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Moments in your life that make you go "WHAT?!"

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that IS weird!


I fell asleep watching tv and awoke to a friend from high school being on a dating show!!! I was SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, it was Millionaire Matchmaker, and this kid was DIRT POOR when I knew him.


And who was the little girl from Petaluma CA who was kidnapped and....... well she's not with us anymore. Anyway, Polly Klaus, was that her? When I saw her story on the news, one of my best friends was being interviewed!


It was all very weird because I grew up in CA and now live in NH.


BUT, don't know anyone in the senate. Hey, this could be very good for you! GREAT resource! 001_smile:

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The main thing I remember about him is that he was a great kisser. Is that bad?


Actually, it strikes me that perhaps it means he is better qualified for today's political climate....


OOOOHHH, did you mean it's bad that THAT is what you most remember about him?!! Funny!

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The main thing I remember about him is that he was a great kisser. Is that bad?


Did you say that with a perfectly straight face?


Someone my husband went to international school with is now a movie star through his martial arts. My dh definitely still says, "What?" "How?" He finds it difficult to line up current reality with past memories.

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OOOOHHH, did you mean it's bad that THAT is what you most remember about him?!! Funny!


Yes, this is what I meant. :blushing: :rofl:

Did you say that with a perfectly straight face?


Someone my husband went to international school with is now a movie star through his martial arts. My dh definitely still says, "What?" "How?" He finds it difficult to line up current reality with past memories.


I don't know that I say much of anything with a perfectly straight face.


Exactly! The new reality is pretty strange.


Someone I knew in high school is now on Broadway.


I have a picture of him seductively advertising a pancake breakfast with a giant silly sign.


I am going to put it on his facebook :lol:


Hilarious! This probably explains why he has no facebook. :tongue_smilie:

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Someone I knew in high school is now on Broadway.


I have a picture of him seductively advertising a pancake breakfast with a giant silly sign.


I am going to put it on his facebook :lol:


One of my DH's classmates, and not total-stranger - somewhat of a friend, has been in several TV minor shows, but is on "Psych" now in one of the regular roles (not one of the co-stars...one of the police guys). Kind of funny to see him there (when we had cable, that is...).

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About two years ago I turned on Fox News and saw one of my highschool classmates reporting from . . . somewhere exotic (to me, anyway) . . . Pakistan, maybe? He is apparently one of their most frequently used foreign correspondents now.


Oh, and my husband's brother has been recently featured on several episodes of a police/crime-based reality show. (Fortunately, he is on the police side of things. ;)) That's kind of freaky to watch since he looks a lot like my husband.

Edited by LynnG in Hawaii
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I don't know that I say much of anything with a perfectly straight face.
Why, Jen! I am all astonishment!;)


I'd venture to say half the guys I dated are now ueber-successful movers-and-shakers...while the other half are, er, on the other end of the spectrum. I usually liked to have one from each camp going at the same time. Just for, ya know, a change.:tongue_smilie:


Speaking of "dated", I start to feel that way when I realize most of the people who will medal in the Olympics are closer to my son's age than mine. Or when, at my son's swim meets, I find myself thinking a couple of the seniors are hotties...then glance around furtively, grateful the people around me can't read minds. Egads.

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Or when, at my son's swim meets, I find myself thinking a couple of the seniors are hotties...then glance around furtively, grateful the people around me can't read minds. Egads.


:smilielol5:But Colleen, everyone was looking at the senior with the flames tattoo that was leaping out of the top of his low slung comp suit. And you must admit, a girl would have to be half dead not to notice...well, er...in passing. Never mind.

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Oh, and my husband's brother has been recently featured on several episodes of a police/crime-based reality show. (Fortunately, he is on the police side of things. ;)) That's kind of freaky to watch since he looks a lot like my husband.

It's not Campus PD is it? We have been eagerly watching Campus PD because our friend is on it. He gets lots of screen time this week, apparently! :D


We never watch Cops or reality shows, so it's all new to us. It's pretty weird really--"Look! There's our friend, this is great! ....Wait, that girl he's helping is going to the hospital with alcohol poisoning...this isn't quite so fun...."

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It's not Campus PD is it? We have been eagerly watching Campus PD because our friend is on it. He gets lots of screen time this week, apparently! :D


We never watch Cops or reality shows, so it's all new to us. It's pretty weird really--"Look! There's our friend, this is great! ....Wait, that girl he's helping is going to the hospital with alcohol poisoning...this isn't quite so fun...."


No, not Campus PD. :) I'm not familiar with that one, actually, but it sounds like it's along the same lines of a "typical" cops reality show. But like you, I don't normally watch these shows. They are definitely depressing, just to see the yucky side of human behavior. You know it's out there, but . . . you normally don't get to see it right in front of you, kwim?

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I was friends with Scott Pelley (60 minutes) in high school. I've followed his career over the years from local market to a larger one, then CBS. It was amazing to snap on the TV very early on morning in 1990 and see my once upon a time buddy reporting in the middle of Desert Storm.


