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Christians - Do you doubt?

Do you doubt or question your faith?  

  1. 1. Do you doubt or question your faith?

    • I have no doubts at all.
    • I occasionally doubt/question aspects of it, but not often or seriously.
    • I question my faith sometimes, but still believe for the most part.
    • I have huge doubts & questions on a regular basis.
    • Other :)

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I was talking to my husband and then to a guy friend and both are 100% no doubt about God or their faith. So, it got me thinking... how many Christians embrace Christian with ZERO doubt that they might be wrong. I'm of the "I pretty much believe this is true, I hope it's true, I live my life as if it's true... but I might be wrong."


Any takers?


Thank you :)


ETA: Anonymous poll, so please be honest :)

Edited by shinyhappypeople
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After almost 17 years, I have so many questions and so many doubts. I do believe God makes mistakes.


I'm not in a good place as far as my faith goes, and I'm not sure where I'll go from here. Some days are better than others, some days worse than others. I had ZERO doubt the previous 14 years.


I'm thankful for some very strong Christian friends that I can be brutally honest with. Not only do I know they're praying, but they don't judge me and they still love me. True Christianity in action - something I rarely see.

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I 100% believe in God and Jesus and that he died and rose again for our sins.


Where I struggle is with people's interpretations of scripture or doctrinal issues (all man made I know) and the concept of death and who "makes the cut" when it comes to heaven and hell. I am not a Universalist, but I find myself leaning that way many times.



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When I was part of mainstream Christianity, I didn't have any doubt about God's existence but I did have lack of faith. A lot of it was having questions and getting insufficient answers. I then wondered why God left so much mystery, thought he was cruel, etc. When I got those answers from scripture, though, I learned how wonderful God and his son truly are and had much stronger faith. The benefits of getting life's main questions answered as well as having a CLOSE personal relationship with God, and even learning some things I personally needed helped SO much. God is so incredibly wonderful and wants us to know about Him, his son, and his ways. And he DID give us the answers. They ARE there for the finding despite what several church denominations said.

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I was talking to my husband and then to a guy friend and both are 100% no doubt about God or their faith. So, it got me thinking... how many Christians embrace Christian with ZERO doubt that they might be wrong. I'm of the "I pretty much believe this is true, I hope it's true, I live my life as if it's true... but I might be wrong."


Any takers?


Thank you :)


ETA: Anonymous poll, so please be honest :)


I never doubt my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.


I have had questions on why certain things happen or about the validity of certain interpretations of scripture.

Those things I can bat around, or even change my mind about.


My faith in Jesus is unshakeable.



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Even Mother Teresa had doubt (most recently, and I'm sure saints throughout time have, too, like Peter, Thomas, etc.) So I'm sure that the harder I'm tested, the more I would falter over time. To have doubts about different aspects of life is just pretty human, I think. But do I ever doubt that there is a God who created all? who loves us all unconditionally and is with us always? No. Do I doubt what it means to be Christian? No, but I would say that I regularly analyze and re-analyze whether I feel I'm making any headway in living in that way.

Edited by mcconnellboys
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Even Mother Teresa had doubt (most recently, and I'm sure saints throughout time have, too, like Peter, Thomas, etc.) So I'm sure that the harder I'm tested, the more I would falter over time. To have doubts about different aspects of life is just pretty human, I think. But do I ever doubt that there is a God who created all? who loves us all unconditionally and is with us always? No. Do I doubt what it means to be Christian? No, but I would say that I regularly analyze and re-analyze whether I feel I'm making in headway in living in that way.



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My own personal story deserves an 'other' answer that I won't talk about.


But my sister has no doubt in her beliefs and God. None. She truly believes with every fiber of her being. She doesn't understand some of the things that happen in the world, but she accepts that everything happens because God has a plan that she is not worthy of knowing.

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I definitely have doubts and am also intrigued by those without any. I keep thinking I'm going to get there. I told a priest this during confession, and he asked me if I knew when I would get rid of all the doubt. I answered when I read the Bible, and he said no, when I die. It was completely reassuring to me and has actually moved me closer to doubting less.



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Zero doubts.


:iagree::iagree: Me too. After living my life for 18 years without Him and then Him showing up the way He did in my life I have absolutely NO DOUBTS whastoever. All I have to do is think over how many prayers He has answered miraculously for me and all that He's done for me, how He speaks to me and feels so close I could reach out and touch Him. :001_wub: Nope. Thankfully, no doubts at all in my mind. :)

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I voted that I have doubts sometimes, but the latter part of that line ("but I still believe for the most part") isn't quite accurate or at least is too lukewarm to describe my experience. I doubt and question, BUT I still believe, PERIOD. I read and pray and find my way back to solid belief every single time and expect that every time I'm in a doubting place. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone.


I've been loving the book The Reason for God by Timothy Keller and think it's a wonderful book for anyone!! So logical and calm, respectful in tone to those who are nonbelievers or believers who have some of the same questions and doubts!

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Guest janainaz

There was a time when I would have said that I had zero doubt. I fully believe in God and I fully believe in love, I'm just very uncertain about what man has made of all of it. The Bible leaves me scratching my head and much of it does not feel right in my spirit.


