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Design a program for your 5th grade self.

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Oh how fun! I would probably chose similar items to what we really used but I would do more workbooks for me, I love to fill in workbooks.


When I was a kid my dad would buy "lots" of books at government auctions and I remember playing school with some of the educational books. I'm quite sure there was a Latin grammar text in there somewhere, I remember sitting in the basement trying to figure it out. I wish he still had some of those books.


Latin for Children

Elementary Greek (I'm using this for my 42 year-old self :D)

CW Aesop B

Singapore Math might have been too abstract for me, I probably would do something more traditional, not sure what.

Art - Free Drawing, sketching

Music - piano lessons or vocal lessons

History - Beautiful Feet or Sonlight - something lit based I loved to read

Science - on site archaeological experience

Nature Study - time for free exploration

PE - fencing or swimming


Now how do we get to be 10 again?

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That's around 11. At 11, I was reading my way through the library and stupid school really got in the way of that. Thinking of who I was and what I needed, I would say take me weekly to the biggest library in the world and set me free. You might have had to call the paramedics for my heart, however.


Take me to see movies and plays about anything historical. I would have wept at age 11 had I gone to Amsterdam, or the Helen Keller museum. I went to The Perkins School for the Blind when I was 16 and I was floored. Had I gone at age 11, I might have needed oxygen.

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Just for fun. :D If you could homeschool yourself, age ten, what would you use?


I would have given me voice lessons, piano lessons and I would have me taught math with Singapore. I would have relaxed schooled me with living books for science and history, and probably used traditional programs for writing, grammar and spelling and vocabulary because I am/was a natural at those and I don't know that any specific program would have improved on whatever my ps teachers used.

Besides, my mom read aloud to us all the time, loved words and purposely used and encouraged higher vocabulary with us and brought history alive by taking us to places where it "lived"; normal places (like Sutter's Fort) and not so common like pioneer cemetery and antique stores. So I'd keep those things and add in a solid math program and opportunities to develop my musical strengths. :)

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At 5th grade I needed more time for reading and more library visits. I also needed more time for exploring things. I remember doing a project on windmills and I would have loved making a working windmill but there was school.....


If I was my mother I would have been harder on me and encouraged diligence rather than procrastination. Neatness would also rank up there. I would have made me work harder cause I don't remember any hard work. Well, there was the time when I procrastinated with a book study and I convinced my friend to lend me hers so I could copy it. It was one of those times when half the class did one book and half the other. Then we switched. I was too busy reading other things to bother with the book my teacher had provided. bad me.:tongue_smilie:

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I was homeschooled in 6th.... We used A Beka's Correspondence School..... Each test that I made less than 80% I was in trouble... Lots of tests..... Lots of Trouble!!! (Suppose to have motivated me...)


What I would have been good at?? Sonlight.... I loved reading... when older... I p/u The Good Earth... for fun..



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We would read non-fiction about horses, study anatomy for science, do math using horsey word problems, study the history of the world from a horse POV, draw, sculpt, and paint horses for art, sing about horses, and ride horses for P.E.


Well rounded, huh?

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At age 10, turn me loose in the kitchen, the woodshop, and the library. Give me art supplies and teach me art history. Teach me about the people and cultures around the world. Show me how much fun science really is, so I don't feel out of my element. Let me enjoy everyday math and keep playing with numbers until my little brain matures and I am ready for bigger stuff.

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Just for fun. :D If you could homeschool yourself, age ten, what would you use?

At age 10, if I could have designed my own homeschool, it would have consisted of 8 hours of reading anything and everything I could get my hands on, and 8 hours of playing any and every piece I could find on the piano. The other 8 hours would be for sleeping and dreaming of another day just like the one before.


I would have been truly, blissfully happy.

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Sonlight for history, tons of reading, a lot of time for creative writing and journal writing.


I would have liked CM inspired hsing- nature study for science, with lots of time outside and a nature journal. And any kind of animal studies.


I would have liked a lot of notebooking and lapbooking for both history and science


I'd have loved art appreciation and an art course. Also, music appreciation- BF's History of Classical Music.


