a disapproving reputation, do you leave your name? What about positive reputation, do you leave your name then?


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