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Tim Tebow Super Bowl commercial - was it aired as they originally planned it to air?

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So, was the purpose just to get people to go to the Focus on the Family website to read his story?


After all the hype, I was expecting....well, I don't know what I was expecting really, but something MORE (??) than that???


I hope this isn't political. I apologize in advance if it is, moderator!

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My understanding is that the piece shown was not the one originally intended. If that's the case, they obviously had a back up plan.


I'd be curious to see where you heard that. None of the articles or news stories have said that.


There were 2 different ads, though. One aired in the pre-game time slot, and the other during the game. Maybe that's where the confusion came from?

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It was my understanding that the crux of the controversy was in CBS letting a clearly politically conservative anti-abortion group advertise at all. I'd vehemently dislike a "tasteful" commercial that encouraged people to visit PP's website. ;)


But i haven't seen the ads yet. :)

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I found this in an article online (http://www.dailyfinance.com)

this morning:


Actually, it was a masterstroke. Long before the game started, Focus had already accomplished the first of its goals: Communicating a pro-life message through the vehicle of affable college-football star Tim Tebow and his mother. Everyone who cares about this sort of thing knew that the ad would be about Mother Tebow's decision to carry Fetus Tim to term despite medical risks.


So, instead, the group used its 30 seconds to achieve a different goal: Branding itself in the minds of viewers as a friendly, nonconfrontational organization with a hard-to-argue-with pro-family mission. The subtext was: That fire-breathing right-wing outfit you may have heard about that hates gays and women and is always picking fights? That's not us at all. We're just nice, decent folks who love our kids, like you do.


How accurate or inaccurate that characterization may be is beside the point. By setting up an expectation that it was going to do something controversial, Focus made it easy to come off as moderate and inclusive by comparison.

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My understanding is that the piece shown was not the one originally intended. If that's the case, they obviously had a back up plan.


I'd be curious to see where you heard that. None of the articles or news stories have said that.


There were 2 different ads, though. One aired in the pre-game time slot, and the other during the game. Maybe that's where the confusion came from?



It's what my brain took away from Elizabeth on The View, lol.


I only saw one ad, so that could be the problem. I saw his mother mentioning the tough times they've been through, and directing people to the website.

I had heard that the commercial was supposed to be more along the lines of "If she had an abortion, I wouldn't be here."


I'm pro-choice. I have no problem with the spot I saw. I have no problem with the spot I anticipated seeing, even though I don't like the message. Frankly, I'd rather see that than trampy Go Daddy ads directing me to THEIR website.


FYI, the number "Barney Stintson" held up in the commercials connects to a message from Barney, himself. :lol:

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I was just relieved there were no erectile dysfunction ads. I always dive for the mute button when any sports are playing anymore. I just do not want to have to explain to my very curious 8 yo what the heck that is. I can't believe people get all bent out of shape for something as tame as the Tebow ad but don't object to men walking around in their underwear or women ripping open their shirts that say Go Daddy.


We as a culture are soooo warped. And what is this new game called Dante's Inferno??????? Looks like a travesty!

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My understanding was that the controversy was about what CBS chose to air and what they did not...the implication was that there was a political slant to their choices. At least, every time I heard about the FOF ad on the news, it was juxtaposed with the ManCrunch ad.




I usually read about it juxtaposed with ads they rejected in past years. I don't think the ManCruch ad compares. I have not seen any other ad during the SuperBowl with a couple, no matter their gender, kissing and grinding on each other. I could be wrong; I haven't seen every SuperBowl ad ever. I think the FOF ad was purposefully constructed to be as nonconfrontational as possible. The ManCruch ad just seems designed to stir controversy (as others in the media have said, why advertise an online dating site with an ad about two men who already know each other?) I am assuming that had a lot to do with CBS's choice.

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I was just relieved there were no erectile dysfunction ads.

Yeah, when I was a kid, back in the old days, we had ads about douching and feminine hygiene (read: odor). Gag! It's been so long since I've seen a tampon ad, it's unreal!


(Not that that's the typical fodder for sports ads.)

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I didn't even realize that the commercial was anti-abortion. That is how tame it was. DH had to tell me because he knew about the prior hype.


