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Next Door Neighbor Cut Down OUR Privacy Hedge While We Were Out! (rant)

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Honestly, I'd have them charged with vandalism or something on top of small claims.


And I can totally picture you lashing into them while your dh stood off to the side, smirking. My dh calls it 'going Wifezilla' and he does the exact same thing. Steps back and to the side, smirking, while I let loose. Its a combination of pride and 'please don't let her take aim at me' I think! :lol: He claims that I'm his secret weapon, and sends me in for big purchases, etc because I have no issues in demanding what I want...and woe betide the screw ups!



I have been waiting since last night for you to read this!!!!!:lol::lol: To be honest, though, when I do 'wifezilla' (and it was 'momzilla' b/c the privacy hedge was wonderful to have with the kids playing basketball and playing on the driveway in general) I do it in a tone of voice that is so low, the individual has to strain forward to hear me and realizes while they are hanging on my every word that I am giving them a map to follow to you-know-where. DH did say to the kids at dinner: 'that's one of the reasons I fell in love with your mom...oratory.' :lol:


I was just thrilled that I remembered to mention the flipping rooster plate hanging on the front of their house!

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I have been waiting since last night for you to read this!!!!!:lol::lol: To be honest, though, when I do 'wifezilla' (and it was 'momzilla' b/c the privacy hedge was wonderful to have with the kids playing basketball and playing on the driveway in general) I do it in a tone of voice that is so low, the individual has to strain forward to hear me and realizes while they are hanging on my every word that I am giving them a map to follow to you-know-where. DH did say to the kids at dinner: 'that's one of the reasons I fell in love with your mom...oratory.' :lol:


I was just thrilled that I remembered to mention the flipping rooster plate hanging on the front of their house!

I feel so special! :001_wub:I do the exact same thing with the voice too...the angrier I am, the quieter I tend to be...and heaven help the offender then!



I think I told you the story of being bounced from the hotel on our wedding night, right? That was the first episode of what Wolf fondly recalls as, 'Bridezilla'. I've since graduated to 'Wifezilla' ;)

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Just out of curiosity, when you were going all calm-before-the-storm-Momzilla on them, did you mention that you'd be making them pay for the cost of replacing the hedge? What did they say?


I know you probably 'got' it, but that "You know that children in Africa are starving" comment would tick me off SO bad! I mean, he was essentially saying that you were being petty by getting angry, because there are bigger problems in the world than the one he inflicted on you. So how DARE you be upset at him, rather than running off to Africa to right THOSE injustices?! What he did to you is NOTHING by comparison! Honestly, you petty, selfish woman. :001_huh: Seriously, that would make me SO angry. He's justifying doing something wrong because there are worse wrongs out there? Erm.... neither God nor the justice system grade on a curve.

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I feel so special! :001_wub:I do the exact same thing with the voice too...the angrier I am, the quieter I tend to be...and heaven help the offender then!



I think I told you the story of being bounced from the hotel on our wedding night, right? That was the first episode of what Wolf fondly recalls as, 'Bridezilla'. I've since graduated to 'Wifezilla' ;)


AWWWWWW! Yes, you should feel special -- And the fact that I have the IMP seal of approvalistockphoto_4379973-seal-cartoon.jpgwell, I am honored to be in the company of greatness!:patriot: Clearly, greatness transcends borders!:lol:

and, no, I don't recall the wedding night story, and I think I speak for all of us when I say: DO TELL!:bigear:

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Just out of curiosity, when you were going all calm-before-the-storm-Momzilla on them, did you mention that you'd be making them pay for the cost of replacing the hedge? No - it is all spelled out in the letter that has been mailed per the instructions of the police department. In those situations, I tend not to tell the individual what my next move is OR what I do expect they will be made to do.....I wait. What did they say?


