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Which movies have stuck with you?

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Ok, don't laugh at my first one: Shag: the Movie. I'm not sure that anyone remembers it or not. I think it's from the late 80s. I used to watch it over and over and over when I was an older teen. I loved it! I still think about it every now and then.


I remember it! I rented it recently, LOL. :D


And the other one is one that we just rented this weekend, but WOW!! Gran Tureno (sp?) it's with Clint Eastwood (I think his latest). There were times I had just about given up watching it because of a lot of language (a lot of language affects me poorly) and some drawn out parts. I just couldn't stop thinking about it though! Very good!


Yep, that one was really good, too. :001_smile:





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I love watching romantic comedies but I don't usually remember much from them or think about them much after a week or so. There are some movies that I do remember months or years after I see them. Three that come to mind are "A Walk to Remember", "Into the Wild" and "Earth 2100". I posted about this last one a couple of weeks ago and said that it really disturbed me but it also really stuck with me. Which movies have stuck with you, made you think and grow, taught you a lot, or were much more than just entertainment?



On the drama side:

Tous les matins du monde - biopic about the French composer Marin Marias. The music is so beautiful, and the story is haunting. I usually start crying about 10 minutes in and then sob like a baby the rest of the way through. I mean that in a good way.


Matewan - John Sayles' pic about the 1920 W.Va coal miners strike and attempt to unionize. Norma Rae was a Shirley Temple wannabe compared to this. It brings out the rabid Marxist in me big time. :D


For romance:

Chocolat - I actually like the book much better. This film IS the tiny town near me. These people DO live in my town right now. It is a lovely romance, but the people are so strikingly, sadly like people I know around here. It really resonates for me.


For comedy:

The Odd Couple - I'm talking the original Jack Lemmon & Walter Mathau flick. That is flat out funny. Actually, I love everything with Lemmon and/or Mathau in it. They were real comedians with exquisite timing.


Lastly, there was this little short film I saw in grade 2. I remember it all very clearly, but don't know the name of it. I think it is French. And it is possible either the movie or the dog is called "Clown." The plot is simply a little boy who has a dog. One day the dog wanders off. The boy looks desperately for him. Finally, he finds him, but the dog is helping a blind man, and the boy sees this and realizes this man needs the dog more than he does, so he turns away, wipes away a tear and goes home without his dog. I cried so much. It was the saddest thing I'd ever seen, but also the most brave thing. Unbelievably, I made myself cry typing this out.

Edited by Audrey
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The movie that totally ruined scary movies for me was The Ring. I will not ever again watch a scary movie.





I totally agree with this, and I can't even talk about it! I watched this by accident once and have regretted it ever since.

Edited by Sugarfoot
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Really? What is it about the score that you don't like? I don't remember it at all!
It's almost all electronic... it sounds like one guy with a synthesizer.
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Did we attend the same school? :D I never "got" what the movie was about - why couldn't he just catch that darn balloon?


I think that's what's so cool about it. It can be interpreted in a million ways. I remember kids who hated the movie, I've also heard adults say how much they dislike it. I tend to think it's a personality thing, I know my mom is on a whole other page with this type of movie, whenever she sees a movie that is to artsy she says it makes her feel sick, or she's kind of miffed about the whole thing. It's funny..


I think of the movie as being about connection, loyalty, illusion, destruction, and escapism.


Well, what's interesting is that so many people remember this film, and they often have something to say about it. You can't say that about most movies! :)

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Tous les matins du monde - biopic about the French composer Marin Marias. The music is so beautiful, and the story is haunting. I usually start crying about 10 minutes in and then sob like a baby the rest of the way through. I mean that in a good way.


Oh, I love that film! And the score is one of my absolute favorite CDs, it's soooo sad and haunting and beautiful.



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Ok, don't laugh at my first one: Shag: the Movie. I'm not sure that anyone remembers it or not. I think it's from the late 80s. I used to watch it over and over and over when I was an older teen. I loved it! I still think about it every now and then.


