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Had one of my teeth pulled today and now I'm depressed...

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It was either have it pulled out for about one hundred fifty dollars or get a root canal and crown for about two thousand five hundred dollars. The money I don't have. So I never thought I would agree to it until today. When I was growing up in Southern California, missing teeth was and still is, I guess, very much looked down upon. It's not as bad here in the Midwest but I notice that all the women who are middle class or upper have all their teeth still. I can't imagine the women in my family getting their teeth pulled but that they would somehow find and spend the money to get them fixed instead. I guess it's good for my pride but ouch, that stings! I guess it fits our current low income lifestyle. And the dentist said I have many cavities. My dear, dear dh offered to spend all our extra money from now on to get them fixed but I feel guilty as we have so many other expenses. But oh, well. I know I can get a fake tooth in there but my dh who has one of those fake teeth thingies says it's quite uncomfortable especially when eating. I'll just have to adjust and stop feeling sorry for myself.


Edited to say: I now have more sympathy for the people with missing teeth. It"s tough on anyone's pride no matter who the person is or what lifestyle he/she may be leading, I'm sure.

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If it makes you feel any better I had a crown and crown lengthening (they shaved a bunch of jawbone off to make the crown fit) last fall and my tooth still hurts. I still can't chew on that side, it's still sensitive, and now food gets trapped in all those spaces they created. If I had to do it again I'd just have the sucker pulled.

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We are poor, we don't have money for things, but when it comes to my teeth, I will not let them go. I have three crowns right now. My dh still owes work (he's a contractor) to the dentist who did the last 2 crowns (this past fall), but the dentist is great, dh would have done the painting by now, but the dentist wasn't ready, so it will happen this spring. My parents put a lot of money into my teeth with braces and made sure I saw the dentist. Everything else in my body can fall apart, but I refuse to let me teeth go. I'm sorry you are feeling down. I would have done everything I could have to not lose any teeth. I hope it was a back one. I have early signs of gum disease and go to the low cost dental clinic to have them cleaned three times a year. It's worth it for me.

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Don't feel bad. The only person I have ever known who was old and still had all thier teeth was my grandmother. Everyone else had dentures. So, as far as I can see, investing all that money now would be more or less wasted eventually when they all fall out. It would stink to invest thousands of dollars now only to throw it all away in a few (or several) years and spend thousands more on dentures.


Last year I got veneers on my 4 top front teeth because a) the two front were badly chipped when I was in 5th grade and have been bonded and rebonded, and b) my teeth are shifting (especially since my pregnancy) and a gap was beginning between the two front teeth. I am happy with my veneers, but I won't do crowns when they can't replace the veneers anymore for exactly the reason I listed above. When my teeth are ready to go, go they can. I will just buy a nice pair of fake ones. ;)


Is your missing tooth in the front or noticeable at all? Some of the smaller dental offices will do payment plans for you (and usually the bigger ones wouldn't dream of extending that sort of service :glare:). That is how I could afford my veneers; I went to a very small-town office, switched my entire family over to thier office and they allowed me to divide the bill into 10 months of pmts. It might be something to look into if it bothers you. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I'm sorry it's got you down. I think I would feel the same way.


I had about 5 permanent teeth pulled before braces. Now, with all of my teeth full of fillings and starting to crack, I kind of wish I had those other teeth to fill the possible spaces. My dentist has been trying for years to talk me out of my two wisdom teeth. I'm glad I kept them. I might need them one of these days.

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Wow, this thread made me realize that I'm more weird than I thought I was...


I'm a whopping 21 years old. Despite excellent oral hygiene I have always had less than excellent teeth. My childhood dentist told me that I had some of the crappiest teeth genetics he'd ever seen. When I was 18 I had a MASSIVE abscess form under one of my molars (like the size of a marble!) that caused me to get very, very, very sick. When I came home from college for the summer the family dentist did a root canal and put a temporary filling on top of it because my family was moving and there wasn't time to do a crown. I meant to have it done when my family moved but there was no decent dentist in the area they moved too, so I didn't have it done. Fast forward two years and the temp. filling falls out, the little that remains of my tooth has cracked in too. Because the abscess was so big there were no roots holding half of the tooth in my mouth. To have it rebuilt would have been crazy expensive and, knowing my luck, it wouldn't have solved the problem for very long. So I had it pulled. Best choice I ever made. That tooth has been a problem tooth all my life and it is such a relief to have it gone and to not have to worry that something else is going to happen.