I know you probably 'got' it, but that "You know that children in Africa are starving" comment would tick me off SO bad! I mean, he was essentially saying that you were being petty by getting angry, because there are bigger problems in the world than the one he inflicted on you. So how DARE you be upset at him, rather than running off to Africa to right THOSE injustices?! What he did to you is NOTHING by comparison! Honestly, you petty, selfish woman. :001_huh: Seriously, that would make me SO angry. He's justifying doing something wrong because there are worse wrongs out there? Erm.... neither God nor the justice system grade on a curve.

You are right. They are supposed to be able to trample on our property, well, b/c, there are rights in other places that are being trampled that are far more egregious than simply destroying another's property. I daresay, they are stunned by our reaction. Probably are totally convinced that we are over the top nuts aboiut the privacy thing (just like the folks before us).


Oh, yes - I got it immediately and it took every ounce of self control not to leap over the remains of the hedge and smack him in his stupid face. I wanted to tell him that for all the hours he apparently logs as a 'barcolounger pilot,' I would have expected something better than his 'africa' comment if he was going to start lecturing to me on world events!


Truly, though, my main objective was to get a dig in about the rooster plate -- ever since I saw the dumb thing hanging on the front of their house (a brick bi-level - nothing country french about it).

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I feel so special! :001_wub:I do the exact same thing with the voice too...the angrier I am, the quieter I tend to be...and heaven help the offender then!



I think I told you the story of being bounced from the hotel on our wedding night, right? That was the first episode of what Wolf fondly recalls as, 'Bridezilla'. I've since graduated to 'Wifezilla' ;)


This is funny! I do the very quiet low voice too. In fact one day I was getting quieter and quieter with the kids and dh told them, "She's getting quiet. You'd better watch out. . . she's going to blow!"

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There are bushes in Africa that need trimming. :D




This is funny! I do the very quiet low voice too. In fact one day I was getting quieter and quieter with the kids and dh told them, "She's getting quiet. You'd better watch out. . . she's going to blow!"


:lol: Thar she blows! monstro.jpg

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AWWWWWW! Yes, you should feel special -- And the fact that I have the IMP seal of approvalistockphoto_4379973-seal-cartoon.jpgwell, I am honored to be in the company of greatness!:patriot: Clearly, greatness transcends borders!:lol:

and, no, I don't recall the wedding night story, and I think I speak for all of us when I say: DO TELL!:bigear:


:bigear: !!!

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AWWWWWW! Yes, you should feel special -- And the fact that I have the IMP seal of approvalwell, I am honored to be in the company of greatness! Clearly, greatness transcends borders!

and, no, I don't recall the wedding night story, and I think I speak for all of us when I say: DO TELL!

Oh my word. IMP seal of approval. My husband would be completely convinced of my evil nature and that I was a harbinger of the Apocalypse if he read such a thing!


I much prefer that he just strongly suspect this issue, rather than have proof.


Wedding story. Oh boy.


MIL (you knew she played a part, right? :lol:) detained us purposely at the mini reception. We'd arranged for folks who weren't able to get to the wedding (it was a bit out of the city, and on a Thursday eve to please MIL and co.) to meet us at the bar/nightclub of the hotel we were to stay at. MIL didn't like that, because her religion is against alcohol and dancing.


By the time we got to the hotel, the friends that were to meet us all left, thinking that something had gone wrong, and we hadn't gotten married at all. :001_huh: We had our dance, then another, and went to check in once we realized that nobody was showing up.


The hotel had over booked. Our room was gone. :glare: They made arrangements to send us via cab to another hotel, as Wolf had had a few drinks.


The hotel they sent us too...awful. Wolf likened it to going to jail, with the brick walls. There was no basket with chocolate dipped strawberries, champagne and other treats. The kitchen was also closed.


Our wedding 'dinner' consisted of M&Ms, cheesies, and pop from the vending machine.


At check out in the am, we discovered that they'd billed us for the cab ride.


I had enough.


When we got to the original hotel, Wolf just wanted to get his truck and get going to where we were spending the weekend. Uh uh. Not gonna happen.


I marched into the hotel, and quietly demanded the manager.


By the time I was done, we had a package worth about triple what we'd originally booked, for free.


