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What on Earth happened to my HAIR?

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So over the last couple years I have noticed a gray hair here or there, no big deal. Apparently I have not been paying attention. I tend to pull my hair back into a ponytail without looking into a mirror so I never noticed the change. YIKES! Looking in the mirror tonight I realized I look like a tinsel facotry threw up on my head! My hair is turning sparkly silver, which is cool and all, but it is not just a couple hairs here and there. It is through out my head. It used to only be on the top, but now if I lift up sections there is still silver hairs. Right now I would say I am at 95% natural color and 5% silver. I am only 32! How on earth can I have so much silver already? It is just not fair, I don't want this much graying hair already.

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I feel ya honey! I was 26 when I noticed my first, oh let's say "lighter" hair. It is called kids. I was pg with my youngest when I noticed. That child, I love her to pieces, but she has caused the proliferation of "lighter" hair! Lady Clairol is you friend.

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I don't now what color my hair is as I have colored it for years, but it had a little gray before I started. I guess this isn't very comforting, but honey, you have "earned" your gray hair, as they say. You have been through so much! I admire you and your zest to be a great mama to your kids in spite of what life hands you. Your example is encouraging to me to try to keep on going with the best attitude I can summon up when things are sticky.

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I feel ya honey! I was 26 when I noticed my first, oh let's say "lighter" hair. It is called kids. I was pg with my youngest when I noticed. That child, I love her to pieces, but she has caused the proliferation of "lighter" hair! Lady Clairol is you friend.


Me too! I was 26 and someone at work was like, "wow check out this grey hair you have!" (my hair is really long). I didn't believe her so she pulled it out from the back of my head and sure enough it was all grey. It's been downhill since then. I didn't dye my hair much because I hate how hair dye dries my hair out (it's fine, but I just have tons of it so it looks thick) but I dyed it recently because I have so many grays coming in and the dye didn't color them. GASP! I don't know what to do now! :svengo:

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I'm in my thirties and have a few white hairs here and there. My dh is the same age as me and his hair is about 90% grey. His first grey hair came in at age 15. Both my teens have grey hairs here and there. My MIL was one hundred percent grey when I met her--she was 40 years old. Blame it on genetics.

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I'm 33, and have TONS of grey. I'm even developing the lovely stripes. :glare: I have one forming on each temple, one right in the middle of my hairline, and couple coming out of the crown. (Why they can't just sprinkle evenly throughout, I'll never now) Both my parents were 90% grey by their 40's....looks like I will be too.

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LOL I swear I had ONE before I went into labor with the newest heir.

Then when I finally managed to shuffle my way to a mirror about 2 weeks after I delivered her, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and saw this frankenstein streak at one temple. My second son calls me Rogue Mama. Apparently my 9th delivery was just like when Magneto sucked the life out of Rogue.:D


At least you aren't my dh's best friend. He had white hair coming in at high school graduatation. He was the got o guy to get beer bought back then because of it.

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My mother and her mother were both around 53 when they got their first grey. Somehow that gene missed me..... I was okay with the bits that started turning grey in my early 30s, but things got out of control last spring. Working in the yard earned me some pretty reddish streaks in my otherwise light brown hair, and then there were the grey streaks, and suddenly I looked like I had stripes in 3 shades! It was awful. Hair dye has become part of my world.

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So over the last couple years I have noticed a gray hair here or there, no big deal. Apparently I have not been paying attention. I tend to pull my hair back into a ponytail without looking into a mirror so I never noticed the change. YIKES! Looking in the mirror tonight I realized I look like a tinsel facotry threw up on my head! My hair is turning sparkly silver, which is cool and all, but it is not just a couple hairs here and there. It is through out my head. It used to only be on the top, but now if I lift up sections there is still silver hairs. Right now I would say I am at 95% natural color and 5% silver. I am only 32! How on earth can I have so much silver already? It is just not fair, I don't want this much graying hair already.


I started going silver in my early 30's. I am fine with the silver/white that I get. I am glad I don't get the dull grey.

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Wow! I am really surprised at all these replies! I thought I was a rare 33 yr old who was graying early.

The sad thing for me is that DH's parents are just graying the last few years. He's a few yrs older then me yet. So apparently I'll be gray about 20 yrs before he is:glare:

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My sisters are 9 and 12 years older than me. My face looks younger, but I've left my gray hair show and they dye theirs. It really messes people up when they try to figure out how old we are!


My mom told my sisters and I we had to start dying our hair because it looked silly that we had gray hair and she didn't. :tongue_smilie:

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My first gray came at 15. I started coloring at 17 when they were noticable from a distance and right now I am probably about 65% gray, but that is just a guess because I sit in the hairdressers chair about every 4 to 6 weeks to get my roots done. :lol: I'm 37.

My husband does all her networking and computer work, so we trade out labor for labor.


My dad was completley gray by the time he was my age, so I guess I can say I am lucky. My mom on the other hand only had a few at 52. Her mom had even fewer when she was in her 80's.

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Premature graying can be a sign of hypothyroidism, so be sure to have yours checked. I started getting gray hairs when I was in my early twenties. I finally have enough that I've started coloring my hair. I did not want to color it, but those weird streaks and chunks were just too much. I'm 30, btw.

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