No laughing here. I loved that movie. It was so true to how I perceived myself and my friends. It was one of my favorite coming of age movies.

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From my High School Days..... Out of Africa (I think that Robert Redford's character really influenced my choice of husband ;))


Ferris Bueller's Day Off - my friend and I completely memorized every line...


Top Gun & Dirty Dancing - "Nobody puts Baby in a corner"


Now, because I want to be the main characters...

Chocolat & Amelie

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Life is Beautiful My husband and I just laid in each other's arms and sobbed after watching it.


Sophie's Choice I saw it at the theatre with my mother during a very dark period of our lives. Not a good idea. I'd like to watch it again in context of what I've studied about the Holocaust, but I don't think I could handle it.


True Romance, Heathers, Untamed Heart Saw these movies with my dh when we were dating. As a young man, he had the "Christan Slater Vibe" going on...."Greetings and Salutations." We slipped in quotes from these movie all throughout our dating years. These movies take me back to that time in our relationship. I think I will plan a date night around watching them with him....a Valentine's Triple Feature!


More recent movies:


The Wrestler I felt like I was watching a documentary. So much of it rang true. Just a lovely flick deserving of all the awards.


Gran Torino Same as above. Eastwood's character was so familiar to me that I felt an immediate connection and was drawn into his life.

Edited by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too
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And finally Schindler's List. I am a history major and have watched all sorts of documentaries showing the brutality of wars, particularly The Holocaust.

I have never been affected by a movie as much as that one. Cried for hours afterward.

Me too. You know, ugly crying. In a dark room. That movie still haunts me.

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Full Metal Jacket




Terms of Endearment


Pulp Fiction


Forrest Gump (the drug and relationship scenes of Jenny especially)


The Butterfly Effect




The Passion of the Christ


Thelma and Louise


7 (with Brad Pitt)




The Langoliers


Dead Poets Society


The World According to Garp




Saturday Night Fever


Rocky Horror Picture Show


Clockwork Orange


The Big Chill

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Gran Torino Same as above. Eastwood's character was so familiar to me that I felt an immediate connection and was drawn into his life.



Ahh' date=' yes... [i']Gran Torino[/i]. I bought that for my husband for Christmas. It is very, very good.


Oh, and... also... Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I know, I know, but how many of us can trot out lines from that movie on cue?

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Shawshank Redemption

Out of Africa


Forest Gump




I've seen Out of Africa at least 10 times. I know entire scenes word for word. LOVE that movie.


Me Too! Love it! And the soundtrack is great too!



Dead Poets Society



Oh!!! How could I forget that one????!!! Can't wait until my kids are old enough for it.... Dead Poets affected me in so many ways...Must watch it again soon!



And how could I have forgotten National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

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You all have reminded me of a few more movies that still haunt me:



  • Out of Africa
  • The Killing Fields


And I just thought of another one that I don't think has been mentioned:



  • Legends of the Fall


(Fantastic acting, a beautiful score, magnificent cinematography, and a haunting, modern era tragedy. Not to mention Brad Pitt looking more gorgeous than any man has a right to be. ;))

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Currently, the movie that stays with me is Lust Caution. This is not a kid movie as you can surmise from its title. I've watched many movies recently where women sacrifice themselves to a war effort. Foreign film makers seem to do a better job with this type of film. Another film that is not kid friendly that I just watched and was too funny, but may offend others is The Hangover. A good comedy is a rare thing.

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Just remembered another one that was disturbing to me. I think the name of it was Jude. It had Kate Winslet in it. I don't remember much about the movie except that she, a man (don't think they were married), and her children (there were 3 or 4), were constantly moving from place to place looking for somewhere to live. Most people didn't want to take them in because of the children. The oldest heard this over and over again and felt that his mother would be better off if she didn't have the children, so he killed his siblings and then himself.


It gives me chills, just thinking about it. :(

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Forrest Gump-I'm sorry, but I wish I'd never seen it...