But, it doesn't end there. We were married in April. I called in December to book for our first wedding anniversary. I'd never gotten anything in writing, and just *knew* it was going to be an issue. And sure enough, it was. By the time they'd gone through the accounting bills to ensure that they had indeed paid for our transfer at another hotel, I had to invoke the potential for media coverage...


By the time all was said and done, the new manager personally drove the paperwork out to my home and hand delivered it to me to make the deadline I'd established before contacting every media outlet in the city...pointing out that bouncing someone on their WEDDING NIGHT would ensure massive coverage, and certainly see a decline in couples willing to book with them (something that they make a lot of money on, ppl getting married there, etc).


It was a lovely first anniversary. Hot tub, fireplace, massive basket of lovely things, dinner theatre...very nice ;)


And Wolf's sicc'd me on....errr...stepped aside and allowed me to deal with contentious issues ever since. :D

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Truly, though, my main objective was to get a dig in about the rooster plate -- ever since I saw the dumb thing hanging on the front of their house (a brick bi-level - nothing country french about it).


:lol: That's as it should be. ;) I don't care if the house IS french country. It's a rooster plate. If it has to belong somewhere, it would be inside, on display with a bunch of other rooster-oriented tchotckes. (I get the feeling I spelled that wrong, but the only option spell-check is giving me is'hotcakes'.)

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Wedding story. Oh boy.



And Wolf's sicc'd me on....errr...stepped aside and allowed me to deal with contentious issues ever since. :D



Thank you for taking the time to tell the story -- well worth it!:D


:lol: That's as it should be. ;) I don't care if the house IS french country. It's a rooster plate. If it has to belong somewhere, it would be inside, on display with a bunch of other rooster-oriented tchotckes. (I get the feeling I spelled that wrong, but the only option spell-check is giving me is'hotcakes'.)


:iagree: -- why in the world does one have to decorate 'outside?' Landsdcaping, I understand; bird bath, no problem, bird feeders, just fine.......but inside stuff hanging outside -- :confused:

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It's not to late to have them arrested or to file a criminal complaint against them. That's what I'd do -- go after them both civilly (for reparation dollars) and criminally.


And you're welcome for the wedding story.


Considering the stunts MIL pulled around our wedding, I often look back, shake my head, and wonder WHY I'm surprised by *anything* that woman does. Seriously. :glare:

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It's not to late to have them arrested or to file a criminal complaint against them. That's what I'd do -- go after them both civilly (for reparation dollars) and criminally.



Oh, R.C., I'm too old and tired for that. We will pursue them civilly for reparation according to what the police officer told us. Criminally? nah......if there was a 'stupidity' or 'presumptiousness' legal means of pursuit, then definitely. But, right now, I just want to get the outside looking the way it did before they ravaged it, and I want to continue getting the inside put back together, and I want to leave. My heart has never been in Fairfax County (I've made it clear since before we moved here in 2001 that I did not wish to live in Fairfax County) and DH has heard me say that repeatedly, and now I think he is finally getting it.


Everything happens for a reason.

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Coming in on the tail end of the conversation and wanted to know or maybe I missed it. Have you checked with your homeowner's insurance company to see if your policy will provide coverage for vandalism to property? Most policies do.

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Coming in on the tail end of the conversation and wanted to know or maybe I missed it. Have you checked with your homeowner's insurance company to see if your policy will provide coverage for vandalism to property? Most policies do.


I like this idea, and I might pursue it except that we are still dealing with the insurance company and our water damage/mold claim, and that makes me not want to go that route. But, i think it's a great idea, otherwise.:)

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Someone has probably already mentioned this, but where we live, in Texas, you CAN trim down anything that is infringing on your own property line, BUT you have to leave the trimmings for the owner otherwise, it's stealing!


I think you did the right thing, I would have been SOOOOOOO MAD.

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Someone has probably already mentioned this, but where we live, in Texas, you CAN trim down anything that is infringing on your own property line, BUT you have to leave the trimmings for the owner otherwise, it's stealing!