Call me crazy, but every time my tongue runs over that hole in my mouth it makes me smile with joy!

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Despite excellent oral hygiene I have always had less than excellent teeth. My childhood dentist told me that I had some of the crappiest teeth genetics he'd ever seen.


This is one of those things that is largely genetic. When I was growing up our family dentist talked about it all the time because my mom, her siblings and all of us kids have terrible teeth (as in, lots of cavities, etc). The dentist also had terrible teeth and would bitterly complain about the many people he saw in his practice with terrible hygiene, alcoholics, all sorts of stuff and they would have perfect teeth.

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Sometimes people here go to Bali or Thailand for major dental work.

I have been told I need some crowns at considerable cost, and the truth is I am just not willing to pay that sort of money for teeth that aren't bothering me. The cost of dentistry is just ridiculous.

I suspect you won't be the only one with missing teeth. And, it is possible to heal cavities often without fillings by just using really good dental hygeine and diet. Look into some alternative dental websites on the internet.

I have also heard many cases of people going to one dentist, receiving one prognosis, then going to another and receiving another.

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A few years ago my dentist found cavities on 2 of my wisdom teeth. They weren't bothering me but I went ahead and made the appointment to have them filled.


At my next appointment, the dentist realized I would probably need a root canal on one if not both of them. Even with dental insurance it was outrageous. She was very understanding and said she could pull them for $50, but she would have to pull all 4. She didn't have to ask me twice.


I went in for 2 fillings and came out with 4 less teeth.

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Thank you for posting this. :grouphug:


My missing tooth bothers me too. I had a soft spot in a back tooth for a few years that would hurt on occasion, but really never gave me a problem. I procrastinated until one day I pulled the entire center out of it while *chewing gum* :rolleyes: The rest eventually followed. I'm pretty sensitive about people noticing it, but luckily it's way in the back.



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so anyone who has had teeth pulled, have you had resultant problems with tooth spacing?? i'm dreading my next dentist visit... i KNOW there's going to be problems and i can't afford thousands in dental bills either :blink:


What's worse is that i just had the misfortune to happen apon a former classmate's facebook and he posted a picture of his mouth, with EVERY UPPER TOOTH removed and all bloody looking. it was so gross. I know i won't have to get them ALL pulled but man...


sniff... feeling your pain!

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I just got a temp crown yesterday. I have had two root canals and two crowns on this tooth. It wasn't bothering me when they did the first root canal but it has bothered me ever since. I just finished digging out a bunch of wax they left between my teeth from making the temp crown which relieved the pressure just enough for it to really start throbbing. My share of just this crown was about $500 and I would say that the co-pay was about the same for the other crown and both of the root canals. I couldn't afford to lose this tooth though as I have already lost one molar on that side.


I do have my wisdom tooth on that side (as a matter of fact, I have all of my wisdom teeth and I am missing one molar in each quadrant) and I asked if they could pull the bad teeth and then adjust the wisdom teeth forward to take their places. Well, ortho could do the job for about $10,000. I could buy an entire set of dentures for much less than that! :001_huh:


So far I have spent about $5,000 per child for braces and both my 1st and 2nd dd have been told that I should have had their jaw broken and expanded when their were younger instead of just going with a palate expander and braces. :001_huh:


When I was growing up, only rich people had braces and you only went to the dentist when something was wrong which usually resulted in either a filling or a pulling. I am spending boatloads more money on dentistry than my parents did and I don't know that I am getting any better results. I think dentists are the used car salesmen of the medical community, just above plastic surgeons (no offense to any resident dentists or family members of dentists). Sure they are great when you need them but they want to sell you whether you need them or not. :001_smile:

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Usually, a root canal and crown cost around $500-$800, depending on what tooth it is. Try shopping around. You don't *need* an endodontist to do a root canal, for example, many regular dentists will do it for half the cost of an endodontist.


Wow, this must really depend on where one lives...my root canal/crown was 2K plus.

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If it makes you feel any better I had a crown and crown lengthening (they shaved a bunch of jawbone off to make the crown fit) last fall and my tooth still hurts. I still can't chew on that side, it's still sensitive, and now food gets trapped in all those spaces they created. If I had to do it again I'd just have the sucker pulled.


:iagree: I had such problems with my first root canal that it resulted in a second one :glare: I am very lucky to have good dental insurance, so I had them done a few weeks ago. They still ache on a near-daily basis (including right this very minute) *sigh*


Usually, a root canal and crown cost around $500-$800, depending on what tooth it is. Try shopping around. You don't *need* an endodontist to do a root canal, for example, many regular dentists will do it for half the cost of an endodontist.