Steel Magnolias


Dead Poets Society


Legally Blonde-Yes, really! That determination to be who you are, but still work purposely towards a goal that no one really believes you can accomplish...


Princess Bride-Yep, someone else already pointed out the same thing that struck me about that movie. The phrase "as you wish" now means everything that "I love you" tries to say, but includes self-sacrifice and everything else that I've always wanted "I love you" to mean.


The Last Holiday-I know this wasn't really a "deep" movie, but still...the moment where Queen Latifah (upon receiving a terminal diagnosis) is looking through her album (and crying) at the pictures of the things she'd enjoyed cooking for so long, but never eaten, and says "I shoulda ate that!". (Then more tears) I dunno, it just really reminded me to enjoy the good things while I can.


Along Came Polly-I know this one's a weird choice too, but that theme of just being who you are, without constantly trying to put on the best impression, and someone really loving you anyway, well, I must have emotional issues surrounding that, but I've never followed through with any introspection. Maybe someday....:001_smile:

Edited by Julie in CA
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There are several, and usually the ones that make me weep uncontrollably are the ones that stay with me.


1. Dead Poets Society

2. Life is Beautiful

3. Forrest Gump

4. Beaches

5. Fried Green Tomatoes (and the book, also)

6. Shadowlands

7. Gladiator


not crying ones, in no particular genre

1. Chocolat (I watch this movie several times a year. It may well be my all-time favorite)

2. Notting Hill

3. Hitch

4. The Matrix

5. Lord of the Rings movies

6. Chronicles of Narnia movies

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Finding Neverland - this one has really stayed with me. It's all about death and dying, while finding the will to live gracefully and die comfortably.


Wide Awake - Wow. Hits me in the chest every time.

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Harry Potter movies

Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Star Wars Trilogy


LOVE the above movies

Exorcist - hate it, but I saw it once and it still terrifies me.


Any horror movie I can't stand :tongue_smilie:



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Sorted by genre:


Drama: Schindler's List, Shadowlands, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


Comedy: Groundhog Day, When Harry Met Sally. (I've been watching Meg Ryan movies the past few weeks: Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail and WHMS. When Harry Met Sally was the only one that still made me laugh and care about the characters. The others were pretty bad, imo and I used to like them all. SIS and YGM were just so....contrived or something, and the way the characters reacted to different situations didn't seem realistic to me. I know they are just movies, but I have to believe the story while I'm watching it to get into it.)


Horror: Rosemary's Baby (Saw this a couple of years ago, and it still haunts me. The look on Mia Farrow's face when she looks into the bassinet at the end is frightening.)

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Jaws was probably the first movie that I couldn't get out of my head. I could not swim in my backyard pool after dark, even though I knew we did not have any such untoward creatures here in the midwest:).


Gandhi moved me immensely. I couldn't stop thinking about it.


The Lord of the Rings. Even though we own the movies, if I ever happen upon them on TV, I just can't miss them.

Like Water for Chocolate. I speak Spanish in my head for days and have a strong desire to cook and make bedroom eyes at dh.


Not a movie, but Band of Brothers - those characters - I wanted to meet them and shake their hands.


The Hunt for Red October. I read the book when it first came out and pulled an all-nighter to finish it. I thought I would hate the movie because it could never live up to the adventure of the book. Even though the movie had a different feel than the book, I loved it. It is another "get sucked in every time it is on TV" type of things. I could listen to Sean Connery all day, even if he could not do a Russian accent to save his live:).


So many of the previous movies are on my all-time list as well.

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I Which movies have stuck with you, made you think and grow, taught you a lot, or were much more than just entertainment?


Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf


The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser


The American Friend


A Day in the Death of Joe Egg



I think all of these helped me grow professionally by letting me see deep into the minds of people very different from myself.


I often hear snippets of The Fog of War in my mind, but I think it is because I really connect with Errol Morris's films, and because McNamara's way of talking reminds me so much of my dad's.


If I want to laugh, I start thinking of scenes from the original The Lady Killers or from A New Leaf.

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