I think you did the right thing, I would have been SOOOOOOO MAD.[/QUOTE]


Thank you for saying that - :), and I was sooooooooooooooo mad. I'm soooooooooooooooooo tired today from being so mad yesterday.:svengo:

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And, I'd set up a telescope in the window that faces their house, where they could see it pointed at them. And, when they pull into their driveway, I'd line the whole family up in the window and have everyone wave at them.
I was thinking something similar. I'd set an old couch out at the property line where those bushes were and the whole family would be out there eating popcorn staring at them...on and on.:tongue_smilie: They should at least enjoy their newly lost privacy as much as you get to.
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Pulling the stumps is unnecessary. They could have cut it down to a foot tall and it would still grow back -- lusher than ever.


They sound like awful neighbours.


If it was me, every time I saw them I'd wave madly, smile obnoxiously and shout "can you see me now? I see you!"


And, I'd set up a telescope in the window that faces their house, where they could see it pointed at them. And, when they pull into their driveway, I'd line the whole family up in the window and have everyone wave at them.


I hate neighbours. That's why I live on a farm. I can have 40 people over to run naked around the yard and no neighbours will see it.


Not that I've done that.




Now this is much classier than my response:


"You want to see what we are doing? And you cut down our hedge to do this?" I would back s.l.o.w.l.y away from her with a look of feigned horror on my face. "Are you watching us? " Gasp "Are you...(voice goes to a whisper)...interested in children...for...um...pleasure...oh my!" "So you are stalking our family?" (Now muttering under my breath but still audible, "I think we need a restraining order!"


But Audrey's suggestion for the telescope is the stroke of genius. And isn't a good thing that common sense usually keeps us from playing out those fantasies in our mind...well, except for your neighbor, of course.


Mariann, I am really sorry for the stress this has caused you and your family. Take care of yourself.:grouphug:

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Now this is much classier than my response:


"You want to see what we are doing? And you cut down our hedge to do this?" I would back s.l.o.w.l.y away from her with a look of feigned horror on my face. "Are you watching us? " Gasp "Are you...(voice goes to a whisper)...interested in children...for...um...pleasure...oh my!" "So you are stalking our family?" (Now muttering under my breath but still audible, "I think we need a restraining order!"


But Audrey's suggestion for the telescope is the stroke of genius. And isn't a good thing that common sense usually keeps us from playing out those fantasies in our mind...well, except for your neighbor, of course.


Mariann, I am really sorry for the stress this has caused you and your family. Take care of yourself.:grouphug:


Lisa: Thank you! I am going to sit at lacrosse practice from 5-6:30 and read the Duke TIP stuff - it arrived last week. I am so fried right now --

thanks again --.........and where is Dragon Academy when I need her?!:crying::svengo:

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You could always see if the local nudist colony wanted to come over and lay out in your yard. You wanted to see what we're doing?!? Well, here ya go!




I did tell Audrey that I would only have to do that myself once and she would likely be cured of wanting to see anything!


Remember that scene from 'Friends' when Phoebe and Rachel see Monica and Chandler together for the first time--


Phoebe starts shrieking: 'MY EYES! MY EYES!' :lol:

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This is good advice - thank you. No - no neighborhood mediation board or HOA or anything -- and while DH HATES places that have an hoa, he now sees their 'place.':glare:



Even having an HOA won't necessarily protect you. We have an HOA and they approved an ugly a** fence for my neighbor that gave us a completely ugly view. Owner constructed fences are supposed to have the support structures ie; posts and crossbeams facing the inside of their property. This is the rule of the HOA. The neighbor installed a fence behind the fence we share, faced the posts towards us AND built the fence "level" on their side which from our side doesn't look level. I had no recourse. This neighbor recently covered the metal poles with wood and it looks better, but obviously the height of the fence is still above ours. I would NEVER have done something like this. They don't even understand why I was so ticked.