Though I agree about shopping around, root canal+crown around here costs $2,500-plus, regular dentist or endo.


Merry, I'm sorry :grouphug:

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If you ask anyone that has had all of their teeth pulled and dentures, they would tell you to try and keep them. Dentures are really not all that fun, and when you have your teeth pulled to have dentures, you have to go without teeth for some time while your mouth heals. Those that are looking forward to dentures, I would reconsider!

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Just thought I'd let you know I'm missing some teeth. Molars I got pulled when I had no money. I have soft teeth apparently but I also spent years ignoring my teeth.


Regardless, it opens up career opportunities. That dream you had of becoming a secret agent? It's possible! Now you have a place to stick the fake tooth full of cyanide! :D

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This is one of those things that is largely genetic. When I was growing up our family dentist talked about it all the time because my mom, her siblings and all of us kids have terrible teeth (as in, lots of cavities, etc). The dentist also had terrible teeth and would bitterly complain about the many people he saw in his practice with terrible hygiene, alcoholics, all sorts of stuff and they would have perfect teeth.


:iagree::grouphug: This is myself and one of our children. It's insane that we literally can't eat or drink anything without nearly sprinting for a toothbrush and it apparently does us zero good whatsoever. I can't even contemplate how bad our teeth would be if we weren't a bit OCD about brushing and flossing.


And I've had 3 root canals and I've sworn I'll never have another. It's less pain and hassle and expense to just have the dern thing pulled. One tooth that has had root canal still bothers me a year later.


And yes, I spend considerable on dentistry when we have insurance for it. I would love to have a beautiful smile and I will certainly want that for my kids. I grew up very self-aware of my smile and rarely felt comfortable with it as a child.

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It was either have it pulled out for about one hundred fifty dollars or get a root canal and crown for about two thousand five hundred dollars. The money I don't have. So I never thought I would agree to it until today. When I was growing up in Southern California, missing teeth was and still is, I guess, very much looked down upon. It's not as bad here in the Midwest but I notice that all the women who are middle class or upper have all their teeth still. I can't imagine the women in my family getting their teeth pulled but that they would somehow find and spend the money to get them fixed instead. I guess it's good for my pride but ouch, that stings! I guess it fits our current low income lifestyle. And the dentist said I have many cavities. My dear, dear dh offered to spend all our extra money from now on to get them fixed but I feel guilty as we have so many other expenses. But oh, well. I know I can get a fake tooth in there but my dh who has one of those fake teeth thingies says it's quite uncomfortable especially when eating. I'll just have to adjust and stop feeling sorry for myself.


Edited to say: I now have more sympathy for the people with missing teeth. It"s tough on anyone's pride no matter who the person is or what lifestyle he/she may be leading, I'm sure.




I know how you feel. I have had 2 pulled because they were cracked AFTER root canals...that I paid for. There are 2 more that will need to go...also cracked. I guess after 20 years of pregnancies...barfing and such, my teeth look anorexic..(I wish my butt did :D ) I can not afford implants nad my self-employed dh can not afford dental insurance...so, my vanity is sacrificed. I try not to think about it, and I am happy they are back teet, so not very noticable...(I hope.) The worst part is the difficulty I have eating....I hope you get to those cavities quickly and save as many teeth as possible. I also feel a social stigma about my missing teeth....as well as my unmanicured nails....roots in need of touch up and the facial hair that needs to be addressed on my chin. I used to be a beautiful woman...lately I feel like a hillbilly!



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I still can't figure out to put your replies in quotes but I truly appreciate them.


Mungo, this dentist is just a regular dentist but I would say that he is medium in terms of fancy office and expenses for our area. He's one of the best we've ever had so we'll try to stick with him as long as we can afford him.


As for dental school, the nearest one is two and a half hours away and they go by first come first serve basis, no appointments.


Dawn, I laughed at your secret agent comment. When I got a small scar on my chin from a motorbike accident in college, I went around telling people that I had a scar as proof that I was a real tough guy.


I didn't realize you could need another root canal on the same tooth, yikes! The dentist said I had a huge cavity so I guess it's just as well as I had the tooth pulled.


Faithe, you articulated how I felt. Yes, it's not just the missing tooth that really bothered me. It's the implications of where I might be going. Am I going downhill towards rundown hillbilly or will I be able to reverse that and start looking more like my elegant, beautifully groomed grandmothers, aunts, and mother?

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