Math was never my favorite, but if I could have done living math with something like Family Math or another resource for games and hands-on math, and a lot of stories about math, I would have been happy. Life of Fred might have suited me.


I wouldn't have minded a few traditional workbook type programs for grammar and spelling, I actually liked stuff like that in school.


Lots of free time outdoors, and for reading and creating.


I think I just described my dd's perfect curriculum actually. Thanks, that was helpful in figuring her out. She'll be in 3rd next year but she loves all of those things, and reading and creating are her top priorities just like her mama.

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What would I do? I'd teach to my ability. That means I'd probably do something like what I'm doing with my kids now. I would have loved to zoom ahead in math like my son is able to do. I also was like my daughter and loved to read. I read every spare moment I could, and in 5th grade was when I gave up on the school library and started going through my dad's sci-fi stuff. I missed so many good children's classics, so I would have given me those to read. I would have also done lots of hands on projects. I think I remember every one I did. I would have allowed me to do more than one a year. Oh, and drawing...more drawing. I always wanted to learn to play piano so give me a piano and lessons, please.


Yeah, now that I think about it, I think my kids are getting the education that would have been perfect for me. LOL

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This is fun!


For math - Math U See, so I could really understand! Plus a math fact drill game, which I would not have liked but would have needed.


Reading - some good book lists so I would have had some direction in the library and read even more wonderful books. Writing - Jump In is something I would have loved. Spelling - as I was an excellent speller by 5th grade, I would skip it and do Vocabulary from Classical Roots instead. Grammar - GWG


Science - nature study would have been so good for me, with walks, journals and Usborne-type books to fill in the blanks. History - SOTW (including the maps and tests, but not the activities) and Kingfisher, with the books from Sonlight, BF, MFW, etc!


French - Tell Me More. Latin - Latin Prep (especially because it is British!). Music - Violin or Viola. Art - the classes my children are currently taking at Pratt Institute. Keyboarding - not sure, but something!

Edited by Liza Q
Underlining is fun!
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Well, when I was 10 and wishing I was homeschooled. I'd look at the ads in the back of my mother's women's magazines and saw Oak Meadow ads there. Knowing what I know now, Oak Meadow would have been probably the best for me because of the books, art and thought provoking projects. I'd probably have wanted to supplement with Singapore Math because it explains math so clearly to my visual brain and Spell to Write and Read for spelling because again I am a better speller because I use it with my own children.:001_smile:

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I had a great 5th grade...classrooms were ability grouped back then and we were living on a military base so the school was peaceful and activities were plentiful.


For LA, I'd read more nonfiction than I was offered - the school library really needed more.

For Math, I'd let myself accelerate in the sense of go faster. It was new math, so it was deep enough and provided a good foundation for later studies. We covered other bases and finished all fraction and decimal ops that year.

SS was great...we did factory tours, visited with Native Americans, and all the cool things that are now considered 'enrichment' or elitist.

Science was good. More would have been nicer and the time could have come from LA.

Music ..had recorders in 3rd and 4th, so the transition to an instrument in 5th was fine.

Art...would have liked more as well instruction, but had enough viewing of authentic

Penmanship...did the regular 5th gr course which was fine...

Foreign Language..would have liked to learn one

Home & Careers & Health was done at home and thru Girl Scouts....continued with hand sewing, cooking, keeping one's body healthy

Phys Ed...daily would be nice....but back then we had a long recess and were allowed to use equipment so were always playing baseball (had to bring glove but school supplied bats/ball; we picked teams by how we were going to share gloves) or kickball or building snowthings...indoor recess was very rare, we girls learned to bring snow pants to put over our tights

would have liked ice skating lessons..

Practicing one's instrument was the only homework.

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BJU Math

Twice weekly library trips, with a topic to research of my choice

Art lab, including paints, pastels, clay

Science with living books and lab

Truthquest History

Rosetta Stone foreign language

Discovery Education streaming video

Netflix with all of its History channel and PBS videos

Sewing and Cooking labs

Journaling, letter writing, short stories, book reports, expository reports, opinion essays, and maybe a novel for writing class.

Choir and/or orchestra.


Basically, if you gave me the time, inspiration/goal, and the materials, I would thrive.

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