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Even having an HOA won't necessarily protect you. We have an HOA and they approved an ugly a** fence for my neighbor that gave us a completely ugly view. Owner constructed fences are supposed to have the support structures ie; posts and crossbeams facing the inside of their property. This is the rule of the HOA. The neighbor installed a fence behind the fence we share, faced the posts towards us AND built the fence "level" on their side which from our side doesn't look level. I had no recourse. This neighbor recently covered the metal poles with wood and it looks better, but obviously the height of the fence is still above ours. I would NEVER have done something like this. They don't even understand why I was so ticked.


Oh, my. We've had tons of experience with HOA and they tend to err on the side of uber-aesthetics and not make those mistakes. UCK!

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This is uber sucky! I would've said something sooner, but have been off the boards for a few days....


We had neighbors move in once who the day after they moved in the guy starts climbing the GORGEOUS 50'-60' pine tree between our properties and is sawing off the limbs.. now there is NO WAY he can actually cut down the whole tree by himself... but he was an idiot anyway, he gets halfway up, his wife comes out and is yelling at him.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! He responds, I don't like these trees, they get sap on your car (it was no where near the car area). Well his wife was pissed, I was inside crying (I loved that tree) and also wondering WHO tries to cut down a tree the day after he is moving in? They are now divorced.


This poor tree will now probably fall down and pry up our whole parking pad. :tongue_smilie:


I could never imagine doing something like that to a neighbor. You have to live next to them.... ugh.


Good luck!



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See, this is the stuff that makes me want to stay out in the country, and hang proximity to church, stores and activities. I love my nature. If someone chopped down something natural I'd been cultivating and loved...wow. I get extremely angry just thinking about it.

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This is uber sucky! I would've said something sooner, but have been off the boards for a few days....


We had neighbors move in once who the day after they moved in the guy starts climbing the GORGEOUS 50'-60' pine tree between our properties and is sawing off the limbs.. now there is NO WAY he can actually cut down the whole tree by himself... but he was an idiot anyway, he gets halfway up, his wife comes out and is yelling at him.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! He responds, I don't like these trees, they get sap on your car (it was no where near the car area). Well his wife was pissed, I was inside crying (I loved that tree) and also wondering WHO tries to cut down a tree the day after he is moving in? They are now divorced.


This poor tree will now probably fall down and pry up our whole parking pad. :tongue_smilie:


I could never imagine doing something like that to a neighbor. You have to live next to them.... ugh.


Good luck!




Korin: WHAT is the matter with people???:confused: Thanks for writing - we were away as well - we went to NJ from thursday night till saturday night, and came home thinking, ok, time to get the kitchen ready for the new cabinets, get the new appliances in, not thrilled about staying here (don't like being this close in to DC although it is a beautiful community - just not where I want to be), but, I was ready to paste a smile on my face and go with it. Then, dh pulls in before me yesterday - and I pull in and he is standing there looking like a deer caught in the headlights, the kids and I see what has happened, and I am speechless...which is amazing for me :001_huh:.


Today, I am fried - totally, through and through - I tell you, the past year has been, well, I cannot move - fried, I tell you.....fried. I was fried before the house got ruined while we were on vacation......fried before we had to live in a hotel for four months. Sorry - I am whining, but I think I have pretty much decided to crawl under the covers and sleep. I sure hope that dh understands that. Thanks for listening.:grouphug:

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See, this is the stuff that makes me want to stay out in the country, and hang proximity to church, stores and activities. I love my nature. If someone chopped down something natural I'd been cultivating and loved...wow. I get extremely angry just thinking about it.


:iagree: If you've read much of what I have written in this thread - DH is the one who wants to live in ffx county - I loved being in Loudoun County -- it IS country. Commute? I homeschool......I don't have to commute anywhere. We are in ffx county b/c dh wants to be -- well, dh is beyond furious and beyond whatever it is one gets beyond when stupid stuff like this happens.


We don't let our kids cut through anyone's yard, walk on anyone's lawn - we are incredibly aware of personal space and what is appropriate and the boundaries of others. And we have no problem with that. Apparently, our neighbors, however, have no sense of appropriateness.