The other night while watching 60 Minutes, I was telling my son I remember the Scott with the mane of gorgeous black hair and tight jeans. He looks so very different now. I'm willing to bet his suit cost more than my car. :D

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No, not Campus PD. :) I'm not familiar with that one, actually, but it sounds like it's along the same lines of a "typical" cops reality show.
Yeah, I guess. I'm the wrong person to ask! It just shows cops going to various locations to deal with college students' shenanigans, most often problems with drunkenness. This one is new and on the station G4, which mostly has shows about video games. :001_huh:

But like you, I don't normally watch these shows. They are definitely depressing, just to see the yucky side of human behavior. You know it's out there, but . . . you normally don't get to see it right in front of you, kwim?

Very true. Even living in a famous party college town, I don't see much, though certainly more than I'd like. (Chico is actually a lovely town and a wonderful place to bring up kids. It's kind of annoying to most residents that everyone envisions it as nothing but college parties!)


Waaaait....your brother-in-law isn't Steven Seagal, is he?? I've seen ads for his show...:p

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In a depressing way. . . . . .


About 4 years ago, a high school friend of mine called me to catch up.


Turns out, my one and only serious boyfriend (before dh) - the guy who proposed to me and I turned down - had died 5 months earlier. Of lung cancer, and he was a non-smoker.


That was a big, if subdued and somber, "What?!" moment. I don't keep in touch with anyone from high school, and my parents moved away shortly after I graduated.


I spent about 2 weeks thinking, "Wow. I could be a widow now." Weird.

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I like the flower girl from your weddings stories. That made me think. The flower girl from our wedding is now senior editor at a major Christian publishing company. Wow.

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I was in grade 11 math with a guy who is now an NHL hockey player. I was in girl guides, and a beauty pagent with a girl who is now an Opera singer and tours the world, she has also started getting guest roles on various tv shows now that she is living in New York, inclduing ugly betty.


Or the shock of realizing my "little cousin" is always on the road touring with different country singers(he is a drummer), This is the cousin who did not take his first steps until after his second birthday when I would spend hours walking him up and down the hallway until he learned (he only rolled everywhere prior to that, he didn't even crawl). How he managed to grow up and become this "star" is beyond me.


There is also the my sister's ex boyfriend. I knew him when he and his buddies had a garage band, then after high school they actually made it into the business and have been stars ever since.


All of those ones, make me wonder how on earth they ended up with the talent to become what they did and I have zero talent, would have been nice if some of it was spread around ;)


Of course there is always the shock of running into one of the kids I used to babysit, all grown up, engaged or married, graduated from uni etc. Makes me feel extremely old.

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:smilielol5:But Colleen, everyone was looking at the senior with the flames tattoo that was leaping out of the top of his low slung comp suit. And you must admit, a girl would have to be half dead not to notice...well, er...in passing. Never mind.

Glad to know I'm not alone...:D


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We went to college with Steven Curtis Chapman- he was on the same hall as my dh. We saw him at an outdoor concert 2 years ago and he has a "young" guitarist working with him that does all of the physical moves on-stage. He made a couple comments about how old he felt- lol.

Remember hearing him at college talent nights...

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In a depressing way. . . . . .


About 4 years ago, a high school friend of mine called me to catch up.


Turns out, my one and only serious boyfriend (before dh) - the guy who proposed to me and I turned down - had died 5 months earlier. Of lung cancer, and he was a non-smoker.


That was a big, if subdued and somber, "What?!" moment. I don't keep in touch with anyone from high school, and my parents moved away shortly after I graduated.


I spent about 2 weeks thinking, "Wow. I could be a widow now." Weird.


Something similar happened to me over the summer, I learned (via the internet) that my first real steady boyfriend had recently passed away due to cancer at age 46. I thought exactly the same thing..... I could be a widow right now.... I admit the news left me somewhat shell-shocked for weeks, despite the fact that I'd seen hide nor hair of the fellow for a good 25 years.

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Something similar happened to me over the summer, I learned (via the internet) that my first real steady boyfriend had recently passed away due to cancer at age 46. I thought exactly the same thing..... I could be a widow right now.... I admit the news left me somewhat shell-shocked for weeks, despite the fact that I'd seen hide nor hair of the fellow for a good 25 years.


Same sort of thing here:


Dated a boy in high school. I had been his first girlfriend. I broke up with him and he cried and said, "But I was going to marry you."


The next girl he dated was the one he married.


I found out recently that he divorced the woman he married, because he came out as gay.


If I hadn't have broken it off, we most likely would have married and now I'd be divorced from him. It shook me up for a long time.

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I was in dance troupe in Jr. high with a famous country singer. She received a scholarship to a prominent music school and was quoted as saying how thrilled she was because she didn't want to be some "dumb chick country singer". Well - we've all heard of the Dixie Chicks, right?


Unfortunately, she didn't develop a filter after she got famous either.

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