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What's in your arts/crafts box??


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We refurbish our supplies every christmas. Besides the usual paint, marker, colors, glue, paper, etc., what do you like to keep handy? Any items that your kids just can't get enough of? - and I'm not referring to an art set or something like that. My kids can't get enough of TAPE! I buy dozens of rolls every year so they won't use mine. I've been doing this for several years and I'm running out of creative ideas.



BTW my kids are 11, 7, 6, and 1

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Definitely tape, but second to that would have to be glitter glue. My kids LOVE that stuff. And not the kind in the skinny little tube that is hard to squeeze out--they like large fat bottles of it. I think Elmer's has a nice set of 5 for about $5. Also, foam stickers--especially the glitter kind. Gel pens, crayons, and markers and lots of black paper. I've been known to cut up sheets of black cardstock or construction paper into four small squares and staple them together to make a gel pen writing booklet.

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This is precisely why I gave up on a craft box, and now have about 15 craft boxes at the top of my closet. :D Yes, all organized with labels.

All of the above, plus, fabric puff paints and fabric markers, fun-shape scizzors, buttons, foam shapes, sticky-backed gems, feathers, old cards (for collages), and one bathroom cabinet collects toilet paper tubes.

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We refurbish our supplies every christmas. Besides the usual paint, marker, colors, glue, paper, etc., what do you like to keep handy? Any items that your kids just can't get enough of? - and I'm not referring to an art set or something like that. My kids can't get enough of TAPE! I buy dozens of rolls every year so they won't use mine. I've been doing this for several years and I'm running out of creative ideas.



BTW my kids are 11, 7, 6, and 1


Buy something at Micheals, and then get a % off your next visit chit. Stroll the aisles. We have 3 kinds of glue, glitter glue pens, a bag of pompoms of various types, a bag of feathers , glitter, beads, colored sand, Art Stix (from prismacolor) and raised sheets for "rubbings" made with the Art Stix (My son loves the geometrical patterns to then color in) (I got this great idea visiting the Getty Villa in LA), water sol. crayons (I think we have Caran D'Arche) which you draw and then take a wet brush to for blending, 2 dozen kinds of brushes, various papers--tracing, newsprint, watercolor, sketch, those "rulers" that have odd edges so you can tear paper along them and give it a fancy edge, ditto with fancy blade scissors, sidewalk chalk.


I get the cheap bulky stuff at Micheal's (or goodwill), and the rest at Dick Blick.com

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among all the other great replies, the one thing we use all the time that I never thought I would have to keep "in stock" is cardstock in various colors. They use it for paper dolls, puppets on a stick, various buildings and architectural purposes and lots of other things, like, oh, say, cards.


When I was a kid we used newsprint--you know, that awful old beige colored paper that didn't erase worth anything? Now my kids are spoiled and won't use anything but clean white copy paper. Sigh.

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Our art supplies drawers have


1. Lots of Colored construction paper/cardstock

2. Lots of blank white paper for drawing

3. Pipe Cleaners

4. Stickers (all kinds)

5. feathers in many colors

6. felt

7. buttons

8. colored rice grains

9. colored noodles

10. clothes pins

11. paint

12. googly eyes

13. glitter glue

14. popsicle sticks (plain and colored)

15. tongue depressors (plain and colored)

16. Popsicle sticks with grooves in them so you can stack them like lincoln logs

and then we have the usual glue, markers, colored pencils, and lots of tape on the desks for them to use.

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We refurbish our supplies every christmas. Besides the usual paint, marker, colors, glue, paper, etc., what do you like to keep handy? Any items that your kids just can't get enough of? - and I'm not referring to an art set or something like that. My kids can't get enough of TAPE! I buy dozens of rolls every year so they won't use mine. I've been doing this for several years and I'm running out of creative ideas.



BTW my kids are 11, 7, 6, and 1


Pipe cleaners

popsicle (craft) sticks

hot glue gun

googlie eyes

tissue paper

plaster of paris

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I got my colored pasta at Michaels I believe, or Lakeshore Learning..


I keep a bin in our pantry and every time I throw something away, I look at it and decide whether it's recyclable or can be used for future crafts.


Also, I emailed my local mamas list for baby jars, and anything I might be able to use for crafts. This way I got my local newspaper to give me tons of newspapers!

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Colored rice and pasta are super easy to make.