I am SO going to the country --acres, I want acres!

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I am curious, what does someone say in explanation?


I know she said she was nosy and wanted them chopped down but did they actually apologize? What did they say when you said you would take them to court?



No, they did not apologize. They did not offer any explanation other than they have wanted the shrubs down since the previous owners put them in....and she proceeded to say that she likes to see what her neighbors are doing. They acted like two people who could not believe the reaction we had - it was bizarre.


I did not tell them I would be taking them to court -- I tend not to give folks a warning before I do something like that -- I did tell them that they had no idea how foolish they were to create the situation they had created and how incredibly surprised they were going to be at what was going to happen. I told them they had committed a huge error in judgement, and they had no idea with whom they were dealing.


I know that they saw the police car in our driveway - it was still fairly light out -- tomorrow they will receive the letter which effectively serves as a restraining order. It is quite explicit - I copied the form that the police department provides on their website.


DH has NO TRESPASSING signs all over that side of our property, workmen from various utilities have been by all day checking for utilities and digging etc.


I just want to get my kitchen finished, get everything else done and move. I never would have spent a small fortune on new kitchen appliances if I had any idea we would be moving. I am still amazed at the audacity of these people.

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:iagree: But people keep mentioning small claims. Isn't small claims capped at $5000? I think this might go beyond that.


I think I'd find something obnoxious to do ON your property to bug them until the bushes grow back. Maybe put up a huge clothesline right in the view of one of their windows and hang underwear on it every day. The bigger/rattier/uglier the better. Line your windows facing their house with tin foil. Put a car up on blocks in your yard. Take up HAM radio and put a bunch of antennae everywhere. . . Okay, not really, but I'd sure dream about it. :D


So so sorry about your hedge. I'd be furious too!




Idiot is too nice a word for people like your neighbor!


I was thinking of an idea much like this, put the most hideous junk you can find on the other side of the new fence- leave a bit of space by your property line and line it with the gaudiest crap you can find. I am thinking plastic cows, flamingos, blow up crap, the tackier the better.

After all, it is yard decoration after their own taste. :D


And you won't have to see it, ever!





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See, this is the stuff that makes me want to stay out in the country, and hang proximity to church, stores and activities. I love my nature. If someone chopped down something natural I'd been cultivating and loved...wow. I get extremely angry just thinking about it.



Absolutely. Like Audrey, we don't do neighbors. :iagree:

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It's not to late to have them arrested or to file a criminal complaint against them. That's what I'd do -- go after them both civilly (for reparation dollars) and criminally.

I believe you have 1 year from the time of report to follow through. I just had a complete blow up with my idiot neighbors Friday. Please move next to me!! I promise to leave your hedge alone.:)

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I found the perfect other side of fence decor!!





WHERE DO YOU LIVE? I have to send you an AmEx gift card! THIS IS INSPIRED - and of course, most folks do their best thinking on that particular seat - sans the cactus, of course.:lol::lol::lol:

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Keep us updated.


BTW... do you have photos? I'd love to see Mr. & Mrs. Scissorhands' work.


Me, too. As for the culprits, my perpetual image of them is Gladys Kravitz and spouse.


I will post pix - I have to find the cable to the camera.


And, you know, Mrs. Scissorhands is only maybe 42 -- way too young to be Gladys Kravitz and her husband is a bit of a thing --


the people on the other side of us are in their 70s or 80s -- we had been here more than a year before we realized he wasn't a widower b/c we finally saw the wife.

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Marianne, I don't know whether you get the WP but in today;s Metro section there is a story about a very bad neighbor who bothered other people in the neighborhood and ended up killing one neighbor this last weekend. Talk about bad neighbors:001_huh:


OMH! How awful! It reminds me of folks who get in fights during snowstorms for parking spaces.


I will go on line and read the WP --THAT kind of stuff does frighten me. Fortunately, I don't think that these folks have temper issues - I think they are just not very bright.

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