I only saw one ad, so that could be the problem. I saw his mother mentioning the tough times they've been through, and directing people to the website. The other ad is no different. I looked it up and it is no longer with no more information. He just doesn't tackle her in it.


I had heard that the commercial was supposed to be more along the lines of "If she had an abortion, I wouldn't be here."


I'm pro-choice. I am not! but I can agree with everything else you said. I have no problem with the spot I saw. I have no problem with the spot I anticipated seeing, even though I don't like the message. I don't understand what is wrong with the message. Shouldn't women be educated regarding their choice? Shouldn't they know how things could turn out? Frankly, I'd rather see that than trampy Go Daddy ads directing me to THEIR website. What was up with that? Those ads were so stupid!


FYI, the number "Barney Stintson" held up in the commercials connects to a message from Barney, himself. :lol: That is so cool!

I was just relieved there were no erectile dysfunction ads. I always dive for the mute button when any sports are playing anymore. I just do not want to have to explain to my very curious 8 yo what the heck that is. I can't believe people get all bent out of shape for something as tame as the Tebow ad but don't object to men walking around in their underwear or women ripping open their shirts that say Go Daddy.


We as a culture are soooo warped. And what is this new game called Dante's Inferno??????? Looks like a travesty!

No kidding. Even if the ad itself is tame they have to have the medical disclaimers telling the men to ask their doctor if they are otherwise healthy enough to have sex. Yeah, I love it when DD hears that.:glare:
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I was just relieved there were no erectile dysfunction ads.


Remember the one with Britney Spears dancing and Bob Dole saying "Down, boy!" to his dog? That gave me the oogies.


I feel the same way, but my big no-no tends to be the scary movie ads. Van Helsing one year, The Wolfman this year...we watched NOVA and Nature instead.

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I only saw one ad, so that could be the problem. I saw his mother mentioning the tough times they've been through, and directing people to the website. The other ad is no different. I looked it up and it is no longer with no more information. He just doesn't tackle her in it.


I had heard that the commercial was supposed to be more along the lines of "If she had an abortion, I wouldn't be here."


I'm pro-choice. I am not! but I can agree with everything else you said. I have no problem with the spot I saw. I have no problem with the spot I anticipated seeing, even though I don't like the message. I don't understand what is wrong with the message. Shouldn't women be educated regarding their choice? Shouldn't they know how things could turn out?




I don't want to debate abortion and get the thread locked, so I'll just clarify that I don't like the message I anticipated seeing, which was along the lines of "If she had had an abortion, I wouldn't be here," which is very much different from disagreeing with educating women regarding their choiceS (imo, of course). Neither of which influence my opinion that airing ANY ad is a station's decision, and that they're entitled to reject or accept anything within FCC guidelines.

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I'll just clarify that I don't like the message I anticipated seeing, which was along the lines of "If she had had an abortion, I wouldn't be here," which is very much different from disagreeing with educating women regarding their choiceS (imo, of course).

Well, the ad was so ... mysteriously innocuous, it seemed to be just a vague celebration of mothers or something.


Since I really dislike arguments that are couched in terms of the best of one situation and the worst of another (or the ideals of one and the nasty realities of other), I am not quite sure myself to what degree a happy mother and a happy son provide unusual insight into the abortion "debate." However, obviously seeing a mother and son who love each other is nice and happy, and beats the weird and inappropriate ads hands down.

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I don't want to debate abortion and get the thread locked, so I'll just clarify that I don't like the message I anticipated seeing, which was along the lines of "If she had had an abortion, I wouldn't be here," which is very much different from disagreeing with educating women regarding their choiceS (imo, of course).


I'm not quite understanding how letting women know that a person would not be *here* if their mother had an abortion [even under medical advice to do so] is "different from" educating them on their choiceS. It seems that specific statement is often left out of discussions about educating women regarding the direct, unavoidable effect of an abortion.

The biggest issue with choiceS in abortion is it only takes the choiceS of one human into consideration and allows for efficiently eliminating another human in the process, with no legal consequence or due process. It's like educating slave owners on the choiceS they had in dealing with their slaves.


and history continues to repeat itself.

did I miss something? is abortion a banned topic now?