Just get a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Put some in a bowl or ziploc bag. Add a few drops of food coloring. Put the rice or pasta in. Stir it around in the alcohol/food coloring for a minute. Pour it through a sieve or scoop the pasta/rice with a sieve. (Save the alcohol/food coloring to reuse with the next batch.) Spread the colored rice/pasta on a cookie sheet lined with paper towels and let it dry over night.


Easy and much cheaper than buying the little bags of it.


A second way to color rice is with the Colorations Liquid Water Colors. I made a rice bin for the children when they were younger. It was a favorite activity! I put the rice in an under the bed, plastic storage box on wheels (so I could roll it under a table when we weren't using it.) I squirted different colors of the Colorations Water Colors in different sections of the rice. Mixed with a big spoon. Let dry for half a day. It was beautiful! The kids loved playing with that rice bin for a long time.

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many of the things already listed

lots of wool for felting

loads of fabric

yarn for knitting (right now we're using up a ton of yarn on pom-pom wreaths


(scroll down a little to see sample)



My latest score for the craft shelf was a bunch of vintage scraps, lace, buttons, and odds and ins. I'm now hitting garage sales and thrift stores to find more stuff like that.


I also have a crazy supply of beads from working in the business for 15 years.

I'm trying to collect stuff now that will keep my girls interested into their teens.

I foresee them making things and selling them on Etsy. :)

Edited by helena
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According to my children, not enough! They would do "Art" every day, if I'd let them..... oh, wait, I remember now, I do let them! :D


The girls are little -- twins, 3, oldest, 5 -- so they like to color, paint, cut, glue, and put glitter anywhere. In our art stock, we have:




  • Art smocks -- I bought extra-small nurse's scrub tops, and they wear these backwards (with the V in the back). Works great to keep the clothes clean!
  • Crayons (twistables & regular)
  • Markers (wash off)
  • Markers (Sharpies/perm)
  • Pencils
  • Colored pencils
  • Construction paper
  • White paper
  • LARGE sheets of paper (my dad's old desk calendars, turned upside-down -- good for watercolors)
  • Card stock
  • Brown craft roll paper
  • Glue (Elmer's)
  • Q-Tips (for spreading glue)
  • Paper towels
  • Glue sticks
  • Rubber cement
  • Hole punch
  • Stapler
  • Scissors (straight-edge & "The Wiggly Scissors") ;)
  • Scotch tape -- dispensed by Mommy-the-Tape-Monitor :glare:
  • Waxed paper
  • Foil paper
  • Newspaper
  • Yarns & strings (you never know how these might come in handy for "the project")
  • Ribbons
  • Buttons
  • Sequins
  • Glitter -- don't even talk to me about glitter
  • Contact paper (translucent & patterned)
  • Watercolor paints
  • Finger paints
  • Tempura paints
  • Paint brushes
  • Stamps
  • Play dough -- does this count?
  • Clay -- dries hard, they love this (Crayola tub)
  • Spray polyurethane (only Mommy uses this to preserve some things)
  • Craft sticks -- natural & colors
  • Shells
  • Beads
  • Pom poms
  • Googly eyes
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Colored pasta (for stringing into necklaces)
  • Food coloring
  • Sand
  • Sandpaper
  • Felt squares
  • Rocks, pine cones, leaves, acorns, sticks, and various other objects from our "nature collection" -- these end up in their art
  • Books -- such as You Can Draw Animals (something like that). Simple books that teach the oldest how to draw. She is REALLY into drawing right now.
  • Stickers!


I'm sure there's something else we have I haven't thought of, but my husband says it's time for bed. Gotta go! HTH!

Edited by Sahamamama
Stickers! How could I forget stickers?
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- low heat glue gun

- beads

- sequins

- findings (itsy bitsy crunchable metal tubes that can seal string & wire together)

- seed beads

- copper wire

- french wire

- leather and leather cords

- squares of felt

- embroidery floss

- wire cutters

- acrylic paints

- shrinky dinky material

- colored duct tape

- scraps of wood

- sandpaper

- metallic leaf (gold leaf, silver leaf, sparkly magenta leaf)

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
I keep thinking of more stuff.
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THose silky crayons (colorix?) that twist up and are soft like tubes of lipstick are really fun to use.



Crayola's version is called Slick Stix. You can buy the 5 pack locally, but I had to go online for the 12 pack. They are insanely fun to use!


Tape, glitter glue, and pipe cleaners for sure.


Not an item to purchase, but we keep a box full of stuff that comes from product packaging - - twisty ties, sturdy tags and 'sign' type items, plastic inserts, little boxes, fancy bits of paper. Promotional stuff that comes in the mail is another great source for this.

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