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Hamburger Helper Beef Stroganoff ....

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When we were first married, my husband liked it a lot and so I decided to make beef stoganoff from scratch for him. It took quite a bit of planning and time to make and so when we sat down for dinner, I said in an excited voice "What do you think?" and he said "Tastes like hamburger helper." in a clueless voice.

Well, to this day I have never made it from scratch again and I won't eat the hamburger helper version, so when we have it, my husband automatically asks, "Where are you going?" because he knows I only fix it if I am not going to be there to eat it and he has learned to be a lot more choosy about his comments over dinner.


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I was actually looking at buying a box of this stuff the other day. Not for us, but for the food collection at ds's school. But I just couldn't do it. I figured if I wouldn't eat it myself, why would I offer it to someone else?


I used to like this stuff. But then, I grew up on Spam. :tongue_smilie:




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You know what's funny? I have a box of Hamburger Helper in my pantry. I just saw it the other day, and thought 'good grief, how old is THAT?' That caused me to reflect on just how much work I've put in this year in regards to healthier eating. I realized I make so much more from scratch now, and my whole family eats so much healthier than we did just a year ago. It was a nice feeling, and gave me the boost I needed to keep at it. I had *no idea that homecooking was so much work. But it's getting easier as I get better at it.


But hey, I grew up on everything out of a box or a can. So I'm not slammin' HH. :D In fact, I just went and checked the box to see if I could make it for lunch, since I've got a huge pan of ground beef on the stove right now cooking (I cook a bunch at once, then freeze it for things like tacos, spaghetti, homemade sloppy joes, etc.) It expired three months ago. :tongue_smilie:

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bleh to all hamburger helper.


When I first learned to cook (yes, I was already married) a box of that was a lot of work for me :blushing: I've gotten better, though.


:iagree:Hamburger Helper, period . . . Bleh! I can't believe dh and I used to make this when we first got married. I guess everyone has to start someplace, though. My mom never did much cooking truly from scratch, definitely nothing too complicated or gourmet. So, I had to teach myself. Ds saw an advertisement and coupon for Hamburger Helper recently and asked if we could try it sometime (because by the time he was born my cooking had evolved to much greater things.) We assured him that it wasn't worth trying.

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I did as well. Everything from Rice-a-roni to potatoe flakes in a box.


Ugh. Potato flakes in a box. My stepmom was such a bad cook, she used to make these, and you'd be eating them and find a 'pocket' of flakes that weren't mixed in. {Shudder}


I was so glad when I was a teenager and learned to make real mashed potatoes. :D

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I called my grandmother one evening and asked her what she was doing. She said, (please read this in your best southern accent) "I've seen those Hamburger Helper commercials on TV for years and just decided that I had to try it. I figured it would be so good that I bought two boxes and I just fixed them both in the same pan. I want you to know, have made a big, heavy pile of s#*t. It is so heavy I can't even lift it to put it into the garbage can." :D I miss her very much. She had a way of getting to the very heart of every thing. I still have not ever fixed it but I bet it's good, even though she wouldn't like it. I think the homemade version would be better because you could leave out all the stuff in the ingredient list you can't pronounce.:tongue_smilie:

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When we were first married, my husband liked it a lot and so I decided to make beef stoganoff from scratch for him. It took quite a bit of planning and time to make and so when we sat down for dinner, I said in an excited voice "What do you think?" and he said "Tastes like hamburger helper." in a clueless voice.

Well, to this day I have never made it from scratch again and I won't eat the hamburger helper version, so when we have it, my husband automatically asks, "Where are you going?" because he knows I only fix it if I am not going to be there to eat it and he has learned to be a lot more choosy about his comments over dinner.




I laughed..Ihave a similiar story. As a new bride I made homemade stroganoff.......My husband dumped ketchup on it before he tasted it.