Edited by Peek a Boo
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Frankly, I'd rather see that than trampy Go Daddy ads directing me to THEIR website. What was up with that? Those ads were so stupid!


Yep...and sadly they did exactly what Go Daddy was hoping.....how many of us would have ever heard of Go Daddy if they hadn't been in the news after the Super Bowl the last few years because of their commercials? They are a local company (Scottsdale, Arizona) and their billboards were just as distasteful as their ads....thankfully they don't seem to do billboard ads any more though! But.....I doubt there are a lot of adults around who haven't heard of them now.


Of course, they're not the first, nor will they be the last I'm afraid, that are willing to do something that receives lots of negative attention and be proud of it.....and watch their business grow because of it. Isn't that a Hollywood saying....no publicity is bad publicity, or something?


I saw the FOF ad on a newslink this morning and seriously if I hadn't already heard the rumors and all I'd have had no clue what they were talking about.....I'm not a football fan so I wouldn't have even known this guy's name if it wasn't for all the hoopla. Now, I'll probably never be able to forget his name, lol.

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My favorite was the punch buggy ad with Stevie Wonder. We had to explain to ds who Stevie Wonder was and that he really was blind and then watch it three more times so ds could marvel that he knew what color the car was :p


No tv, but thank you hulu for letting me watch superbowl ads :lol:


Both ads are on the focus on the family web site.


So, um, can someone explain WHY these ads were oh so controversial?

From what I gathered ready articles beforehand, some people thought that any message coming from a pro-life/conservative group was automatically anti-woman.

The whole thing was very tame. It made all those people who threw a fit look quite foolish.


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I saw the FOF ad on a newslink this morning and seriously if I hadn't already heard the rumors and all I'd have had no clue what they were talking about.....I'm not a football fan so I wouldn't have even known this guy's name if it wasn't for all the hoopla. Now, I'll probably never be able to forget his name, lol.


It's great irony that their 'competition' did a better job of telling people what they are about than their ad did.

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I so tune commercials out that I saw the darn thing and never knew what it was about! Duh.



I'm the same way with commercials even during the Super Bowl. I completely missed it. In fact, the only commercial I remember is the Dockers one with the guys wearing only their underwear. I only remember it because my ds happened to walk through the room at that time and said, "Uh.....that is so wrong!" I forget I'm supposed to care about these commercials! :lol:

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What a hoot! Yep, looked a whole lot like domestic violence to me! Funny--no mention of the ad where a guy shoves his wife out of the car because he thinks the armed bad guys said, "Your tires or your wife." Nope. But a son play -tackling his mom and then lovin' on her is all about domestic violence. The women of NOW need to get some perspective. They are looking ridiculous.

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What a hoot! Yep, looked a whole lot like domestic violence to me! Funny--no mention of the ad where a guy shoves his wife out of the car because he thinks the armed bad guys said, "Your tires or your wife." Nope. But a son play -tackling his mom and then lovin' on her is all about domestic violence. The women of NOW need to get some perspective. They are looking ridiculous.



The same place I watched this Tebow ad there was an ad with Betty White that showed her being tackled.....that one made no sense either. While I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it "promotes" violence against women, I would say it wasn't necessary to get their point across. I find it hard to believe that a guy watching an entire evening of guys knocking each other over is going to be influenced solely by a 5 second piece of a commercial. "Hey....that Tebow guy just knocked his mom down...I think I'll go do that to the wife". Hmmm, probably not the biggest influence of the day.

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What a hoot! Yep, looked a whole lot like domestic violence to me! Funny--no mention of the ad where a guy shoves his wife out of the car because he thinks the armed bad guys said, "Your tires or your wife." Nope. But a son play -tackling his mom and then lovin' on her is all about domestic violence. The women of NOW need to get some perspective. They are looking ridiculous.


No doubt!! And another thing...how much more violent can you get against a female than killing her before she has a chance to even be born??? 50% of those babies are females. Distorted viewpoints they have, for sure!!

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Just for the sake of grading it as a super bowl commercial, I'd say it layed an egg. Super Bowl adds are supposed to be ,well Super! This was tastefully done almost quaint, it should get in your face make you pick sides. Make you think.

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