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Kindle, sony or other e-reader people, if you had to do it over. . .

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I love my Kindle. I use it everyday without fail.


My mom sent me some money for b/d. My dh told me to order one but I'm a bit hesitant. I love books. I'm a bookaholic. (I joked and said this device could save my marriage because while I love stacks of books all around me, my dh doesn't like the clutter. When I first mentioned a reader, he said "yeah right. You'd want to download the book and have a hardcopy back up".)


Thanks for your response.

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I have zero regrets about our Sony readers. I use mine all the time, more than I thought I possibly could have. I listen to audiobooks on it while I'm walking, use it daily for several homeschooling subjects, and love the convenience of carrying around a small device instead of a 700-page book while I'm keeping track of the two-year-old at the park (plus the benefit of not needing to bring along an extra book in case I finish my current book while I'm away from home). We bought our readers mostly in preparation for living overseas later this year, but they've been worth it in the US too. I can't even express how happy it makes me to think of being able to download books while I'm living in a country that has almost no English books available.

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We don't have one that you have listed but i am loving reading on my iPhone and DD loves reading on her iTouch. I love that we can have entire collections of books without it taking up all the room. I also love that i can customise the font size which is a big issue for DD as she is vision impaired.

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I have had my Nook for a little over a week...and I am never without it! I love, love, LOVE it! I am thinking that we may have to get another one...almost all the books on my DD's new reading list, we can get for free on Google Books. She could use mine...but I don't share well :lol:

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I use my Kindle a lot -- but almost exclusively for "fluff" reading. Really, it's great for light reading -- but it's more challenging for anything where you want to be able to thumb back through it looking for something you read before, or making notes as you go... If I want to read light fiction (even "classic" fiction), it's great. But for non-fiction or fiction that I really want to contemplate deeply? Not so great.


I *love* being able to download a new book in seconds. I love being able to carry a whole bookstore around in my purse. That part is *wonderful*. It's great for traveling -- I can take a stack o' books with my in less space than a trade paperback. And I do find it easy to read (unlike a computer screen which can give me a headache after a while).


It does struggle with unusual (non-English) characters and even certain diacritical marks. A recent book I read had a fair amount of Greek in it, and that came through as slightly smudgy gray stuff rather than the sharp characters of the English.


Overall, I really enjoy it. But it's not replacing print book purchases for me. And I'm not sure that the fact that it has radically increased my intake of light fiction is entirely a good thing. ;)

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I love my kindle. I read for at least an hour every day. More if DH is home to control the chaos while I slip away to the world of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Sherlock Holmes -- did I mention most of those books were free or $1?


My reading had definately moved to a higher level as far as quality because I can get quality books easily as opposed to haunting the clearance aisle for good used books for $1.


Plus, I got to read the brand new Elizabeth George book with Inspector Lynley the day it came out. I would never buy a hard back, newly released book, but a new e-book is only $12. Even I can splurge on that sometimes.

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Kindle 2 is wonderful! I would like an ipad but it's so much more expensive AND you have to pay to have internet access to buying books anywhere. No added expenses with the Kindle except buying books IF you want to (lots are FREE).


Whatever I buy on my Kindle I can also read on my ipod touch (so 2 people can read the same book with 2 different devices in the same household).

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I'm honestly shocked at how much everyone LOVES their e-reading devices. I mean I personally have no experience with one but I didn't expect such overwhelming endorsement.


Thanks, I may break down and buy one with my b/d money. (Here in Canada Indigo.ca is releasing their device in May. http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/kobo-eReader/kobo_ereader-giz.html It's called a Kobo reader and is considerably cheaper than a Kindle. Money is an issue right now so I'm tempted to buy it.


I'll have to investigate a bit more.

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I'm honestly shocked at how much everyone LOVES their e-reading devices. I mean I personally have no experience with one but I didn't expect such overwhelming endorsement.


I'm shocked at how much I love mine too! I swore I'd never want one, and finally broke down only because I travel so much and got tired of lugging bags of heavy books everywhere.


I'm a convert.

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...Money is an issue right now so I'm tempted to buy it.


I'll have to investigate a bit more.


I'm not sure about the first statement there. You do still pay for each individual book you read on an e-reader (except for those that are in the public domain and someone has converted to the proper format -- and even those often cost a small fee, since sometimes the free ones are full of typos or lack indexing features). Some books cost less in electronic form, but many do not. If you're looking for it to save you money, do investigate very carefully. It will save space, but not necessarily money...

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I'm not sure about the first statement there. You do still pay for each individual book you read on an e-reader (except for those that are in the public domain and someone has converted to the proper format -- and even those often cost a small fee, since sometimes the free ones are full of typos or lack indexing features). Some books cost less in electronic form, but many do not. If you're looking for it to save you money, do investigate very carefully. It will save space, but not necessarily money...


