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When do you find time to read?

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I was just reading the "how many books do you own" post. I can not find the time to read. When I go to bed dh is relaxing in the bed watching Law and Order.

I am not a slow reader but not a fast one either. I saw that some of you read 4-5 books a week!:w00t:

If I do nothing else then I could get one read in a week, maybe 3 days.


I know the more you read the faster you are at it, but I can't seem to find the time.

I have one book that I got from the library on Tuesday and it is still sitting on my night stand, untouched!

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I read while the kids play, or after they go to bed if dh is busy. This means I read while I should be sweeping the kitchen, or getting all of the papers off of the dining room table, or tackling the mending pile that has covered my sewing machine. ;) We don't watch much TV, so that gives me more time to read too.

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First thing in the morning. I used to get a good hour to myself, when I could sit and read and enjoy my morning cup of coffee. Of course, now, with the newborn, all this has changed slightly... but I guess I would still do get to read first thing, if I could only get myself out of bed... :glare:

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I have an afternoon nap, and when I wake up from that I often read for a while before anyone discovers I am awake. Then in the evening I read after the kids are in bed. At least an hour a day, sometimes 2. Also, when i take the kids to classes, I usually take a book (and/or knitting).

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In the bathtub, during breakfast, curled up with the newspaper before anyone else is awake, sometimes before bed.


(I used to ALWAYS read before I went to sleep. However, both DH and DD want me to read to THEM before we go to sleep, and it's a really cozy thing. But, when I read aloud while horizontal, I get too drowsy to read to myself afterwards.)

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Dh likes to read in bed, too, so we get ourselves all cozy and like to share tidbits from our books with one another. I will read for 1-2+ hours and he usually zonks after about 30-45 minutes. :D


I cannot read while the kids are around. Just too distracting! I wish I was one of those people who could grab snippets of a book here and there throughout the day, but I can't.

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I keep a couple of books going, so that I have something to read that fits the time I have available and my mental state at that time. A little fluff, a little history/biography, a little fun, and a little something interesting or educational.


In the evenings, DH likes to work on his drafting, so I sit beside him and read. We enjoy just being together, doing our own thing. He calls my attention to some new design idea. I make him endure humorous or thought-provoking quotes. It would drive some people batty, but it works well for us. :)


In the mornings, if I get up and get my tasks done in time, I love to curl up for a chapter or two with my coffee.


Sometimes I'll set the kids to something and go hide in the unfinished, creepy basement just so I can read some more! I don't know what I'll do when it's a finished, non-creepy place b/c then they won't be quite to reticent to disturb me down there. *grin*



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I read when I go to bed at night. Even now that I'm an empty nester, it just doesn't feel right to sit down in the middle of the day and read. What's up with that??


Anyway, I started reading in bed long, long ago, and now it's a habit.

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Before bed, while waiting for my kiddos in their outside classes, by the pool in the summer, on rainy weekend afternoons; in other words, whenever I can squeeze in 30 mins or more. We also listen to audio books in the car. I count this as a kind of reading. It sure makes traffic a lot easier to swallow.:auto:

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I read while nursing my baby. I just looked at the ages of your kids and realize that excuse won't work for you. ;) I have to nurse her in a quiet place, otherwise she'll get distracted and I take that opportunity to read. My other girls are normally playing in other parts of the house, causing havoc.


There's no way I can get through three books in a week. Even one book in a week can be a stretch for me if it isn't a short novel or a mystery.

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I'm always with book!! My dc's laugh because I always carry a purse or bag large enough for a book. I read at night when I'm not puttering around with you guys.


When I am into a book, I read in the morning as the dc's start their work. I ABSOLUTELY refuse to have a TV in our learning room or in my bedroom. I would never own a TV if it were up to me, but it isn't.


In my dream home, I would have a room full of couches and reading chairs with no TV, not even the noise. Then I would get more reading done!!


I also find my reading is seasonal. Now is baseball season so my "attire" is a comfy chair, great books, sunglasses and a new baseball hat. That is my baseball season gear so I actually read tons this time of year.

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Sometimes I read in the mornings before the kids get up. Sometimes I find little pockets of time throughout the day when the kids are content to play together for awhile. Sometimes I read in bed at night before going to sleep, but not every night. If I take dd to gymnastics by myself (if dh can watch ds), I take a book along. I get a lot more reading done in the warm weather. I take a book outside with me and read while the kids play with the neighborhood kids in the yard. Ds frequently asks me why I am always reading a book. To test him, I just asked him what I like to do most in my free time. He quickly replied, "Reading!"