I actually realize I don't know anything at all for certain. There are a million things I could be wrong about and it's left me more open minded and it's left me in a better place to love because I have nothing to judge. Who can know anything for sure?

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I was having doubts and listened to a wonderful set of sermons by Paul Washer on Biblical Assurance (1-5). Wonderful!!!


You can listen to them free on Sermon Audio or on the Heart Cry Missionary Society website.


Oh, he is one of my favorite teachers. Anyway, the Lord's ways and thoughts are far above mine. He is trustworthy...I am the one who lacks faith at times.

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I doubt all the time, not in God, but man's interpretation.


I'm happily skipping down the Universalist Road. I didn't think like that before-I was a fundamental, but the more I questioned, the more answers I got, the more my beliefs became less about Man, and more about God. I have a hard time believing that anyone who is truly seeking, truly believes, never doubts. Doubt is a part of growth. Questioning is a part of growth.

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I had doubts for a time in my teens & early 20's. What finally helped was to ask myself if I truly believed in a God who is omnipotent, omniscient, and all good. Once I answered in the affirmative, that led to the realization that He *COULD* do all the things I'd previously found difficult to believe like Transubstantiation. And once I accepted that they were possible for God, it made it easy for me to accept that they are true. :)

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I checked #2, but really it's more like I lose touch with why I believe what I do. When I take the time to think it through and remember what convinced and convinces me, what I know to be true and why, I can't honestly say I have any doubts. Just questions, mostly.

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I answered "other".


The thing is, questioning and searching and "testing" are PART of my faith. There are things I do not doubt, but that's largely because I have asked questions and found answers to them. I do not doubt God's existence because I have had experiences that leave me no room for doubt, for example. I also have no doubt that God wants us to ask questions and look for real answers--and to be open to those answers when they come. Do I have all the answers? No, of course not. I don't believe anyone could in one mortal lifetime, because in my belief all things that are true are encompassed in my faith, and we have limited time and limited capacity for understanding. But there are many things that we can understand, and I believe God wants us to try. I believe He wants us to pick at things, and turn them over, and try to figure out what makes them tick, and ponder alternate explanations and interpretations, and be wary of "counterfeits". And I believe He wants us to be willing to ask ask Him for help discerning what things are real, and what are not, which things are true, and which are false, and which things we thought were so that just aren't. And I know from experience that when we sincerely question He will answer--in His own time and in His own way, often in little bits and pieces at a time so that we can savor and explore each crumb of truth and ray of light.


Through questioning and testing and exploring in various ways, I have come to be extremely confident in not only God's existence and involvement in my life, but also in my choice of religious affiliation. But again, "questioning" remains a PART of that faith, not apart from it. I just have new questions that lead me deeper, that's all.

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I definitely have doubts and am also intrigued by those without any. I keep thinking I'm going to get there. I told a priest this during confession, and he asked me if I knew when I would get rid of all the doubt. I answered when I read the Bible, and he said no, when I die. It was completely reassuring to me and has actually moved me closer to doubting less.


I like your priest's response.


There was a time when I would have said that I had zero doubt. I fully believe in God and I fully believe in love, I'm just very uncertain about what man has made of all of it. The Bible leaves me scratching my head and much of it does not feel right in my spirit.


I actually realize I don't know anything at all for certain. There are a million things I could be wrong about and it's left me more open minded and it's left me in a better place to love because I have nothing to judge. Who can know anything for sure?


See, what gets me is that I've had "zero doubt" about things before... and, whoops, turns out I was totally wrong. I think that's why I struggle with saying that I know something is absolutely true. I've been wrong before, so what's to say I'm not wrong about this? I believe... but my judgment is more based on "preponderance of the evidence" and definitely not "beyond a reasonable doubt." Does that make sense?

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I voted that I have doubts sometimes, but the latter part of that line ("but I still believe for the most part") isn't quite accurate or at least is too lukewarm to describe my experience. I doubt and question, BUT I still believe, PERIOD. I read and pray and find my way back to solid belief every single time and expect that every time I'm in a doubting place. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone.


I've been loving the book The Reason for God by Timothy Keller and think it's a wonderful book for anyone!! So logical and calm, respectful in tone to those who are nonbelievers or believers who have some of the same questions and doubts!


I was struggling with this question, but then I read your post and it is exactly what I was thinking. I do doubt sometimes, but I still believe.

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Lots of doubts and all the time. I think that's how I explore and deepen my faith actually by exploring those doubts and asking questions that cause me to doubt. The times in the past when I did have an absolute faith it wasn't a faith worth bragging about and was pretty superficial (I'm not saying a sure faith is a superficial faith, simply that for me personally, it has been).


Some of us are gifted with faith, others have to struggle for it.

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We can't produce the faith we need on our own.The Fruits of the Spirit are love,joy,peace,long suffering,gentleness,goodness,FAITH!That means we have to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to produce these fruits. It's not something that comes of our own will.This was revealed to me a while ago and has really helped me.:)

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I don't doubt God, the Bible, or the work done on the cross. Too many prayers and miracles, amazing truths, ways God has proven Himself repeatedly. I'd say more often than anything I doubt His people. I'm sure of God...I just have to have more grace for the errors in behavior and doctrine of those who follow Him, including grace for myself.

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