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Ahhhh! I can't find sugar cubes for pyramid project! Ideas?

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I've been to Target and dh went to Walmart. He said he hunted everywhere although didn't ask anyone (I did).


I called Michaels: they said, no, they don't have them.


There's a neat project on SOTW using sugar cubes to build a pyramid and I really want to do it.


Any ideas where to buy these relics from Aunt Bea's day??



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Thank you everyone! You are so great!


We have a Krogers -- thanks!

We're also close to Whole Foods -- thanks on that!


Ha, ha to the little marshmallow idea. It crossed my mind.


And I love the Lego idea too! In fact, making a pyramid out of more then one material really appeals to me.


Thanks again. I love this board!



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Just wanted to say that we did that project last year and the boys love, love, loved it! It was waaay more fun than using the legos. I think we did a lego one, too, but there was something fun about the sugar cube pyramid. (Probably the fact that they licked their sugary fingers the whole time.)

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Sugar cubes do not make the best pyramids. The square shapes make it difficult to shape a correct pyramid. I got some National Geographic kits in which you made your own bricks out of plaster that were perfectly shapes for making a pyramid. I still not saying it was easy but easier that doing it with square cubes. I believe I got the kit at Hobby Lobby or maybe Michael. If they don't have them check Rainbow Resources.

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Do you have any mud?


I mixed mud with dry grass, spread it out on a board, and cut it into 1-inch squares. We let the bricks dry in the sun, and used mud as mortar to "glue" them all together. (We even placed a tiny mummy inside!). After it dried, we plastered it with more mud, and let it dry again. It turned out great! Of course, it wasn't winter when we did it. You might have to dry the bricks in the oven.

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I couldn't find them either for the longest time.


Finally I found them at Safeway grocery store. We just did our sugar cube pyramid last week. :)


I do have my eye on the Michael's craft kit mentioned by another poster... But I already spend way too much money on silly stuff, might as well use something less expensive.

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