No I recognize the need to purchase the downloads. (So far we've been fortunate enough to have a good book budget.) The initial outlay of money is what I meant. The difference between the one I was looking at and the kindle is one hundred bucks so it warrants taking a look at the purchase.

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I adore my kindle. I got it in December/November or so. . . and I use it all the time. If I dropped it in the toilet tomorrow, I'd buy another right away. (And, it took me 6 months to gear up to spend the $250 on the Kindle, even though I had the $$ from my b'day. . . so, I'm not frivolous!)

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p.s. I read TONS and TONS of free books on kindle. Search on amazon and you'll find zillions of freebies. Even new books come out free regularly, some are junk and some are pretty great. I tend to download nearly anything that is free unless it's clearly not my thing (no blood or gore, and no total trash romances), but I find a couple a month that are quite decent "beach reading" for free. . . and then there's the loads of free classics. . .


I have spent very little real $$ on kindle stuff, but really love the freebies and the very cheapies. Especially the classics, as I love being able read it along with the kids -- and having the on demand dictionary is VERY HANDY with the classics, lol!! Instead of just skimming over words I am not confident about, I look them up every time in a click. . . Just for that I am thinking it'd be great to get my dc kindles. . . great for vocab development!

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I use my Kindle a lot -- but almost exclusively for "fluff" reading. Really, it's great for light reading -- but it's more challenging for anything where you want to be able to thumb back through it looking for something you read before, or making notes as you go... If I want to read light fiction (even "classic" fiction), it's great. But for non-fiction or fiction that I really want to contemplate deeply? Not so great.


I *love* being able to download a new book in seconds. I love being able to carry a whole bookstore around in my purse. That part is *wonderful*. It's great for traveling -- I can take a stack o' books with my in less space than a trade paperback. And I do find it easy to read (unlike a computer screen which can give me a headache after a while).


It does struggle with unusual (non-English) characters and even certain diacritical marks. A recent book I read had a fair amount of Greek in it, and that came through as slightly smudgy gray stuff rather than the sharp characters of the English.


Overall, I really enjoy it. But it's not replacing print book purchases for me. And I'm not sure that the fact that it has radically increased my intake of light fiction is entirely a good thing. ;)



There are books that work for me on my Kindle and books I'd rather be able to flip through and hold and mark up. TWTM? Prefer in print. TWEM? Interestingly, it's working well in Kindle. Go figure. Books I consider "reference" type books and cookbooks are best not "Kindle-ized". Books I read through (fiction, biography, personal reading) work great.


Example: "Julie & Julia" was a perfect Kindle book. "Julia's Kitchen Wisdom" not so much.


That being said - I plan on having a Kindle version of TWTM so that when we go overseas I have a copy without having to lug the print copy in my suitcase. And that in itself makes the Kindle worth it.

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I love my nook! I like that when there is an update I don't have to buy another version - I can just download the update and it feels like I have a brand new ereader. I so didn't want to like it but I'm totally in love with it.


:iagree: I use my nook every day!

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They'll get my Kindle when they pry it out of my cold, dead, hands. Me and my two dds, 9 & 11, use our Kindle (aka my precious) all the time.


Amazon has an ever-rotating list of free books for the Kindle; not just public domain classics, but new stuff (it's often the first in a series to get you hooked, but hey, it's free!). You can get free samples, usually the first chapter, of books you might want to buy. I really like that. We have downloaded way more than the price of the Kindle in free books (not counting the duds!).


Unlike abbeyj, I find it easier "thumb back" to certain parts of the book on the Kindle than in a regular book, because a regular book can't search for keywords! You can also click within the table of contents. You can bookmark, clip, and annotate, but it's not meant for truly lengthy note-taking. I always take notes in a notebook, anyway, so that doesn't bother me.


I haven't tried out a Nook, but I prefer the look and feel of the Kindle to the Sony. I have an itcouch also, and while the option of reading on it is very handy, I prefer the non-reflective screen of e-readers to the backlit displays you find on devices like the itouch and netbooks. I wouldn't let my kids read for long periods on computer-like screens. You can read in bright sunlight, so I'm always sitting on the porch with my Kindle or taking it on long car rides.

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when do you all have the time to read? With school, housework & everything else in life - where does your time come into to read????


I used to wonder this exact same thing. It took almost three years for me to find the time again (and DD to be independent enough to allow it)!


I read while DD takes a bath and I'm just supervising while she splashes

I read when I can't sleep (more frequent these days)

I read when I realize I'm watching TV for no reason

I read when I'm trying to get DD to play by herself

I read when I wake up a half hour before everyone else


I may just get a few minutes in, but having a book (or books) nearby and ready makes it easy for me to pick one up and start in. That's where the Kindle is genius - I have six books going at once on one device and I can "pick up" any one of them at any time.