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We have quiet time every afternoon. It starts with me reading anywhere from 2 to 4 books to my dd6. Then it is my time to read and/or nap for the rest of our quiet time (ds10 reads to himself or plays in his room, dd6 reluctantly plays by herself).


I read myself to sleep too! Some nights I only read a few pages, some nights I'll read a couple of chapters (or if I am having a really bad night with insomnia, even a whole book - usually light brain-candy mysteries).

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Probably not an option for most of you, but I get in line waiting for my after school clients and read.


I read on my bed and combine it with "drop in on mom" time. I sit and read, the kids (and sometimes DH) come and go as needed.


Waiting for games to start at my boys' baseball.


During baseball practices. Sometimes I'll take them instead of DH just so I can sit and read relatively uninterupted.


In the bath.

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I know the more you read the faster you are at it, but I can't seem to find the time.



You are right about that. I was already a fast reader and then I went to college. I remember one semester I had to read a different Shakespeare play a week in one class, 5 novels in another English class, 6 novels in another upper level history class, 4 history novels in my other history class and then just a dumb textbook for an educational methods class. My roomates teased me that I never studied, I just read. I spent the last few years of college on the couch with a pen in my hand (to underline important parts.)


That said, I CANNOT read at night. I fall asleep. Reading is my reward. If I do homeschooling first block, get the financial chores done and one household chore, I get to read. I keep my books in the bathroom as well and tend to read on the toliet. :tongue_smilie: My middle child is just like me and leaves books in his wake wherever he goes. To be honest, though, most of the time I am reading what the boys will be reading or we will be reading for TOG. I think it is REALLY interesting. I don't read much fiction that is popular today. (Like Christian novels or best sellers) I read a lot of nonfiction. Like I am planning a Walt Disney trip in the fall and checked out 3 books to help me plan. So I am not much of a fluff reader, but every now and then. I do LOVE the Mitford series of books. They describe our small town perfectly, especially the newspaper. I laugh so hard when I read those books. A perfect day for me is a Saturday morning when dh has taken the boys to get their haircut and daughter is sleeping in and I take a hot bath and read a book!



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I read...



  • over breakfast
  • pretty much any time during the day that dd is occupied and I'm not doing household stuff
  • in the bathtub
  • while waiting (I always carry a book)
  • after dd is asleep



We don't have TV and I have few hobbies other than...reading. ;) So that's how I find time.

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Lately it seems I'm having trouble finding time to read for pleasure. With three different levels going in our homeschool, I don't have time to read during the day.


I've always read in bed at night but I seem to be in a season where I'm falling asleep almost immediately.


If I've got a good book going, I'll read while I eat, while I brush my teeth, etc.


Now that I'm thinking about it, I do think I've upped my night-time TV watching lately. Do you think that has something to do with the no-time-for-reading thing? :eek:

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  • Over any meal I am not sharing with someone.
  • While I'm supervising our guinea pigs' outdoor play-time.
  • Before I go to sleep.
  • While my husband watches a movie in which I have no interest.
  • While waiting for my son at his various activities.
  • On weekend afternoons while my husband is playing computer games and my son is playing outside.
  • Whenever I am stuck somewhere for more than 3 minutes. (As someone else said, I always have a book with me, just in case.)


I'm sure there's more, but that gives you an idea. My daughter got me interested in GoodReads.com, and I just recently added it up and discovered that I've read more than 30 books so far this calendar year. So, I guess it adds up.

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Like others I read all during the day. Whenever I get a chance.


At breakfast (which is early for me so family is still sleeping)

At lunch

I read after my shower, while I'm getting ready and drying my hair.

I always take a book with me whenever we go somewhere...I read at stoplights. :)

A lot of times the younger child will fall asleep in the car when we go on family outings....I'll take a book and I'm happy to sit with him and read.


I'm one of those people who if I'm unlucky enough to be at someone's house who doesn't have reading material in the bathroom...I'll read the shampoo bottles. :) I know I can't be the only one...

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I once heard SWB speak to this topic. She said to make it a discipline of "X" number of minutes first thing in the am (like a personal devotion or meditation time). Over time, all of the "X" minutes add up. I followed her advice and waded through some great stuff. I had to be satisfied with progressing slowly (10-15 min. per day), but I finished real works of literature that way. Make it your own personal study time!

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