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hilarious, actually, how far discussions can roam from the original post? I have often pondered this but there is one going now . . .


The OP is re tatooing minors with homemade tatoo gun/thingy and the curent "last page" is the continuation of a circumcision debate/discussion.


I think it's a funny juxtaposition and it happens with some frequency on those loooooong threads.


Oh, and I'm not saying that it's bad to roam from the original post. It's a conversation and I think it's great. I just think that when you look at the introductory comment and the current last comment, it's fun to see where a thing can lead.

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It does make for interesting reading! :tongue_smilie:


Sometimes I'll notice a thread that I remember reading when it was just a few posts, but then I come back and it has grown huge in just a matter of hours. I like to skip to the last page on those just to see what all the fuss was about. It's funny how some threads take on a life of their own.

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I was just talking to dh about that this morning. But, yeah, I sure do learn a lot from those threads! I had no idea most men in Europe weren't circ'd, for instance. Huh.



Truth be told, MOST MEN IN THE WORLD are intact.


Not to veer this conversation off-course or anything,....just sayin'.



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LOL But it's always good for the truth to be told. :D


Makes me feel all worldly and stuff :).


Seriously, though, I really didn't know the bit about the circumcision. I don't get out much these days, you know, and when I did, I never really thought to look. Both sides of the argument are very interesting. I feel somehow...richer...in my knowledge of things when threads go astray.

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This is one thing that I miss about the old board. Every post had a 'title' (even if the title was the only comment), and every title was viewable from the OP like a little tree trickling down. A lot more people got involved in the posts because while they may not of had a comment about the OP, they may jump in, if only to comment on the evolving conversation.


It definitely had more of a natural conversation feel to it, as it evolved and changed from the OP.

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This is one thing that I miss about the old board. Every post had a 'title' (even if the title was the only comment), and every title was viewable from the OP like a little tree trickling down. A lot more people got involved in the posts because while they may not of had a comment about the OP, they may jump in, if only to comment on the evolving conversation.


It definitely had more of a natural conversation feel to it, as it evolved and changed from the OP.


If you view in "threaded" you still get a bit of that same feel. You get the first lines of all the posts......

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;) I've heard rabbits taste like chicken.

My parents raised rabbits for a while when I was in elementary. I can only remember having rabbit meat once, although that was the reason we raised them (although one was a "pet", although it stayed out there in the rabbit shed in it's cage--we never ate it and eventually set it free). Anyway, I thought the rabbit meat was kinda tough/rubbery, but that could have been the way it was prepared?

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If you view in "threaded" you still get a bit of that same feel. You get the first lines of all the posts......


Yeah, I know, but it isn't the same because you still have to open it to see it. I miss the way we saw everything at one time (scrolling of course) without having to open each post. It was more like everyone sitting around a table chatting, instead of this way, which is more like separate private conversations.


I like the new board, just reminiscing.

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I live in Oklahoma and can categorically state that buffalo do not have wings. I know this b/c I saw one in a picture once. And if you're curious, bison don't either, at least not the one that licked me.


Oh, did you mean buffalo angels?


If I'm not mistaken, the only buffalo that have wings are native to New York, and Bison have retractable wings. This might explain why you never saw either in OK.

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While on the subject of Buffalo...

Did the Bills make the playoffs?


While on the subject of the playoffs...

My team the Eagles are in it.


While on the subject of eagles...

Is the Bald Eagle still an endangered species?


While on the subject of endangered species...:tongue_smilie:

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I live in Oklahoma and can categorically state that buffalo do not have wings. I know this b/c I saw one in a picture once. And if you're curious, bison don't either, at least not the one that licked me.


Oh, did you mean buffalo angels?


I guess I really could go for a buffalo burger right about now. I hear they taste a lot like beef but leaner...:)

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Speaking of buffalo and circumcision, it reminded me of when I was a student at MSU, and I heard rumors that the football coach neutered a bull on the 50 yard line during a practice, or pep rally or something. No idea the real details or even truth to the story, but I was reminded. Takes talent to link buffalos to circumcision :)

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Speaking of buffalo and circumcision, it reminded me of when I was a student at MSU, and I heard rumors that the football coach neutered a bull on the 50 yard line during a practice, or pep rally or something. No idea the real details or even truth to the story, but I was reminded. Takes talent to link buffalos to circumcision :)


Speaking of neutering bulls, I was reminded of:

The Softest Substance Known to Man



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This is the ADD from hell thread.


They used to serve fried rabbit in military mess halls. Just like fried chicken. Messed the city folk all up (OMG I'm eating BUNNY???).





I never understood what the purpose was behind disciplining a soldier by making him clean the floor with a toothbrush. Now I'm wondering if it's because the Easter Bunny brings my kids toothbrushes and the soldiers were served bunny as a meal. :confused: That could be the connection I didn't understand until today, I guess. :001_huh:

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I remember once when I was lost .


I couldn't decide whether to go via flyingsmiliegif.gif, welcometrainsmiliegif.gif, or corvettesmilie.gif. The car wound up towtruxksmilie.gif, so was going for plane, but they were snowed in. So I called santagif.gif, but he was on vacation. It was too cold for bikersmiliegif2.gif. The train wouldn't take me where I wanted to go, so I Tantrum.gif, then went looking for a horseridingsmilie.gif.


Well, that's the end of my smilie limit, so guess that's the end of the story.

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...a nice uncircumcised man of European descent and dressed up like the Easter Bunny served you buffalo wings and helped you find your way home?


Almost. Actually, the nice uncircumcised man of the southern N. American variety served me the 1.gif, which I declared tasted very little like a39.gifbird2.gif or turtle4.gif for that matter. He never did find the elusive buffalo with wings.

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Yeah, I would imagine that being canned puts a damper on any amorous intentions. Bummer.


Speaking of being in the can, that reminds me! Yesterday when I was cleaning the bathroom, I reached under my jewelry box on the counter (it is on a stand) to remove all the crazy things that have collected there - and I found my wedding ring! The same wedding ring I accused my dog of eating over the summer!! Turns out she was innocent after all.

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Can I train my rabbit not to poop on my head while I am wearing it as a hat?


It is very cold here and I need warm winter wear.


llama poop and rabbit poop are both gentle manures. You can use rabbit poop strait out of the butt and add it to your tomato plants. It won't burn them. Just wear your hat with a little litter box under it. Empty out onto your tomato plant.


Llama poop is good for the garden. Did you read my post about my llama spitting in my face a few weeks back? he was aiming for another llama. I've had them for 6 years, never been spat on. Of course there's that time when I tried to break up a fight between them - HUGE nasty glob onto my shoulder. The SMELL!!! It was HORRIFIC! I let them fight now.


And my neighbor made earrings out of llama poop and sold them on Ebay and THIS IS A TRUE STORY, I KID YOU NOT.


Chicken droppings are EXCELLENT for tomatoes but you must dry them first. They're so strong they'll kill off the roots. Garden enthusiasts keep both rabbits and chickens solely for the use of fertilizer in the garden. Again, they say the chicken droppings are hot. Maybe you should smear it on you to keep warm instead of wearing a rabbit with a litterbox under it? That can't be comfortable and you must look ridiculous. I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt your feelings.

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