It's not easy, I'll agree - and I'm not home schooling yet!

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Dh and I have been talking nonstop about e-readers for MONTHS! He wants the iPad, I want the Kindle :) Perhaps we'll each get one ;)


Since we're trying out AO, I fantasize about how I'd be able to enjoy all those amazing classics on the Kindle instead of hunting them down in used bookshops. When I BUY a book, I like to buy a nice hardcover. But with a Kindle, I think I'd gladly read free e-text :D I can see this being a great source for read-alouds!


Reading this thread has just about pushed me over into buying one. Hmm... Off to have conversation #4679456 about this with dh. :lol:


Oh! BTW! Would anyone entrust a Kindle with a 6 (almost 7) year old? :confused: My ds is an avid reader, whom I can hardly keep in books. I could only imagine his joy if I could download all the Burgess books and other oldies-but-goodies for him.



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I have a Kindle. Yes, I love it so much that I wish I had gotten it earlier. DH surprised me at Christmas. I was never serious about purchasing it because of the price. I've found that it's worth the cost.


I have no experience with the other e-readers so I can't compare. But I have no complaints about my Kindle so far.

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Bought the Astak EZ reader pro for DD and sneak it away from her constantly.

We did not want internet access on it for her, she has a laptop. We do just fine transferring from a USB port.

I love being able to increase the font so I don't need my reading glasses.

I love that I can read outside in the sun at last without hats, sunglasses and shade.

I love everything about it.

I reviewed it on my blog....

Astak EZ Reader

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Bought the Astak EZ reader pro for DD and sneak it away from her constantly.

We did not want internet access on it for her, she has a laptop. We do just fine transferring from a USB port.

I love being able to increase the font so I don't need my reading glasses.

I love that I can read outside in the sun at last without hats, sunglasses and shade.

I love everything about it.

I reviewed it on my blog....

Astak EZ Reader



The model I'm considering requires USB downloading and lacks internet connection. I was wondering if I would regret that. I'm considering it because it's about $100 cheaper than a kindle. (Last night my dh told me to buy the Kindle and not to fret over the extra money because he didn't want me to buy something and then regret it.) Your comments are interesting. Thanks.

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I am guessing that you're considering the same one that I am (Kobo) as we're both in Canada. I am really torn about the internet downloading thing. I currently download books from the public library and then transfer them onto my iphone which is (as far as I'm concerned) a PITA. I also don't like reading off the iphone, which is why I'm considering an ereader in the first place. I am trying not to buy any more books as we have no more space for them, so I'm a heavy library user, for both ebooks, regular tree-based books, and audiobooks.


I am really torn between the Kobo and the Kindle....possibly like you!



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One of the things that drew me to e-readers was the Internet downloading. I wanted something that enabled me to purchase a book right away...when the mood struck me...not just when I was near the computer or a book store.


The one HUGE downside to Internet downloading...it is just too easy! I think my husband will have a stroke, if he sees one more $5-10 Barnes and Nobles charge, taken from our checking account :blushing:

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I am guessing that you're considering the same one that I am (Kobo) as we're both in Canada. I am really torn about the internet downloading thing. I currently download books from the public library and then transfer them onto my iphone which is (as far as I'm concerned) a PITA. I also don't like reading off the iphone, which is why I'm considering an ereader in the first place. I am trying not to buy any more books as we have no more space for them, so I'm a heavy library user, for both ebooks, regular tree-based books, and audiobooks.


I am really torn between the Kobo and the Kindle....possibly like you!




Yup it's the kobo I'm considering but I too wonder if I'll regret not having internet connection.


Your situation is similar to mine . . . a huge love of books and very little space.


Do you live near a store that you could look at a kobo first hand (I don't). If you do I'd be curious to hear what you think.

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The model I'm considering requires USB downloading and lacks internet connection. I was wondering if I would regret that. I'm considering it because it's about $100 cheaper than a kindle. (Last night my dh told me to buy the Kindle and not to fret over the extra money because he didn't want me to buy something and then regret it.) Your comments are interesting. Thanks.


I just want to throw this out: I recently took my Kindle on a road trip and finished my current book in Nowhere, AZ. WE had 6 hours until our hotel stop, so without internet connection I would have been totally bummed. Instead I turned on the internet connection and picked up a new book to read (free) all in minutes.


I don't have an i-phone or anything like that, so we also used it on that trip to access google-maps and restaurant reviews for upcoming towns. It wasn't the fastest or easiest connection, but it beat winding our way through an unknown city after exiting for a bad meal :D.


I adore my Kindle and have to force myself to stop.talking.about. it.

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