I probably didn't say anything at the time, but we have talked about it MANY times since then. If in doubt, he asks before he dumps ketchup on anything! He has learned that I am a fabulou cook and it probably doesn't need ketchup!

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My son decided he wanted some one day at the store whenit was on sale super cheap. Remembering my childhood and thinking that I liked it then, I let him buy 4 boxes, each one a different flavor. He and the neighbor kids loved the first box but after that no one would eat it. There was so much salt and MSG in the first batch that I swelled up like a bloated balloon and had a migraine for 2 days. After I couldn't give away the stuff I finally threw out the last box recently. Awful, awful stuff.

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I called my grandmother one evening and asked her what she was doing. She said, (please read this in your best southern accent) "I've seen those Hamburger Helper commercials on TV for years and just decided that I had to try it. I figured it would be so good that I bought two boxes and I just fixed them both in the same pan. I want you to know, have made a big, heavy pile of s#*t. It is so heavy I can't even lift it to put it into the garbage can." :D I miss her very much. She had a way of getting to the very heart of every thing. I still have not ever fixed it but I bet it's good, even though she wouldn't like it. I think the homemade version would be better because you could leave out all the stuff in the ingredient list you can't pronounce.:tongue_smilie:
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We ate a lot of Hamburger Helper when we lived cheaply--dh won't buy it anymore, TG.

Still have some Rice-a-Roni in the pantry, tho, and a box of pflakes!


Anyone grow up on dried milk powder? My godmother mixed it in her regular milk to extend it. We all knew never to ask for milk at her house...

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We'd never tried it before but I had coupons and it was waaay on sale and the kids were curious so I bought some. They made a cheeseburgery one last week and I could hear the "blecks:tongue_smilie:start the moment the cooking commenced.


We don't eat a lot of processed entres to begin with, so it was traumatic. I opened up the other two boxes and salvaged out the noodles and Hamburger Helper is now history at our house.

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I guess I'm the odd one out. We like Hamburger Helper. I don't love it but it's convenient. I usually add other ingredients to the mix to add flavor and decrease the amount of meat. I make two boxes but add one serving of meat. I don't like the Stroganoff one but a few off them are alright.

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I did as well. Everything from Rice-a-roni to potato flakes in a box.


I can never understand this. My mom did this too, and it's bizarre since she was a sahm who gardened and put up tons of real veggies every year.


How hard is it to boil potatoes? Peel them, slice them, boil them, then mash. Done!

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I did as well. Everything from Rice-a-roni to potato flakes in a box.


I grew up on that stuff, too. And canned veggies (yuck!). The only thing I ever remember my mother cooking "from scratch" was meatloaf in the oven, fish in the broiler, and pan-fried liver & onions. Everything else came out of a box or a can.


Ever look at the ingredient listing on those Hamburger Helper boxes? *shudder* I just can't get beyond that to even *try* to taste it now.


My kids have *no clue* how lucky they are to eat real food.

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But hey, I grew up on everything out of a box or a can.


Me, too. My husband grew up on peanut butter sandwiches, cheese sandwiches(where the Kraft cheese had to be cut just so, and he dipped it in ketchup with sour cream and onion chips crushed up in it :ack2:), burgers and chicken fingers. We have come a long, long way in our eating.

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I have to say, although I'm not big on the taste of some of the "helper" products and such I LOVE that when I need something fast that everyone else loves they're there for me.


Yes, a box of KD or Helper may sit on the shelf for a month but when I need it then I remember to say a hearty thank-you to the goddess of processed food!



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I grew up on the stuff. I can't stand it. I have never made it since being married. That said, I think the Stroganoff is one of the more tolerable flavors.


I was just thinking about how dh would react if I tried to make him beef stroganoff out of a box. (He is from Russia.) I think he'd have a stroke. :lol: As it is he just can't eat *my* beef stroganoff without mentioning that it's not like his mother's. (I guess the Russian way is sliced beef with sour cream, mushrooms, and potatoes -- no ground beef or noodles.)

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